Saturday 30 July 2016

DNA Codons as Triangles

Another set of Solo Man's Temples 36 triangles.............showing all 64 codons of DNA. Enjoy x 

Friday 29 July 2016

36 Triangles creating 64 DNA Codons - Solo Man's Temple

                                    The 36 Triangles of DNA Codons - Solo Man's Temple

It takes just 36 triangles to make a pattern within which you can read all 64 DNA Codons....... a pattern such as this............a very peaceful game the patterns can be read in any direction but only once.

The Codons below have been reduced to remove any that read the same in another direction as it need only appear once as it can be read in any direction e.g. TGC - CGT.

Can you make up 36 Triangles of DNA containing all 64 codons.  Enjoy x



Thursday 28 July 2016

The Rose of Life 9 Star Ki and The I Ching

                                The Rose of do your roots blossom

This Rose shows the petals of the 9 Star Ki as they move around the face with the roots growing
from the 8 numbers of the I Ching. Note also that 5 is at the centre in 9 Star Ki but in truth it just 
isn't there at all............number 5 does not appear in 9 Star Ki nor The I Ching Hexagrams. As a
number 1 myself 1 would be present at the centre but the top petal would place 5 in the usual 9
position so my Rose is open at the top. x 

Astrology Chart Rising Sign Leo

Mankind and the Astrology Chart
or Atom of life

Astrologically a birth chart starts at Aries rising Sun position or Spring. For
mankind though it might be more balanced to start the chart at the zone for
Leo …........two lions at the entrance or sphinx's to mark the gateway to a
new world the world of the life of the individual. The individual shown by

 its opposite sign Aquarius and Leo as the baby entering an unknown world.

We see from the lines that Sun and Moon pair up, Mercury/Mercury, Venus/Venus,
Mars/Mars, Jupiter/Jupiter, Saturn/Saturn. You could fold the map in two and they
rest nicely on top of each other when the chart starts at Leo. This also creates the
potential for as above so below with the start point at Leo, end point at Cancer and
centre point on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Note also on the piano keyboard that it could be said that the black notes are missing
between Cancer and Leo and Pisces and Aries.........potential gateways that are
invisible to us but available.

Atoms or DNA crystals hold 12 sections and again the top reflecting the bottom and
vice versa. We only ever need half of a story to determine what the other half holds.

More Food for thought re the Roswell Rock and the patterns it creates because the
Sun and the Moon light each side of the chart with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter
and Saturn working in above so below indeed. x  

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Ancient Aliens and The Roswell Rock

                                                      Ancient Aliens Rock Pattern

Here we have the rock found at Roswell which appears in the TV
show Ancient Aliens which also matches up to the image of a 
crop circle.

Crop circle from Chisledon UK 
This is a map of the Sun and the Moon and below we have 
an astrological version.

This is a map showing the position of the planetary rulers within a circle and
their opposite position.............night and day.......above and below.

The ego planets Sun, Moon and Saturn partner up as do Mercury and Jupiter,
Venus and Mars the 7 rulers of the Heavens.

They create a Cardinal Cross or double worker pattern and two Ruminators.

We have seen the Ruminator aspects at work in Ancient Aliens before......

We also see the pattern from a crop circle and also seen on an Ancient Alien
Rock showing the Sun and Moon, above and below, night and day variations
on a theme of the 7 stars.

 Simplified the above pattern is 13 squares.....

We also see this pattern in the patterns of DNA........and so it goes on one image can make many
interesting observations. The Roswell stone spins clockwise for one of the Sun/Moon images and anticlockwise for the other .................could this image be connected to the Poles or opposite points like night and day, north and south etc., 

We also know that The Ruminator aspect and The Worker aspect work well together as they seem to do here. All of course is Rumination but interesting nevertheless.........Ancient Aliens is a great source of Rumination. x 

The I Ching - Ho Tu The Word based on 28143976 DNA Hexagrams

The I Ching Hexagram Numbers only – 28143976

This simple little table of I Ching Hexagram numbers is responsible for all the listings
on my blog once I unlocked the key (Chi) to the numbers and the positions there was
no end to the other patterns that could also be found here. This particular pattern is based
on The Ho Tu or The Word which is listed as a sequence of numbers 28143976.

