Wednesday 1 December 2021

Much Ado About Nothing in The I Ching and DNA Worlds


Here we have the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal which starts the crystals journeys from Hexagram number 1GGG until all 64 codons fit inside a crystal. Three of them hold 12 codons 1 holds 24 codons and 1 holds just 4. 

Whichever crystal you set out all six of them will have a number Hexagram opposite to them as a match Hexagram 1 and 2 for example. The four cardinal points will have a relationship too. The 8 other codons down each side will pair up to a Hexagram but also the opposite DNA to them will be found within the crystal too E.G. ACC 3/2 Hexagram 24 matches Hexagram 23 CCT 2/8 but it also finds it opposite in TGG 4/6 Hexagram 43…… this case the Hexagrams create one pairing but the DNA codon itself and the Nine Star Ki create another pairing. 

The numbers have opposite partners too for Nine Star Ki…..

                                        1    2    3    4    7
                                        9    6    4    3    8

ACC matches TGG…..3/2 matches 4/6…..and they cancel each other out. 

                                        C        G
                                        C        G
                                        A        T

The whole set of 64 codons work in the same way so each crystal has the “other one of the pair” in its opposite position on the crystal which cancels it out. Every crystal without exception works the same way.

We also know that The I Ching itself if drawn up of Jin and Jang lines which will cancel itself out and be as nothing. 

I only give the example here of the 6/6 crystal but all six of them work in the same way pretty much determining for us that life is a whole lot of nothingness. Or as Shakespeare might say “Much ado about nothing”. 

Whenever we know one thing we can work out what “the other” will be as though we have one in this local world we live in and ‘the other’ in the non local or virtual world and we can call on it if required. 
If we have half a crystal we can work out ‘the other’ half, if we have just one string of DNA we can work out ‘the other’ side. One without ‘the other’ could not exist. Perhaps everything starts with “the other” side and however strong my intention is determines whether I manifest ‘the other’ in this realm. After all desire has its roots in the Non Local and it will be up to me to make it real. 

Remember life is much ado about nothing but isn’t it great. Enjoy your thinking. X 

Even when we make keys of the DNA we see how opposites are attracted to each others Jin and Jang. X

Thursday 4 November 2021

The Fabric of Life through The I Ching


Sometimes we can see so clearly how The I Ching Works take 2 of eacj of 8 threads of colour and just weave them together into the fabric of life. It could go on forever but below lets see the version that contains just one set of I Ching lines.

So we have all 64 I Ching Hexagrams represented here. Below lets see Hexagram 47 which is 1/7 in Nine Star ki and see how it has a little box of numbers to represent the full quota for the number centred base.

Hexagram 47 is 1/7 in Nine Star Ki TGC in DNA Codons musically C F# B planets Mercury and Venus, creating Cysteine, and The Ruminator Shape………….so much from a set of 16 ribbons interweaving. See how simple life can be x 

Described as plain weave when fabrics are at 90* angles to each other. X 

The I Ching has a Merry Christmas

This is The I Ching known as The Word based on 28143976

We have the twin triangles of Grand Trines pairing up at the top of each tree. Making 4 codons. One would become the tree face and the other the rear view of the tree. The second layer has three Hexagrams to each side of its triangle making up 6 codons. The third layer also has 3 to each side making 6 codons. The bottom layer is heavier having 6 codons to each side of the tree, remembering to double up on all these figures as the same quantity appears to the rear of the tree. 

The next observation is the way the Hexagrams pair up to each other e.g. 1 with 2 -  47 with 48…. the even number always come first and pairs with an odd number, but notice how they tie together swinging their strings of tinsel through the tree in different ways… side of the tree will create different patterns than the other but there is still uniformity with them all as they meet up on the Christmas Tree of Life. 

Have a wonderful Christmas x 

Our DNA World of Triangles

 Here we see twenty variations on a theme of DNA Triangles all 64 codons can be made by reading the colours around the edge of each triangle….obviously all one colour triangles only make one codon e.g. Yellow, Yellow, Yellow creates only GGG. 

A more complicated way of making a pattern of all 64 codons which can be read forwards or backwards is in a pattern of 36 triangles which is the least required to create all 64 codons in one pattern.

