Friday 30 December 2016

The I Ching Brooch of Nine Star Ki and DNA

This brooch is a depiction of The I Ching and its 64 DNA Codons and Nine Star Ki numbers.....

fold the I Ching over down the diagonal centres where the numbers are the same 2/2, 3/3 etc.,
then you have only one side of the I Ching. In this one we go across the top from 2/2 to 6/6....
for every heart you find blue left hand side red right hand side you have the Nine Star Ki numbers
1/7 TGC and Hex 47..........the brooch shows 36 codons/hearts but if you turn the brooch around and the glass hearts now read 7/1 red to the left and blue to the right Hex 60 at any one time all you need to see of The I Ching is half the story and then the other side is in reverse.... 1/7 becomes
7/1 ........2/2 remains 2/2 and so on. We only ever need to know half of the story in order to be able to see the full picture. x

Wednesday 28 December 2016

The Cymascope of DNA and The I Ching

Above we see the four letters available to us to make a three part code
of DNA choose any three letters from the four choices.... 4 x 4 x 4 = 64

D# - C – C# - D will always be the first letter or sound of choice

G - E – F - F# - will always be the second letter or sound of choice

B – G# - A – A# - will always be the third letter or sound of choice

DNA presenting itself as a sound.............we know the shapes that the
DNA codons or musical tones make geometrically as in the aspect
shapes of The Grand Trine,The Worker, The Ruminator, The Teacher,
The Lecturer, The Thinker, The Magician or The Alternator...........but
what patterns would they create on a Cymascope.......I so have to learn
more about that piece of equipment.

As an example C T G …...... we know C is the first part of the Codon
so we look to C Blue Water above and the first C is D#.....we look to
the second letter T Orange Fire above and the second note is E.... then
finally the third letter G is Yellow Air/Tree and the third note is A#
so musically CTG DNA Codon is D# E A#............

The same simple rules apply to all 64 codons..........find yourself
musically from your very own codon......hear how you sound and see
how that sound looks.  

I hope you make beautiful music in the world. xxx

If your not sure how to work out your own DNA codon do ask xxx

CGA DNA Codon and all it can tell you

Spin the arm and it chooses just one of the colours and fills in a blank at the centre
first spin gives us Orange T Fire, second spin gives us Yellow G Air/tree and finally
third spin gives us Blue C Water.........we now have a three letter DNA code ready
to make an amino acid to add to a sequence which will create something new.  

You have a one in four chance to choose the colour/letter that creates the codon.
4 x 4 x 4 = 64 variations on this theme 4 x 3 choices.

When you spin the pin you create a three letter codon which also creates many
more things.....messages within messages............ let us make three random choices
and see what it can tell us. a DNA Codon – Water Quadrant
Nine Star Ki Numbers 4/1 sitting in the North East position (8) facing in a
South Westerly direction.

Creates Amino Acid Arginine – hydrophilic – releases insulin good for mens fertility

Belongs to the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal – difficulties that cross your path and how to overcome

Partners Hexagram 47 TGC – clears toxins and helps fertility in women

Music notes D# F# A associated with signs Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
associated with chest, kidneys and skeleton......... G Major or E Minor.

Houses 4th house - 7th house - 10th house …....home, property, land, partnerships,
other people, marriages or unions, fame and success, position in society, ambitions,

Planets Jupiter and Mercury – beautiful dreamers, full of enthusiasm and delight,
much to say, great teachers.

Aspect Shape 90* x 90* x 180* The Worker T Square – Active …...... much energy
so need to use it or can become emotive......activity reduces stress.....originality and
creativity can be accessed from this energy....risk takers who believe in their own to absorb much information......can go to the edge and beyond pushing
back boundaries......keep on going something new is about to be discovered.

