Wednesday 30 May 2012

Map 327 Images for Solo Man's Temple and energy flows

This is a painting done by my granddaughter when she was 8 years old. It features the symbol for Soloman's Temple which denotes the way energy moves when in a N.E. or S.W. direction.

You can also see the six sided star of David. I can also get the feel for this energy passing through three dimensions there is an angle to it that has depth too.  Energy flowing in a dynamic triangular way.

I wonder if the Hexagrams outer points are also their opposites so the bottom outer is the same as the top inner and the top inner is the same as the bottom inner. Life pushing its way outwards.

This is also the symbol for the HSBC Bank which is red and white.
A red letter day at the HSBC a half opened envelope. A molecule, a crystal, a folded hankerchief etc., so many ways to read symbols.

Map 326 The DNA Circle In a Row

You can see how you could turn it into a cylinder by fixing the two outer verticals together. You can also see the repeating patterns quite easily. I was able to work out that I had one cube coloured wrongly simply because it didn't fit to the pattern. It looks complex but it's simple. If only life could reflect that.

DNA likes to work in steps.

Map 325 12th House Air Quadrant DNA Circle

This is the letter count for the 12th house in the Air Quadrant

This is the colour count for the 12th house of the Air quadrant.

This is the final FIN 12th house of the DNA circle showing the dominance of air is reducing and the earth element is increasing ready to move back into the Earth Quadrant and dominate.

Map 322 9th House of the Fire Quadrant DNA Circle

This is the letters of the 9th house of Fire quadrant.

This is the colours of the 9th house of the Fire Quadrant.

This is the ninth house of the fire quadrant showing the dominance of fire is now fading.

Map 321 8th House Fire Quadrant DNA Circle

This is the letter count for the 8th house in the Fire Quadrant

This is the colour count for the 8th house of the Fire Quadrant

This is the count for the 8th house of the fire quadrant showing though fire is dominant it is now reducing.

Map 320 7th House Fire Quadrant DNA Circle

This is the letter count for the 7th house of the Fire Quadrant

This is the colour count for the 7th house

This is the count for the 7th house in the Fire Quadrant showing the dominance of Fire.

Map 319 Sixth House Water Quadrant of DNA Circle

6th House Water Quadrant letters and Colours

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Map 310 First Quadrant of the DNA circle Earth

This is the first quadrant of the DNA full circle an the order in which they appear. Centre is closest to the middle an Base is closest to the outer edge of the circle.

Monday 28 May 2012

Map 308 All Six Crystals making one Whole

This is all six crystals or all 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching placed in the following positions:

At the centre the Diamond Crystal.
Next outer 8/4 Crystal
Next outer RHS of the Double Crystal
Next outer LHS of the Double Crystal
Next outer 1/1 Crystal
Outer Edge is the 6/6 Crystal.

The Diamond crystal seems to me to be more than happy sitting inside of the 8/4 Crystal.
The double crystal speaks for itself because it it already combined so I don't doubt this is happy as a duo.

This leaves the 6/6 and 1/1 crystals and whilst I feel the 6/6 would fit happily inside the 1/1 and it fits well with the prospect that unless you are born of fire 9/9 and water 1/1 you will not see the kingdom of Heaven. Having said that 6/6 is very much around the outside of the I Ching 64 Hexagram so I have settled for the moment on 6/6 being the most outer circle with 1/1 second to last.

We can see there is a lot of green energy in the first quadrant and that's as it should be for the Earth element and the DNA letter A is situated here so that's right.

We can see from the third quadrant that there is a lot of orange there and this too is correct as this is the quadrant of Fire and DNA letter T.

The second quadrant seems to have a lot of blue but this is not the quadrant I associate with water or DNA letter C.

The fourther quadrant seems to have a lot of yellow but this is not the quadrant I associate with Air/Tree energy or DNA letter G.

Could it be that C and G act like an egg timer and flip over to swop quadrants with each other. Then they would be in the correct positions for their DNA letters.

As you can see the energy moves around in a circle or square shape in its usual position but in the
position of the crystals it moves like infinity does and of course a timer is often in the shape of a figure eight.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Map 307 1/1 Crystal as a cube

This is positive and negative connections of the 1/1 crystal as an alternative view.

Map 306 Diamond Crystal Pos and Neg and its charges

Thia is the Diamond crystal showing the lines of connection between the positive and negative charges. Once together a positive and a negative can vanish to nothing or become something. This crystal contains  only 4 different Hexagrams - Nine Star Ki numbers with the letters of DNA running around the edges.  All of the Hexagrams have their own directions of connectors.