This pattern has a very crabby shape but they can be long and thin or condensed as this one is. All 64 codons can be read in this one simple pattern. 

Of course later we advance to each codon having its own particular shape from a choice of 8 different triangles as seen above…….The All White one being The Grand Trine, the darkest pink to being The Worker and the others in between The Teacher, The Lecturer, The Ruminator, The Alternator, The Thinker and The Magician. Still triangles but now showing a preference for the angles of their particular triangle. 

Even the artworks of Joe Tilson scream out to talk to us of DNA and yet this particular image was inspired by artworks in Venice……….what were they inspired by. 

If we zone in on a particule hexagonal shape of six triangles in the above image we get this pattern and it containes 12 variations on a theme of DNA within it. 

Moving anticlockwise we have TAT ATG GTC GCA CAT ATA then go clockwise….ATA TAC ACG CGT GTA TAT so 12 codons here but notice when they are a pallindrone it reduced the count to ten as ATA and TAT appear twice. So from this one hexagon or hexagram you can make 10 codons. 

So remember you are a part of this inspirational thing called DNA make sure your patterns work well for you x 

Thursday 14 October 2021

The Patterns in life

If you go in one direction and things are not working out for you then perhaps a change of direction is required. Oblique changes can be more effective when life gets difficult and where it includes interactions with other people. My past is influencing my present and without doubt will shine through in my future………as examples…...if my past life consisted of being part of a repressed religious group, then my present will be coloured accordingly but my future can be amended now………… past in slavery is my current battle with racism, how might I change that future. As a man getting bad press these days, how might I change my attitude towards women?  I want no parallels in my future no right angles to the same old path I want change…… might well be acute showing a perception that I know where I am going and have insights that might guide me, or even obtuse, annoyingly insensitive or showing a lack of understanding of a situation despite having been here before. Or a sense of being misunderstood.  So knowledge can come through and help guide the future but if no effort is made to understand the position you find yourself in now then change for the better in our futures could be lost. So let the past be your guide as it will be in situations we seem to repeat throughout our lives but not to be proof positive that it cannot be changed. Small changes make brighter futures. Some childhood betrayals seek to form a pattern, a thread throughout our lives but they don’t have to. Take abandonment issues, if you expect to be abandoned over and over again you will be but if you have faith and keep on trying, yes you may well experience abandonment again but eventually that pattern will change if you can just bring yourself to believe it. Do we seek out more betrayal whilst we work through this pattern, only to look back and feel… abandoned. It's a pattern that needs you to drop a few stitches and change it. What comes up for you over and over again? Can you see a pattern that you might be able to change. Do it now and remember fear and past expectations hold you back more than anything else……..who knew triangles guided our world so much x

Tuesday 12 October 2021

The I Ching 1/7 TGC as a household Rug


So many things we can make for the home interiors from The I Ching patterns x 

A Nine Star Ki Block of DNA based on TGC 1/7 at its Centre


Here we have a block of Nine Star Ki which has been changed into DNA codons…….imagine all sides have the same codon……….can you fill in the rear view of the cube with its missing codons. ?

Wednesday 29 September 2021

DNA Codons in the Bee’s Hive of Life


Interestingly today I saw a TV show about honey bees and they removed a slat from the hive and scraped off the top layer of hexagons only to find underneath the literal building blocks of life…….AGC is the rear view of CGT in the Crystals of The I Ching. Of course many other DNA Codons can be found in just one cube but the top of the Honey was crystal - hexagon shaped which could be the front of the building block and to the rear we have the rear view of a building block of DNA……..those Bees know a thing or two. 

Monday 27 September 2021

The 6 Keys of The I Ching in Nine Star Ki numbers

 Here we see the key to the gates of the I Ching……..

Here we see the lines of The I Ching (TIC) at the top we can the connection between 1 and 9 even when you flip one side over it will still read the same lines. 

Then we have 2 and 6 and again they pair up but if you flip them over they will read the same in as much as the same is also the opposite. 

Then finally we have 3 and 4 pairing up but you can flip them over and have a pairing of 8 and 7. Its interesting that all the alerts in TIC Crystals are caused between the numbers 3,4,7 and 8. 

The red tips are the magnetic lines of Jin and the white tips are the dynamic lines of Jang that are attracted to the magnetic lines of Jin. Only 6 keys needed to produce one part of the 6 line I Ching. Adding a height to the gate or key. 

