Wednesday 30 November 2016

Music, DNA and the Piano Keyboard

Thoughts and images on the Hinge of the Piano...............The Secret Seven white keys and the Famous Five Black keys but what if it should have been 7 Black and 7 White keys...........

Notice in this image that a red line comes from the hinged corner into the centre Orange square
imagine it in motion swaying from side to side animating the keyboard.

Imagine this as a game of ladders able to move up through the notes when two colours together form a ladder.

Of course there is only officially one side to the piano..................we can form all the musical notes of DNA on this piano. C combined with F# is orange in colour F# combined with B is Lime Green in colour and B combined with C is purple..............

Enjoy thinking x

Tuesday 29 November 2016

The DNA Cube or Pair of I Ching Hexagrams The Grand Trine of 33rd degree

Above we see Hexagrams 1 and 2 of The I Ching......we also see the cubes of DNA codons.....
The Numbers of Nine Star Ki..... and the Grand Trines of Water and Air.

Each single triangle or cube can be put together into sets of three to make a DNA codon cube with the face of positive side to the front GGG +1 and the negative or rear side of the cube to the rear
CCC -2. The Triangles making a 6 part Hexagon.
They all express the same thing differently creating variations on a theme of DNA. This one
is the Hexagon version of TGC with CGA to the rear.

We see the position of the cube within a circle at the 33rd degree 33 x 33 x 33. This angle
is perfect for a DNA codon to show you its face. It also creates the star of David within its cube.
So now we have that wonderful symbol of Alchemy the Circle, Square and Triangle working

Interesting to think the Grand Trine (Grand Master) is found in a single a Codon of a a circle.......and so on. The rear view cube also works on the same principles.
The cube is the perfect example of a crystal as in the Crystals of the I Ching. One crystal containing
12 DNA Codons.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Nine Star Ki Motions with The Best of Times

Nine Star Ki is very much like a jigsaw of energies pushing up and down left and right..........

Take an example with Nine Star Ki with 5 at the centre....

Notice how the centre piece is a different shape than the actual jigsaw matter how big the Bagua gets just 9 pieces.....81 pieces........6561 pieces there will only ever be this one centre piece that is this shape all other parts a jigsaw shaped with two dominant points and two subdominant points.

Take position No.  1 or the blue piece it pushes up (South) and out to the left (East) so creates a piece of a jigsaw that is South Easterly in motion ...... No.8 White also moves S.E..... No. 3 Green and number 4 dark blue are both South Westerly.....No. 9 Purple and No.2 Black are both North and west........or North Westerly No. 7 Red and No. 6 Grey are both North and East so are North Easterly in motion.

As a number 1 I was quite happy to think that in the standard 5 centred bagua I am on the up (South) and creative (East).........the South East position is all about growth and Wealth and Prosperity..... hmmm I like the sound of that. The same laws apply to the number 8.  So 1 and 8 push upwards and out into the world..........then numbers 3 and 4 still push upwards but are westerly or turning inwards rather than out into the world. Numbers 9 and 2 are down and out...........hmmmm not sure I like the sound of that and finally numbers 7 and 6 are pushing down but turning inwards.

Number 1 and 8 are moving towards the growth, wealth and prosperity of the S.E. number 4.

Number 3 and 4 are moving towards the South West number 2 position, associated with Land, Property, Banking, Motherhood.

Numbers 9 and 2 are moving towards the North West number 6, which is moving out of chaos
and into order, Heavenly energy, the Law, Church etc.,

Numbers 7 and 6 are moving towards the North East number 8 which is all about knowledge and wisdom and taking the moral high ground, great for motivating you.

So this gives us an idea of the motions of our own Nine Star Ki number but when we see the position of the number 1 in other baguas we see that we should not get too smug too soon. As we move and change position in the bagua our directions change so eventually we all go through the different situations we see above. Oh well it was a nice thought whilst it lasted. Lets take a look at how our numbers and the direction they are pushing to change as the bagua numbers change.

We have number 5 above....

Now 1 - 9 .....

