Friday 31 May 2013

Map 649 What is Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui

Feng Shui hides the words Huge Sign. That is basically what Feng Shui is an observation on a life situation, look for the most obvious signs for an answer to your question.

I once arrived at a house to offer a Feng Shui consultation, I had to tiptoe through the dog muck at the front of her house as she had a tendency to put the dog out of the front door to go to the toilet at night and she would cry when she had finished and wanted to come in. Now I guess that would not be so bad if she picked up after him unfortunately she had not managed to do that before I arrived. So my first impression of this household was that her life at the moment was to say the least messy. This lady needed to see what she had around her. She was suffering from depression and had suicidal thoughts of just going under the water and not coming up whenever she had a bath. She also had a picture by Sir John Everett Millais hanging in the bathroom called Ophelia.

The painting depicts Ophelia, a character from Shakespeare's play Hamlet while floating in a river just before she drowns. Obviously not the best picture for a bathroom when you are suffering from depression. She began to look around her and understand she could have depression and that would need to be addressed before she could move on. Things had to change starting with getting rid of the picture.

Another house has small, medium and large pig ornaments everywhere and I asked the woman why she had so many pigs and she replied her friends had bought them for her. She was also very over weight. Not such great friends I would say. She got rid of all but kept one of them as a reminder not to let them accumulate again. She is now average weight.

Another woman wanted a relationship but her house was full of paintings of women on their own, in what looked like lonely depictions. She removed them and is getting married next year.

When a house has too many dolls and teddies and no children live there it could be telling of arrested development in childhood. Perhaps divorced parents or some other unhappy childhood issues.

An untidy chaotic room is showing you that inside you are all over the place. A tidy house is a tidy mind. An overly tidy house of course is a sign of rigidity and control where everything has to be in the charge of the home owner, perhaps its the only thing they feel they have any control over.

An overgrown garden is symbolic of someone who feels out of control, lacks motivation and simply cant get things done. If your garden is like this start today doing one small task and keep adding to them until you have brought order to the chaos. If you cant even manage small tasks make a Doctors appointment you could have thyroid or other health problems. Rule them out and then start again.

I once viewed a house for sale and on every wall where pictures by Sir William Russell Flint, known for his love of the female body, his pictures are divine but imagine being a flat chested wife whose husband collects William Russell Flints prints of busty women. That must do something to your self esteem. You could of course buy some of the male form so your husband can learn how it feels not to be up to scratch.

Another house had mirrors everywhere and I suggested removing some of them only to find the man of the house was very much in love with himself and liked to be able to look at himself as often as possible. I could think of nothing appropriate to say to that and the mirrors stayed. Heaven help them both as he gets older, my Father always used to say without mirrors he would not have known how old he looked and would surely of been happier for it.

Look around your home and read the signs. Tidy or messy, clean or grubby, hoarder or charity shop donator. All signs of who you are. The colours you choose will also define you. I once had a very red dining room, never again whilst there was never a dull moment there was little peace either. A hint of red yes but not a red carpet or curtains unless you have a V.I.P. Coming.

You may think you know yourself but look more closely and find out more. Your friends and visitors will know more about you once they gain access to your home. It will give away your secrets whether you want it to or not. For example a romantic homely setting can be a danger to the home owner if she has predatory friends. A pink cottage is more likely to be robbed than a white one. You are telling people about your vulnerabilities without realising it.

Your home is your sanctuary let it remain that way. Nothing in your home got there on its own. You bought it and put it in there. Ask yourself why, look at everything and if you don't use it or love it get rid of it. Do this on a regular basis. The charity shop will love you for it and your home will be full of loved and much wanted things.

I loved the TV Series The Killing if you apply the principles of Feng Shui to a stage setting you get a better idea of what I am saying. Nothing on that stage setting is there without good reason. I noticed an object in the first episode and kept saying to my husband that's your killer simply because this item was in the shoot. My husband said I was being ridiculous not only because it was unlikely to be that person but that my reasons for choosing them where ludicrous. I had to say lets wait and see and sure enough I had chosen the killer because I could see no reason to put this item into the scene without good reason. I wont tell you more as I would not want to spoil it for you.