They would make nice gates at turnstiles. X

Sunday 19 September 2021

October, 2021 6/6 Nine Star Ki at Centre


I couldn’t help but notice that next month from the 8th October, 2021 we move into a nine star ki centre of 6/6 but also the Ming Gua or destiny number is also a 6 giving us a potential 6/6/6 for October. I also observe that in the fire house we have the number 9 and for the time number is 1 year number and also number 1 month giving us 9/11. Does this denote anything at all.

The usual nine star ki number is written in the top left hand corner of each square and the new nine star ki created by the integer of the two numbers in each square for example in the usual number 4 position we have two number 5’s 5 + 5 =10 and 1 + ) = 1 hence in the top right hand corner you find the number 1. The numbers 9 and 9 are in the North East 8 position and also add up to 9 - 999 do we need help.? 

The 7 position is also 8 + 8 = 16 1 = 6 = 7 so two numbers 7’s for good luck and they have two number 8’s which support the number 7. 

Purely conjecture……….. x 

Thursday 9 September 2021

September 2021 and its Nine Star Ki and DNA Codons

 September, 2021(all at 6’s and 7’s)

        6-6                6-2                6-4

        GGG            AAA            AGG

        3                        8                  1

        6-5    (8)        6-7                6-9

        AAG            GGA            GAG

        2                        4                   6   

        6-1                 6-3                6-8    

        AGA             GAA            AAG

        7                    9                    5

        C    Nil      -   T    Nil

        A     14       - G    13

I settled on 6/5 being a 6/8 to give a fairer balance to A and G. They can pair up too so if we choose 6/8 AAG it can pair up with 6/3 GAA as we know 3 and 8 have a relationship. 6-4 AGG relates to 6-7 GGA and as we know 4 and 7 have a relationship…….and so on. A and G are the only two letters of DNA Codons found this month but of course the invisible line would contain C and T as their opposites but interesting that the numbers 6 and 2 at centre contain only A or G all other numbers contain all four letters C T G A.

Every Nine Star Ki of 2021 starts with the number 6 and then the individual months give us the second number. 

Musically C# D F F# A A# are the only notes played throughout the year. . . . . B Major although the actual notes appear in C# Major as well. 

Note the Integers of the nine star ki produce a map as follows…

        3        8        1

        2        4        6

        7        9        5

If you draw a line from 1 to 9 it will give you the same Sigil of Saturn that all 9 numbers usually give. The Integers of the numbers they form 3 + 8 + 1 = 12 which is 1 + 2 = 3 as do all rows vertical, horizontal and diagonal. 

Patterns within the month of September, 2021 enjoy your thinking. X

Monday 30 August 2021

Thoughts on Astrology - I Ching - DNA - Nine Star Ki

There are times when I look at astrology and think it’s simply divine and then others when I think what complete and utter nonsense. Thats usually when trying to make predictions (hides the word idiot) or when you want to tell someone who they are and what they will be which is nonsense as everything in life is fluid and what you might experience at one age you may never experience again so how can it be in any way controlling your way of life. That said all great people like Isaac Newton, Einstein, Copernicus and so on even Stephen Hawking I bet …..have looked at astrology and made some sort of discovery. For me I started with a circle divided into 12 sections. Those sections were divided into four different elements and then they were also divided into three qualities Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. So 12 - 3 and 4 are prominent numbers for the division of an astrology chart. The letters of DNA are made up of four letters from which you make 3 choices and this creates a DNA Codon. 12 DNA Codons make a crystal of The I Ching so we have gone from studying astrology to studying DNA and the human being. Both get you there but finding patterns within patterns interests me more than prediction or character assessment or assassination. That hasn’t stopped me making up the Who am I Codons of Hexagrams and DNA from Hexagram 1 to Hexagram 64 which gives some form of insight into the nature of a DNA Codon or Nine Star Ki numbers. For example being born in Spring will make you different from someone born in Autumn………take 1/7 Nine Star Ki is DNA Codon TGC and they are born in spring but the same codes will apply to a 1/7 born in December………so very different in some ways but the same in others. All codes and data are for making things up like a recipe and yes they will both be 1/7 TGC but one will be full of the joys of spring and the other looking into the darkness of winter ahead………one has reaped the harvest and has seeds a plenty to plant out for Spring. If the harvest doesn’t come in then spring may not be so full of joy. So many ways the same thing can be changed.  Using your date of birth is just one way of creating your who am I……other ways are dice throwing…………dominoes………throwing sticks…….. flicking a coin…..all will give a result. For example the I Ching is perfect when you have a question so lets make the question am I talking sense……. I will now randomly throw my Rosalind Franklin 50p coin to determine six choices of heads (full Jang line) or tails (Broken Jin line)……I promise you I will be honest…