Map 305 - 8/4 Crystal and its Pos and Neg Charges

Thia is the 8/4 crystal showing the lines of connection between the positive and negative charges. Once together a positive and a negative can vanish to nothing or become something. This crystal contains 12 different Hexagrams - Nine Star Ki numbers with the letters of DNA running around the edges.  All of the Hexagrams have their own directions of connectors.

Map 304 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal and its Pos & Neg Charges

Thia is the 6/6 crystal showing the lines of connection between the positive and negative charges. Once together a positive and a negative can vanish to nothing or become something. This crystal contains 12 different Hexagrams - Nine Star Ki numbers with the letters of DNA running around the edges.  All of the Hexagrams have their own directions of connectors.

Map 303 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal and its Pos & Neg charges

Thia is the 1/1 crystal showing the lines of connection between the positive and negative charges. Once together a positive and a negative can vanish to nothing or become something. This crystal contains 12 different Hexagrams - Nine Star Ki numbers with the letters of DNA running around the edges.  All of the Hexagrams have their own directions of connectors.

Map 302 Random Thoughts for The Day

In Conversation with Energy

Every Hexagram has its shadow self. A negative or shadow side of the hexagram behaves just like its positive but with an opposite charge. So for every positively charged hexagram side we will have a negatively charged opposite side. Face and rear view as we have come to know them. When they meet they combine energies and wait to become something or simply vanish unrequited. This shows us that with our own hexagram in my case +47 1/7 TGC there is also a shadow that is always present for me the 1/4 CGA – 48 hexagram. Together I have the 1/7 and 4/1 creating for me scenarios that can become a part of my life's pictures. 

Number 7 Metal - The Spender supports 1 Career - The Worker which in turn supports 4 wealth, prosperity and communications. Well we can see how that might work. Work hard, create wealth, spend it, work hard etc., The treadmill. It can work in other ways though. Working hard because you love what you do and it creates wealth and prosperity as a by product. You are not working hard just because you want money itself. You grow in other ways through your achievements. Money as a by product should be spent rather than stored as you have the ability to make more if you need it. Having wealth means you can afford to be more creative as sevens artistic side can show, having enough money to free you from the mundane to be more artistic. That in turn also becomes a way to create wealth as your work sells. Another treadmill but a more attractive version of it. Love what you do.

DNA is a rhythm or vibration which we decode into time, light, sound, smell and so on. It transmits to us in an abstract form which turns into real time events. So if a gene can regulate time and space then we are the connection, our timeline is our participation in it. We are the clock. We must be ready and not let our batteries run down at an important time in our lives. Stay fully charged for life.

Phosphates acquire electrical charges in water and are ionised by this. Phosphates absorb water and therefore lengthen. Are phosphates Jupiter stretched out on the outside and sugars are saturn tight, dry and reduced in size on the inside. Could this explain the longer versions and shorter versions of DNA molecules. Phosphorus is also heavier.

If something matters in your timeline it means it has passed through an anomaly to get here, what creates that perfect time for matter to manifest. As water is the least solid of the elements I cant help but wonder if it is easier to penetrate the timeline in areas where a string of CCCCCCCC's might be present, this must create a potential portal that is easier to break through. Certainly Hex 2- 2/2 Earth has six jin lines totally open at the centre and that must be an easy target for energy that wants to make a breakthrough. Or is water the first port of call followed by fire and air and resulting in the manifested energy on Earth the most solid of the elements eventually.

You can see from this image that the most obvious thing about it is what you don't see. The centre is invisible yet its what you see about this square. Sometimes we know there is energy around us, we don't see it but we know it's there supporting us and keeping us together. Love is the invisible middle ground of nothingness.

