Monday 31 July 2017

Nine Star Ki and your Shadow Self

We see above that DNA codons and Nine Star Ki numbers are
like a brick in a wall..........if you build a TGC 1/7 wall the bricks
are laid in a Jin, Jang, Jin, Jang, Jang and Jin pattern.... the bricks
in Jang show the full face and the bricks in Jin only the ends of
the brick. Having built this wall we will see the side of the wall
will have the opposite bricks or Jin and Jang on view. If we
cannot build a wall to 1/7 without also building a wall to 9/8
then we need to look at the connection between the two. We
all have connections and the more we know about ourselves
the easier life will be. Learn more about yourself today by
building a wall...........and seeing what your opposite or shadow
self is creating x

Sunday 30 July 2017

TGC 1/7 Raising the tone to AGC 7/1 in DNA Codons Nine Star Ki

AGC – serine 7/1..... Hexagam 60 raises the tone for TGC 1/7 Cysteine....
Hexagram 47.....

It certainly makes life simpler to have 1/7 and 7/1 qualities because they
are both playing a tune in A Major, they have the same Nine Star Ki numbers
but swopping year for month numbers.

7 is all about Hey big spender, someone who can sense what your thinking...
charismatic and creative.........

1 is all about being reflective, about everything being part of the one body
that is in this case Water and someone who is career minded.

7 is about relationships and the AGC codon makes a Magician aspect which
is projecting from the seventh house of relationships........number 1 is about
choosing to be alone rather than settling for someone who does not make 2
become 1. So a contradiction here unless of course the relationship is one
that works well.......I call if separation union.......two people who can work
as one body. This is clearly the path for TGC and AGC when working
together creating a unity of mind without prejudices and judgements two
minds working as one.

Both 1/7 and 7/1 work with the planets Mercury and Venus....

Gracious in nature with a love of poetry, the arts, the written word. You aim
to bring balance and harmony to a situation but your ability to see both sides
of a situation means you want to be fair and this can mean you appear indecisive.
You can see the good in everyones opinion. Enjoy a good chat and can appear
lazy at times because of this desire for socialising. You can over think a
romantic situation to the point you forget what you were feeling in the first place.
'So tell me what do you love about me', always overthinking it. An intellectual
partner will not be keen to answer these sort of questions and you will want a
partner who you can intellectualise with and have enlightening conversations.
You love writing and/or speaking, the art of conversation definitely applies here.
You can truly connect with a person you are talking to so they become unsure if
you are being real because the connection is so strong, do you understand or are
you being superficial. Choose your words carefully as you can often be misunderstood.
Most people will like you but just be cautious of the few that don't. The beautiful mind 
seeing the patterns in everything.

So perhaps moving from TGC The Ruminator and raising the tone to AGC The
Magician I can come to realise that one need not work alone when they can
connect to the mind of another.........or perhaps to the collective conscious itself.
Another example of the Ruminator it always has to go too far with its thinking,
thank goodness for Serine which helps brain function and the nervous system.
TGC will work until exhausted and AGC hates to accept life's limitations in order
to achieve success but has to so maybe together they can achieve more than they
could ever imagine x 

Friday 28 July 2017

Nine Star Ki Cycles

What if we live out each layer of 9 years 3 times (0 - 27) before moving up
to the next level and repeat 3 more lots of 9 years (28 - 54) and finally the
last stage of 3 x 9 years (55 - 81) a journey three times each level.

In the early stages of life in the womb 2B (or not to be)..... then you move
around these 9 years three times before reaching your Saturn return once
more then moving up to the next level (28 – 54).

Alternatively to simplify you could move around the 9 positions 9 times
whichever way you look at it after 81 years or your Uranus return time
you will be starting over again. Uranus has a cycle of 84 years which
could be the 81 years of 9 cycles and position 1, 2 and Born again at 3

 making the full cycle of 84 years.

We make three walks around the chart in 27 years moving back again to number 1
to start the next cycle of Saturn. Nikola Tesla used to have a habit of walking
around buildings three times before entering them. Hmmm interesting. He was
said to be suffering from OCD's by this time and was obsessed with the number
three. He does not strike me as the kind of man to do something without reason
perhaps he knew more than we do. What sort of patterns would walking three

 times around a Nine Star Ki chart make...
Unfortunately they marched around the city of Jericho once a day for six days
and on the seventh day they did it seven times so no connection with 3, 6 and 9
In the chart years 1, 2 and 3 could go together.... the plan, the womb and birth.
Years 4, 5 and 6 are the years of growth... Years 7, 8 and 9 are the harvest or
rewards for all the hard work of the earlier periods. Then you do it all over again
but this time with more awareness of what your doing. By the end of the 81 year
cycle we should be pretty proficient at what were doing.
Life in 3 Acts........the beginning (9 years), the middle 18 years and the end 27
years but also the beginning 27 years, the middle 54 years and the end at 81 years.
Year 1, 10 and 19 having a connection,  7, 16 and 25 etc., all wheels within wheels.
Think back on things that may have happening in one series of years that connects
to another. Find the patterns in your own life.
Three acts within 3 acts learning to take that stage and be a star performer in life.