So much from so little.........find out more about yourself today. x 

Sunday 25 December 2016

The 6 Crystals of The I Chings DNA

Map of The Position of the Codons in The I Ching Crystals

The I Ching pattern above shows how each of the Crystals of DNA work within the I Ching
reproducing the same patterns over and over again. Notice how the 6/6 Crystal's codons
are only fitted around the outer edge .......the 1/1 Crystal is more centred but not in the centre
creating line connections the Double crystal creates a triangular pattern within its codon numbers. 

The 6/6 and 1/1 crystals seems to have a connection...... the 8/4 and diamond crystal seem to have a connection and the double crystal definitely has a connection as it can only operated when connected to the other crystal. 

1/3 - 1/9 and 1/7 are connected by being horizontally alongside each other....... so perhaps all three will be of interest to me in some way as my 1/7 is amongst them. x

Friday 23 December 2016

The numbers of The I Ching and their flow

We can see by the eye at the bottom of the heart that Jang energies move up the right hand side of the
Hat and Jin energies move up the left hand side of the hat. As they push upwards and reach the top they come down again on the opposite side by now the I Ching lines are upside down and they return to the eye at the bottom ready to come out of the hat once more. Notice how 3 and 8, 4 and 7, are the numbers that become each other when turned upside down. 2 and 6 and 1 and 9 remain the same when turning upside down. This is the reason for the Alert blips in the Hexagrams of The I Ching. . .
3,4,7 and 8 create a problem as they are indistinguishable from each other when they have moved up the outside and come back down again on the inside. No such problems occur with 1,2,6 and 9.

The eye at the centre of everything produces all the numbers in an eternal flow of energy. The Crown and the Cross both playing their part and the heart shape is so very similar to Hats the Pope wears. x

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Sitting Positions of Nine Star Ki

If you look to the numbers in each of the positions they sit you will find that the following
shapes are created for each pair of directions............

Take the Nine Star Ki numbers and draw a line e.g. 1/7 in the North East draw a line from 1 to 7,

2 to 8, 3 to 9 and so on.

5 is the centre point where energies meet in a balanced and harmonious way and new life
or matter is created............the zero point of no motion when time stands still …....the directions
don't get much of a press yet they seem vital to me in order for energy to pass through the anomaly
at the centre to create of all life. x

Monday 19 December 2016

Nine Star Ki Sitting Positions in the I Ching

Directions and sitting positions of Nine Star Ki..........

You can see the circular motion of the I Ching Lines in this smaller pattern.

Each of the lines on opposite sides cancel themselves out.........e.g. 1/7 cancels out 7/1.

The only variations are in the Alerts which we know do not operate the same way. The Centre
points South cancels out North......but all other centre numbers are not in the position to cancel each other out.

Here we have the Nine Star Ki Number and the DNA Codon for each of the 

Saturday 17 December 2016

Merry Christmas DNA

Life if so Colourful
Life is so full of colour the colours of DNA T Orange... G Yellow.... A Green
… C Blue............darting and diving everywhere like arrows of life........from
these four colours or elements we can create 64 codons of 3 letters......

4 x 4 x 4 = 64

Make your life as colourful as you possibly create the future
make it bright. Merry Christmas x

ATG DNA Codon and its Data

Lets take just one of the codons on the I Ching list at look at it more closely......

Lets take a more in depth look at the ATG ATG is MET or Start point
which makes it more interesting than other codons as it is the only start point whereas
there are three stop points. MET is essential amino acid in humans.
Important in the growth of new blood vessels and may help those suffering from
Parkinson's, drug withdrawal, schizophrenia, copper poisoning, asthma, allergies, alcoholism or depression. Excess Methionine found in unhealthy diets is said
to be related to cancer growth. So excess MET is a problem but so too is a lack of it.
Balance in all things.

There is a lot more you can read up on Methionine to get a greater handle on it.

