Wednesday 29 March 2017

Nine Star Ki and your Sittiing Positions or Sheng Ki Directions

Once you work out your own Nine Star Ki numbers for year, month and sitting position you can begin to see how your flower blossoms and why its lean is strongest into your own Sheng Chi or best direction......... I rather like the idea that this first one is the shell of Venus ...

It shows us that double numbers are always centre state.

The ball is in the sitting position of the Bagua and the petals spread out from there. x

Saturday 25 March 2017

Feng Shui and The Perfect House Move

Feng Shui Life

On reading the property sections of the weekend papers I thought now might be a good time for a house move. What to do first. Check local estate agents perhaps. It would give me a guide price for my own house but having studied Feng Shui I know what must come first. Check the Ki for me and my family to see whether this is a good time to make a move and in what direction it will take us.

My Ki number is 1 and my husband and son are both 7 this puts us into the western category. This cuts my choices by 50%. 2012 is a good time for us to move in a South West direction which just happens to be my best direction, perfect. So now I must take a look at properties in a south west direction from my home, will I find anything that takes my fancy.

So I find a nice tree lined road in the South West now I have to eliminate one side of the road entirely. Now I have to hope that a property South West from my current home direction on the correct side of the road comes onto the market during 2012. Then I will need to find out when the house was built or last had a complete renovation to find the energy number for the house itself. For me that isn't usually a problem as I am likely to completely renovate when I move in so that 2012's 6 year will become the house energy number and this is compatible with 1 and 7 energy. Then upon checking the current 20 year cycle number, which is number 8 I can see that makes it once more compatible with the 6 year of the house. Working out all these numbers and directions can be difficult and complex enough to create fear in some people which is never a good thing.

Common sense must prevail because dependent on which person I consult with I can get different answers. If I really want to know whats best for me and my family I must trust my own instincts.

Buy a house in the best location you can afford, with open views to the front. Perhaps with a view of the sea, woodland, fields of sheep or horses etc., you get the drift. If it feels good it probably is.
If there is rubbish about, dead wood trees with a general lack of beauty, don't settle for that, keep looking. Remember if you buy a beautiful house but looking out of its windows is anything but pretty it's good for your neighbours looking at your home but not good for you.

To have a large building behind you and houses on each side offers some forms of security but means you wont be the corner property with the larger garden. Create hedges, walls and planting designs to protect you from the open aspect of a side plot which in my opinion is worth having.

Water in the garden somewhere is vital for wildlife and attracting to your plot is what its all about. The more bees you have in your garden the more attractive it is. If no wildlife passes through your garden then the likelihood is it's not a healthy spot. I like to say 'I'm lichen it here' because if there are visible lichen when you view it means the area has clean fresh air.
Buying a house that was once a butcher's shop for example, its not going to have a good vibe is it?
If the current owners are old and have lived there for a long time that's a healthy vibe. If they are getting divorced, that's not so good. Of course if may be that they are living on the wrong side of the road and their house move might be the making of them, but its not them we are working on here. If that is the house for you anyway, then don't go down fear alley. Thorough renovation can clear some of the negativity, cleansing and attracting wildlife can help with improvements and of course you are on the right side of the road for you !

So to get it right means layering chart upon chart for you and your family which again can create fear and life becomes a minefield. You have to sell your house and buy the new one all within the time zones required. Once you get your house half of it will not have the best energies and these areas are best left for storage, bathrooms etc., Anyone who can afford to ignore half their house is very lucky indeed. Prince Charles would probably not have this problem. Alternatively if you need two bedrooms buy a four bedroom house and ignore two of them. That makes no sense. Choose the rooms best suited to each family member . If your up early sleep in an east facing room. You begin to get the drift that some systems are motivated by fear. Even if you get out the best Feng Shui experts and he or she sets everything up to perfection, that all changes next year when the numbers move on again. After the end of the twenty year cycle you may have to relocate your front door altogether. Yikes.
So my advice would be by all means study Feng Shui you will get a lot out of it but do not try to live by its rules because you will not be living at all. A life consumed by fear has little love in it. Make your own choices, love the home you have chosen which meets your needs and be grateful for all you have got. Look after your home and keep it in good condition and the vibe should remain good too. Good and sad things happen at some time during out lives, its called life not bad Feng Shui
Various points on Earth act as meeting points. I believe human beings to be a meeting point between Heaven and Earth. Meeting points are divine and they create feelings in you of holiness. Humans, trees, churches, water, can be found here as a kind of altar to this feeling and divinity which can then connect with you. You can become more sensitive whilst in this energy and it can open your heart and combine your energies to create for you perfect moments.

