Thursday 20 December 2018

The Record of Life containing 64 Codons of DNA

Here we have the Record of Life which shows the position on a record that the 64 codons of DNA are positioned.....below I break down the colours so you can see how the record works.

Above  we see only the A green content of the record showing the bottom left hand corner contains the highest measure of Earth energy and even though the third house is in the Earth quadrant it contains very little Earth.

Then we have the Orange T section which is mainly in the top right hand side of the record. The same rules apply here even though the 9th house is Fire it contains very little.

Now we see the combination of the A Earth bottom left quadrant and the T Fire top right quadrant…...together they are complementary opposites in DNA Codons. T is opposite to A and vice versa on a string or ladder of DNA… if you have red hair green clothes with look good on you. Fire and Earth are supportive and creative energies together in Nine Star Ki.

Next we see C Water and again the 6th house has the least amount of Water in it but it is still within the quadrant for is in the bottom right hand side of the record.

Below that we have the G Tree/Air still following the same rules it is in the top left hand corner of the record.

Then we have the combination of C and G again complementary opposites blue and yellow look good together.

So the majority of A Green is bottom left, the majority of C Water is bottom right, the majority of T Fire is top right and the majority of G Tree/air is top left…… but when you get to the centrepiece of the record it shows A C T G in a clockwise motion which is the correct way to create DNA Codons from crystals but if you imagine the record needle moving around you place it on the green A section and it then moves on to C Blue then T orange and finally G Yellow so it also plays in the right order of ACTG…. clockwise appears to be the motion of DNA whereas if you wanted to create RNA it would become anticlockwise but we won't get into that here.

The A Quadrant contains 21 green,10 C Blue, 9 G Yellow and 8 T Orange

The C Quadrant contains 21 Blue, 10 A Green, 9 T Orange and 8 G Yellow

The T Quadrant contains 21 Orange, 10 G Yellow, 9 C Blue and 8 A Green

The G Quadrant contains 21 Yellow, 10 T Orange, 9 A Green and 8 C Blue

Each quadrant contains 48 different element markers and dominates in one and lacks in others.

Thursday 29 November 2018

The Waxing and Waning of Qian and Kun in the 8/4 Crystal

Once more we have the bodily features of the Qian and Kun and the Hexagram Crystals to match them.....the first is the circle of DNA codons found in the 8/4 crystal.
Second image shows the same crystal as a string of beads with colours to match DNA

Then finally onto the bodily version of the 8/4 crystal........

The items marked Alerts do not conform to the standard of Hexagrams to DNA codons because if you flip them over they read the same....... take ACT to add its opposite Hexagram would create another ACT hence they become alerts to be observed as different 

So this is three versions of waxing and waning jin and jang I will have to think about the double would it apply to twins similar but not the same or just  two seperate bodies. Enjoy x

The Waxing and Waning of Qian and Kun in The 1/1 Crystal

The 1/1 crystal as a circle......

Details for the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal can be found in these maps/patterns.....

Note how the waxing and waning image pushes energy up the back and down the front....when the way I have drawn the crystals also shows they pass through the centres connecting a positive number hexagram to a negative number hexagram eg 29 and 30........then onto the waxing and waning body shape with the 1/1 Hexagrams changed to fit the body pattern x

The Waxing and Waning of Qian and Kun in 6/6 Crystal

We see above what I call the 6/6 - 2/2 is the first crystal that forms when you start to create from the Hexagrams starting at Hexagram 1 - 6/6 in Nine Star Ki. In DNA Green is A - Blue is C - Orange is T - Yellow is G and from these four letters we can create all 64 codons of DNA. You will see from this picture that the DNA codons match up to the positions on the Waxing and Waning of Qian and Kun image...... this cannot be a coincidence this particular crystal is the most orderly of them all but it could mean that we can have waxing and waning DNA cycles that match up to our own crystal formed from our date of birth......mine would be the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal which I will try to replace on the waxing and waning all there are three crystals of 12 parts ......1 double crystal of 24 parts.....and one crystal of only 4 parts making all 64 codons in total. At least I now know for sure that my crystals have some validation as they match this image perfectly. More images with difference Hexagrams will follow. Enjoy. X

Note there are 5 down one side and 7 down the other is that associated with white and black keys on a piano. Shown are Nine star ki numbers, amino acids, Hexagram numbers, DNA codons.........