9/4 is the Nine Star Ki of ATG...... 9/4/1 is its full title............9 is the year number
associated with Radiance and Ostentation....... hot, fiery and inspirational. Self
confidence, passion, fame and success. Use this energy wisely and success is yours
used unwisely you are more likely to be infamous. Take pride in your achievements
but avoid the strut of the peacock. The year is associated with your life in adulthood.
4 is the month number and is associated with your childhood.......4 is ever changing
like the wind......gentle or forceful ….... a natural communicator ….. winning over
hearts and minds rather than creating great wealth …. one begets the other......if you
pursue the wealth alone you will have a turbulent life......don't let your emotions rule
your life do not act on impulse.......your sensitivity is one of your strong points is you
have it under your control...... N/S axis.....Sitting in the 1 North position facing South
you face the sun and feel its warmth....the North is all about winter ….. poles apart
they are day and are moving out of the darkness into the light.

*....... Methionine is a hydrophobic amino acid and would prefer to stay on the inside
of a DNA spiral and remain dry.

Hex 37......The, home, dwelling with other people, the psyche,
you can and should help, people in the home, dwell with the people and care for
each other.

You can google Hexagram 37 and find out much more information about the Hexagram.

ATG Sits in the Earth quadrant of the I Ching and is associated with the 1/1 Crystal.

1/1 – 9/9 Crystal … Unfinished business ... people in the home ... exhaustion … clarity
… the well … mutual alienation … settled … completion … liberation … adornment
... the persona … danger … bite through … impasse.

When you read the key words for these hexagrams you will get the feeling that this
crystal is all about difficulties that can cross your path, there is work to be done here
and completed, this is hexagram 64 and you would expect it to mark the end but 63
marks the completion, perhaps we are never finished, what we have created in the first crystal perhaps needs tweaking here this is about what is not already past and done with, perhaps a new zero point is coming about, it's no longer just you and me it's now about family too, people in the home, dwelling with people who care about you, the psyche is being born here as we begin to see ourselves through other people, exhaustion and
adversity, don't talk about it just do it, actions speak louder than words, try not to do everything or exhaustion could result, in that psyche born of other people a sanctuary
called home will be required, reaching clarity, points of light, increased perception and longer periods of lucidity, the well spring of potential, connection to the source through
the psyche bringing about transformations and changes, adaptations to the generations as they come and go and life continues, estrangement and opposition, connections are made that perhaps do not work, learning to understand there are opposing forces and you must find the best ways to handle it, what has already passed is now complete, your mission should you wish to accept it, perhaps you have completed one task only to continue with
the genetic journey and start again, you feel liberate and free you have delivered your message, you can loosen up now and feel stable and balanced, who am I, rather than who
do I appear to be, matching the inner you with the outer persona, adorning yourself on the outside will not change who you are on the inside, luxury, beauty and elegance can be
yours inside and out, beware danger, the entrapment of dark forces, the abyss, remain
true to who you are, chew it over, get the message, make changes necessary, remain
lawful it is easy to be good when things are going well remain that way when they aren't, obstructions, barriers, just sit tight, help will come if you have remained true, and return to zero point.

This crystal appears to be about what has been manifest and how it gets on with life and
its difficulties. If you accept the mission you should see it through to completion. It is no longer just about you.

Musically C# E A#... music played in either B Major or G# minor........these notes
are associated with the Zodiac signs Taurus A – Leo T – Aquarius G – Earth, Fire
and Tree/Air.

Associated with the planets Mars and and expansive. This
combination can lead to financial success. A venture capitalist by nature. This is
the marker for Start..........on your marks get set go.

Aspect shape The Worker 90 x 180 x 90......busy busy busy......tension can build
up here if you do not use the energy you create seek the outlet at the point where
the two 90* angles meet in this case that is in Taurus so the release of energy can
be in the second house of Taurus associated with your possessions and things you
own and that create in you self esteem and confidence.

The neck, heart and circulation are also associated with ATG.