When any two people combine to create someone new they increase their energies two fold so the new person has twice as much in his/her memory bank as the parent. You can imagine as that extrapolates it would be impossible for us to store all of those memories and I think this is why we have a field of consciousness that hold's all our memories for us. We can call on them whenever required or react to situations when we come upon them almost immediately as though we had that information to hand. Could the bank of the number 2 S.W. area be a memory bank too, as in the field of consciousness, storing everything we know in the blackness of the number two area. We cant see anything in the darkness but it's there and available to us at all times.
Some people have been brought up to see wealth as for the rich, not for the likes of us but you will hold yourself back if you see money as the root of all evil. Money does make the world go around and if feeds and clothes us and keeps a roof over our heads. You will find people from all walks of life who see abundance of wealth as a negative, don't join them see it as a means to an end. Freedom and carefree are two of my favourite words and enough money to live a decent life can give you those qualities. The overabundance of life can be seen in our great Cathedral's. Yes, overabundance, but beautiful and something we can all share in. The overabundance of Roslyn Chapel for example creates a sense of pure joy. The overabundance of Chelsea Flower Show creates pure joy. So be as abundant as you can be and share in those treasures.
Love is life and life is a combination of energies constantly passing between us and whatever it is that passes between us in the gap creates everything. The gap is the middle ground filled with love and every experience is love or a chance to learn to love ourselves.
We can meet someone who immediately has an effect on us, we call that love without hesitation because the feelings are so strong. Those feelings abound all day and everyday to attract to us what we need to learn but they are not so strongly felt so we don't see them as love. Objects too can evoke emotions in us for whatever reason. If I see an ornament of an Alsatian dog I am immediately transported to my Paternal Grandmothers house. Time travel. Who knows why a red letter box can be an inspiration to you. Just know that everyone and everything around you should be loved or exchanged because they are creating the feelings you have and they in turn create the life you live. If you don't like something about your life, change it.

I used to live near to this letter box and this large lump of metal stole my heart. Writing a letter and taking it to the letter box was an absolute joy. I wrote more letters when I lived near to this box. It is a common item for making heart's sing so I know I am not alone feeling affection for it.
I heard a story once about the Dali Lama who got up everyday and put on his Rolex watch and saw how beautiful it was and he loved it. This went on for some time until one day he realised how much love he had given this watch and he had never once had his love returned. I get that, but it is still a beautiful watch. In the case of my letter box I feel the love returned. This lump of red metal takes my letters through its mouth and holds onto them until the postman arrives to take them on the next leg of their journey.  So an inanimate object but it serves a purpose. Even the Rolex watch is creating feelings of love. This letter box must also be associated with the energy of the number 7 because it is red, made of metal and it has a mouth. All number 7 qualities. Heavenly.

Whatever is in your heart is your vibration and you can be going along very happily when you find yourself combining energies with someone who makes you feel angry. Your not happy that 'they' have made you feel that way as you were so very happy a moment earlier. Yet he/she is not creating the anger it is in you and he/she is bringing it out to show you who and what you are. Sometimes we learn more from people we don't like and that don't like us but it is all love that passes between us.

Pass your ideas and thoughts on or you will cease to receive them. In Einstein's world of vibration, matter changes vibration into matter which then turns it into vibration and so on, ever changing spirals of energy. It must be presumed that we create our own lives from our thoughts and are responsible for what we attract into them. Give out to the world if you want to be a part of it and not apart from it.

Does DNA get damaged by the water that pours over the Hydrophilic side of the cube creating a need for it to be replaced hence the potential for errors. Crime scene investigations say that DNA has been damaged by its contact with water which is such an important part of DNA that I find this a peculiar fact.

Some peoples vibrations can be the same as ours but an octave higher or lower and this can grate on our nerves if we are in their company for too long. They are not playing our tune. So one TGC may operate very differently from another dependent upon the octave they are working from.

Bring yourself to life by being real and see how it feels to live in the real world rather than continuing to live as sleeping beauty and lying around waiting for someone else to wake you up with a kiss.

Be a crystal clear channel for heavenly energy the sooner an idea passes to Earth the clearer will be its message from the Heavens not so distorted by the people the energy has passed through on its journey. Be a shining light.

Energy travels by moving into another energy and is therefore constantly changing. Quincunx style perhaps, not such a bad aspect after all. We need to be in a state of constant change or we could be in danger of stagnation. Sometimes danger is of our own making.


Saturday 26 May 2012

Map 301 Aspects and My Birth Chart Measurements

As you can see from most of the maps on this blog you only need to be able to see one half of a map to guess what is going to be in the other half. I think thats why the opposition aspect can be challenging but it also sees more of what is going on or has more knowledge of the matter in hand to be able to sort it out. Unlike the square which is still challenging but doesn't have so much vision.

The Quincunx which features large in my chart is all about making changes when you see things are not working out the way they ought. They can be confusing because your best intentions are not received the way you meant them to be so adapting is difficult because you need to be adapting to suit you and your life not to suit others. Getting a handle on the adaptations is what this is all about and lets face it adaptations are usually about improvements and making something better than it was before. Its very much about the clashing elements with this aspect.

