Thursday 20 December 2018

The Record of Life containing 64 Codons of DNA

Here we have the Record of Life which shows the position on a record that the 64 codons of DNA are positioned.....below I break down the colours so you can see how the record works.

Above  we see only the A green content of the record showing the bottom left hand corner contains the highest measure of Earth energy and even though the third house is in the Earth quadrant it contains very little Earth.

Then we have the Orange T section which is mainly in the top right hand side of the record. The same rules apply here even though the 9th house is Fire it contains very little.

Now we see the combination of the A Earth bottom left quadrant and the T Fire top right quadrant…...together they are complementary opposites in DNA Codons. T is opposite to A and vice versa on a string or ladder of DNA… if you have red hair green clothes with look good on you. Fire and Earth are supportive and creative energies together in Nine Star Ki.

Next we see C Water and again the 6th house has the least amount of Water in it but it is still within the quadrant for is in the bottom right hand side of the record.

Below that we have the G Tree/Air still following the same rules it is in the top left hand corner of the record.

Then we have the combination of C and G again complementary opposites blue and yellow look good together.

So the majority of A Green is bottom left, the majority of C Water is bottom right, the majority of T Fire is top right and the majority of G Tree/air is top left…… but when you get to the centrepiece of the record it shows A C T G in a clockwise motion which is the correct way to create DNA Codons from crystals but if you imagine the record needle moving around you place it on the green A section and it then moves on to C Blue then T orange and finally G Yellow so it also plays in the right order of ACTG…. clockwise appears to be the motion of DNA whereas if you wanted to create RNA it would become anticlockwise but we won't get into that here.

The A Quadrant contains 21 green,10 C Blue, 9 G Yellow and 8 T Orange

The C Quadrant contains 21 Blue, 10 A Green, 9 T Orange and 8 G Yellow

The T Quadrant contains 21 Orange, 10 G Yellow, 9 C Blue and 8 A Green

The G Quadrant contains 21 Yellow, 10 T Orange, 9 A Green and 8 C Blue

Each quadrant contains 48 different element markers and dominates in one and lacks in others.