Friday 2 November 2018

Nine Star Ki Cubes of Saturn

Here we have the cube made up of 27 cubes that complete the Nine Star Ki set for the Number 1 at the centre based pattern. The cube has 9 squares to each of its 6 sides making up 27 cubes of energy in all. 

This pattern is based on having number 1 at the centre of the nine stat ki chart. We can see from the three slices of the cube just which elements are involved in making up this pattern. 

7 water Number 1 
2 Earth Number 2 
3 Tree/air Number 3 
2 Tree/air Number 4 
3 Earth Number 5 
3 Metal Number 6 
2 Metal Number 7 
3 Earth Number 8
2 Fire Number 9 1Water dominates here and 9 Fire is controlled. There are 8 Earth with 5 and 8 dominating.......there are 3 Tree/air for the number 3 but only 2 for the number 4 so 3 tree/air energy dominates here. Finally we have 3 number 6 metal and 2 number 7 metal so number 6 metal dominates.

Therefore for the number 1.......water and 2/8 Earth with number 3 tree/air and 6 metal are the strongest engeries for number 1.......the same rules apply for different numbers at the centre. Use your elements when they are most available to you. Saturn in three slices of nine years before they return to the original position at 27 years.  Maybe we dominate with water during the years from 9 to 18 when we see so much water at the center. Keep on thinking x

Thursday 25 October 2018

The I Ching Gateway

This image so like a Gateway shows the eight aspect shapes in DNA and The I Ching, The Grand Trines in all four elements to the four corners, the Thinkers across the top, The Alternators down both sides, the Lecturers across the bottom and across both diagonals with the Ruminator, Teacher, Worker and Magician filling in the gaps inside the gate. The I Ching no matter what aspects of it you look at will always form a beautiful pattern with never a thing out of place.

Monday 24 September 2018

Spreading the Love through Codons

We can see from the above Star of David that TGC read left to right Hex 47 with its opposite colours ACG read right to left and from then we can spread out and push the opposite colour into the next position....... and we produce the colours above. T and C pushing out horizontally and G vertically.

From this we can create ATG x 2 - TGC x 3 - GCG x 3 - CGC x 3 - GCA X 3 - CAT x 2 - CAC x 1 - GTG x 1 - ATA x 1 - TAT x 1 which is a variation on a theme of TGC 20 times from just 10 Codons. Note that TGC belongs to the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal which has its peaks at CGC and GCG and its midpoints at ATA and from this one Codon we can push out and create ATG, TGC, GCG,  CGC, ATA, TAT all belonging to the 1/1 crystal CAT and GCA from the Double crystal and CAC and GTG from the 8/4 crystal......gaining access to others areas. So from a starting point of one codon we now have access to ten of them.

When drawing lines between the codon sets we are left with this pattern.....

No wonder the star of David is so popular and atop our Christmas Trees every year perhaps you could make one with your own codon at centre stage........ life is really quite simple isn’t it.  X

Monday 17 September 2018

Solomans Temple Game

This is a game were you take 12 of each colour Blue C - Orange T - Yellow G - Green A and from those triangles you make a pattern which can be read in any direction which contains all 64 Codons of DNA.... they can only appear once in the pattern. The dots on the board show areas were no matter what you put there it would create two of the same code so therefore is blocked as only one code per pattern is allowed......36 is the least I have been able to make a pattern in but there are 48 triangles so as a beginner you may need to use more Enjoy x