Trine aspect is all about a talent you have in life, one that the world cannot fail to see so long as you can be bothered to use it. Latent talent is wasted talent. Use it or the world loses it.

The sesquiquadrate is an energy that can be released through hard work. Bottled up it wont be so good but released in a positive manner and it will work well for you.

The Enlightenment aspect again I would love to call this Solo Man's Temple because something is going on here that brings awareness and light to the world. Love love love this aspect despite its potential for clashes it can also just about straddle three houses e.g. Pisces to Cancer can be 108*
but so can Aries and Cancer and this will play out very differently but still it brings awareness.

Square aspect is so jam packed with energy you can always get done what is required of you, unless you are just plain lazy, then it may work against you.

Quintile another of my favourites this is all about creative output, getting your thoughts and ideas out there.

Sextile is the small talent a growing talent. One that you will be working hard to make something of. This is not like the full grown talent that has become a lazy bones this is an energy that really wants to show itself and with luck it should do just that.

The Wisdom aspect is a division of the chart by lucky 7. So if your a lucky person you may well acquire wisdom along the way. Make sure its true wisdom though and not just because you are a lucky soul. So when a man has been hungry all his life and you want to spout wisdom at him you may not get the response you thought. Avoid condescension not everyone has been quite so lucky.

Semi – square this is less powerful than the square and can bring its own conflicts but will give you the energy to deal with them.

Semi-quintile still a creative thinking energy but can sometimes be a clash between two elements, So adjustments will be required.

Semi-sextile food for thought a small idea that can grow, a seed of potential.

Conjunction is a combination of energies and if they do not have a clash of the planets the combination will have added strength. If you put a biscuit next to an onion in the fridge you might get an onion flavoured biscuit. Not everybody's cup of tea. Learning to love your combinations is what will make your combination energies work at their best. An onion flavoured biscuit would be nice with soup for example. This is your own blend. If it's happening embrace it.

So a little look at how the aspects might work out for you. Not all the aspects above are exact by the colours but I have coloured them because they are likely to be moving towards or away from that aspect soonest.

Map 300 Positive and Negatives of Hexagrams

Each area has a count of eight.

As we can see No. 4 Tree S.E. Corner is mostly Negative energies. Very Jin
                        No. 3 Tree E. Cardinal point is mostly Positive energies. Very Jang
                        No. 8 Earth NE corner is an even balance of Negative and Positive energies
                        No. 9 Fire  S is also an even balance of Neg/Pos and Jin/Jang
                        No. 5 Centre empty
                        No. 1 Water N Cardinal Point is most Positive energies. Very Jang
                        No. 2 Earth S.W. corner is mostly positive energies. Very Jang
                        No. 7 Metal Cardinal Point is mostly negative energies. Very Jin
                        No. 6 Metal Corner is mostly positive energies. Very Jang

Friday 25 May 2012

Map 298 My Playing Card Hex 47

It would be nice to make a pack of 64 or 32 cards showing all the Hexagrams and everything we know about each of them and their shadows. It would be better if the hexagram showed its colours too but unfortunately that is beyond my computer skills at the moment. I wonder who comes up Top Trumps.

Map 295 The Centre Point 3/3 GCC

The 3/3 Focus Point


Hex 51

This hexagram is like lightening out of the blue, a shock, unnerving, unexpected. If you have ever watched a thunderstorm which initially shocks you then fascinates you as you sit and watch and listen it has a powerful effect on you, as though you have been changed somehow.

The shock of the new, brings something to life in you, or on earth, such as plant growth or fresh air. You must keep refreshing that feeling to keep yourself on top form and alive. Sometimes when things stagnate there is a need of a storm to clear the air. Or perhaps an argument to clear the air. Saying and doing nothing is not an option. I am not talking aggression this will not bring out the best in this situation. Look at yourself and see how you can best improve the way you react to life. When things get tough, strengthen your reserves do not fall foul to your fears. Complacency attracts fears as though you somehow know you are stagnating and need to be shocked into action again. Face your fears and if they return you are better able equipped to deal with them.

Through this awareness of self you can reach levels of enlightenment. Growing in light. Going from stillness to movement.

Feelings of anxiety can change the mood of the person quickly and thus the change in you is visible learning why your responses are as they are is the key to awareness. I do this because...........but I see I no longer need to do so.

New beginnings, even births, or starting something new is thunderous energy.