It took me many years to realise the key so don't beat yourself up if it doesn't come easily.
The secret is in changing the code to something else and seeing the patterns amongst
them. For example :

Hex 1can also be seen as ...Glycine/neutral in amino acids... Centre position in the
6/6 crystal......... Musically D F# A#.... planets associated with 6/6 are Venus and Venus
and it is connected to the Grand Trine in Air 120* x 120* x 120* ….... GGG in
DNA codons........... the biggest clue for me came when I put in the DNA codon for
6/6.......... GGG we know in DNA sits opposite CCC and in this case CCC is Hexagram
2........connect 1/2, 3/4, 5/6 etc., and notice that if a codon is all GGG's then the opposite
codon will be CCC but if a codon has say T, G and C in it Hex 47 then its opposite match
is Hexagram 48 but TGC does not become ACG it matches with CGA 4/1 now they
also sits opposite each other in the crystals so I know its right despite the fact C and G
remain unchanged. So when matching pairs of hexagrams T and A swop sides but C and
G only swop when C's and G's are the only letters that attach.

In DNA C and G and T and A are interchangeable...........but in The Hexagram pairings
T becomes A and vice versa but C and G only change if the whole Codon is made up
of C's and G's so yes GGG becomes CCC but CCA becomes TCC Hexagrams 15/16
only the T is changed...

This pattern conforms for all except the 6 alerts which behave differently :

ACT should be ACT (3/8) if it conformed but then it would be the same as it was
therefore Hexagram 27 would pair only with Hexagram 27 and not Hexagram 28 which is TGA.............Now TGA is also an alert because TGA (4/7) should pair up with TGA oops
same problem so Hexagram 27 ACT pairs up with Hexagram 28 TGA because they
each have the same problem …......when paired they remain the same.

TCA Hexagram 62 (8/3) should become TCA which again remains the same so instead
it pairs up with Hexagram 61 which is AGT (7/4) .........which if it conformed would make
AGT so instead these alerts pair up with each other because all four of them have the
same repeating problem.

CCG (8/8) Hexagram 52 is also an alert because it should create CGG (4/4) but
that is Hexagram 57 so not a match but it does pair up with Hexagram 51 GCC...
3/3. Hexagram 57 (4/4) CGG pair up with Hexagram GGC Hexagram 58
7/7 and yet this should be GCC.

There appears to be no explanation for these alerts why not just put them together as
they should be and change the Hexagram numbers.

There appears to be a problem with the alerts because they are all associated with
only the numbers in nine star ki 3, 4, 7 and we should know by now
3 and 8 … 4 and 7.... are interchangeable.

So with the centre based numbers which contain only the letters C or G they appear
to find comfort in matching up to a pair that is the same as they are.

So 8/8 with 4/4 is not a pairing of numbers and therefore it changes its
partner to match up to 3/3.........and 4/4 partners with 7/ they are the same
in number matches.

Other than those few 'alerts' all other pairings of hexagrams works on the same
principle...............not the principle of T with A and C with G as in DNA ladders
but in the Hexagrams........where T and A change and C and G only change when
all letters in the codon are C or G.

                      1    2    3    4
                      9    6    8    7

We also see that the numbers above pair up in the Hexagrams 1/7 – 4/1 as an
example...........9/9 – 1/1 as another which explains why the alerts occur.....
alerts in letters are because they reproduce the same letters..... alerts in nine
star ki numbers comes when the numbers need to be connected in the ways

 Worth decades of work? 

Friday 22 July 2016

The 8 Shapes of The Aspects in DNA Codons and the words to describe them

The Shapes Effects

By now we understand the shapes in the DNA Codons
but lets take another look at how they may work in everyday life. 

The Grand Trine... 120* in astrology or one third of a circle. Something made up
of three parts like a DNA codon........or The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
The Holy Trinity........ three wise men.........Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.....Father
Mother and child. Certainly the most divine of energies.