 Live, learn and love. X

Nine Star Ki Patterns

This is a Nine Star Bagua with the number 1 at the centre. It is taken from an
81 piece set and I have included one more row around the nine numbers at the
centre. (25 pieces) The swirling parts of the jigsaw are all number 1 Water the 
centre piece is the receiver and the other parts are pushing the energy around. 
No matter what number is at the centre is will always be surrounded by nine parts 
of that same element and number which is why no matter how large the map becomes 
you can see relatively quickly if something has gone wrong as this pattern will stand
out both at the centre and in each area of the chart. The receiver at the centre is
a different shape and only one appears in any set no matter how big it becomes.

A 9 piece set gives you everything you need but that can then spread out to become
9 pieces in 9 areas giving an 81 piece set. This 81 piece set can then go on to create
an 81 x 9 piece set of 729 which can go on to create a 9 x 729 piece set or 6561.
This can expand outward this way into infinity and you will see the bigger picture 
the larger the map is.  

More variations on the theme....

Number 1 in 81 pieces....

81 pieces with 9 at the centre...
Another variation on a theme using hexagrams with 5 at the centre...........I think you will agree
the ease for checking for errors has gone it seems more complex to use hexagrams. You can 
use anything you like in your patterns.........for example yellow could be a banana, red could be
a strawberry, purple a plum etc., shades of Candy Crush coming to mind. Various buttons can
make lovely patterns too but whatever you use to create your map enjoy it, both the work to think on and the creativity in its production. x 

For me 91 x 91 in square form based on 5 at the centre can give me hours of observations......

Enjoy... x 

Thursday 27 July 2017

The Bindi of I Ching Lines

Life starts out from the Bindi Point spreads outwards to the top at which point it returns to the Bindi by going inside in doing so it has been turned upside down and moved from the Jin side to the Jang side .........we can see from the red Jang positive lines and the blue Jin negative lines that 1, 2, 6 and 9 remain the same when flipped over but 3, 4, 7 and 8 change..... 3 and 8 are the same and 7 and 4 are the same when flipped.

We see Jin and Jang lines oppose each other on the way up 2 with 6, 8 with 7, 1 with 9 and 4 with 3......imagine the Jang side on the right crossing over to the Jin side once it goes inside the
heart and the same rules apply on the left hand Jin side. So Jang outside is on the right and Jang inside is on the left. Note how a Jin and Jang line on the side will cancel each other out so nothing remains and we return to the Bindi empty once more.

In the beginning was The Word and out of the Bindi comes the life we choose to see flowing in and flowing out pumping like our own hearts as we create that life we have been given in our own ways.
The Word of The I Ching is 28143976.................I have often wondered about this sequence of numbers as clearly 4 is more Jang than Jin and 3 is more Jin than Jang at yet these are the positions they fit into best. 28134976 simply does not fit in as well for The Word as 28143976 does. Enjoy your thoughts. x

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Nine Star Ki Thoughts

Nine Star Ki
Night, the Moon and Mercury sit together in the 1 position. The darkness of the
night with just the stars to light the way. Mercury was often used in death rituals
in ancient times as a moat around a sarcophagus and we know that when we heat
up Mercury it rises up into the air with its anti gravity properties..... did the Ancients
think that the body in the coffin would rise up into the Heavens this way. Mercury
is all about communications even in death. Number 1 is a good place to start your
journey. All the numbers have their own special skills which you can play around with
from the information above. 

When it comes to Saturn, the Star Turn as I call her she is the opposite to the expansion
of Jupiter. Imagine you breath in Jupiter then there is a gap before your breath out again 
and your lungs contract........ if you don't breath in again thats Venus or Death Venus isn't 
often thought of that way but exit stage right through the red door ..... so remember 
to breath in and out and in again.  Three is life. As we move up through the charts of years
we complete 9 (3 x 3) before starting again but imagine yourself at age 9 moving up one 
level and repeat at 18 then at 27 the time of Saturns return to the place it was in
at birth and the full cycle of a 27 piece cube. This point is then raised up another
level to complete another cycle of 27 years, then another cycle of 27 years 93 x 27) and 
then with a bit of luck you will have completed 81 years or 9 cycles of 9 years
and your 9 lives could well be up. 