Tree energy is very green and health conscious, it has a medical feeling perhaps because so many medicines are produced from plant life. Greens are worn in operating theatres, trees are known to have a healing effect on patients in hospitals with a green environment. I remember flying over Los Angeles and seeing those buildings reaching for the sky and getting a sense of the power of tree energy as it forces its way out of the ground into the sky. I thought that was strange as they weren't trees but they had the shape of tree energy.

Standing next to a redwood tree as it towers above you fills you with that sense of power. I also love trees so don't need much help in finding them to be powerful, loving and giving. If you know people with 3 energy you will know what I mean. Yes you will get flashes of thunder but its worth the effort because of their loving and giving nature. Trees give us the oxygen we need to live so they must have a similar love for mankind as mankind has for trees.

Have you ever noticed when the world outside is hot but not in a good way, something is hanging in the air, then comes a 'power' shower and everyone can breathe again. Bliss. I guess this is water energy supporting tree energy.

Map 294 The Hexagrams in the Directions











Hexagrams in their Standing Positions

32 22 8 18 37 12 48 13 23
24 57 10 17 30 19 21 2 61
31 64



47 34
46 49 35

44 36 20
3 51

58 38
33 4 9

39 40 26
28 55



63 16
25 52 60 27 29 54 42 1 41
15 59 14 53 6 11 56 7 43

In each section there are two of its own number and none of its opposite. For example there are two numbers 7's in the 7 area and no number 3's.

The hexagrams are in the standing positions for example 1/7/8 is sitting in the N.E. And facing S.W. So in the 8 position.

The numbers 1 to 9 follow the above rules but also each appear in their own numbers slots e.g. number 6 is in the north of the north position and is a 1/6, in the S.W. of the north position is 2/7 and in the east of the north position is 3/8 etc.,

So we have a hexagram for each area showing all numbers except its opposite position and two of its own position. 

I have shown it coloured in by its area element and also just colouring in the empty spaces. 

So once again we can see the pattern exists with double element in its own area and minus one of its opposite elements.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Map 293 6/6 The Centre Point GGG

Th 6/6 Focus Point
GGG – Hexagram 1

The creative is all about the number one. It is rounded a spherical in shape which I guess it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it would fit well with the Big O of the Omega or No. 2 Earth. Number six is also associated with the law and perhaps that is why law papers are rolled up and tied with ribbons. Statues of great importance are often seen to be holding a similar shape.

A roll of parchment which transmits information.....perhaps this is the DNA we bring into this world, the map of our lives. Knowledge is carried from age to age on a scroll of parchment giving ancient wisdom and sacred lessons.

The Power of Heaven with the Sun and Rain...or unless you are born of Fire and Water you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. All Jang energy a primal power house. The creator of patterns in time, a person of strong character, strong in light. Creates order. Heaven over Heaven as above so below, what could be better than Heaven above and below the Earth. This is a power house and thus one that can expect to be successful. A masculine, Fatherly energy whose shadow line is Hexagram 2 The receptive Earth of Motherly energy. I guess this shows us that we are attracted to that shadow of ours.

6 Is a metal energy in Feng Shui yet GGG is Air, Air, Air are the Heavens made in the air, outer space indeed. Whilst No.2 is The Earth it is CCC which is water, water, water. Maybe the blue and green of the Earth is surrounded by the Fire and Air of the Creator.

Map 292 The 2/2 Centre Point - CCC

The 2/2 Focus Point

CCC – Earth – Hexagram 2

The Hexagram number 2 – Nine Star Ki 2/2 – all the two's. If you put two two's together face to face they make a Heart shape. Earth is also an anagram of Heart. You could also say two of them would make the symbol for Omega. Also known as the Big O.

The doorway or entrance. It is also the sign for Leo and we know its good Feng Shui to have two Lions at the entrance to your home.

Number two Earth has six Jin Lines it is completely open, like the Big O, the receiver or receptive. The Field. Possibly the field of consciousness with the entrance via the South West House of the number 2, or Pluto's 8th house of astrology. An intensely deep and powerful place. Friends and/or money also connected here.

The Earth lies peacefully in the field, no apparent motion or activity, but beneath the soil there is a lot going on growth about to come into being. All invisible energies moving through the soil. Formless potential about to manifest.Thunder strikes and the Earth responds.

The colours black and yellow are associated with the number 2, the busy bee who works well with other people infact works best with others around. Black and yellow is said to be mysterious and invisible. Hexagram 2 is devoted to Hexagram No. 1 The receptive Mother Earth with the Creative Father.

Earth people get rich slowly but they get there in the end. A maternal energy that nurtures, follows and has no need to be the leader. The land is all about nature spirits, that invisible energy you can feel but cannot see.