The Ruminator......... a person given to meditation, someone who thinks deeply
about something and is happy to chew the cud over and over again until the
answers come. . . . associated with the throat.

The Teacher.........someone who teaches at a school..........from ages 4 to 18....
a little bit of everything until you decide what you want to specialise in.

The Lecturer......someone who gives lectures in higher education, college,
University etc., teaching the older generations. Higher learning.

The Worker....hard worker, often don't have time for children as they work
so hard performing many tasks.......they are determined to achieve their goals
and can often work miracles.

The Thinker..... has a particular opinion or belief system with certain ideas
about something or someone. You have a particular mental attitude and can
take things into account with careful consideration to see the advantages. They
often think twice or think on the past recalling a specific time or event. They
express their thoughts as they come to them.

The Magician.... a person with magical powers, a conjuror. Like a magic
lantern showing photographic slides they project their images. Often receive
confidential information and can become part of the process in making big
decisions. I wonder if The Looking Glass has similar qualities.....the magic
comes in being 'able' to see the future and the past in a positive manner and
influence events by using magical or supernatural forces.

The Alternator.......a dynamo that generates an alternative choice or current.
e.g. Petrol or diesel - gas or electricity – medicine or homeopathy. Or having
an alternative view in order to avoid litigation rather than remaining fixed. One
of two possibilities are always available here.........they can take turns but they
only get two choices and may slip from one to the other when feeling indecisive.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

The Word or The I Ching 2814976

C Blue = Water    T Fire = Orange     G Yellow = Air/tree    A Green = Earth

As you can see from the pattern above this is the I Ching The Word based on the numbers 
28143976 running across the top and down each side. The top left hand corner is dominated
by Water the top right hand side by Fire the bottom left hand side by Earth and the bottom 
right hand side by Air/tree energy. The far corners are all the energy of the element that 
dominated but as they spread out they become changed by the other elements around them.
It is easy to see the patterns within the patterns here..........the whole four are dominated this way....

                                                                                   C   T
                                                                                   A  G

Once the pattern reaches the centre the four have become their opposites and appear as ..

                                                                                  G   A
                                                                                  T   C

It is as though we have entered an anomaly or black hole and come out at the white hole
on the other side..............note also how the pattern of movement is also suited to becoming
the opposite point....x

It starts out as CTGA and includes smaller versions of itself within the whole. x

Monday 18 July 2016

Horizonal and Vertical lines of the I Ching

Nine Star Ki 1/7 as a vertical 1 and a horizontal 7...............usually we write the I Ching lines from bottom to top in a horizontal manner...........what if they were both horizontal and vertical..............

In this image 1 is horizontal and 7 is vertical but it would work either way x 

Sunday 17 July 2016

DNA Codons and varying patterns

The God's of Domino's

 We can see in this first image all the numbers from 0 to 6 in a set of Domino's.

             In this second image you can that the number 5's have been removed and also the 0's.

In some games of Domino's the numbers go to 9 but in the smaller set you have to substitute one number for another in order to make up the whole set from 1 to 9.

1 – 2 – 3 – 4
9 – 6 – 8 - 7

So if for example I wanted to make the DNA Codon TGC I would take it back to
lines of the I Ching ….. and then work out from those lines the numbers in 9 Star Ki.

So now we know that these lines become 1/7 in 9 star ki...... lines 1 and 4 create the
Letter T lines 2 and 5 create the letter G and lines 3 and 6 create the letter now we have 1/7
TGC............but in the Domino set that only goes up to six numbers 4 and 7 are
interchangeable and numbers 1 and 9 are interchangeable.

Because we are creating 1/7 1 remains as it is because 1 exists in this set of domino's
but we have to change the 7 to a 4 in order to present it.

Sometimes by decoding one thing into another we can find out far more than if we just process the
first form or code.

So we can see that 1/7 would show itself as 1/4 but is infact TGC but 1/4 in reality is CGT ......

The following also share the same domino........but flipped to the opposite end.....