Remember the way the cube works this Number 1 blue on the face of the cube below is
in the North position then moves to the South position on the right hand side face,
then it moves to the West position of the rear face which in turn creates the East 
position of the left handed face of the cube. North, South, West and East all connected 
to each other as they move around the cube. We know in real terms all starts with North
which begets South and then to stop the opposition they expand out into East and West
and the cross is born. The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. 

If the cube centre changes the directions remain the same just the numbers change
as in the 1 cube 6 is in the North position so is therefore forming that grand trine 
image below.......6 also supports the number 1 in the crystals.  If 7 were at centre
3 would be in the North and these two are opposites so no support for the central
number here. 

The cube when 1 is at the centre.....

The Lines the same numbers draw to each other within the cube.........or encube always 
remain the same. Enjoy your thoughts. x 

Monday 24 July 2017

The Bell Curve of Nine Star Ki

This is a Nine Star Ki with 1 at the we know 1, 4 and 7 are connected so we create
a triangular blockage from these numbers which become the arms that hit the ball as it comes into
the game knocking it in all directions.....we then observe which direction the balls take before they
land in the bottom trays when you have hit 9 balls you can see where they landed and invent your own astrological reading. It might be a good idea, as we do with the I Ching, to ask the machine a question before playing and the position of the balls will give you your answer.

For example should I go after this job.........if you get six balls in the 1 career position that strikes
me as your answer......yes this is a time that is all about your career.

So many games we play today can be found hidden in amongst The I Ching patterns.... my first was
of course Ludo........the obvious choice........followed closely by Snakes and many games that are truly an expression of so much more. Have fun with Nine Star Ki and The I Ching and life will be fun also, never attach negativity to your games always stay on the side of fun.

Different shapes or arms come from different numbers at centre so create different results. 147, 258 and 369 x

Nine Star Ki of Saturn and DNA Codons

We are used to seeing Nine Star Ki maps as the top map but the cube shows us a 3d version..... a 
true Nine Star Ki map containing 27 blocks were each face of the six sides of the cube have only one number or colour on each of the faces....

Replace 1 – Blue with TGC – 1/7
Replace 2 – Yellow with CCT 2/8
Replace 3 - Light green with GCT 3/9
Replace 4 - Dark Green with CGA
Replace 5 – Mustard with CCC 2/2 (Should be 5/2 2 replaces 5)
Replace 6 – Grey with GAA 6/3
Replace 7 – Red with AGT 7/4
Replace 8 – Orange with CCG 8/8 (Should be 8/5 8 replaces 5)
Replace 9 – Purple with GTG 9/6

So remembering that a number of Nine Star Ki or DNA codon can only appear
once on each side imagine building up this pattern until you have 27 cubes all
in their correct position. 1 or 1/7 TGC will always appear at the 6 centre points
as it is the cross from which all other cubes hang.

Above you see three sides of a 27 part cube can you fill in the rear view colours,
or numbers, or DNA codons for the missing three sides?

147, 258, 369 are all connected to each other and the lines above show the

 shapes they form and how they are different for each side of the cube.  

Nine Star Ki can present itself as colours, numbers, year and month numbers, DNA codons infact just about anything you can think of different farm yard animals if you like just so long as only one of each appears on each of the six faces. 

27 cubes could well be the 3 x 9 years of Saturn ..........and perhaps we live 3 x 27 years or cycles of Saturn which is our life....81 life and be your own Star Turn. x 

The three rear sides incase you didn't work them out...


The cubes below are required to complete a 27 piece set with 1 at the centre....
7 Number 1 is the dominant with fire number 9 as subdominant...

Saturday 22 July 2017

36 Hexagrams forming all 64 Codons of DNA...

Sometimes life is so vivid you have to tone it down to a pastel shade especially if you live in a world with rose tinted glasses.....

Whilst triangles are in my opinion the ideal form of DNA Hexagrams with a positive face and a rear view creating six triangles in a hexagram, they can also form a nice view for a 36 Hexagrams which 
also form all 64 codons of DNA ............

The Microcosm and the Macrocosm......