Number two is cosy, safe, secure and familiar. Devotion to those they love is their star quality. Different soils have different growth potential.

Map 291 The Centre Point 1/1 CGC

The Focus Point 1/1 – CGC
Hex 29 Kan

Water – Water. The Abysmal, pitfalls etc., often associated with the water element. Sure its unpredictable, you can sit beside a peaceful lake, you can be beside the seaside, cruising on the Maid of The Mist at Niagara Falls. All water but a very different emotional experience from each. The talk is of fear but if you know the pitfalls and learn from them it wont be long before you become the teacher and there is nothing so beautiful as water. Look at the intricate patterns of the snowflake.

Its a bit like learning Judo because you are being bullied and know you know things are going to be different because you have lost the fear but the bullies also vanished with that fear. You don't need to fight anymore because you know you can if you had to.

Keep your heart alive and your life lively and you will feel safe. Stagnation is not good. Water is a gift from God with healing, cleansing and purifying qualities. You will need routine but not boredom.

Pay your way and do not overextend yourself. Have a solid base to work from but make changes when required and keep that feeling of being alive. Like the feeling you might get standing near to a waterfall. Vibrant and alive.

We are all born with an uneven stone to carve out makes yours beautiful, smooth and rounded like a pebble on the bottom of a stream. Water smooths out even the hardest of surfaces so you will have every opportunity to produce a stone that people will want to touch and caress and smooth out. So long as you know you have friends and your loved you will cope with anything.

If in doubt take that first step and the path will open in front of you if fear is history. No matter the problem there is always tomorrow. Your imagination can create whatever you need. This hexagram is known as the Teachings of Danger but if you are prepared for life's dangers you will be able to teach others how to avoid the pitfalls.

Water is in constant motion dive right in.

As a 1/7 person myself I see the pitfalls of water only too well but I feel this poem is worth repeating now as it definitely tells of the feelings that need to be felt when water is around.  


I feel love,
I feel loved,
I am loved,
I am love,
Move closer,
Closer to me,
For I am you,
And you are me.


Map 290 The Centre Point 9/9 GCG

9/9 G C G – Radiance Hex 30 Li

Expanding light – warmth and awareness. It emphasizes the joining with and depending on what spreads this light. The action is radiance and the way to do so is to congregate.

To catch the bird of brightness. Expansion – raising cattle is auspicious. Illuminates the four regions by his continuous brightness. Moments flash by, you have to catch them right here and now to enjoy something when it happens. Seize an opportunity to realise a flash of insight. Life is full of little birds flying by. (Like rods in the field). Seize them and care for them and they can become bigger and better feeding your life and soul. The sum of all these small things will add up to make a bright and shining life.

The mind can discern and catch those moments. It filters out what is not important and lets them slip through the net leaving the bright birds relevant and visible.

If you are not able to use these little lights as a cause for joy and happiness in difficult times it can be disastrous for you. Open your eyes and look for them, if your heart stays young so will you.

It is not necessary to be perfect it is better to show an honest mistake than to put on a fake show.

One shows oneself most clearly in sorrow, your tears saying more than words, a contact based on rich feelings is rich in value and honesty.

A smile, a joke, a hug have more value, enjoy them in the moment and move on. You don't have to leave a lasting legacy not everything leaves a visible trace.

Remember bankruptcy is only possible with borrowed money.

This is about manifestation making things visible in the world through your mind, brightness awareness and the ability to separate things.

Learning to cope with your feelings of fear and desperation.

A cow is considered to be an animal version of the energy being born and being a farmer of big cattle is a way of your being. Crops are good too but vanish every year, cows stay for longer. The cow is considered to be connected to fire and religion. The divine light is said to have entered the cow hence your need to look after them.

Stay centred and do not stray too far from the middle of things. So you are to manifest on earth things that have not previously been visible.

Map 289 The Centre Point 7/7 GGC

7/7 Hex 58 G G C – Glycine

Open – Tui

This is an Alert

This is about interaction and exchange.....stimulating through cheery and persuasive speech. The action is open, and to be in accord with time you are told to stimulate.

Opening, exchange, harvest. Interdependent lakes a great place to meet and exchange conversation.

Every person waits for the first sign from someone. A babies first sound, or smile. The exchange of the level of openness, the active and vibrating energy that comes from the individuals aura. The energy that is active and emanating from a person.

