Saturday 31 May 2014

Map 906 Binary and the I Ching differences

Binary Numbers and The I Ching

64 – 32 – 16 – 8 – 4 – 2 – 1

The Binary system works on adding a sequence of numbers starting from the biggest number you can and adding the others numbers until they combine to create the number you are looking for. Using the numbers you add up as 1's and any you don't use list as 0's.

E.G. 64 would be the first number alone so it would be 1000000. So I for 64 and 6 0's for those not used.
E.G. 47 would be 32 as its first number (1) 16 would not be used (0) then 8 would be (1) plus 4 (1) Plus 2 (1) plus 1 (1) so the binary number for 47 is as follows 101111.

Below find the Binary numbers and then what would be Nine Star Ki No's.

I mention the alerts only incase anyone see's something I don't at this moment I see no reason for the alerts to be associated with the binary differences. 

Thursday 29 May 2014

Map 905 I Ching Cup of all Potential

This is an image of a mug but it could be a plate or cup or bowl. It has the  I Ching lines for the Nine Star Ki numbers 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and 9. Jin to one side Jang to the other. A silver edge would be pretty and the lines themselves drawn in silver to match the edges. The background in white. A perfect cup to drink from as it contains the potential to create anything and everything. x

Map 904 Leibnitz Binary System and The I Ching Hexagrams and Nine Star Ki

Leibnitz Binary System

256    128    64    32    16    8    4    2  1

Add together the numbers from right to left e.g. 1 + 2 = 3
16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 31

Each addition of a set of numbers is one number short of the doubled number above.

To work out the binary number it is a question of 0 being off 1 being on. This too is a measure of numbers added together becoming a number of 0 or 1 starting with the highest number and adding to it until it adds up to the number you are looking for. Lets take an example :

Number 1 would read 1 plain and simple

Number 26 would read 16 + 8 + 2 = 28 which would read 16 on (1) 8 on (1) 4 off (0) 2 on (1) 1 off (0) which = 11010

Number 108 would read 64 + 32 + 8 + 4 = 108 which would read 64 on (1) 32 on (1) 16 off (0) 8 on (1) 4 on (1) 2 off (0) 1 off (0) which = 1101100

When binary the above numbers apply yet when in Nine Star Ki the ways of expressing them change. Nine Star Ki is a combination of 2 numbers of 6 lines from which a Hexagram can be made whereas the single expression of the number is just 3 lines but it does not form a Hexagram.

Variations on the theme 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 Changing Jang
four varieties 3 + 3 + 2 = 8 Stable Jin
3 +2 + 2 = 7 Stable Jang
2 + 2 + 2 = 6 Changing Jin

6”s and 9's are in the process of change they have no choice because they have reached the full potential of either Jin or Jang and now need to start to change. Changing them to 7's or 8's will make them more stable.

69 The symbol for Jin and Jang in the need for change

So each of the I Ching Hexagrams is made up of two numbers or 6 lines and thus we can work out what those combinations add up to.

1/7 Hex 47 is 3 Jin and 3 Jang lines

7/9 Hex 38 is 4 Jang and 2 Jin lines

This pattern can continue until all 64 Hexagrams are created.

If we look at these numbers as binary Leibnitz and Nine Star Ki I Ching we can see differences.

Amazingly no matter which pattern you use they are always different for all 64 I Ching Hexagrams.

Fascinating I guess if life is stable it must change to unstable, flowing in and out of balance and imbalance. If things don't change they stagnate which eventually leads to death. So embrace the changes in your life and let life flow into and out of you don't put up resistance just go with the flow. X 

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Map 903 I Ching Interpretation of Hexagram 47

9 – 4 – 9 – ATG – 1/1 Crystal – Met – Hydrophobic – Hex 37 – People in the home – Earth Quadrant – N/S
1 – 7 – 8 - TGC – 1/1 Crystal – Cysteine – Hydrophobic – Hex 47 – Exhaustion – Fire Quadrant – NE/SW
9 – 9 – 5 – GCG – 1/1 Crystal – Alanine – Hydrophobic – Hex 30 – Clinging The Abysmal – Air Quadrant - Centre pos

The versions above show 1/7/8 TGC and the one before it and after it if you are using lines changing by placing the bottom line to the top and making it Jang gives us 9/4 by changing the top line and making it Jang gives us 9/9

8 – 1 – 3 – CTA – 1/1 Crystal – Leucine – Hex 39 – Halting Trouble – Water Quadrant – E/W
1 – 7 – 8 – TGC – 1/1 Crystal – Cysteine – Hydrophobic – Hex 47 – Exhaustion – Fire Quadrant – NE/SW
7 – 9 – 3 – GAT – 1/1 Crystal – Aspartic Acid – Hex 38 – Disharmony – Air Quadrant – E/W

The versions above show 1/7/8 TGC and the one before it and after it if you are changing it via letters of DNA top 8/1/3 creating from TGC moving one letter anticlockwise and 7/9/3 by moving one letter clockwise. They all belong to the 1/1 crystal. By moving them we can access all quadrants of fire, water, air and earth.