So as our Nine Star Ki Year number moves around the Bagua so too do the chances and opportunities change for if its a good time to move house do so when you are moving in a South West direction........if you need to increase wealth and prosperity do so when your moving in a South East direction and so on...............plan...........plan........and plan some more......try always to be doing the right thing at the right time. South West energy is also good for marriages ........ North East energy motion could be time to have some fun and to get your life in order.......there is no better time to have fun than when you know you have nothing else you should be worrying about. North West energy being described as down and out makes you think these could be lean times for the finances perhaps lazy times might explain the height of summer when you just want to enjoy your hard word if you have worked problem......if you haven't perhaps the down and out feeling might be more of a problem. For me as a number 1.......during 4 and 6 years I might find the lean times. The thing to note is that we all go through similar energies at different times its how we handle them that will make the biggest difference and if we know when the best times are it has to help.

Lots more to think about here for Nine Star Ki. Enjoy.x

The 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal and the X Factor for TGC

This map shows us how we can expand on just one codon of DNA until it starts to repeat
itself again.

Place TGC at the centre of this cross or set of wings and then watch it spread out
moving to the right or Jang direction TGC become GCG, CGA etc., by taking the
final two letters and reproducing them and adding one new letter to the far right..
TGC becomes GCG because GC are the final two letters and T is no longer visible
… take T and move one step clockwise and you have G place G in the third
position and then continue the same way GCG becomes CGA and so on.
Looking to the left hand or Jin side the first two letters are reused TG and the third
letter C is moved one step anticlockwise to produce our next letter A.

Move to the right and its one step clockwise.........move to the left and its one step
anticlockwise.........similar laws exist when creating RNA.

So this set of wings can become a cross by continuing TGC downwards but we
can see above that above the horizon Jang is to the right and below the horizon Jang
is now to the left hand side. So things work much the same way but once again that
double flip has taken place for the pattern to continue.

Once you have once template above the horizon you can simply place any square
along the same line because the whole map when filled in is simply 24 rows of colour.
Even as they appear below they do not change.............notice also how even in rows of

colour they still form Codons that appear in the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal as well.

The Median or your Codon letters TGC in this case are at the centre of it all. x 

Saturday 26 November 2016

Nine Star Ki Directions and the third number..........complete with DNA Codons

All 64 Codons of DNA have a Nine Star Ki set of three numbers so far we have only looked at the first two numbers e.g. 1/7 TGC or 2/2 CCC...............the final number also serves a purpose and in the case of 1/7 the full set is 1-7-8 TGC and in the case of 2/2 it is 2-2-5 CCC. Numbers that create letters that contain only C or G in the DNA Codon are placed in the middle of the circle and the other numbers fan out from there. So 2/2/5 is at the centre and 1-7-8 has a final number 8 which is the North East of the Bagua and thus you will find 1/7 TGC in the 8 position of the North East. Notice with this map that the codon opposite is opposite in many ways.

TGC 1- 7  - 8 is in the North East and its opposite position is 7/1 AGC in the South West .......

The Sitting position faces inwards to its opposite point always facing the centre point.......

8/3 will be opposite 3/8......4/6 will be opposite 6/4 etc., and the last of the three numbers gives you the position it sits on the Bagua........9 Sits in the South .....8 sits in the North East...7 sits in the West... 6 sits in the North West...4 sits in the South East....... 3 sits in the East ..... 2 sits in the South West..... 1 sits in the North.............all three number combinations that end with 5 sit at the centre.  

They cancel each other out as they fall into the black hole at the centre...............some of the centre C or G codons seek out their opposite around the edges of the black hole at the centre they do not always sit in the opposite position. 

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Solo Man's Temple of Life in 36 Triangles Creating all 64 Codons of DNA within its pattern

Choose Triangles pointing both North and South from the selection above. The perfect combination
is 9 Fire, 9 Water, 9 Earth and 9 Air/tree but any combination of 36 Triangles is acceptable. Form a shape made up of a minimum of 36 triangles. In the beginning 40 or more is likely until you can hone your skills and get it down to 36. When you create this pattern it must contain all 64 codons of DNA that can be read in any direction from the pattern itself. So the 36 part image below contains all 64 codons. Some codons read the same whichever way you read them AGA for example..... some TGC become another codon when read backwards CGT so if you remove all possible duplications from the 64 codons of DNA you have only 40 Codons as shown below as 24 of them read a codon backwards. Have fun making your own patterns.