So quite a bit of information and there is much more you can find out all from three

 little letters. Enjoy x

Sunday 11 December 2016

The Word based on 28143976 and the Data it creates


CCC 2/2 *
Hex 2 Centre
6/6 Water
D# G B
120 x 120 x 120
Grand Trine
CCT 2/8 *
Hex 23 NE/SW
6/6 Water
D# G G#
Saturn Saturn
120 x 30 x 150
CTC 2/1 *
Hex 8 NW/SE
8/4 Water
D# E B
Saturn Mercury
30 x 150 x 120
CTT 2/4 *
Hex 20 E/W
6/6 Water
D# E G#
Saturn Jupiter
30 x 120 x 150
TCC 2/3
Hex 16 SE/NW
Double Fire
Saturn Jupiter
150 x 120 x 30
TCT 2/9
Hex 35 W/E
8/4 Fire
C G G#
Saturn Mars
150 x 30 x 120
TTC 2/7 *
Hex 45 S/N
Double Fire
Saturn Venus
120 x 150 x 30
TTT 2/6 *
Hex 12 N/S
6/6 Fire
C E G#
Saturn Venus
120 x 120 x 120
Grand Trine

CCA 8/2 *
Hex 15 SW/NE
Double Water
D# G A
Saturn Saturn
120 x 90 x 150]
CCG 8/8 * N
Hex 52 Centre
Double Water
D# G A# Saturn Saturn
120 x 90 x 150
CTA 8/1 * N
Hex 39 E/W
1/1 Water
D# E A
30 x 150 x 180
CTG 8/4 * N
HEX 53 S/N
8/4 Water
D# E A#
Saturn Jupiter
30 x 180 x 150
TCA 8/3 Alert
Serine N
Hex 62 -N/S
Diamond Fire
Saturn Mars
150 x 90 x 60
TCG 8/9
Hex 56 SE/NW
Double Fire
C G A#
Saturn Mars
150 x 90 x 60
TTA 8/7 *
Hex 31 NW/SE
Double Fire
Saturn Venus
120 x 150 x 90
TTG 8/6 *
Hex 33 W/E
6/6 Fire
C E A#
Saturn Venus
120 x 180 x 60

CAC 1/2
Hex 7 SE/NW
8/4 Water
D# F B
Mercury Saturn 60 x 180 x 120
CAT 1/8
Hex 4 W/E
Double Water
D# F G#
Mercury Saturn
60 x 90 x 150
CGC 1/1
Hex 29 Centre
1/1 Water
D# F# B
Mercury Mercury
90 x 150 x 120
CGT 1/4
Hex 59 SW/NE
Double Water
D# F# G#
Mercury Jupiter
90 x 60 x 150
TAC 1/3 * N
Hex 40 E/W
1/1 Fire
Mercury Jupiter
150 x 180 x 30
TAT 1/9 * N
Hex 64 NW/SE
1/1 Fire
C F G#
Mercury Mars
150 x 90 x 120
TGC 1/7 *
Hex 47 NE/SW
1/1 Fire
C F# B
Mercury Venus
180 x 150 x 30
TGT 1/6 *
Hex 6 S/N
8/4 Fire
C F# G#
Mercury Venus
180 x 60 x 120

CAA 4/2
Hex 46 - W/E
Double Water
D# F A
Jupiter Saturn
60 x 120 x 180
CAG 4/8
Hex 18 - N/S
D# F A#
Jupiter Saturn
60 x 150 x 150
CGA 4/1
Hex 48 NE/SW
1/1 Water
D# F# A
90 x 90 x 180
CGG 4/4 Alert
Hex 57 Centre
Double Water
D# F# A#
Jupiter Jupiter
90 x 120 x 150
TAA 4/3 N
Stop Ochre
Hex 32 NW/SE
Double Fire
Jupiter Jupiter
150 x 120 x 90
TAG 4/9 N
Stop Amber
Hex 50 S/N
Double Fire
C F A#
Jupiter Mars
150 x 150 x 60
TGA 4/7 Alert
Stop Opal N
Hex 28 SW/NE
8/4 Fire
C F# A
Jupiter Venus
180 x 90 x 90
TGG 4/6 *
Hex 44 E/W
6/6 Fire
C F# A#
Jupiter Venus
60 x 120 x 180