So Broken - Broken - Solid - Broken - Broken - Broken…….this creates Nine Star Ki of  8/2 and DNA Codon CCA Hexagram 15 it sits in the SW facing North East - Amino Acid Proline - Double Crystal - D# G A - Saturn Saturn - 120* x 60* x 180* The Alternator Aspect shape. - Hydrophobic

Hexagram 15 Temperance… Integrity, Modesty, a symbol of humility, moderation, yielding and being humble.  Modesty is needed in your attitude,  allow yourself to be led without resistance. A humble person is thought of as having an open mind without prejudice. Only a person who understands the Tao can know when to stop or disregard what they have and appear as though they have nothing. 

That makes sense to me there are times when working on Who am I codes that I have had to appear as though I have nothing because it is the better choice to make.  There is one particular code that makes me shiver a little and when I come across those who have wronged others they have had these numbers and fit perfectly the scenario being painted. It makes me question whether we can change or are we born into a certain set of circumstances and then we can begin to change and adapt them throughout our lives. Nothing is beyond change so even the more difficult starting points can do something about it. 

The Alternator.......a dynamo that generates an alternative choice or current.e.g. Petrol or diesel - gas or electricity – medicine or homeopathy. Or having an alternative view in order to avoid litigation rather than remaining fixed. One of two possibilities are always available here.........they can take turns but they only get two choices and may slip from one to the other when feeling indecisive.

Musically D# G A creates The Alternator shape and 8/2 is on the left hand Pillar of the balanced and harmonious music of the spheres.  Both planets are Saturn so there is much to learn here and a responsible attitude must prevail this is important work. CCA is hydrophobic so the letters prefer to appear on the inside of a DNA Strand. 

Learning the very most you can about yourself is the key to good astrology and learning how life works in its many patterns can lead to break throughs in medicine, science and religion. Just remember to remain humble and learning as much as you can without letting pride in your work ever become more important. 

The Solfeggio frequency 8/2 plays at is 8 5 2 …works for both February and November…

Spiritual Enlightenment - redirects the mind away from overthinking or intrusive thoughts, these thoughts can play a role in depression and anxiety. Psychological ailments can be helped with this sound vibration. Musical therapy. (852)

Remember you can only create with your thoughts that which you are capable of reaching………DNA Pairs are said to be a form of language so those thoughts must be able to influence our DNA as it send messages to itself and then reshapes a situation accordingly.

Be positive whenever possible because you attract ……..and if your having dark thoughts you can expect to attract something that will feed on them.

Enjoy your thinking and keep it pure. X

Saturday 28 August 2021

The DNA Crystal looking like the Pantograph

 Here we see an image of the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal and its DNA Codons by colour starting at Hexagram 1 GGG all yellow………this image reminds me of fencing for climbing plants but apparently it has a much more interesting image, the Pantograph. 

So when you open it out you can draw an object larger or smaller but the same …

Like a spring open or closed……..but like DNA also… when drawing T with one side of the Pantogram you also draw a larger or smaller version of the T as an A on the other side…..or C would create G on the other side. 

All hypothetical of course but I couldn’t help but notice the similarities. The three letters of DNA GGG could also be. . . Large medium and small so depending on which way you are reading them you could say the first letter is largest so you know its the first. X

Friday 13 August 2021

Data for One year in Nine Star Ki - 1 Year

 No 1 year: 1954 ………my own year and any other one year…

February…Nine Star Ki 1/8 - DNA Codon CAT - Amino Acid Histidine - Hexagram 4 - Sitting in the West facing East full of Eastern promise a new dawn is coming - Double Crystal - Music D# F G# - Ri Fa Si -  Planets Mercury and Saturn - Hydrophilic - Aspect Shape Teacher 60 x 90 x 150 - Frequency 852 - appears twice in the year.