So when coding and decoding from Nine Star Ki, I Ching Lines, Letters of DNA, Dominos, errors can be made and mutations created. So many ways to say the same thing can create problems unintentionally. x 

Saturday 16 July 2016

The Pyramids of DNA

The Pyramids of DNA

  How many triangles appear in this pyramid?

How many triangles appear in this pyramid?

They both look the same but in the top one there are 24 in the second
pyramid there are only 15 upward pointing triangles and the missing 9
triangles only appear to be there, the illusion is only one line to 
each of the upward pointing triangles appear hence it looks lighter in
colour than the 24 triangles.

This image of 24 triangles contains all 64 codons of DNA within each triangle
some are read clockwise some are read anticlockwise but they are all there within
the pattern.

All Life itself x 

Friday 15 July 2016

36 Triangles of Solo Man's Temple of DNA

Using the Codons letters below which have been reduced from 64 codons because some read the same from left to right and would thus become a repeated pattern..........using these codon letters make a pattern of 36 triangles within which you can read all 64 codons of DNA.........

Orange T Fire.....Yellow G Air/Tree..... Green A Earth.....Blue  C Water


Thursday 14 July 2016

The Triangles of DNA Life........Solo Man's Temple

36 Triangles of life which when combined together show all 64 codons of DNA within the pattern.....

When life is over taxing this is a great stress buster............the perfect pattern would of course be
9 of Fire T Orange........9 of Water C Blue..... 9 of Air/Tree Yellow and 9 of Earth A Green..... though for the purposes of the game it is not absolute so long as you can read all 64 codes within the 36 triangles you have completed the game. 36 is the minimum required to complete the puzzle but you can make it with more. Enjoy. x

Relationships in the aspects

     The Ruminator and its Relationships

TAC Codon - Nine Star Ki numbers 1/3 … Mercury and Jupiter...... Direction East/West
...Musical notes C F B... Amino Acid Tyrosine............ TGC Codon ...Nine Star Ki
numbers 1/7... Directions NE/SW...Musical notes C F# B... Amino Acid Cysteine.........there is a half note of difference between TAC
and TGC ….TGC raises the tone 1/2 a note.

ACT codon - Nine Star Ki numbers 3/8... Directions South/North... Musical notes C# G G#... Amino Acid Threonine... GCT Codon - Nine Star Ki numbers 3/9... Direction NE/SW... Musical Notes D G G#... Amino Acid Alanine... there is a half
note of difference between ACT and GCT …..GCT raises the tone 1/2 a note.

So lets us take a look at these two pairings within the Ruminator aspects.

What other relationships to other codons do these shapes have.......

TAC Hexagram 40 Nine star Ki 1/3 in the Crystals connects to CTA Hex 39 8/1...
TAC in a string or ladder of DNA would pair with ATG 9/1 HEX 37...... if TAC was
turned into RNA it would connect with CGA 4/1 Hex 48 although in truth it would
just read UAC..........

TGC Hex 47 1/7 in the crystals would connect with CGA 4/1 Hex 48 but in the
string or ladder of DNA it would partner with ACG 9/8 Hex RNA TGC
becomes CTA 2/7 although in truth it would appear as UGC.

RNA connections are created by TGAC moving anti clockwise one letter and then
writing the I Ching lines as 1/2 3/4 5/6 instead of as 1/4 2/5 and 3/6 it is a work in
progress but I mention it merely as another potential connection.

Codons Nine Star Ki Hexagram Directions

TAC 1/3 40 E/W
CTA 8/1 39 E/W
ATG 9/1 37 N/S
CGA 4/1 48 NE/SW Written as codon
TTA 8/7 31 NW/SE Written as 9 star ki
TGC 1/7 47 NE/SW
CGA 4/1 48 NE/SW
ACG 9/8 22 NW/SE
CTA 8/1 39 E/W Written as codon
TTC 2/7 45 S/N Written as 9 star ki

So here we have one Ruminator pattern TAC/TGC and yet many other connections....
many ways to make errors in the coding of DNA.