                                                                            CCC CCT CTC CTT TCT TTT 
                                                                            CCA CTA CTG TCA TCG TTA
                                                                            TTG  GCC CAC CAT CGC TGC
                                                                            TAT TGT CAA CAG CGA TAG 
                                                                            TGA TGG GGC AAT ACA ACG
                                                                            TGG GGC AAT ACA ACG ATA
                                                                            ATG GCG GTG AAA AAG AGA

                                                                            AGG GAG GGG
Eventually you will be able to play the game without the list of codons...........x

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Final Crystal No. 6 - 4/8 - 3/7 Diamond Crystal of DNA Hexagrams and I Ching Patterns

The Crystals of The I Ching
DNA Codons and
Nine Star Ki

Here we will examine the Crystals of the I Ching observing anything we can
because what one might observe another might ignore. If the pattern exists
then there is something to observe.

This is the sixth and final crystal and contains only 4 codons.

               TCA 8/3 *** ALERT  The Teacher Hex 62
            GTC 3/7                          The Teacher Hex 17
         AGT  7/4 *** Alert            The Magician Hex 61
       CAG 4/8                               The Magician Hex 18

Only four codons make up the final crystal so I call it the Diamond Crystal it contains
only those troublesome 3, 4, 7 and 8 numbers ....and two of them are alerts..... the Aspect Shapes are correct and conform to standard. 

If you take all of the crystals and form a Record player from them the Diamond fits nicely into its centre. 

               This final record contains all 64 codons of DNA and plays the music of our lives. 

The crystals cannot help but form patterns of 12 - 24 or 4 which is why I know they are such a 
very important part of The I Ching and DNA Codons............enjoy observing. x 

Crystal No's 4 and 5 working as a Pair - 6/4 - 7/6 and 2/3 and 8/2 DNA Hexagrams and I Ching Patterns

The Crystals of The I Ching
DNA Codons and
Nine Star Ki

Here we will examine the Crystals of the I Ching observing anything we can
because what one might observe another might ignore. If the pattern exists
then there is something to observe.

This is the fourth and fifth crystal and it differs from the earlier three because it is a pair... the Hexagram numbers show us that they cannot be separated.
I have not added the Aspect Shapes here as it will get too busy but they do match up
to the usual partners.  GCC / CCG and GGC / CGG are alerts and do not conform to the
usual standard. Notice how in this particular pattern the outer edges are a matching
crystal and the two inner rows are also a matching crystal but because as we can 
see from the Hexagram numbers they cannot be separated. Even though the 
letters of the DNA Code on its own produce two single rows as we see below they 
have to work together because of the Hexagram numbers. This is why the more data
you have the more you can see these patterns. From the letters below you would
see no problem with creating two crystals until you try to tie them in with the 
Hexagram number. I have listed only the DNA Letters so it does not get to busy looking.

Another way to show you how these two crystals are intertwined is the symbol below. Often twin towers of churches intertwine the same way. 

The inners connecting and the outers connecting. 

There are four alerts in this double crystal......the motion is said to be quadripartite or 
comprised of 4 parts cyclical and rhythmic. 

Patterns within patterns showing us that many thousands of years ago when The I Ching was 
written is was ready for the addition of DNA Codons, Nine Star Ki numbers, Aspect Shapes, 
Directional patterns, Musical Notes, Planetary influence and Amino Acids..... the I Ching
came first and must be respected for the genius it is. 

Just four codons are now missing from this batch the first 5 crystals adding up to 60 the final four coming up next. 

Crystal No. 3 - 8/4 - 7/3 DNA Hexagrams and I Ching Patterns

The Crystals of The I Ching
DNA Codons and
Nine Star Ki

Here we will examine the Crystals of the I Ching observing anything we can
because what one might observe another might ignore. If the pattern exists
then there is something to observe.