March… Nine Star Ki 1/7 - DNA Codon TGC - Amino Acid Cysteine - Hexagram 47 - Sitting in the North East Facing South west a nice sunny afternoon kind of feeling - 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal - Music C F# B - Do Fi Ti - Frequency 741 Planets Mercury and Venus - Hydrophobic - appears twice in the year. 

April… Nine Star Ki 1/6 - DNA Codon TGT (Harmonious) - Amino Acid Cysteine - Hexagram 6 - Sitting in the South facing North cool in the shade not much light here - 8/4 - 7/3 Crystal - Music C F# G# - Do Fi Si - Frequency 639 - Appears twice in the year. 

May… Nine Star Ki 1/5 - as five does not appear in The I Ching we will amend this to read 1/2 as we already have two 1/8’s in February and November - Nine Star Ki 1/2 - DNA Codon CAC - Amino Acid Histidine - Hexagram 7 - Sitting in the SE facing North West sitting in the rich SE facing the more barren potentially religious NW - 8/3 - 7/3 Crystal - Music D# F B - Ri Fa Ti - (Harmonious) Frequency 528 (1/2 frequency 396 may apply even though 5 cannot be used) - Planets Mercury and Saturn - Hydrophilic - Aspect Shape The Alternator 60 x 180 x 120 - appears twice in a year. 

June… Nine Star Ki 1/4 - DNA Codon CGT - Amino Acid Arginine - Hexagram 59 - Sitting in the South West facing North East can be a dark corner - Double Crystal - Music D# F# B - Ri Fi Ti - Frequency 528 - Planets Mercury and Jupiter Aspect Shape The Teacher 90 x 60 x 150 - appears once in the year. 

July - Nine Star Ki 1/3 - DNA Codon TAC - Amino Acid Tyrosine - Hexagram 40 - Sitting in the East facing West enjoy those sunsets - 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal - Music C F B - Do Fa Ti - Frequency 417 - Planets Mercury and Jupiter - Aspect shape The Ruminator 150 x 180 x 30 - Neutral - Appears once in the year. 

August… Nine Star Ki 1/2 - DNA Codon CAC - Amino Acid Histidine - Hexagram 7 - Sitting in the SE facing North West sitting in the rich SE facing the more barren potentially religious NW - 8/3 - 7/3 Crystal - Music D# F B - Ri Fa Ti (Harmonious) - Frequency 396 - Planets Mercury and Saturn - Hydrophilic - Aspect Shape The Alternator 60 x 180 x 120 - appears once a year. 

September… Nine Star 1/1 - DNA Codon CGC - Amino Acid Arginine - Hexagram 29 - Position at the centre of everything  - 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal - Planets Mercury and Mercury - Music D# F# B - Aspect shaope The Lecturer - 90 x 150 x 120 - Hydrophilic - appears once in the year. 

October… Nine Star Ki 1/9 - DNA Codon TAT - Amino Acid Tyrosine - Hexagram 64 - Sitting in the North West facing South East rich growth of the morning - 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal - Planets Mercury and Mars - Music C F G# - Do Fa Si - Aspect shape The Lecturer 150 x 90 x 120 - appears once in the year. 

The shapes appear like this within the astrological circle…

Musical notes….

Musically a choice of C D# F F# G# B …….

The year that fills in all the blanks of a one year is the number 9 year. 

Tuesday 10 August 2021

Nine Star Ki 4 Year 2023 - Data for 4 Years


Number 4 year 2023…


Aspect shape The Magician - Amino Acid Glutamine -  DNA Codon CAG - Nine Star Ki 4/8 - Hexagram 18 - Direction sitting in the North facing South, a warm sunny position. Hydrophilic - Diamond Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Saturn - music D# F A# - Ri - Fa - Li - appears twice in the year for February and November. Frequency 852


Aspect shape The Worker - Amino Acid STOP Opal - DNA Codon TGA Alert - Nine Star Ki 4/7 - Hexagram 28 - Direction Sitting in the South West facing North East can be a dark corner - Hydro neutral - 8/3 - 7/3 Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Venus - Music C F# A - Do - Fi - La - appears twice in the year for March and December. Frequency 741