Look out of your window , what do you see, how does it make you feel, Everything you see is a part of the bigger picture. All in the plan or composition all relating to each other. All is planned and at sometime or other has been placed in this position. Do you like the music you composed.
When a church in disrepair is knocked down another church is likely to be built in its place. Over time prayers said on this plot create a hallowed ground. Thus we must accept that what is said in your home builds up to create hallowed ground or hell on earth. It will create a vibe that continues for as long as the house is on that spot and beyond. This is were feng shui comes in to repair damage or bad vibes in the home, your home must be good for you and your family and become a divine spot on Earth. Not hot, not cold but warm.
For me Menhirs or standing stones create tones. I love to be close to them and feel the energy they give off. Probably as much created by what we have felt and done when around them. Stonehenge would be the perfect example of this. Perhaps they were rough cut uneven stone which over the years have been smoothed by the winds and rains and by the touching of human beings. To place one in the garden with touch me on one side and caress me on the other would be bliss. How sad that we are no longer able to caress Stonehenge and the stones no longer feel our touch. I am thankful they still have wind and water and pray they do not lose their magic for want of being touched by human hands.
It is the greatest example of the human being, we all need to be touched and caressed. When we are born we could be said to be the rough stone which is smoothed out throughout our lives. When we die we are given a stone with what we have been written on it, e.g. Mother, daughter, sister, Grandmother etc., written in stone.
Feng Shui means wind and water and it is our chance to become smooth and curvaceous rather than rough and uneven. Always seeking perfection.

Focus on the Positives but you need to know what they are before you start....

What can I tell you about Astrology, Nine Star Ki, Feng Shui, I Ching and DNA codons
within its patterns nothing but good, all of the above are beneficial to you if you use them
in a positive way. If you focus on the dark forces then they will be detrimental to you. Its
that simple life is what you make it and before you start to focus on what you might like
out of life you must become a balanced and harmonious human being. Yes you will have
problems in life and issues that come up for you time and time again but thats life not
astrology and how you respond to your problems says a lot about just how balanced you are.
There is too much emphases on the dark side of life in our current climate. Perhaps its not 
surprising as economic times are tough and that throws a shadow over our lives and makes
us lean towards seeing the world in a negative way. You start off intending to
focus on the positive but before you know it symbols all around you are holding you
back, telling you your not good enough and can never hope to reach those dizzy heights.
If we look to the music industry and some of the grotesque videos such as Beyonce and
Madonna make they do not and should not be allowed to focus the minds of young girls to
believe this is a good way to live. The music and its videos are without doubt the dark
side of life. The Beatles themselves are said to have been created by the Tavistock Group
in order to mind control the youth of Britain and America, well shame on you Tavistock.
Perhaps they cover up one eye to show us they really cannot see what they are doing. 
The only way we can cease to be mind controlled by the media is to take control of our
own thoughts and keep ourselves on a path that benefits both us and the rest of the world.
Do no harm..........its a good catch phrase and you should ask yourself that question
whenever you are in doubt that what you are proposing to do is a good idea. Shall I
take that shallow route to stardom or should I focus and hold back in the hope that
something better will come along and I can be proud of my achievements and not have
to look back and wish I had taken another pathway. Its hard to spot dark forces sometimes
so you need to be on your toes. In a lot of music videos and records you play the sound
backwards you will find hidden messages. You will find hidden messages in old texts too
not all of them are beneficial but with music if they need to hide their messages then 
clearly they are in some way ashamed of them because surely if you want to help and 
guide other people you would want to get your message out there. So I ask that you
become more selective and don't just accept what you see as being the norm.
You don't have to parade your body you have a right to privacy, how you look to other 
people is not as important as how you feel about yourself.  Even young pop groups
start off as sweet young girls and before you know it they are not happy unless they are
appearing in their underwear. Its not an improvement its a sign of their degradation and
we should be wary of copying them. This is not about not having some fun but about
having some respect for the most important person in your life …. you. So start a new
wave in these times of Aquarius and lets take back control of our minds and bodies and
love and respect ourselves. Young people today are bombarded and it must be a nightmare
to have to expect to be liked before you can even set off for school. You are liked most
by other people when you like yourself so thats a good place to start. What can I do today
that will make me like myself. Start a page where you can like yourself and what you
do with your life that precious gift you have been given. If you feel angry or are going
through a time of conflict that does not mean you need to lash out but to find new
ways of coping with the conflict and finding some harmony in your life when you have
dealt with the conflict in a positive way. Celebrate your life do not seek to be a celebrity,
live your own life do not watch others living theirs on a reality show that is anything but
a reality. Do not be a shadow person shine brightly like a real star does and then you will
feel good about yourself and others, when we truly want for others that feel good factor
we have we know we are on the right path. Live 'your' life its precious and special in ways
nobody else's can ever be don't let it pass you by. x