 This is the third crystal beginning with Hexagram 54 - GAC

We start at the bottom with Hexagram 54 GAC then we place the last two letters
on top of step to the right and add another letter to the right hand side. This letter
is the next letter clockwise to the one in the first codon which has been ignored.
In this case it is G move one place clockwise to G and you have A. So your first
codon will be GAC and the second ACA continue that way until you have twelve
codons and the thirteenth would start again at GAC. Alongside I have written the
 Nine Star Ki number to match the Codon.

So now we have all 12 of the codons that apply to the Crystal 8/4 – 7/3 so named

after the peaks in the crystal. Notice also how two of these codons are marked ***
which makes them Alerts. The Hexagram numbers are right for them and yet the DNA
letters and the Nine Star Ki numbers are not a conforming match. The numbers can be
made to match by the secondary connection of Nine Star Ki numbers of 3 with 4 and 
7 with 8. 

  Notice in this crystal how the numbers 1, 9, 2 and 6 all appear here but the peaks

and centre are all about 3,4,7 and 8. 1 and 9 appear on the outside at the top of the
crystal and on the inside in the bottom of the crystal. 2 and 6 appear on the inside
of the upper crystal and the outside of the lower crystal. 3,4,7 and 8 appear at the
four cardinal points.
Not all of the Codons conform and we see TGA and ACT are Alerts. All other
codons work the usual way.
With previous crystals we have had the Hexagrams sitting opposite to each other but
in this crystal they form something like a handle on a cup in their matching positions this
is also known as a rotational circulatory motion.
Note in the top pattern of the diagonally moving DNA Codon letters that it's not until
you add the Hexagram number that you see it has to change direction at the top
CTG 8/4 and start to move downwards in order for the Hexagram numbers to be
together they do so but the motion is different from crystal 1 and 2 which are orbital
in motion.
The more data you have Hexagram numbers, Nine Star Ki numbers, DNA Codon
letters etc., the more observations you can make you can also add planets, musical
notes, directions, amino acids, etc., to it and the more observations you can make
I am trying to make this a little more simple to follow so that you see how the
crystals are crying out to be formed. This is what I call the Earth/Air/Metal Crystal as
it starts from the energy of the GAC Metal and Tree with Earth and Tree at the top.
I feel strongly that it has a relationship to our first Crystal the 6/6 – 2/2 and second
crystal 1/1 – 9/9 not as close a relationship as they have to each other but a closeness

The next three crystals form their own relationship.

Crystal No. 2 - 1/1 - 9/9 DNA Hexagrams and I Ching Patterns

The Crystals of The I Ching
DNA Codons and
Nine Star Ki

Here we will examine the Crystals of the I Ching observing anything we can
because what one might observe another might ignore. If the pattern exists
then there is something to observe.

 This is the second crystal beginning which is Hexagram 30 GCG
We start at the bottom with Hexagram 30 GCG then we place the last two letters
on top of step to the right and add another letter to the right hand side. This letter
is the next letter clockwise to the one in the first codon which has been ignored.
In this case it is G move one place clockwise to G and you have A. So your first
codon will be GCG and the second CGA continue that way until you have twelve
codons and the thirteenth would start again at GCG. Alongside I have written the
 Nine Star Ki number to match the Codon.

 So now we have all 12 of the codons that apply to the Crystal 1/1 – 9/9 so named

after the peaks in the crystal.

Notice in this crystal how the numbers 1 and 9 which are at the peaks and centre
appear in the top half of the crystal on the inside but in the bottom half of the
crystal they appear on the outside. 3 and 8 appear outside at the top and 4 and 7
inside at the bottom. All of the Codons work to the Hexagram pattern of letter changes
for example the bottom two TGC and CGA only T and A change into each other
and G and C remain unchanged forming a pair of Hexagrams.
There are no Alerts in this crystal they all conform to the standard. Notice with the
Nine Star Ki numbers that they all match with their compatible partner. For example
at the top we have 3 - 9 which has 9 – 8 on the opposite side and we know 8 and 3
match up as partners. All Nine Star Ki numbers in this crystal conform.
Note in the top pattern of the diagonally moving DNA Codon letters that it's not until
you add the Hexagram number that you see it has to change direction at the top
CGC 1/1 and start to move downwards in order for the Hexagram numbers to be
together. Another observation is that there are no number 2's or 6's in this crystal.
The Aspect shapes also work well with each other The Ruminator and The Worker
are happy together ...and The Lecturer appears at all the Cardinal points. 