Aspect shape The Alternator - Amino Acid Tryptophan - DNA Codon TGG - Nine Star Ki 4/6 - Hexagram 44 - Direction sitting in the East facing West enjoy those sunsets - Hydrophobic - 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Venus - Music C F# A# - Do - Fi - Li - appears twice in the year for April and January. Frequency 639


Aspect shape The Alternator - Amino Acid Glutamine - DNA Codon CAA - Nine Star Ki 4 - 5… five does not appear in The I Ching we amend it to read 4/2 as we already have two 4/8 in Feb/Nov so Nine Star Ki 4/2 - Hexagram 46 - Direction sitting in the West facing East a new dawn is about to begin - Hydrophilic - Double Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Saturn - Music D# F A - Ri - Fa - La - appears once in May and then again in August. Frequency 528 or amended to 285 with a 4/2.


Aspect shape The Lecturer - Amino Acid Arginine - DNA Codon CGG - Nine Star Ki 4/4 - Hexagram 57 - Direction at the centre of everything - Hydrophilic - Double Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Jupiter - Music D# F# A# - Ri - Fi - Li - appears only once in the year. Frequency 417


Aspect shape The Lecturer - Amino Acid STOP Ochre - DNA Codon TAA - Nine Star Ki 4/3 - Hexagram 32 - Direction sitting in the North West facing the rich growth of the South East - Hydro - Neutral - Double Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Jupiter - Music C F A - Do - Fa - La - appears only once in the year. Frequency 396


Aspect shape The Alternator - Amino Acid Glutamine - DNA Codon CAA - Nine Star Ki 4/2 - Hexagram 46 - Direction sitting in the West facing East a new dawn is about to begin - Hydrophilic - Double Crystal - Planets Jupiter Saturn - Music D# F A - Ri - Fa - La - appears once in August but also in May. Frequency 285


Aspect shape The Worker - Amino Acid Arginine - DNA Codon CGA - Nine Star Ki 4/1 - Hexagram 48 - Direction sitting in the North East facing South West a sunny mid afternoon kind of feeling - Hydrophilic - 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Mercury - Music D# F# A - Ri - Fi - La - appears only once in the year. Frequency 174


Aspect shape The Worker - Amino Acid STOP Amber - DNA Codon TAG - Nine Star Ki 4/9 - Hexagram 50 - Direction sitting in the South facing North not much Sun to see - Hydro - Neutral - 8/4 - 7/3 Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Mars - Music C F A# - Do - Fa - Li - appears only once in the year. Frequency 963

So there are just 6 musical notes played throughout the whole of 2023 and they are :

C      D#    F      F#     A      A#   

DO RI FA FI LA LI (I denotes letter has been sharpened)

Missing notes would be C# D E G G# B and these notes are the musical DNA of the following 3 year 2024. So within the space of 24 months all musical notes will be played.

Back to the four year…….

C and D# are the first of the three letters of DNA codons…….F F# are the second letter of a DNA Codon….. A A# are the last third letter of a DNA Codon. So in the four year C Aries 1st house and D# Cancer 4th house are the starting points for the year………F Virgo 6th house and F# Libra 7th house are the middle letters and finally A Capricorn 10th house A# Aquarius 11th house for the final positions.

So shapes that can be made will start at Aries or Cancer and can match with Virgo or Libra and then finally match with Capricorn and Aquarius.

E.G. Aries to Virgo to Capricorn create the aspect shape The Lecturer and so it goes on the shapes made by these musical sounds in the four year are Magician (2), Worker (4), Alternator (4) and The Lecturer (2)…………so The Ruminator for example will not appear in a four year only these 4 particular shapes in different positions.

CGA - CAA - TAA - CGG - TGG - TGA - CAG - TAG are the codons of the four year… together they make these shapes…….musically C D# F F# A A#

Its easy to spot Magicians, Workers, Lecturers and Alternators within the patterns triangles of life. Lacking a pentagram with Sagittarius joining in …….nothing in 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th or 12th houses they are all to be found in the following 3 year.

All years can be worked out in similar ways to this one but I used 2023 because it is the next full year excluding the 5 year which has more complications as it has to become 2 or 8 so I thought an easier version could help you plan your own year out. Have fun. X