Note how for TAC there is a connection to TGC but also to other codes in the TGC
relationships chart........TAC, CTA, CGA, also appear.

The same ruling can be said to be a connection between TGC and TAC......TGC, CTA
TAC and CGA ….............

TAC is 1/3 in 9 star also has a connection with 8/1 and 4/1

TGC is 1/7 in 9 star ki … also has a connection with 8/1 and 4/1


CTA D# E A ** +1.1/2 change – 1 tone = 1/2 tone difference
as is usual in the Ruminator

TGC C F# B *
CGA D# F# A ** +1.1/2 tones... no change – 1 tone = 1/2 tone difference
as is usual in the Ruminator

So these four appear to be the most connected in the most
obvious connections..........the codon itself and its shadow self ….

TAC and CTA connect through the crystals and matching face and rear view
Hexagrams and yet CTA is TGC by moving one turn anti clockwise on the DNA

Yet if we put TAC with TGC we raise the tone by 1/2 note but TAC and CGA
is plus 3 tones of 1.1/2 notes. TAC with CTA is raised by 1/2 a note. So CGA
4/1 does not use just the 1/2 tone connection but if it was seen as TTA it would
still show a difference of 1.1/2 tones so not true to the form of the Ruminators
half a note.

In conclusion the movement anticlockwise of TAC creates CGA which are both
rear views of the Hexagrams CGA rear view of TGC and TAC rear view of CTA
so they do have some kind of connection although musically TAC CTA + 3 – 1 – 2
so neither raised nor lowered.......TGC and CGA is minus 1 musically
different. The only sameness comes from the 1/2 note increase between the pairings
in the Ruminator it could be said that TAC and TCG pairing up
could be because they have their shadow Hexagrams in common I don't know right
 now if that applies to all codes but its an interesting connection for the moment. x

Wednesday 13 July 2016

DNA Codons and the aspect Shapes patterns, musical inclinations etc.,

The Eight Shapes of Life

The eight shapes of the 64 codons usually paired up making 32 sets some
pairings raise the tone by just 1/2 note and others 1 note or 1.1/2 notes.

8 shapes Lecturer, Teacher and Ruminator able to raise the tone by half a note.
Worker, Trine, Thinker and Magician all able to raise the tone by one and a half notes.
Alternator alone is able to raise the tone by 1 note.

All 8 shapes are creating this same envelope shape open to one side as though sucking in or
pushing out the energy at that point on the opening..........perhaps for example in the
Ruminator pattern above it is connected to the sixth house of day to day work and
health along with small animals like pets........ Whereas if we look to the thinker it is
open from the 9th house to the 12th. The Lecturer in this case is only open to the first
house area. So the different sized openings can make a difference.

Pushing or pulling energy or perhaps both.........breath in breath out. x 

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Shapes of 64 Codons in pairs and shapes of the Gods

Interestingly all 8 shapes The Grand Trine, Thinker, Alternator, Magician, Teacher, Ruminator, Worker and The Lecturer all make a similar shape ....lets use the Ruminator as an example 3 pairings of two triangles which make a shape that is the same throughout all pairings of DNA codons through the aspects.

Lets look at The Thinker also....

Lets single one pairing out but note that this Ruminator pairing is a slim
stretcher type shape and the others are all wider, taller, smaller etc., varying in size. 

All shapes are envelope in size perhaps the bigger ones could be said to be pushing 
back the envelope but I saw this image on Ancient Aliens and couldn't help but see that 
this too is a similar shape and like all 64 codons it is closed at one end and open
at the other end........

I guess we see what we see with our eyes only x 

Sunday 10 July 2016

Conclusions on the musical shapes of DNA Codons

The Ruminator

These three sets of DNA Codon aspects all have pairings where one raising the tone
of the other in the pair by just half a tone.

The Ruminator

These three sets of DNA Codon aspects all have pairings where one raising the tone
of the other in the pair by just half a tone.

They all create a shape similar to the ruminator but different widths and lengths....