The more data you have Hexagram numbers, Nine Star Ki numbers, DNA Codon
letters etc., the more observations you can make you can also add planets, musical
notes, directions, amino acids, etc., to it and the more observations you can make
I am trying to make this a little more simple to follow so that you see how the
crystals are crying out to be formed. This is what I call the Fire/Water Crystal as
it starts from the energy of the CGC all Water codon. I feel strongly that
it has a close relationship to our first Crystal the 6/6 – 2/2 Crystal.

Crystal Number 1... 6/6 - 2/2 DNA Hexagrams and I Ching Patterns

The Crystals of The I Ching
DNA Codons and
Nine Star Ki

Here we will examine the Crystals of the I Ching observing anything we can
because what one might observe another might ignore. If the pattern exists
then there is something to observe.

 We shall start the crystals at the beginning which is Hexagram 1 GGG 6/6
We start at the bottom with Hexagram 1 GGG then we place the last two letters
on top of step to the right and add another letter to the right hand side. This letter
is the next letter clockwise to the one in the first codon which has been ignored.
In this case it is G move one place clockwise to G and you have A. So your first
codon will be GGG and the second GGA continue that way until you have twelve
codons and the thirteenth would start again at GGG. Alongside I have written the
 Nine Star Ki number to match the Codon.

So now we have all 12 of the codons that apply to the Crystal 6/6 – 2/2 so named
after the peaks in the crystal.

Notice in this crystal how the numbers 2 and 6 which are at the peaks and centre
appear in the top half of the crystal on the outside but in the bottom half of the
crystal they appear on the inside. 3, 4, 7 and 8 appear inside at the top and outside
at the bottom. All of the Codons work to the Hexagram pattern of letter changes
for example the bottom two TGG and GGA only T and A change into each other
and G remains unchanged forming a pair of Hexagrams.
There are no Alerts in this crystal they all conform to the standard. Notice with the
Nine Star Ki numbers that they all match with their compatible partner. For example
at the top we have 2 – 8 which has 3 – 2 on the opposite side and we know 8 and 3
match up as partners. All Nine Star Ki numbers in this crystal conform.
Note in the top pattern of the diagonally moving DNA Codon letters that it's not until
you add the Hexagram number that you see it has to change direction at the top
CCC 2/2 and start to move downwards in order for the Hexagram numbers to be
together. Another observation is that there are no number 1's or 9's in this crystal.
The Aspect shapes also relate well to each other The Alternator/Lecturer and Alternator/
Thinker with Grand Trines on all Cardinal points. The Alternator is so called as it sometimes
befriends the Thinker and other times The Lecturer..... obviously it likes to learn. 

The more data you have Hexagram numbers, Nine Star Ki numbers, DNA Codon
letters etc., the more observations you can make you can also add planets, musical
notes, directions, amino acids, etc., to it and the more observations you can make
I am trying to make this a little more simple to follow so that you see how the
crystals are crying out to be formed. This is what I call the Heavenly Crystal as
it starts from the Heavenly energy of the GGG codon. I feel strongly that it has
a close relationship to our second Crystal the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal.

Monday 21 November 2016

The Alerts in Hexagrams of The I Ching and their Partnership with DNA Codons

The Alerts...these Hexagrams are not a perfect match ...

Hex 61 AGT 7/4 The Magician - Hex 62 TCA 8/3 The Teacher...
Hexagrams match... DNA Codons do not match … Nine Star Ki
match only in the second less obvious variation... The Magician
and The Teacher are a match.
Hex 27 ACT 3/8 The Ruminator - Hex 28 TGA 4/7 The Worker
Hexagrams match...DNA Codons do not match... Nine Star Ki
match only in the second less obvious variation... The Ruminator
and The Worker are a match.