How to examine your question through words........Exhaustion is the main word as it is the Hexagram 47 that you originally chose to look at. Then moving upward you have Hex 37 People in the Home and also Hex 39 Halting Trouble. Moving downwards you have clinging the Abysmal Hex 30 and also Disharmony Hex 38.
So quite a combination of words with which to determine what your problem might be and how to resolve it. You could be said to be exhausted by the people in the home and need to find ways to halt trouble getting out of hand. The whole situation may feel Abysmal creating a great deal of disharmony. When you are exhausted from this you will find yourself feeling disharmonious and that will not help you to halt trouble. Avoid allowing yourself to become exhausted is certainly the main word and the most important. When you are working at full strength and not giving all your energies to trying to halt trouble in this disharmonious and abysmal situation you are more likely to succeed.

If we start to approach it in the order of the Hexagrams we come to Hex 30 Clinging – The Abysmal this could be were the problems start and letting go might be a way forward rather than clinging to what you know be open to new things. Hex 37 People in the Home....well once they are there you cannot go back. Trying to find a way that works for everyone might help. Hex 38 Disharmony looking for the cause of the disharmony and talking about it. In addressing the issues they cannot hide under the carpet. Hex 39 Halting trouble by communication and discussing the problems in the home you may well be able to halt further trouble down the line and finally Hex 47 Exhaustion through communication exhaustion from the disharmony of the people in the home may well be avoided. Looking after yourself first and others after will keep up your strength without which disharmony will continue and halting trouble will not be possible.

Of course there are many other ways and interpretations of these words you must choose the ones that suit you best. Good Luck x

Map 902 Feng Shui Nine Star Ki Cubes Game

This is the face to the left hand side of the face of the cube as we can see 9/8/4 runs down the right hand side as it does on the left hand side of the face of the cube. They are the same cube, we know that 1 is at the centre of this world we have 1 in the centre position all others will have to be worked out and the positions will be based on what is left once all six sides are put together. Each face must show all nine numbers.

So now we have the face and the left hand and right hand sides of the cube. To complete we need to add the top, bottom and rear view. Each number has a a cube count of 27. The maximum number in any one cube that are the same is 6. There is always the clear cube at the centre and then a varied quantity of each of number for each variation depending on the number at the centre.

For the number 1 the following 27 cubes are required to make up the pattern, it varies with each different number.

  Face and rear view of the cube, the best way to work it out is to draw up to crystal shapes face and rear view and fill in the gaps. All faces move the numbers from the centre to bottom right hand corner, up to centre of the right hand side, down to bottom left hand corner, up to centre of the top row, down to centre of bottom row, up to top right hand corner, down to middle of the left hand side, up to top right hand corner and finally returning to the centre. All numbers move in this way, just start the pattern with the number at the centre of your choice then create the face. Ready to begin.

A total of 9 x 6 = 54 plus 1 clear centre cubes = 55 cubes required for this game. Or alternatively there should be 63 cubes 7 of each of the 9 numbers but it is cheaper to make the game with 55 cubes.

Monday 19 May 2014

Map 901 Happy Birthday Rubik Cube in Nine Star Ki Cube Style

This is a Nine Star Ki full cube made up of the year 2014 which has 4 at its centre.

You can make up the cube with just the information of its original face showing 4.

So Happy 40th Birthday Rubik's Cube

Map 900 May, 2014 Nine Star Ki

In this year 2014 we have 4 at the centre of the chart and for May we have 5 so the settings above are the standard position with 5 at the centre but also the position in the chart for the month of May 2014. See below for both together.

4 at centre will be a good year for growth certainly in the garden were we can see this year has been abundant. Everything is lush and green and flowers are more profuse and bigger. Hawthorn and rhododendrons alike are all showing good growth. Let us hope that bodes well for the financial markets too because with wealth and prosperity at the centre this year we could see growth in the markets also. Minor growth for property as the growth is just coming through and wont necessarily be seen immediately. I feel that property has returned to being investment for pension funds etc., but the home owner is now more wary. Mortgage companies don't seem to want to lend and so we may return to being renters rather than home owners. I believe a house will become a home and not an investment in future years. The property bubble has burst and DNA, genetic inheritance and IT will become the new next best thing.