The I Ching and Shiva's Dance of Enlightenment

If you place the shape within a circle it has 72* between each point...
if you measure the inner angles on each point it measures 108*.....
72* is all about creativity and 108* is all about enlightenment. Are
72* angles all about baby steps, the more you learn the closer to
enlightenment you become. 72* is the minor to the 108* major.
108* is expressing life as joyful, carefree and fun, dancing in the
moment with no signs of self consciousness. 72* is more creative
and perhaps you still concern yourself with what others might think
of your work. 108* is portrayed as dancing and musical instruments
with beauty and romance portraying a exciting colourful world in
which you live. What more could be asked of us. Is that why so many
ancient cultures around the world dance to this day at ceremonies. We
westerners of course feel very self conscious when watching them and
feel the desire to laugh but there is no doubting they are dancing free
from our judgements and lack of ability to set ourselves free. Life is
more vibrant around people with 108* aspects in their lives. I would
use the Dogons as an example of free dance here because they have so
much more to tell us than dance if we look at the style of their dress we
might also see the pattern for plasma hidden in the ceremony. Ancient
cultures seem to have much longer memories than we westerners I
wonder why that is. Are they the ones that have survived catastrophe
in the past and continued the race after flood, wars etc.,

Is life plasma like, electric like the Hadron collider........a sperm
penetrating the egg creating a God Look at Shiva
which is described as he but for some reason to me seems like a
she or is that part of the point she or he there is no separation .
Shiva does her dance beautifully outside of CERN where the large
hadron collider can be found. Shiva dances the dance of creativity
associated with 72* but becomes so joyful that she moves into the
joyful expression of 108* 72* living life and reaching its peak
at 108* thus creation can only be followed by destruction. Shiva is
the Lord of the Dance of Venus 72* creation and Pluto 108* some time we are composed to dance the dance
of our lives only to follow that by becoming compost. Creation and
destruction is life itself. No point in wasting our 72* moments as
collectively they become our 108* dance and if upon reaching that
transformative point our dance is not free and without self consciousness
then we will return to dance once more........eventually we will be The Lord
of the Dance and our transformation can take place........we don't necessarily
have to die at this point but we will in true Pluto style have been transformed.
We can improve with every doubling up of the 72* of creativity...there are
five 72* opportunities and through those aspects we become more than that
72* aspect we raise our tone up by half a tone 72 + (1/2) 36 = 108*  still using
music as an example take C plus half a tone........our tune is now
playing to C# we have raised our tone. How else might we portray ourselves now
that we have raised our level......could we have an aura of light around us now that
makes us more apparent to others whilst it remains invisible. The more cloaks of
light from the raised tones we collect along our journey the closer we become
to being an enlightened spirit of 108*. We have all met people that just seem to 
attract our attention and brighten our lives. We all have this opportunity, no one
person is more likely to be able to cover ourselves in veils than another......
go forth and be the light of the world. The 64 codons of DNA (or the I Ching)
are called light we are all born equal it is up to us to raise the tone, 
colour or light in our lives.  Venus and Pluto working together throughout our 
lives so when things seem to have been destroyed this might also be an opportunity
for change to set you back on the right path of light. Have fun and dance freely
leave self consciousness for other less enlightened souls. x   

Friday 21 July 2017

The Fabric of Life in The I Ching Tapestry

The I Ching is really much more simple a pattern than it looks imagine it as a tapestry or piece of tartan run the numbers 2 - Yellow, 8 - Orange, 1 - Blue, Dark Green -  4, Light green -  3, Purple -  9,
red - 7 and finally 6 - grey across the top of a chart and then again down the side of the chart.
Imagine them as simple pieces of ribbon both vertical and horizontal. So you start your tartan with
2 ribbons of each colour then simply place 8 of them in a vertical line 28143976 and then intertwine the other 8 ribbons from top to bottom..........I Ching need never seem difficult again....

2 x each colour of ribbon vertically....

2 x each colour one vertically and one horizontally... (looks like the bottom of the sea when snorkling)...

Now tighten that weave... the fabric of life reveals itself..............simple. x

New set of 64 DNA codons within the Shape of 36 Triangles Solo Man's Temple

This is a new set of 36 triangles which hides within it all 64 codons of DNA read in any direction that flows.........

The perfect set is 9 of each of the elements fire, earth, air and water but any 36 will do, this on is heavy the fire element but is otherwise correct...

Very much the serpent of life as it coils in all directions. x

Thursday 20 July 2017

Herend Heart

Sometimes the simplest things are the most beautiful....this is an Herend Raspberry Cross with a
Staffordshire Crown Rose at its heart..........

Ancient Aliens - Oak Island - Astrological Aspects - Portals

A simple hash tag often used as a port hole window or portal symbol. 

Let us divide a circle by 8 giving us 8 x 45* angles...........the red lines are 180*
or the opposition angles and the magenta lines are 135* sesquiquadrate angles.
The 135* angles create a hash tag shape to the pattern and the opposition lines 
all move directly through the centre..... or to the other side.  