Monday 3 September 2018

Matching the Hexagrams in The I Ching

What can I tell you about ….symbols, signs etc., that they are merely clues along a pathway put there by other human beings. Not by magic or spiritual contact but other human beings. It took me over 20 years to find a way to match up Hexagrams of the I Ching. I know that a full map can be halved and you can still work out what the rest of the map would have looked like. You can even halve the half and still work out the missing three quarters so I knew without a doubt that the Hexagrams had to be able to be paired up at least. So Hexagram 1 6 - 6  will partner Hexagram 2 2 - 2 ……..but how is that a pairing. Well eventually I would find that 2 and 6 do have a friendship of sorts but at the beginning it meant nothing to me. Let us do Hexagram 3 3 - 1 that may help but no …… and Hexagram 4…..1 - 8 …..again nothing until I later find 3 and 8 are also the best of friends…….but imagine at this point I see no connections. Hexagram 5 6 - 1 … Hexagram 6 1 - 6 …...ah perhaps 6 - 1 and 1 - 6 are reversals but the others aren’t so it still means nothing to me. I drew lines from 1 to 2 to 3 etc., but still no pattern emerged. I will keep going to ten and see if a pattern emerges Hexagram 7 1 -  2 … Hexagram 8 2 - 1 another reversal……. Hexagram 9 6 - 4 … Hexagram 10 7 - 6……. no apparent connection and yet I am to discover that 4 and 7 are also in a relationship.

So let us look at how they relate to each other…….

    1    2    3    4
                        you can almost forget 5 when it comes to    
Nine Star Ki 5 becomes 8 for women and
                        2 for men
    9    6    8    7

The first two sets 1 - 9 and 2 - 6 remain faithful to each other throughout.

Most of the 3, 4, 7 and 8’s remain true but sometimes they just cause mayhem and I call the non matching numbers ALERTS.

So let us remind ourselves that so far we are only comparing the nine star ki numbers but eventually we will be seeking out the DNA Codon, Nine Star Ki numbers, whether they are Hydrophobic, Hydrophilic or Neutral amino acids and their names, the position on the hashtag of nine star ki or direction this particular energy takes. The two planets associated with this Hexagram, the three musical notes, the aspect
shape it forms, there are so many relationships going on and you find that indeed they do all work in the end,

So all together these various things can tell you how to match up the Hexagrams.

So start with 1 and go right through to 64 and if they do not conform to their other half mark them as an alert. You should find 8 Hexagrams or 4 pairs that do not conform to the usual connections.

For example Hex 27 3 - 8 and Hex 28 4 - 7 ……...they do not conform
                    Hex 61 7 - 4 and Hex 62 8 - 3 ……..           “
             Hex 57 4 - 4 and Hex 58 7 - 7 …….            “
             Hex 51 3 - 3 and Hex 52 8 - 8 …….           “

Until we add DNA Codons three letters to these Hexagrams we will not be able to work out why they do not conform and you could end up just dumping the whole thing because it doesn’t work but there is a reason it doesn’t work and that can only be found out with the addition of DNA letters…...interestingly The I Ching gives you nothing but the Hexagram number… then have to work out the 6 I Ching lines and from those you can create your Nine Star Ki numbers and then you can start to pair up the Hexagrams. Until you find yourself with 8 that don’t work. That's when you seek out the other ways of pairing and before you know it you are totally enveloped by The I Ching and it feels like a religion to you…...but let's not forget it was designed by monks thousands of years ago and even Leibniz the mathematician drew up a similar map before realising it was so like The I Ching…….and they like you are mere mortals. So seek and ye shall find so so much hidden in plain sight in your everyday life and then the world comes to life for you. Enjoy x

Sunday 2 September 2018

The I Ching Gateway

Notice how the Aspect shapes of DNA in the I Ching form a gateway shape.....with magicians, workers, ruminators and teachers as a little patterned iron work in the centres.....the first image leaves these last four shapes out.......

Below shows all 8 variations on the theme of shape within the 64 Hexagrams of The I Ching based on the format of 28143976 across the that gate by using the I Ching to open your mind. 

Monday 13 August 2018

DNA and Astrology in Music

Imagine this keyboard to be circular Aries C meets up with Pisces B at the beginning and end of a scale. Lets look at one particular DNA codon........GGG Hexagram number 1, 6/6 in Nine Star Ki.... how would we play this on the piano above...... well the first letter G will be found in the first act second letter G in the second act and the third G in the third act. The astrological signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius... the houses are the 3rd,7th and11th houses.