ACC 3/2 N
Hex 24 NW/SE
6/6 Earth
C# G B
Jupiter Saturn
180 x120 x 60
ACT 3/8 Alert
Threonine N
Hex 27 S/N
8/4 Earth
C# G G#
Jupiter Saturn
180 x 30 x 150
ATC 3/1
Isoleucine *
Hex 3 W/E
Double Earth
C# E B
Jupiter Mercury
90 x 150 x 60
ATT 3/4
Isoleucine *
Hex 42 SE/NW
Double Earth
C# E G#
Jupiter Jupiter
90 x 120 x 150
GCC 3/3 Alert
Alanine * N
Hex 51 Centre
Double Air
Jupiter Jupiter
150 x 120 x 90
GCT 3/9 *
Hex 21 NE/SW
1/1 Air
D G G#
Jupiter Mars
150 x 30 x 180
GTC 3/7 *
Hex 17 N/S
Diamond Air
Jupiter Venus
60 x 150 x 90
GTT 3/6 *
Hex 25 SW/NE
Double Air
D E G#
Jupiter Venus
60 x 120 x 180

ACA 9/2 N
Hex 36 E/W
8/4 Earth
C# G A
Mars Saturn
180 x 60 x 120
ACG 9/8 N
Hex 22 NW/SE
1/1 Earth
C# G A#
Mars Saturn
180 x 90 x 90
ATA 9/1
Isoleucine * N
Hex 63 SE/NW
1/1 Earth
C# E A
Mars Mercury
90 x 150 x 120
ATG 9/4 *
Met – Start
Hex 37 N/S
1/1 Earth
C# E A#
Mars Jupiter
90 x 180 x 90
GCA 9/3 * N
Hex 55 SW/NE
Double Air
Mars Jupiter
150 x 60 x 150
GCG 9/9 *
Hex 30 Centre
1/1 Air
D G A#
Mars Mars
150 x 90 x 120
GTA 9/7 *
Hex 49 W/E
Double Air
Mars Venus
60 x 150 x 150
GTG 9/6 *
Hex 13 NE/SW
8/4 Air
D E A#
Mars Venus
60 x 180 x 120

AAC 7/2
Hex 19 N/S
6/6 Earth
C# F B
Venus Saturn
120 x 180 x 60
AAT 7/8
Hex 41 SE/NW
Double Earth
C# F G#
Venus Saturn
120 x 90 x 150
AGC 7/1
Hex 60 SW/NE
Double Earth
C# F# B
Venus Mercury
150 x 150 x 60
AGT 7/4 N
Hex 61 NE/SW
Diamond Earth
C# F# G#
Venus Jupiter
150 x 60 x 150
GAC 7/3
Aspartic Acid
Hex 54 S/N
8/4 Air
Venus Jupiter
90 x 180 x 90
GAT 7/9
Aspartic Acid
Hex 38 E/W
1/1 Air
Venus Mars
90 x 90 x 180
GGC 7/7 Alert
Glycine N
Hex 58 Centre
Double Air
D F# B
Venus Venus
120 x 150 x 90
GGT 7/6 N
Hex 10 NW/SE
Double Air
D F# G#
Venus Venus
120 x 60 x 180 Alternator