This shape is clearly the pairing of two triangles but it can be no coincidence that
 all 64 codons have a pairing that raise the tones and create this shape.  

The 8 Shapes of The Aspects and their patterns and Musical changes

We have learned much earlier that the Ruminator relates well to The Worker but from the musical aspect of the codons we see that The Lecturer, The Teacher and The Ruminator all have matching pairs of codons where one raises the other by half a note.

All other aspects like The Magician, The Alternator, The Thinker, The Grand Trine and The Worker all have matching pairs of triangles and one raises the other up by one and a half notes.

All 8 aspects have pairs of triangles that create a shape with an open top......

We see from the Thinker aspects how a shape closed at one end and open at the other is created.... we also see this in the ruminator below...

We have 5 Shapes that raise themselves up by 3 half notes (1.1/2) and 3 shapes that
only raise themselves up by half a note.  Are The Lecturer, Teacher and Ruminator
in need of less change........

The Lecturer through the Codes raising 1/2 note

The Lecturer
x 18

CCG – D# G A#  ) Pairs with CCG raising the tone by 1/2 note
CGG – D# F# A# )

TAT – C F G#    ) Pairs with TAA raising the tone by 1/2 note
AAT – C# F G# )

ATT – C# E G# ) Pairs with ATA raising the tone by 1/2 note
ATA – C# E A   )

GCC – D G B    ) Pairs with GCC raising the tone by 1/2 note
GCG – D G A# )

AGA – C# F# A   )Pairs with AGG raising the tone by 1/2 note
AGG – C# F# A# )

GAA – D F A   ) Pairs with GGA raising the tone by 1/2 note
GGA – D F# A )

CGC – D# F# B ) Pairs with CGC raising the tone by 1/2 note
GGC – D F# B   )

TAA – C F A ) Pairs with TAA raising the tone by 1/2 note
TTA – C E A )

AAG – C# F A# ) Pairs with GAG raising the tone by 1/2 note
GAG – D F A#  )

Once again we have a similar shape made by the matching pairs .....

So that completes the aspects and musical changes to all 64 Codons of DNA. x

The Teacher through the Codes raised by 1/2 note

The Teacher X 6

TCA – C G A ) Pairs with TCG raising the tone by 1/2 note
TCG – C G A# )

CAT – D# F G# ) Pairs with CGT raising the tone by 1/2 note
CGT – D# F# G# )

ATC – C# E B ) Pairs with GTC raising the tone by 1/2 note

  GTC – D E B )

Interesting that like the Ruminator this aspect shape raises the tone by only 1/2 note.

Again we have the same shape two triangles open at the top. 

The Magician through the Codes raised by 1.1/2 Notes

The Magician x 6

CAG – D# F A# )Pairs with CAG raising the tone by 1.1/2 tones
TAG – C F A# )

GCA – D G A )Pairs with GCA raising the tone by 1.1/2 tones
GTA – D E A )

AGC – C# F# B )Pairs with AGC raising the tone by 1.1/2 tones
AGT – C# F# G# )

So as we see once again we make the envelope without a flap shape and we raise the tone by 1.1/2 tones. 

The Alternator Aspect through the Codons raised by 1 note

The Alternators x 12

As it appears aspect shape DNA codon and Musical notes prioritise this particular
investigation I will reduce the amount of information given..... to DNA codon and
musical notes.

CAC – D# F B ) Pairs they combine to raise the tone by 1 note
CAA – D# F A )

CCA – D# G A )Pairs they combine to raise the tone by 1 note
ACA – C# G A )

TTG – C E A# ) Pairs they combine to raise the tone by 1 note
TGG – C F# A# )

GGT – D F# G# )Pair they combine to raise the tone by 1 note
TGT – C F# G# )

GTT – D E G# )Pairs they combine to raise the tone by 1 note
GTG – D E A# )

ACC – C# G B )Pairs they combine and raise the tone by 1 note

 AAC – C# F B )

The lesser shape of The Alternator that repeats itself is.....

So here we have another set of aspects that create the same shape and raise the tone by 1.1/2 notes.