Sunday 31 January 2016

The 8 Shapes of DNA as a combination

Here we see the 8 Aspect Shapes of DNA and how they can be fitted together obviously the shape as a combination can vary but the aspect shapes themselves must remain in these shapes. The Grand Trine has the least chance of attaching itself to others....followed by The Worker which is obvious really as they come in only one colour. The Alternator comes third followed by The Magician. The  Thinker, Ruminator and Teacher have quite good connections but the Lecturer is the one that has the best chance of attaching itself to another shape...........x

Friday 22 January 2016

15354 Hits on the Blog

I noticed this morning that I have had 15354 hits on The Ramblings of the Rose blogsite. As this is my date of birth I have to say a big thank you to anyone and everyone who has logged on over the last few years. When I got to 1503 I was over the moon and never thought I would reach these heights. I know many just transfer the information to their website and I have no problem with this the more the merrier........because 15354 is actually much much more when I take into consideration all the other websites they appear on. So thank you for making it feel good to write a blog. x

Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Alerts prove the exception to the rule in DNA Hexagrams

We can see from the patterns of hexagrams above that the face has 6 triangles but the rear also
has 6 triangles but 6 triangles is enough because the top hexagram pairing can just be flipped
over to the right and it now reads the same as the bottom set of hexagram pairs.

We know that with DNA and the Hexagrams there are exceptions to the rule with the Alerts
whereby the tops and bottoms do not conform to the rule. AGT/TCA....GCC/CCG....CGG/GGC
.ACT/TGA. They have a ruling all of their own. Note how they also relate to the numbers
3,4,7 and 8. 7/4 – 8/3....3/3 – 8/8....4/4 – 7/7....3/8 – 4/7...........instead of T becoming A or A
becoming T the letters C and G change ….

For example AGT over TCA has not changed the T or A but the G becomes a C.

“ “ ACT over TGA “          “         “                “              “

“ “ GCC over CCG nothing at all has changed

“ “ CGG over GGC “         “         “         “

Its as though they played a game of matching hats and these four couldn't play the normal
game because if ACT had worn the hat TCA it would have cancelled itself out ACT and ACT
which wont do and GCC should have matched with CCG but again that would have cancelled
each other out so the four of them decided to share and make it possible for 7 to become 4
and 3 to become 8.

The only other thing they could have done is read the top one in the opposite direction to the

ACT over TCA could then have been ACT 3/8 over TCA 8/3......these four codons could then
have become ACT/TCA AGT/TGA GCC/GGC CGG/ read the bottom Hexagram
the positive from left to right and then change the rule and read the top one or negative one
the same way left to right ….......these 8 codons are the only ones that present this problem.

So when reading a hexagram both the top and the bottom hexagrams are read from left to right
but in the case of the alerts it would also work well if the bottom was read left to right and the
top hexagram was changed to read from right to left. Making them the exception to the rule.
The rule must exist as it is not possible for so many instances where the hexagrams come
together in a pattern to then be considered not to follow the rules. These 8 codons are the
exception to the rule but also the exception that proves the rule. There must be some reason
the tops and bottoms play a game like this.

Actually if you think of TGC looking at itself in the mirror it would still show AGC as would be expected from the rule but ACT would see ACT the alerts view themselves as though they have passed through the mirror and flipped to the left on the top only. x

Saturday 16 January 2016

DNA as the Fabric of Life

Note above the four squares of DNA C Blue - T Orange - G Yellow - A Green

Note the movement and directions of the letters creating a spiral going round and round until it reaches the centre. This is one set.......move it on to 9 sets of the above and you get the following map.

Note also how blue ribbons run under green and over orange...........yellow ribbons run under orange and over green..... and both run in a vertical direction. Orange ribbons run under blue and over yellow... green ribbons run under yellow and over blue both ribbons run in a horizontal direction. The fabric of life can just keep on growing and spreading outwards.......little clumps growing.

Orange and green T and A horizontal and Blue and Yellow Vertical energies...........

Monday 11 January 2016

Shapes of DNA

180* x 3.... 150* x 6..... 120* x 6..... 90* x 4..... 60* x 3..... 30* x 2..... each line can be connected with another line of the same size and you can use as many of each shape as you like to make whatever pattern you like. This is a map of DNA shapes that come together like a jigsaw to create all life itself. Put together 6 of the 120 x 120 x 120 shapes and you have a Hexagram of DNA. These shapes can take any direction and start with any one of the aspect lengths............have fun creating a new world. x  

Don't forget they can match up to other shapes if they have corresponding side lengths..... here are a few examples.........

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Soloman's Temple Game

This is another example of the game Solo Man's Temple........where the four letters TGAC of DNA are used to form the 64 codons of DNA and they are fitted together to make a pattern the smaller the better. So far 36 is the smallest pattern I have managed to create that holds all 64 codons read in any direction. First start by making up the codons ........ count them up in this case my first attempt makes a 39 piece pattern..........

Once a pattern containing all 64 codons has been made you know you can reduce it in size by constantly moving pieces until you get the game down to 36 pieces as below.

How much it changes just trying to drop three pieces. Have a go I know you will enjoy it and find it rather a peaceful game...........golden like Soloman's Temple. x

Monday 4 January 2016

Feng Shui for the Number 5 centre focussing on the positions of 2 and 8 as opposites

These same rules and connections apply to numbers 1 and 9 as a pair...... 3 and 7 as a pair..... and 6 and 4 as a pair.............note they all add up to the perfect 10.........they are opposite to each other on the number 5 bagua...........nothing it would appear in life is random no matter how ordinary it may seem at the time. x

Nine Star Ki without the Number 5

These are maps of Nine Star Ki energy without the number 5 being present each opening is where the number 5 should be for the number referenced. The number 5 positions themselves are completely empty. As you look at the map the bright light areas where corners meet or number 5 is missing are brighter for what is not there than the areas are for what is. Looking at the black and white pattern you can clearly see an X shaped diagonal dagger or crucifix coming out of the bright light. The purple lines are just energy movement as they pass between potential openings. You see more of the number five when its not there than you do when it is.

Well we can see once again that the X factor is present as it is in DNA crystals..............its good to know we all have the X Factor even if it isn't always obvious. x