Hex 51 GCC 3/3 The Lecturer - Hex 52 CCG 8/8 The Lecturer
Hexagrams match... DNA Codons do not match... Nine Star Ki
do match...Lecturers are a match.
Hex 57 CGG 4/4 The Lecturer - Hex 58 GGC 7/7 The Lecturer
Hexagrams match.... DNA Codons do not match... Nine Star Ki

 match.... Lecturers are a match. 
So we take Hexagrams 47 and 48 as an example they sit opposite each
other in the Crystal. The Bottom is Positive and the top is negative. TGC
matches CGA in the manner of the Hexagrams letters of DNA. 4/1 and 1/7
are matching numbers in Nine Star Ki.....and finally The Ruminator and
The Worker are a match in aspect shapes too. So this particular pairing
in the Hexagrams and DNA Codons are a perfect match in all ways.

The ALERTS 27/8 and 61/2 have found ways to match.........whereas
51/2 and 57/8 match in all ways except their DNA Codon letters. These
remain unmatched although they do match in their Nine Star Ki numbers.
So only 51/2 and 57/8 have not found a way to match all aspects required
of them. I wonder in what ways that causes problems in creating DNA

I now have a new set of rules for the purposes of matching I Ching
Hexagrams as pairs.

Rule 1: Hexagrams come in pairs ranging from 1 with 2 all the way
to 63 with 64.

Rule 2: Each Hexagram is formed from two numbers which together
form a two piece set of Nine Star Ki numbers …... the first
number comes from the left hand vertical column and is
associated with the year of your birth......the second number
comes from the horizontal row of numbers across the top of
the I Ching which is also based on your month number. This
gives you the Nine Star Ki number.

Rule 3: These numbers can be drawn as lines of I Ching and from them
DNA Codon letters can be worked out. 3 lines are drawn for
each number and the year number is at the bottom and the three
lines of the month number are placed on top of them. Now you
put together line 1 and 4.......line 2 and 5..........line 3 and 6.....
they then give us the three letters of the DNA codon.

In this case it matches up 3 Jin lines which is 2 and on top
of that place 3 Jang lines which is 6 giving us a Nine Star
Ki of 2/ those lines 1 and 4 T... 2 and 5 T... 3 and
6 … gives us a DNA Codon of TTT.

Now you have the basic rules for making up DNA Codons
and Nine Star Ki numbers from the Hexagrams of I Ching. 

Variations on a Theme of DNA I Ching and Nine Star Ki

Variations on a Theme of Nine Star Ki I Ching

A solid white line is a Jang line in this particular variation and nothing is Jin. You
could say Jang is switched on and Jin is switched off. We have numbers 1 to 4 and
6 to 9. In I Ching lines number 5 does not feature. Notice how numbers 1 and 9
are opposites Jang in 1 is Jin in 9 and vice versa. Numbers 2 and 6 also have the
same opposites type of connection number 2 is off or empty so all Jin and number
6 has three Jang lines so is full or on. Numbers 1, 2, 6 and 9 never appear in the
Hexagrams with alerts in them they are simple opposites so if you flip them
over they will read exactly the same thing.

Number 3 matches to number 8 but in a different way these read the same when flipped
over. Flip 3 you have 8. The same flip rules apply to numbers 4 and 7. This is very
likely the reason 3, 4, 7 and 8 create problems or alerts.

We see that 1 and 9 and 2 and 6 match by opposites where one has Jang the other has
Jin. We also find that match between the numbers 3 and 4 and 7 and 8 so they now have
two ways of matching to each other.

When a crystal of DNA is made from the I Ching Hexagrams they have a base then five
Hexagrams move up the left hand side to the top where one more Hexagram appears
then it moves down the right hand side to the bottom – 12 Hexagrams in all. Once it
turns at the top it starts to read the Hexagrams upside down and herein lies the cause or confusions between the Numbers of Nine Star Ki and The I Ching.
The Alerts...8 of the Hexagrams that do not conform to standard. 