Being open both inside and outside towards others disperses life giving vibrations around yourself and others. These vibrations are an absolute necessity for life. When you are caught up in others things you do not give these vibrations out but when you are open to receiving them you can also pass them on to others who need them.

People think auras are strange but don't realise how many different colours we all give out varying from wisdom to anger colours or from disgust to love, all changing colours.

Open up, loosen up to exchange these vibrations to gladden and give joy. Happiness with a reason is not real joy, the only joy is the result of purity and strength in the heart. If your reason for joy is taken away then you are not happy this is not real joy.
If you need other people to be happy or to be mentally alive or fill your days then you do not live to be yourself. Deep and relaxed exchanges makes all heaviness go away. Talking or even feeling the others presence puts everything into perspective. A shared heavy heart weighs only half as much, a shared happy one is twice as happy.

Inner contentment not needing anything from outside is the basis of freedom. You find your power from inside. Making a true and honest contact with another is only possible when this inner freedom exists. Meeting up with people from time to time creates a connection but people you meet and never see again also have a connection often the most lasting of all. Some ties exist deep in the soul and are lasting ones whether you see each other again or not.

Reign in your speech and keep your cards close to the chest sometimes exchange does not have to mean exposing yourself. Make sure it remains pleasure and does not become war or conquest. Talking can very easily turn into discussion stay calm and relaxed don't expect to be in the right or putting things right, agreement is not necessary for a good contact. You can like a person without liking their convictions. Stay curious and positive about convictions different from your own. A tiny spark can make a bigger fire. Know danger and don't get drawn into it.

Map 288 The Centre Point 8/8 CCG

8/8 CCG

This is an Alert

AN 8/8 base of focus is Hexagram 52 Ken/Ken – Resistance.

Do not let your thoughts wander beyond your situation. Go back to the roots of your essential being. One can only find ones base by turning away from the world. That does not mean leaving it, but as long as outside has influence on your actions thoughts and feelings, one is not truly oneself.

There will always be distance. Without this distance you can move in accord with your deepest self and every movement will be in harmony with the time. When the time asks for action nothing will stand in your way. When the self is strong and pure contact with the world stays clean. Words will be true and essential, deeds will not exceed what is right and one has a natural selection of what one accepts from others. True is hard like stone.

This individual is a person turned backwards with a big eye, not moving with others but resisting every influence remaining an individual.

Look to your root.

Map 287 The Centre Point 4/4 CGG

4/4 The Seal CGG

Hexagram 57 - The Seal is the 4/4 focus - Wind over wind.

This Hexagram is also an ALERT.

Seal assignment, small expansion. Proceed by probing. The harvest is to see the great man. Following winds the noble one conveys mandates and accomplishes affairs.

The blueprint or seal that one carries determines all that one is or does. It penetrates every action like wind or roots penetrate every action and can enter everything. It has no name and often its existence is not even known but it is always there and it directs everything one does or thinks. It decides the way one looks or listens to the world.

The Emperor bestows a seal to those who were able to carry out his ideas, and whom he trusted.

The Seal one carries inside comes from God or devil's, parents or hereditary, from muses or from experience with nature. Some Seals can destroy a life, other Seals can influence the world.

Open up and dare to bring those little things that give joy.

Accept your Seal humbly and completely, do not try to understand but open your intuition and believe in miracles. Your own attitude will attract all that you need. You do not need to think. You do not know anything, it knows you, if you are only you.

Do what you feel is right. Soldier on. Dare to be what you want to be. Be careful with the moments where you can shape things. Weave yourself into everything around you. Celebrate everything in your life let nothing go unnoticed.

Map 286 The Centrepoints

The Centrepoints of the DNA world

We all have a centre point to our charts which can be found by taking your year number and month number and placing them at the centre of the bagua. 

9 8
5 3
7 1
8 9
1 7
3 5
4 4
6 2
2 6

Instead of the usual manner of 1 and 7 going around the chart you take the year number around the chart the usual way and the month number goes in reverse.As you can see the centre point for a 1/7 is 4/4 in the N.E. Tree controls Earth energy so much transformation and adaptation will be required if I am to achieve my goal.

Also note that 1/7 and 7/1, 9/8 and 8/9, 5/3 and 3/5, 2/6 and 6/2 go together leaving 4/4 to stand alone.1/7 at the centre is moving towards the 7/1 in the S.W with 4/4 energy behind it. Perhaps thats because my true centre is on the NE cube of 4/4.

This will determine for all of us the double number of the centre point that applies to you. Another example would be....