The number 6 area and the centre both show number 5's so expect the unexpected and distruption.

The number 7 area also has the year number 6 in its position so things may be all at sixes and sevens and feel clumsy in the area associated with children, joy, fun and of course investments, pensions etc., Maybe not the best time for buying an annuity.

With 7 in the area of number 8 knowledge and wisdom it might be a good time to take a course in learning something that might be fun. Don't expect things to go according to plan but they can be fun and spontaneous.Or help out at your kids school.

Your chances for fame and success are good with 8 year and 9 month in the 9 position. Your position in society or your social standing could show an upturn It is also an ideal time for showing generosity and being charitable.

Your career may see some changes with 1 and 9 in the workplace area, you may need to adapt to get the best out of this month, alternatively try to have some fun to lighten the mood.

With 1 & 2 in the 2 position property, land and banking are not your best bet this month. Marriage may even seem a bit controlled.

2 and 3 together in the 3 position sees the tree energy controlling the earth which will mean new ideas can feel restricted this month.

3 and 4 together in the number 4 position add much tree energy to assisting you with your fame and success, so much tree will feed the fires of fame.

So May 2014 is a good time to improve your social standing and bring about some fame and success and whilst everything else is showing growth it is not growth that will be available to us for some time yet.

Enjoy May every month brings its ups and downs knowing the best time to do something can make all the difference.

3 – 4
8 – 9
1 – 2
2 – 3
4 – 5
6 – 7
7 – 8
9 – 1
5 – 6

Saturday 17 May 2014

Map 899 The Hexagrams of DNA

Is the six sided shape without corners the same shape as the Green Lyre which appears on the Gravestone of the English Poet John Keates. A shape that is literally cutting corners. x

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Map 898 The Third Eye from the Compass

This figure is created by drawing a circle with the compass point at centre. Then place the compass point on the West point and partially draw a circle. Then remove it and place the compass point on the East point and make another partial circle. You now have the East/West eye. Three points combination.

Now create a circle with the compass point in the centre. Then place the compass point on the North point and partially draw a circle. Then remove it and place the compass point on the South point and make another partial circle. You now have the North/South Eye. Three points combination.

Now create a circle with the compass point in the centre. Then place the compass point on the North point and draw circle, the South point, the East point and finally the West point. You now have three full circles. A full Eye. Two Eyes become one, creating that third all seeing eye. x 

No wonder we have so many brown eyed people. x

I cannot believe that I awoke this morning to this image on Google, another original thought I have not had x 

Maria Gaetana Agnese - Philosopher and Mathematician.

Map 897 Communications through Pattern

The Holy Tetractys

Reductionism can be thought of as a victory of Spirit over matter for in the end it is only pattern which counts. Not even numbers belong to the spiritual realm, just pattern. The pebbles pattern is a holy mountain in the most perfectly abstract, spiritual sense.

We all know how vital numbers are and what an important part they play in the way we have shaped our world. We also have letters in our case 26 of them from which we can form words and communicate, a very important part of human life. DNA can be coded in letters TGAC and in the numbers 1-9 of Nine Star Ki. Then we can look at algebra a combination of numbers and letters, yet still it is not enough to connect to the spiritual. Geometry is the G of the symbol used by the Masons. They chose symbols as there means of communication. Geometry shapes and forms our world and is also said to be closest to God. In forming patterns something happens in the brain that would otherwise not occur when using letters and numbers. Give it a try, its not that astrology works in itself more that your mind is now communicating in a geometric abstract manner and somehow, we can reach the world of spirit, or the Field and our communications improve ten fold.

Monday 12 May 2014

Map 896 The Arrows of The I Ching

The I Ching or The Word – DNA - Duck Formation

Notice how the arrow is formed from the top left hand corner to the bottom right hand corner, right through the centre (5 triangles) an arrow from Heaven 6/6 all the way up to the Earth 2/2. Everything projected onto the Earth for our purposes, full of the potential of anything and everything x

Sunday 11 May 2014

Map 895 The I Ching Map for The Word based on 28143976 for Nine Star Ki 1/7/8

This is a map for the Nine Star Ki of 1/7/8 The Cross of vertical and Horizontal energies for 1/7...

Now if we want to include only the horizontal and verticals that our cross reaches out to it would shorten the 1/7/8 cross to:

More of a T Square for me now.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Map 894 Nine Star Ki Shapes based on 1 at Centre

Square Nine Star Ki based on the number 1 at centre

Circular Nine Star Ki based on 1 at Centre

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Map 893 The Names in your Family Tree

This is a map showing the names in my family going back as far as I have been able to trace them. When a name has been used only once I have used the colour green associated with new growth. When it appears twice is is colored yellow. If the name appears three times is is in blue and finally the most popular names that appear four times are red.