AAA 6/2
Hex 11 S/N
6/6 Earth
C# F A
Venus Saturn
120 x 120 x 120
Grand Trine
AAG 6/8
Hex 26 E/W
Double Earth
C# F A#
Venus Saturn
120 x 150 x 90
AGA 6/1
Hex 5 N/S
8/4 Earth
C# F# A
Venus Mercury
150 x 90 x 120
AGG 6/4
Hex 9 W/E
Double Earth
C# F# A#
Venus Jupiter
150 x 120 x 90
GAA 6/3
Glutamic Acid
Hex 34 NE/SW
6/6 Air
Venus Jupiter
90 x 120 x 150
GAG 6/9
Glutamic Acid
Hex 14 SW/NE
8/4 Air
D F A#
Venus Mars
90 x 150 x 120
GGA 6/7 N
Hex 43 SE/NW
6/6 Air
D F# A
Venus Venus
120 x 90 x 150
GGG 6/6 N
Hex 1 Centre
6/6 Air
D F# A#
Venus Venus
120 x 120 x 120
Grand Trine

This is a Map called The Word.........The I Ching of 64 Hexagrams and other additional information.

The First line gives you the DNA codon, the Nine Star Ki numbers and the star denotes that this particular codon is hydrophobic...... the star may appear on line two if there is no room. If the no star appears it means the codon is hydrophilic. If the letter N appears also then it shows that the codon would prefer to be hydrophobic or hydrophilic as shown but if it had to it could become neutral and
become the opposite.

The Nine Star Ki numbers can be found year number vertically down the side and the month number is horizontal across the top. Line two tells you which amino acid it is e.g. 1/7 is Cysteine.

Line three gives us the Hexagram number of the I Ching for those numbers or lines and the sitting position in the bagua. E.G. 1/7 is NE/SW so it is sitting in the 8 position or North East of the Bagua and is facing South West or the number 2 position. Centre is in the number 5 position.

Line 4 tells us which crystal this codon belongs to and the element it sits in in the quadrants above.
E.G. 6/3 6/6 Air means the 6/3 Nine Star Ki numbers belong to the 6/6 crystal and sit in the Air quadrant of this map.

Line 5 gives you the musical notes your DNA Codon relates to........e.g. GGG id D F# A# musically so as the highest sharp is A it is classed as being B Major.

Line 6 gives us the two planets your Nine Star Ki numbers are associated with e.g. 6/2 Venus is 6 metal and Saturn is 2 Earth.

With line 7 placing the DNA Codon around a zodiac circle puts the first letter between houses 1 and 4..... the second letter between houses 5and 8 and the third letter between 9 and 12 depending on the element concerned. Eg. CAC C is Water the first water house is Cancer A is Earth the second Earth house is Virgo and C is Water which is the 12th house of Pisces. So CAC as a DNA codon is associated with Cancer - Virgo - Pisces........movement from Cancer to Virgo is 60* sextile then to Pisces 180* opposition and then from Pisces back to Cancer is 120* trine........this creates the aspect shape I call the Alternator.

Those items marked * are hydrophobic amino acids those marked with N can be neutral either hydrophobic or hydrophilic, those without a marker are hydrophilic.

Finally line 8 shows the Alternator aspect shape is associated with this DNA Codon. So much to know data data data..........all from one little I Ching Hexagram position.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

The Planets in Nine Star Ki and The I Ching

Here we see the I Ching starting from the East Yellow area as 2/2 and moving to the West
area as 6/6 giving us a North area of 6/2 and the peak 2/6.

An 8 x 8 map of 64 codons of DNA.......Nine Star Ki numbers and here we see the planets
and how they accumulate.

East is all Earth from 2 and 8 and West is all Metal from 6 and 7 .......North and South are
a combination of both........the centre is filled with the 3 and 4 energy of Tree/air.

The four corners are all about metal and earth and the centre all about tree/air energy with
Water and Fire generously sprinkled throughout.

As a number 1/7 inn Nine Star Ki I am associated with the planets Mercury and Venus....
this could be a beautiful mind............or excesses or pleasures that can pull you into the abyss.
That choice is of course your own.

1 is Associated with Mercury, the Mind career and also the Moon.

2 is associated with Saturn and the body an Earth.....Saturn can put restrictions on you but if you
remain organised you will weather the storms. Property and land is associated with number 2

3 is associated with Tree/Air energy and new growth hence Jupiter the planet of expansion is happy here.