Friday 24 March 2017

1/1 - 9/9 Crystal and its relationships

We can see the outlet for the opposition line from TGC to ACG is CGA and the
outlet for the opposition line of GCT and CGA is TGC. Duality finding its outlet
in the aspect shape The Alternator.

TGC matches in a Hexagram in The I Ching way to CGA but it matches with ACG
in a DNA manner so CGA is strongly connected to TGC. All four corners of the
crystal have a connection. Duality can cause ambivalence with TGC and ACG
pushing and pulling and in the end the CGA position appears to be its best outlet. The
three points are Phobic-philic and neutral so they can sit in whichever position
within the strand that suits it best. When CGA is in opposition to GCT they find
their outlet in TGC perhaps this helps this foursome can help itself and each other.

Once again we see that Masonic Apron shape from the aspects this is created when
any two triangles partner up. I wish I knew more about the combinations of Amino
Acids as it would be interesting to see which situations these four Amino Acids come
into contact with each other. Does one in opposition to the other suppress certain things 
change the outcome.  

It is without doubt a solid connection that the opposition in any crystal will find its outlet
in the sextile and trine combination point........the same rule applies to all codons and all
Crystal x  

Thursday 23 March 2017

The 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal and its Quirks

Above we see the 12 different codons of DNA that make up this particular crystal know as the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal it starts with the Heavenly energy of GGG at one peak and the Earth energy of CCC at the other end.  I have chosen to use this in the example as it is the easiest and simplest crystal to follow possibly because of the Heavenly orderly connection. So we see above the positions of the codons let us now see them as colour below T = Orange G = Yellow A = Green and C= Blue.

This is the crystal as it appears above everything matching in the fixed ways that Hexagrams and The I Ching work. T becomes A and vice versa but C and G remain unchanged.
Look what happens when I take just the right hand side and flip it over..........suddenly it is now working in the way that DNA does C becomes G and T becomes A and vice versa. What could possibly be the reason this works out so well. I have not changed the peaks as they do not appear
in the crystal in any other pattern.

This means there has to be a relationship between for example ACC bottom left negative 24 Hexagram and CCT positive 23 Hexagram as we see they sit along side each other in the upper
pattern....once we flip the right side over we also add TGG negative 44 Hexagram to the pattern. Also notice that ACC is read upwards and its partners CCT and TGG are read downwards as the energy moves up one side of the crystal and down the other.