So GGG would be played as D - F# - A#........ it is associated with the Grand Trine in Air, the planets Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Uranus...this music is played on two black notes and one white note. From this you can work out a great deal about the Heavenly energy associated with GGG’s Grand Trine. This shape sits in the Air/Tree position of The I Ching. Balanced and harmonious sounds from 120* x 120* x 120* aspects.

My own DNA Codon is TGC which would be played as C - F# - is associated with a Ruminator aspect in Fire, Air and Water and sits in the Fire quadrant of the I Ching. The planets associated with its music are Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune......played on two white notes and one black note. It is connected to 1/7 in Nine Star Ki, Hexagram number 47, the 1st, 7th and 12th houses ...Aries, Libra and Pisces are the signs associated with TGC. Playing the noted let you hear when and were you might want to raise or lower a tone. This shape plays 180* x 150 x 30*.

For example my Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30...... I could reduce the 180 to 150 by flattening the F# and making it an F.....this would adapt the 30* aspect to a 60* aspect and now I would have created for myself The Alternator aspect.....sharps and flats can make big changes to your aspect shape...have fun.

So find your codon or nine star ki and start making beautiful music x

The I Ching Patterns of The 8 Aspect Shapes

Here we have the pattern made in The I Ching when using the 8 aspect shapes......the triangles at each corner are (4) Grand Trines in Water, Fire, Air/Tree and Earth. The smaller green triangles across the top are (6) Thinkers. The blue circles on the outer verticals are (12) Alternators. The purple hexagons are (18) Lecturers. The orange lines are (6) Magicians. The red lines are (6) Workers. The green lines are (6) Ruminators. The blue lines are (6) Teachers making a total of 64 aspect shapes in total. There is always a uniformity to patterns when you seek them out. Lecturers can be both diagonals and horizontals. The Thinkers are only horizontal. The Alternators are only vertical. The Ruminators, Teachers, Magicians and Workers can vary. The image below is the same but with lines to connect x

Friday 10 August 2018

The Word in The I Ching based on 28143976 and Music

This is a map of The I ching showing the three musical notes for each of the hexagrams based on The Word 28143976....... Grey circled in black are played on all black keys, blue is played on all white keys, red is a codon with two sharps and finally purple is for a codon with only one sharp note.......

All Hexagrams connect to others apart from 2/2 CCC in the top left hand corner....20 Hexagrams have just 1# note, followed by 27 with 2 # notes, 13 are played on all white notes and just 4 on all black notes. Note how single sharps and fouble sharps create a similar pattern. X

Thursday 2 August 2018

A Closer Look at the 8/4 Crystal

This is a closer look at one of the crystals the 8/4-7/3 crystal. It is also the first crystal to contain an alert where the matching hexagon does not conform to the usual standard.

Take one set of I Ching lines and then remove the bottom line and put it at the top of the next hexagram but Jin lines swop to Jang and Jang lines swop to Jin and continue in that way until you have created 12 sets and then the pattern will just repeat. So now we have the makings of a crystal.

So if we start this plan at 4/7 we move on to create 6/9 - 6/1 - 7/3 - 9/2 - 1/2 - 3/8 - 2/1 - 2/9 - 8/4 - 1/6 - 9/6.

If you mark these Hexagram/Nine Star Ki in their positions in the I Ching you will see that the 8/4 crystal is very well rounded and reaches all areas of the I Ching map except for the four corners.
An eight sided shape shape is formed from the points on the map.

You can also create the full circle like an astrology chart showing only the 12 markers starting on the left in the East with TGA. This puts each hexagram/nine star ki in a set house position TGA being the AC or first house. We truly are a work of art x

Note below if we take those markers and change them to colours we can create a necklace suited only to those born with these nine star ki numbers.........

Monday 2 July 2018

Closer look at The Ruminator

Here we have another closer look at The Ruminator the same rules apply to all aspect shapes but this is just a closer look at one of them.....