6 1
2 5
4 3
5 2
7 9
9 7
1 6
3 4
8 8

As you can see the centre point for a 7/9 is 8/8 in the N.W. area Earth supports and creates Metal so this is an easy position. Also note that 6/1 and 1/6, 5/2 and 2/5 4/3 and 3/4 and 7/9 and 9/7 go together. 7/9 is heading west towards the 9/7 and 8/8 is in the N.W. Position.

Remember any number 5's change to 8 for women and 2 for men.

You can check out the Ki energy for those sets of numbers as another string to your bow. Otherwise read up on the information associated with your centre point numbers. I hope you achieve your goals.

As you can see from the image of the top you can make a template and pattern from your own map of centres. Image top RH corner.  Ideas for the way centre points might feel to follow.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Map 285 Cubes of DNA

My Cube of DNA

Just when you thought you had a handle on the cubes of numbers we move onto the cube of DNA letters. Each cube based on your DNA Hexagram has nine different types of DNA codons.
Letters – Hex Number
GTG - 13
CCA - 15
AGT - 61
CCG - 52
TGC - 47
GCT - 21
CGA- 48
GAA - 34
CCT - 23
                            Numbers of Nine Star Ki
5/2 - (8/2)                   
8/5  -  (8/8)
                     Words of the Hexagrams
in the centre
Biting Through
The Well
Great Power
Strip Away

So now you have more words you can examine and that could give you a deeper understanding of who you are. You also have access to other crystals via numbers which I like because as much as I am happy to be a part of the 1/1 crystal I like the idea of being able to access all areas.

You can also use the face of your cube of letters to create the other 5 sides of your cube.


Each side will produce 9 x each Codon per face

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Map 284 The Directions within the Cube

The North LHS Face has 6 in its position and this comes out again on the South RHS Face could this be a N/S rod.
The 4 at the bottom LHS of the face comes out in the top RH corner of the RHS of the face. Could this be a NE/SW rod.
The Bottom RH corner of the LHS of the face has 2 in position and this reproduces itself in the top corner of the Top of the face of the cube. N/S Rod perhaps.
The 8 is in the East of the LHS of the face of the cube and comes out again in the North of the RHS of the cube yet there is no E/N rod but there is a Hexagram with two rods N/S and E/W Hexagram 37/8. Could this be how this rod works.

If you can imagine a cube with 9 openings on each of its 6 sides, 54 holes in all you could push the rods in at one point and let it come out at another showing the matching numbers. Once you work out how to fill in the numbers of a cube it all becomes much easier to see. Perhaps even ribbons or thread in one hole and out of the other.

Can you fill in the other 5 sides of the cube yet. Time yourself. This is the bagua of Feng Shui with 7 at the centre if you need to know what the other numbers on the face are I give them below. If you know your Feng Shui then you should be able to fill in all six sides from just one number. Good Luck.

6    2    4
5    7    9
1    3    8


Monday 21 May 2012

Map 281 Hexagrams & Shadow Directions No Match

Fourteen Hexagrams that go in different directions from each other.

Hex        Numbers  Inners     Outers     Directions                    Pointed Rods x 2
9/10      6/4 – 7/6    4/7          6/6          W/E – NW/SE              E and SE
15/16     8/2 - 2/3    2/2          8/3          SW/NE - SE/NW          NE and NW
19/20    7/2 – 2/4    2/2          7/4          N/S – E/W                     S and W
21/22    3/9 – 9/8    9/9          3/8          NE/SW –NW/SE          SW and SE
23/24    2/8 – 3/2    8/3          2/2          NE/SW – NW/SE        SW and SE
25/26    3/6 – 6/8    6/6          3/8          SW/NE – E/W              NE and W
27/28    3/8 – 4/7    8/4          3/7          S/N – SW/NE              N and NE
                    (Numbers do not conform)
33/34    8/6 - 6/3     6/6          8/3          W/E - NE/SW             E and SW
37/38     9/4 – 7/9    4/7         9/9         N/S – E/W                    S and W
43/44     6/7 – 4/6    7/4         6/6         SE/NW – E/W              NW and W
45/46     2/7 – 4/2    7/4        2/2          S/N – W/E                   N and E
49/50     9/7 – 4/9    7/4        9/9          W/E – S/N                   E  and N
55/56     9/3 – 8/9    3/8        9/9          SW/NE – SE/NW        NE and NW
61/62     7/4 – 8/3    4/8        7/3         NE/SW – N/S               SW and S
                  (Numbers do not conform)

The shadow hexagrams have two rods with a point on one end of each