As you can see from the map the most popular names are William for a man and Elizabeth for a woman. Second most popular are Sarah, Lawrence, Roger, Ann and Thomas. Third most popular are Patrick, Catherine, Jane, James, Michael, Bridget and Margaret. Finally names used only once in the tree are colored in green. This tree is based on my family starting point the moment I add my sons name the tree changes entirely as although all of these names still stand a whole new array of names can be added to my sons tree which come from his father.  I would try to tighten the pattern here and make it smaller trying to make a better fit with the names so the pattern can be kept smaller. So long as there is no overlap and each name can be read vertically and horizontally there would be no problem. My sons tree would change the most popular male to Thomas and Elizabeth would still remain most popular female. How would your tree look x

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Map 892 I Ching Map DNA based on The Word 28143976

This is a map of The I Ching - The Word DNA version based on the number positions 28143976

Doesn't it make you feel happy to be alive x

What a lovely colourful block of flats this would make in a country that loves colour. x

Sunday 4 May 2014

Map 891 A Simple presentation of Numbers in a Space

A simple set of number measurements in the colours associated with the directions of Nine Star Ki Feng Shui. Evenly space in their own areas. What would happen if the space for nine tags in each area was reduced to just 45 tags space they would have to move together to fit the space.

Of course they could push together in different ways but this is one example. So do the numbers fit the space of do they have enough space for 1 to become 9. x

This cushion for sale at OKA is representative of the lucky number 3. x

Map 890 The Seeds of DNA over the Centuries

Collected seeds will keep for centuries if stored correctly. Glass jars for trees would be an example but what of the seeds of ideas that were born centuries ago within your family. Where better to store them than in our DNA. Seeded ideas, plans even illness, that may have been collected by your Great Great Great Grandparents may not come to fruition in all the time they were contained within the genetic structure of your Great Great Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Grandparents and you own parents. The seed of a tree can be given the right time and conditions in which to grow hundred of years after it was birthed by the original tree and so can the plan, idea or health condition that your family DNA line has carried around all it needs is the right time and place to grow. So next time you think you have had a wonderful idea just remember it may seem original to you but it could have been lingering there just biding its time for the best opportunity for growth. You have given that time and place and thus brought to life that seed. I hope its a good one and brings something wonderful. x

Saturday 3 May 2014

Map 889 The Elements of Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki

This is a map of hexagrams of each of the elements in the Nine Star Ki chart of 9 x 9 elements = 81 in total. Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Tree elements. In the first image all elements are visible and each picture after that will be missing an element.

All elements above

Without Water

Without Tree

Without Fire

Without Earth

Without Metal

Friday 2 May 2014

Map 888 Infinity of Life through Nine Star Ki DNA

This is the Nine Star Ki pattern presented as balloons.

This is a Nine Star Ki map showing the placements of the balloons above, excluding the number 5 at the centre as it is no longer visible.

Imagine starting with a circle number 1 white light of the Heavenly Father, in creating him he now has to have his shadow which is number 2 The Mother Black like the soil of the Earth. In creating her she now needs to have a shadow so she creates number 3 the Child shadow of the Mother. So now we have three circles Father, Mother and Child. 1,2,3 or in the case of Nine Star Ki 6 The Father, 2 The Mother and 7 The Child.

Notice how the Father and Mother touch at the Fathers 9 position and the Mothers 1 position once again opposites attract. So North and South are attracted to each other. into infinity. Now 1 has become 2. The the child is overlaid on both of them because although it is the Mothers shadow it is still a part of the Father. Now 2 has become 3. The Child's south position is at the centre of the Mothers chart and the Child's North position is at the centre of the Fathers chart. In fact the whole of the Child's chart is centred on the parents charts. North and South have now become centred. Now what would happen if the chart was now horizontal rather than vertical.

Now we can see that E and W are centred in the chart of the Child. What else do we see from this chart. If you look at Mothers West it becomes the Child's East, the Fathers East becomes the Child's
West. The Mothers West and the Fathers East both create the Child's centre. So both the Mother and Father create the balance point or harmony of the Child. The same rules will apply if the map is flipped.

Whichever way you flip the chart East is West and North is South or centred dependent upon who you focus is on Father, Mother or Child.

Lets take a closer look at the map below. The Fathers West is the Child's East and the Mothers East is the Child's West is this telling us that to create Heaven on Earth we must lose the shadows of the Mother and Father as they move in to cover the Child completely and thus directions are all as they should be because they are all centred.

Now we are left with the Earth a combination of Father, Mother, Heaven and Earth creating the human cell and all life itself. Heaven on Earth. x