The green shape at the centre shows the position of all six Hexagrams or DNA Codons.
1/3 is TAC musical notes C F B and this is the lowest notes for a Ruminator therefore it is the starting point or number one position for the Ruminator...number 2 is 1/7 TGC musical notes C F# B... number 3 is 3/8 ACT C# G G# ...number 4 is 3/9 GCT D G G# ... number 5 is D# E A... and finally we end on number six position of 8/4 CTG D# E A#

Now the interesting this is number 1 is the lowest musical notes and number 6 is the highest and there is just half a tone between each of the Codons... we have seen this half note pattern before but here The Ruminators of which there are six move up from C F B to D# E A# a total of 2.1/2 notes.

We also note that TAC 1/3 - GCT 3/9 - CTA 8/1 - TGC 1/7 all belong to the 1/1 crystal and the other two CTG 8/4 and ACT 3/8 belong to the 8/4 crystal 

There are no 2’s or 6’s in The Ruminators but all other numbers appear. All zodiac signs positions are used in The Ruminator 2 x Aries - 1 x Taurus - 1 x Gemini - 2 x Cancer - 2 x Leo - 1 x Virgo - 
1 x Libra - 2 x Scorpio - 2 x Sagittarius - 1 x Capricorn - 1 x Aquarius - 2 times Pisces
Clearly Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces dominate. . . . Strong in Fire and Water. 
Two codons are in the Water quadrant of the I Ching - two are in the Fire quadrant and 1 in the Earth and 1 in the Air/Tree quadrants...... most of the Ruminator energy is in the upper parts of the I Ching. 

Of course none of this may mean anything in particular but two many patterns leads me to be believe it does. Enjoy your thinking x 

Sunday 1 July 2018

The 64 Hexagrams and their shape positions in The I Ching

This is a pattern of all 64 Hexagrams in their position in The I Ching based on 28143976........ the Hexagrams that go with those shapes are numbered below..........64 triangles in 8 different shapes complete The I Ching........patterns within this pattern to follow.......

Friday 22 June 2018

The Gift of Life

There is so much to know about the Hexagrams of the I Ching take for example if the Hexagram number is odd the Dna codon will fit to the face of a cube and if the number is even it will sit at the rear of the cube.  All crystals move around the cube or crystal shape holding either 147, 258 or 369 at the centre. I feel sure the cubes or crystals behave like those periscopes we made in junior school with a mirror at each end so we could see around corners.  Without doubt our cube or DNA Codon sits at the centre of our world in this example we see Hexagram 22 which is an odd number so it is positioned to the rear of the cube but is turned around here so you can see it clearly as codon ACG. It takes only four cubes of different letters or colours to create all 64 codons by moving them around to show the colours/letters you require, life really is more simple than we realise. This little parcel is the gift of life and is possibly the first codon we get to start the whole of our body into action ......each of us having our own codon based on the month and year of our birth.
My own is TGC the inner for me contains 147 and the outer numbers are 9, 5, 3, 8, 6, 2.  I control 9, am controlled by 8,5,2, I create 3, and finally I am supported and created by the number 6. Enjoy every minute of this gift called life.  X

Tuesday 19 June 2018

The Eight aspect Shapes of I Ching and DNA Codons

The following 8 shapes create the shape in an astrological chart they have to fit in each of the three sections of four elements ine corner in each area. There are only 8 shapes but 64 of them in total.....notice how when fitted together you get the feeling of the caterpillar at the fairground as though they are flowing they can fit in various positions...... I cannot help but wonder what shape can be formed when you have all 64 triangles together, but for the moment this is the eight.

In the bottom image the two triangles at the bottom of the picture only add up to 300 degrees whereas the other six add up to 360 degrees. So the Teacher and the Thinker are the smallest of the shapes. We know the behaviour of the aspect shapes vary ......some have all colours red, blue and green in the aspects that create the Teacher and the Lecturer, ruminator is red and green, Grand Trine is all blue, the Worker is all red, the Magician and Thinker are Blue and Green and finally the Alternator is blue and red.