Division of the circle by 8 is also used in Nine Star ki with the numbers flowing
in and out of the hash tag.......with 5 at the centre. They can appear inside the
pattern or outside of the pattern. My question is this why does this simple Nine
Star Ki pattern appear on a stone boulder at Nolan's Cross on Oak Island, Canada
as an out of place Glyph. Was the stone taken to Oak Island from the place that
the Arc of the Covenant was said to have been originally and is now buried at the
money pit on Oak Island, or does this stone originate from Canada.

This is the original image shown on Ancient Aliens which apparently originates on Oak 

A simple division or a portal symbol to another world could there be more to Oak Island than
we realise. The Butterfly can also be seen in this pattern which can have huge effects.....
wings of an angel (angle)....   135*  is also the degree an Owl can turn its head in either direction, it is also said to be a disturbance of energy that is uncomfortable, or unusual awareness that is not common and may cause you to feel switched off. Hmmm sounds just like a portal.........can you travel here to another realm from this stone on Oak Island. I think Ancient Aliens need to look into this much further. x 

Tuesday 18 July 2017

13 Zodiac signs from New Moon to New Moon

As we can see above the cycles of the Moon starting at 0* Aries and change signs
approximately every 28 days and 365 days of the year divided by 28 gives us 13.03.
If we draw circle upon circle for each month and element we have to have 13 cycles
in order to begin with a new moon once again at a new position. So from Aries to
Taurus is 13 cycles. If we draw a line from 0* Aries to 0* Taurus we create a shell
like Pi shape pattern.

If we come into the centre and then come out from the centre we create the symbol
for Cancer the sign associated with the Moon.

You can see the curve more clearly when its smaller. 

Things are often much simpler than we think and there is a reason behind all the symbols of the 
zodiac. Jin and Jang, breath in, breath out. x

Thats all folks. x 

Sunday 16 July 2017

The Six Crystals contained within the 64 Codons of DNA

How do we make a crystal of DNA containing either 4, 12 or 24 codons in each pattern...
Choose as a starting point any six jin or jang lines, or any 2 Nine Star Ki numbers or to make it simpler we will just choose three DNA letters in any order.....

In this case I have chosen ….. CAG...lets place CAG at the bottom of the list and then
repeat the last two letters above and then take the first letter C and move around the map
above one place clockwise and change it to T which you then place and the third position
in the next codon...


The do the same again until you reach a position where the only thing you can do
is repeat a codon. TCA for example would become CAG if we continued with the
pattern and as we already have CAG it is the end of the crystal. This crystal contains
only four codons. It fits at the centre of the record of life. 

Our next choice should start at the beginning with Hexagram Number 1 GGG so
using the same principles create a crystal containing this codon...


Here we need 12 codons to make up the crystal this crystal is the outer edge of the
 record of life as is known as the 6/6 – 2/2 crystal.

No wonder the codon for Heaven GGG is found here in this orderly pattern. 

To save room I will list in one line but the same principles apply for the next crystal 1/1 - 9/9


We can see that the pattern still has order but is no longer the simplistic order of the 6/6 crystal. This
crystal is the centre set in from the outer edge after the 6/6 crystal. 

The 8/4 crystal contains codes GAC, ACA, CAC, ACT, CTC, TCT, CTG, TGT, GTG, TGA, GAG, 
AGA. 12 Codons making one crystal...this is the first full 12 cycle closest to the centre of the record of life...

Similar chaos style to the 1/1 crystal...

Then we move to the more complicated double crystal although I can show them separately as
two crystals they need to be intertwined like the fish image because the Hexagram numbers also
play a part in deciding what position each codons sits in and the Hexagrams spread across the 
two crystals making it impossible to say they are not a double everything fits when they combine. 

 Left hand side of the crystal.....
Right hand side of crystal...

This map shows you why you simply have to connect the two sets of 12 in the double making
it a 24 piece crystal...the double crystal comes after the 1/1 crystal in the record of life....notice
how the hexagram numbers match up to each other..........
They have to intertwine in a similar manner to the fish...

This record of life contains all 64 codons of DNA..........they are playing our tune. 

The diamond crystal at the centre shows us the four part DNA map we started with. 

Our DNA can present itself as music or sound, shapes or patterns, letters or numbers, 
directions etc., there is no end to the way we might represent ourselves. All of it beautiful. x 

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Cubes of DNA Codons

All 64 codons of DNA in one twisted spiral of cubes. Rosalind Franklin felt that X ray filming changed or distorted DNA so surely it would have changed the DNA testing in photo 51 which told us we had a double helix. Perhaps it was a string of cubes that just looked spirals. Triangles, cubes, helixes all beauty in the making.