4 is also associated with Tree/Air and Jupiter but with full growth.

6 is associated with Venus and change, transformation, beauty and love.

7 is also associated with Venus, change, transformation, beauty and love.

8 is associated with Saturn and the body an Earth.....Saturn can put restrictions on you but if you
remain organised you will weather the storms. 8 is more associated with knowledge and wisdom from the Earth.

9 is associated with Mars and also the Sun.......fame and social standing....becoming a shining
light in society. Your full position and growth rate can be seen here.

The Directions of Energy in The I Ching 28143976

This is a map showing the arrow directions of each of the hexagrams of The I Ching based on the I Ching The Word 28143976

Line one of The I Ching Hexagrams is associated with the number 2 horizontally.
Lacks SW/NE direction

Line two of The I Ching Hexagrams is associated with the number 8 horizontally.
Lacks NE/SW direction

Line three of The I Ching Hexagrams is associated with the number 1 horizontally.
Lacks N/S direction
Line four of The I Ching Hexagrams is associated with the number 4 horizontally.
Lacks SE/NW direction

Line five of The I Ching Hexagrams is associated with the number 3 horizontally.
Lacks E/W direction

Line six of The I Ching Hexagrams is associated with the number 9 horizontally.
Lacks S/N direction

Line seven of The I Ching Hexagrams is associated with the number 7 horizontally.
Lacks W/E direction
Line eight of The I Ching Hexagrams is associated with the number 6 horizontally.
Lacks NW/SE direction

Diagonally from top left to bottom right are all centre based directions.

All other lines are missing one direction of energy each. Line 1 for example lacks
SW/NE and is also the line of the number 2 which is the South West. Line two lacks
NE/SW and is also associated with the number 8 which is the North East. Line three
lacks N/S energy and is associated with number 1 which is the North. Line four lacks
SE/NW and is also the line for the number 4 which is the South East. Line five lacks
E/W and is associated with the number 3 which is East. Line six lacks S/N which is
associated with the number 9 which is South. Line seven lacks W/E and is also
associated with the number 7 which is the West. Finally line eight lacks NW/SE
energy and is associated with the number 6 which is North West.

So each horizontal line lacks one energy which is also the energy associated with the
number on that horizontal perhaps it could be said that it lacks no energies
at all.

Similar laws apply when reading the directions vertically the missing direction is
pointing at the number on that line for example line one number 2 is missing the
line pointing from NE to SW.......all other lines are missing the energy that is moving
towards its own number. So once again it could be said they are not lacking that
energy at all.

So in a 2 year the horizontal line is lacking SW/NE energy and vertically is lacks
NE/SW energy the year number then shows us both vertically and horizontally
it is associated with its own axis.

So when two is at the centre is all about the 5 – 2 – 8 axis and the same rules
 apply to all lines.

Notice how 1 and 9 North and South Purple and Blue form a Hash tag or two crosses as do
2/8 South West and North East yellow and orange.....3/7 East and West green and red..... and
4/6 South East and North West light blue and the opposites attract to a centre point
within the hash tag.........a very small area for 2/8 and a large one for 4/6 with 1/9 very much
centred in the middle of the chart.

There is much to see here hidden amongst the little arrows of energy. Enjoy x 

Tuesday 6 December 2016

64 Codons of DNA in one Pattern both squares and triangles

This is a map of 45 squares which create the potential to read all 64 Codons of DNA .... they can be red up, down, left, right and diagonally..........this is the first attempt at squares rather than triangles so I am not yet sure of the smallest amount of squares possible to create the pattern. It does not feel as easy as the usual Triangles of Solo Man's Temple but that could just be because I am more familiar with it.

The usual Triangular version of the game is easier and smaller quantities are used but the more you play the more you learn so I am sure this can be done in less than 45 squares but time will tell.