Enjoy your thinking x

Sunday 17 June 2018

The Aspect Shapes within The I Ching

By now we should be familiar with the I Ching Hexagrams and the fact that each Hexagram forms a particular shape from its DNA Codon. This is a map of the Hexagrams numbers alone followed by an image of the aspect shapes and how they seem to be happiest forming their own patterns

The eight aspect shapes are as follows but obviously they are shapes that can be moved so long as each corner of the shape sits in a different part of the circle. 1st to 4th House - 5th to 8th house and 9th to 12th house....that way each has a chance to connect to a different element in each section.... anoher form of three sections of four like DNA codons are chosen 3 letters from 4. 

Grand Trine 120 x 120 x 120 - 4
Thinker 120 x 30 x 150 - 6
Alternator 120 x 60 x 180 - 12
Lecturer 120 x 90 x 150 - 18
Ruminator 30 x 150 x 180 - 6
Teacher 150 x 90 x 60 - 6
Magician 60 x 150 x 150 - 6
Worker 90 x 90 x 180 - 6

Giving us a grand total of 64 different aspect triangular shapes.

Notice how the Grand Trines sit in the four corners. The Thinkers move across the top of the map.  Down both sides run the Alternators...across the bottom we have the Lecturers which also form a cross diagonally across the map....Ruminators form a shape with Teachers at the top and Magicians and Workers form a similar shape at the bottom. The left and right sides contain Workers, Magicins, Teachers and Ruminators which completes the positions of the 8 varieties of shape. 

To follow will be the 8 shapes and how best they can sit together before creating 64 parts as a jigsaw. Enjoy x 

Tuesday 12 June 2018

A Wonderful day in Politics

Today is a magnificent day for politics……… Donald Trump born 14/6/1946 this gives him a Nine Star Ki of 9/1.

Kim Jong Un has a variety of birthdays to choose from 8th January is in all of them but the year could be 1982 - 3 or 4….. perhaps we can glean from todays historic moment that he was infact born in 1982 which would give him a nine star ki of 1/9.

We are currently in a year 9 and a 1 month so for President trump he is in his element as the energies at the centre are the same as his birth position. He is at the centre of everything right now.

Both of these Hexagrams belong on the AC/DC line of the 1-1 / 9-9 Crystal they mirror each other so 9 - 1 meets 1 - 9 in the middle and you have 9 - 1 - 9 fire, warmth, fame and success on the outside…….water potential for warring on the inside…… water keeps fire under control so could we hope that together they have controlled Fire and Water….. Your mission should you wish to accept it is associated with Hexagrams 63 and 64…….. Hexagram 63 brings to a conclusion or end to hostility and Hexagram 64 is the beginning of something new. This crystal position is all about you and me and communication in a balanced manner.

You could also say 1 - 9 meets 9 - 1 and then water is on the outside and fire is on the inside but as its a 9 year I think 9 - 1 - 9 is the better choice.

Unless you are born of Fire and Water you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven….well I think what happened today was certainly Heavenly and I am glad to see the end to hostility and the beginning of something new. Well done Boys.

I have listed the Cards for both of them so that you can see the connections, enjoy x

Sunday 27 May 2018

A Journey or A Day in the Life of.....

To journey is to travel from one place to another, or perhaps it’s a spiritual journey through your mind. It relates to journals in which we keep a diary of our days proceedings. A Jour is relating to objects that are pierced, perforated or decorated with an openwork pattern. The origin of A Jour is to be open to daylight. A Journal bearing relates to the sliding surface between the rotating shaft and a hole it passes through and supports relative to some other component, a mechanical shaft.

A record player is like a journal for the music it plays….. it has a rotating shaft and the record has a hole to pass through it whilsts it supports its circular movement. A record is drawn up for the time of your birth but you can adapt and change the music as you go along. Scratching would be one example….raising or lowering the tone of the music by half a note is also another option as we have found through DNA music patterns. Do we journey literally when we play a record….if I asked you to sing a song now and remember the words it's likely you would say I don’t know it but when I play the record you can sing along to it instantly. People with dementia have no trouble singing along to music they knew long ago.

So to journey is to travel from one place to another is it like time travel you hear a song you used to play fifty years ago and instantly you are transported to that romance and you remember the person you loved as though it were yesterday. A diary is also a journal and when you go back to read your old ones you are once again time travelling. A Jour is like a religious embroidery or work of art pierced, perforated fabrics of life showing an openwork pattern that tells a story.