If we create a triangle of these three codons we create an Alternator pattern between them. An
opposition aspect between ACC and TGG a trine aspect between TGG and CCT and finally a
sextile aspect between CCT and ACC. Is there some form of alternating charge between them as they switch from working as a Hexagram and working as a Codon. Every other Codon in the crystal
works in the same way creating from two codons an extra making it a triangle in the shape of the Alternator. For every duality there has to be an outlet is this what the alternative codon is providing us with.

The three point Alternator aspect repeats throughout the codon for matching with its partners.

Do ACC - Threonine - TGG - Tryptophan -  and CCT - Proline have any others things in these particular amino acids combine to create something specific. There are always more questions than answers but it's fun thinking about them. Enjoy x

Tuesday 14 March 2017

The I Ching The Word Expanded and Reduced

Here we have the I Ching or The Word based on 28143976 showing the nine star ki number
positions. Image turning the map so 2/2 is at the top and you create the following Pyramid
within the I Ching......

Notice how the numbers repeat themselves within the triangle.......

It creates a mirror image one side to the other so if for some reason you only have half of the
pattern you can still work out what the rest would be. Can we reduce it in another direction....

As in DNA if you only saw one half of a ladder or string of DNA you could easily fill in the
missing parts....


The above is only half the story but we know the rest don't we.........

T   A
A   T
G   C
C   G
G   C
T   A
G   C
T   A
A   T
A   T

Always seeking ways to store data in its smallest form.......

TAGCGTGTAA Could also be shortened from.......TAGAGCGCGCGTGTGTGTATAA.....

So much data as so little space we can always take the Saturnian road and reduce the size of something and still know it contains all........or take the Jupiterian road and expand on something
making it whole again. x

Saturday 11 March 2017

I Ching Non Changing Lines..... based on 28143976

Some I Ching Hexagrams or Nine Star Ki number lines do not change when flipped over.......

Numbers 2/2...8/3...1/1...4/7...3/8...9/9...7/4...6/6... (all peak codons in the crystals)

When a Hexagram of six lines is flipped over they remain the same with the above 8 sets of Nine Star Ki or I Ching Hexagrams.  Note also there is just one point on each line both vertical and horizontal that doesn't change it creates the image above of a six sided figure with a lot going on inside it.

There is something rock solid about I Ching Lines that do not change when flipped over but I guess equally it could cause some problems like it can in the I Ching Hexagram pairs. All of these numbers belong to cardinal points on the crystals.

Take an example of a Hexagram pair alert ACT if it conformed to the usual rules of the Hexagrams it would have a top hat of ACT which obviously cannot be as it has not changed. So clearly I Ching Lines can remain unchanged but DNA Codons must not be allowed to remain the same top and bottom.

We see here that the bottom should swop through to the top A becoming T and T becoming A... C should remain unchanged but in this case ACT produces another ACT on top which will not do so The I Ching changes C to G and leaves T and A unchanged this is not the normal standard but has to be used here so that top and bottom are different. This gives us a Hexagram pair of ACT on the bottom and TGA on the top.

ACT 3/8 Hex 27 pairing up with TGA 4/7 Hex 28 ...............3/8 and 4/7 are not a match... ACT and
TGA are not a match but the Hexagram numbers 27 and 28 do match and for now that has to be the best explanation.

So we can conclude lines of the I Ching can remain the same when flipped as in 6/6 six Jang full lines are six Jang full lines when flipped.............but DNA Codons cannot remain the same when flipped they must be changed.

