Sunday 12 February 2023

The Age of Aquarius is upon us

 The Age of Aquarius ………the time of information and technology. Filling the airwaves with pulses we are not yet used to. Come 2000 years from now we will be able to accept them as the norm. The symbol of Aquarius is two zig zag lines in the air. Aquarius being an Air/Tree sign. Electromagnetic waves stronger than we can cope with damage our immune systems but there is little we can do about it, it's a sign of the times. The Age of Aquarius is upon us, said the Lady of Shallot. 

Bio geometry is a science that deals with the energy of shape, colour, motion, orientation and sound all producing a vibrational quality creating an energy field. The Human body orientates itself North/South to find its balance. With so many waves passing through us it's no wonder our immune systems are affected and we need to find inner and outer harmony. 

Hartmann, Curry Lines and Ley lines are another source of disharmony if we are sitting over them all day everyday. Some cross over lines of water can be beneficial its determining which is which. Living near a cemetery or rubbish tip can cause disharmony. Living in an area with a lot of sandstone can release radon over a period of time that builds up stress in the body. Radon is a colourless, odourless radioactive gas. It is formed by the radioactive decay of the small amounts of uranium that occur naturally in all rocks and soils. We can live healthy lives in areas free of geo physical disturbances. Frequent exposure can cause immune problems, endocrine and hormonal problems. Insomnia. Chronic fatigue, muscular pain, anxiety, nervousness, depression etc., all causing degenerative disease. Take a look at the growing patterns of trees in your area and see if they grow beautifully or have gnarled out of shape trunks. Insects and ant nests are also often found in these places. 

Curry lines are NE/SW and SE/NW a diagonal orientation or cross shape X said to be more harmful than Hartmann Lines which are North/South - East/West in the form of a crucifix so both vertical and horizontal. 

Geobiology is the study of the Earth and its biosphere where life exists. Fire, Water, Earth and Air/tree is action. All began with the single cell Prokaryotes that could survive without oxygen………everything else follows from that….perhaps they are the God Particle that is in everything that came after. God in everything from the very beginning. 

Ley lines connect all around the world often at ancient sites and their cross over points are like rivers of supernatural energy. Electrical currents around the Earth……….Ley lines. Stonehenge and similar sites can be found on Ley lines. As the altar in churches can be too. 

Then we move onto various types of soil……even just looking to the soil type in Cornwall known as impermeable basement it speaks for itself and explains why there is so much flooding in Cornwall as when it rains the water has to run off back into the sea as it does not soak into this kind of soil. Even in dry months when storms strike it can mean flooding. So many types of soil and different types of water all create different ways of living. Above ground water and underground water create different qualities. Underground water is said to have a living life force and is alchemical.  During the war the homeless slept in caves at Chislehurst and after the war they found they had been cured of many of their ailments such was the beneficial quality of the area with its gigantic spiral of positive energy. These Earth energy points often release negative ions which are known to be beneficial to human life. 

Moving house with 9 Star Ki is a minefield in itself but its worth trying at least to do the best you can to choose a direction good for all members of the family……….then check the direction of the front door…check the soil………check for lines potentially crossing your site you can buy your own dowsing rods if you don’t want professional help. Whatever you do, make your home the best you can ……not the most expensive but the best for you and your family. Enjoy your life in the best of health. X

Wednesday 1 February 2023

The Games of Life


Here we see the Board game Snakes and Ladders 8 x 8 or 64 parts like the chess board or I Ching Map. If we base that map on 28143976 we could find the various positions have hexagram numbers rather than the sequence of numbers given here. Why are some numbers going up the ladder and others down the snake. Perhaps we should read up on 1/6 Nine Star Ki Hex 6 box number 41 if you read both hexagram 6 and 41 can you find the answer to your questions from two perspectives. ?

Or here we look at the maps of I Ching in its different elements Water, Fire, Air/tree and Earth and clearly see the connection to the game of Ludo…..

Clearly Chess is connected to the 8 x 8 board …..dominoes is another game ……along with dice too:

All life is a game x 

Soloman’s Temple of DNA