FInally the origin of A jour is to be open to daylight……. a Jour or a Day starts with the return of the light from darkness and it continues to increase until once more it turns back to darkness at the end of The Jour or Day. A Journal or a Jour could be said to be a doorway to another world we had forgotten or have yet to see......

Make all your journeys matter and enjoy every Jour as it comes and make it into something special.

Thursday 3 May 2018

My Many Faces of I Ching

Simply from your date of birth so much can be known about own gives me the following facts.....

Piscean...Nine Star Ki 1/7/8...Hydrophobic...Amino Acid Cysteine... I Ching Hexagram number 47...
I sit in the North East facing in the South West direction...I belong to the crystal which peaks on 1/1 - 9/9... I sit in the Fire quadrant of the I Ching...Musical Notes are C F# B...which coincidentally are situated at the beginning, middle and end of an octave...Planets Mercury (1) and Venus (7)... forms a shape called The Ruminator which measures 180 x 150 x 30 degrees......from the 1st to 7th to the 12th houses. The DNA codon associated with my date of birth is TGC which is a Jin, Jang, Jin, Jang, Jang and Jin line that forms Hexagram 47.

So much from so little but another way to display myself as a piscean fish would be as follows..... the Jin Blue fishes and Jang Red fishes denoting 1/7 TGC Hex 47 through the use of symbols. Jin energy moving up to the Heavens and Jang energy coming down to Earth from Heaven.........

What sort of patterns would your date of birth create......

Sunday 29 April 2018

I Ching / Nine Star Ki planetary Connections

Nine star ki for 28143976

2.            8.            1.           4.           3.           9.           7.            6.  
Here we have the i Ching Hexagram positions with Nine Star Ki positions based on 28143976 boh across the top and down the sides. My own match 1/7 is Mercury for the number 1 and Venus for the number 7........ now you can check out what those planets might mean separately or combined either on my own blog or via someone trustworthy like Cafe astrology. You can also look up the meaning of the numbers and instantly know so much more about your self. Enjoyx

Thursday 19 April 2018

GCA 9/3 Nine Star Ki April, 2018

I love the idea that time has many forms of measure, colour is one of them and it fits into this particular dart board form of time. Do we have only a month to throw three darts at this board and achieve the goals that appear on it, if we miss out we have to wait another 9 years until it comes around again. Nine lives or opportunities to achieve those goals. April 2018 is 9/3 GCA and belongs to the left hand side of a double crystal as shown below. Each section has a lot to offer can we access all of it or do we just get three darts to connect with the board every 9 years until eventually that gives us the opportunity to access all areas. There are 64 different patterns for us to connect to…….do we return to the same places and do the same things over and over again rather than experience all things life has to offer. Or are some of them more difficult to accept than others and we get the opportunity to avoid them. This time sits in the 12th house of Pisces so empathy and sensitivity could have a connection. Spiritual or religious connection or hospitals and institutes could also be what it’s all about. I know for myself I have two family members in hospital during this month so showing empathy and compassion is what is required of me this month.

A radiant and ostentatious time through the (9) and explosive thunder energies from the number (3)......... fire burns to heal so it am hopeful for a positive outcome. I have other Codons to choose from on this board…..CAA - AAT - ATC - TCC - CCG - CGT - GTT - TTA - TAG - AGG…….all of them have potential……...may I choose wisely my other two options. Have fun deciding on what you would like to score in this particular game of darts……..3 wood is supportive of the number 9 you could be full of ideas that could one day lead to your fame and success. Above all enjoy and make the most of what presents to you every month afresh for a full and interesting life x

Sunday 18 March 2018

The Brain with Quincunx and Quintiles

The Telegraph Magazine had an article on the brain this week but the image on the front of the magazine grabbed me right away......... I have drawn in lines to make the imagery clearer but all lines appear in the scan except for the red line across the top which I have added to complete the shape. The writings below are talking about aspects in a birth chart formed by quincunxes (150*) and quintiles (72*) how amazing that we form in the brain this same pattern.....perhaps our brains are the balance points of the mind working in very similar ways.