Sunday 5 March 2017

The I Ching 28143976 patterns - Nine Star Ki and Musical Notes


D# G B
D# G G#
D# E B
D# E G#
C G G#
C E G#
D# G A
D# G A#
D# E A
D# E A#
C G A#
C E A#
D# F B
D# F G#
D# F# B
D# F#G#
C F G#
C F# B
C F# G#
D# F A
D# F A#
D# F# A
D# F#A#
C F A#
C F# A
C F# A#
C# G B
C# G G#
C# E B
C# E G#
D G G#
D E G#
C# G A
C# G A#
C# E A
C# E A#
D G A#
D E A#
C# F B
C# F G#
C# F# B
C# F#G#
D F G#
D F# B
D F# G#
C# F A
C# F A#
C# F# A
C# F#A#
D F A#
D F# A
D F# A#

All Natural Keys
1 Sharp Key
2 Sharp Keys
All Sharp Keys

We can see above that there is a pattern to the musical notes of DNA or Nine Star Ki Numbers any errors will quickly stand out and be noticeable ..... there are 12 sequences with no sharps just natural keys played on the white keys of the piano ... there are 28 sequences with just one sharp key ... there are 18 sequences with two sharp keys ... and finally there are only 6 sequences that play three sharps
on the black keys only.  12 + 28 + 18 + 6 = 64  so clearly playing just one sharp is quite common. 

Playing a sequence of  amino acid codes that create certain things via musical notes might well find a rhythm of sound ............ an app that could produce those codes quickly once fed in would show us differences........for example 1/7 TGC creates cysteine and plays C F# B but 1/6 TGT C F# G# also creates Cysteine..............C F# remain the same but B has become G# three tones in difference....

Cysteine 1/7 C F# B is associated with Head, kidneys and feet and plays in G Major ..... whereas Cysteine 1/6 is C F# G# and is associated with Head, Kidneys and Liver and plays in A Major....

B becomes G# and Feet become Liver yet both create cysteine.........there are but two cysteine's in amino acid's so its easier to spot the differences but when you choose something like Serine, Valine, Alanine etc., they have many more choices for creating the same amino acid which tells me that one version of an amino acid is not the same as another there are subtle differences between them. 

So if you decide to concoct a God sequence be sure you are using the correct amino acid in the mix or you could end up with a very strange human being. x 

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Hidden Message In Prince's Purple Rain Backwards Audio From The Film

As a diversion from my usual nonsense I offer the following...

When watching Purple Rain recently my son and I took a section of music played by Prince on his tape deck in the basement,  he says someone is crying but when you play it backwards it sounds like laughter...

If you play that part in the film in its surround sound format and remove the dialogue and sounds from the film you are left with just the song which you then play backwards...

Go away, I don't want to go to hell...

Lucifer we can hear you now...

Would you save your own life..

Go to hell...

I don't want to go to hell, I want to go to Heaven...

For me in the audio it sounds like Prince is a little boy who has asked for help perhaps in stopping his Father beating his Mother and now that his Father has shot himself and the suffering for his Mother will end he is scared of what Lucifer might expect of him. The voice in the audio telling him to 'Go to Hell' is that of a woman... Darling Nikki perhaps? Old Nik...? She offered him everything money could buy if he just signed his named on the dotted line... Sold his soul to the devil?
Lucifer, Old Nik, Satan are all the same thing... He was but a child asking for help in a traumatic situation and this was the little boy in him speaking.

My son had extracted the audio and found the extra layers hidden beneath. He has compiled the scene and the reversed version (at different speeds with some effects to make the vocal clearer)... Prince is still connected and surprising us, even after death. Enjoy x

Some stills from the scene.

The Life Force of DNA

The Life Force is said to be two longitudinal lines or wave forms, could one be from your
Mother and the other from your Father. Acoustic sounds also create longitudinal wave forms.

Are we merely a sound from The Universe.

A child only truly needs both parents at this stage of their lives, anything after that point is
just a bonus.

From these two lines combined we create new life.......... twin lines in a spiral like the Hermes
messenger of The Gods..........

Or like a spiral of DNA............a repetitive helical motion that creates future generations.

The black line of the Mother combined with the white line of the Father touching in
different places to create the grey line of the Child. A new and vibrant life form is born
out of them as a Holy Trinity. The created Universe comes out of the three perhaps when
two combine they create an energy whilst the helix is under pressure which gives off an
energy which becomes the Child.

Mother and Father could also create the hash tag shape for the Bagua........

  Vertical white masculine energy and black horizontal feminine energy.