Hex 61 AGT 7/4 - Hex 62 TCA 8/3
Notice in this pairing G becomes C instead of T or A changing
The Nine Star Ki numbers do not match either. Yet if we say they
do match in the second variation it would work. Instead of 3 and 8 and 4
and 7 we can put 3 and 4 together and 7 and 8 together.

Hex 27 ACT 3/8 - Hex 28 TGA 4/7
Notice in this pairing C becomes G instead of T or A changing –
the Nine Star Ki numbers do not match either but again the second
variation on numbers would work.

Maybe this had to occur because if you read AGT backwards swopping T
and A you would get AGT so no change would occur. ACT would also read
ACT backwards, TCA would remain TCA and finally TGA would remain TGA. So they have got together and swopped top hexagrams in order to make sure change occurs. So swopping the way we have means that the second
variation of matches in Nine Star Ki has to be used.

Hex 51 GCC 3/3 - Hex 52 CCG 8/8
Notice in this pairing GCC should become GGC but the Nine Star Ki
numbers do match in the original variation of one flip over.

Hex 57 CGG 4/4 - Hex 58 GGC 7/7
Notice in this pairing CGG should become CCG but the Nine Star Ki
numbers do match in the original variation of one flip over.

So the Hexagrams can find other variations in order to match up if the
first variation does not fit. When creating crystals we know the first
match is being opposite the next Hexagram number. Then the Nine
Star Ki numbers need to find a match and finally the DNA codons
need to find a match. Between them the alerts have managed to find
at least one way to match to get by. 

The direction in which the DNA Codon is read can make all the difference to
what you read and see. x 

I now have a new set of rules for the purposes of matching I Ching
Hexagrams as pairs.

Rule 1: Hexagrams come in pairs ranging from 1 with 2 all the way
to 63 with 64.

Rule 2: Each Hexagram is formed from two numbers which together
form a two piece set of Nine Star Ki numbers …... the first
number comes from the left hand vertical column and is
associated with the year of your birth......the second number
comes from the horizontal row of numbers across the top of
the I Ching which is also based on your month number. This
gives you the Nine Star Ki number.

Rule 3: These numbers can be drawn as lines of I Ching and from them
DNA Codon letters can be worked out. 3 lines are drawn for
each number and the year number is at the bottom and the three
lines of the month number are placed on top of them. Now you
put together line 1 and 4.......line 2 and 5..........line 3 and 6.....
they then give us the three letters of the DNA codon. 

In this case it matches up 3 Jin lines which is 2 and on top
of that place 3 Jang lines which is 6 giving us a Nine Star
Ki of 2/ those lines 1 and 4 T... 2 and 5 T... 3 and
6 … gives us a DNA Codon of TTT.

Now you have the basic rules for making up DNA Codons 
and Nine Star Ki numbers from the Hexagrams of I Ching. 

Saturday 19 November 2016

Nine Star Ki and the Elements for the Number One Cube

With Nine Star Ki we make the cube of 9 squares to the face but in fact that shows you only the one
face of Nine Star Ki there are always 6 sides to a I show the Number 1 in Nine Star Ki and how its cube looks face on. To be able to make all of the 9 cubes 1 to 9 of the Nine Star Ki you will need 7 of each element and will use all of the for example this is a 1 water cube so all 7 cubes of water have been used even though you cannot see them all inside the cube. Then each number uses various quantities of the elements to make up their own number.

With Water all 7 of the water cubes have been used 2 Black Earth cubes, 3 Tree/Air cubes, 2 Tree/Air
cubes, 3 5 Earth cubes, 3 6 Metal cubes, 2 7 Metal cubes, 3 White Earth cubes and finally 2 9 Fire cubes.  A total of 27 cubes are used at any one time in a full cube of Nine Star Ki leaving 36 cubes
unused. 9 x 7 variations = 63 cubes in total.

Here I show the full quantity of blocks and the reduced quantity of blocks after the cube has been made...........and of course the cube itself. Its very easy to fill in the blanks if you think about it for all 9 of the centre numbers.

Can you fill in the blanks at the rear. x