Your home will have those same qualities everything chosen by you and yours at some point. Does it still work for you. For example if you hang a picture in the west of two red roses you may well find your not short of romance and fun but if you fall in love with the person you are having fun with you had better buy a picture of two roses in pink and place them in the south west or fun is all you might get.

I believe it is our intent that makes all the difference when we place items intentionally and if its what we really want it is likely to be what we get. Choose wisely but above all enjoy your home, your life and the people in it that will bring you the greatest happiness and from happiness comes the best lives. Your home should engage your heart and mind, how does your house make you feel when you return home to it.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Map 648 Latest 36 Triangles

My latest batch of 36 no matter how hard I try I have been unable to make this batch of DNA showing all three letter codons any smaller. Let me know if you succeed in reducing it. x

Thursday 23 May 2013

Map 647 I Ching and numbers connections

Times Tables and The I Ching

0 - 1   2  8  1  4  3  9  7   6                                 Relationships
0 - 1   2  3  4  5  6  7  8   9                       A       from 0 or 1
2 - 2   4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18                   B       2 & 2 same
3 - 8   6  9 12 15 18 21 24 27                  C       3 & 8 +
4 - 1   8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36                 D       4 & 1 *
5 - 4  10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45                E       5 & 4 +
6 - 3  12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54                F       6 & 3 +
7 - 9  14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63                G      7 & 9 (potentially *)
8 - 7  16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72                H      8 & 7 *
9 - 6  18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81                I        9 & 6 +

     A   B  C  D  E   F  G   H  I            

We can see above that the top row and side row to the left are the first numbers or markers for all others to be multiples of.

Those marked * are creative productive energy which is possibly why we are so excited by the growth of wealth and prosperity found in the number four and the symbol for the number 4 can also be drawn as though a symbol for Jupiter the planet of growth and prosperity. In the 4 position Tree/Air it is matched with 1 Water which is supportive of tree energy hence its ability to support 4 Tree/Air energy and assist in its growth.

When we see the number 4 with the number 5 it is not so creative or easy an energy as it becomes more about destructive forces but change is an absolute must in life and we must learn to adapt and change accordingly. So 5 and 4 would benefit from some 9 Fire energy to balance it.

2 with 2 is more of the same lots and lots of Earth what's not to love. Put 2 2's together and you can create the shape of a heart. Earth being an anagram of the word Heart. We also have two ears and Earth could also be said to be The Ears.We should listen to the Earth and our own Hearts and learn to be silent.

The numbers marked + are all changing energies I prefer this word to destructive. They are making changes and are required for life to exist. Never let yourself stagnate in easy moments always be looking for beneficial changes.

Take 3 and 8 and 5 and 4 as examples tree is pushing its way through the soil but tree is kept in place by that very soil so a good foot hold is vital. Controlling rather than destroying.
6 and 3 is metal controlling tree, that could be pruning or pollarding in order for the new growth to come back stronger.

Then we have 9 and 6 and 7 and 9 these are both controlling energies as well but I believe 9 and 6 is the more destructive and that 7 and 9 have a more beneficial relationship. That's just me though so officially they are both controlling. Fire melting metal to form something new, nuts and bolts or jewellery anything metal. You could be a jeweller or a blacksmith the same energy is at work.

I believe that within the crystal there is a relationship of support as follows:

1 supports 3, 3 supports 4, 4 supports 9, 9 supports 7, 7 supports 6 and 6 supports 1. If you draw a line between these combinations you will be drawing up the shape of a crystal. The only things left out are Earths 2,5 and 8 as this crystal is Earth centre based. The same rules apply no matter which nine star ki number is at the centre but the centres can be 1/4/7 and 3/6/9 based too. So based on this I find the 9/7 relationship to be supportive. I even would go so far as to say perhaps the Alchemist is hidden in there somewhere. The magic of jewellery for example made centuries ago is still as beautiful today as it was then. Now thats magic. It can still stop you in your tracks to think about the patterns it is creating all this time later.

The Alchemist at work.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Map 646 Triangles of DNA in smallest grouping

This is the latest version of the 192 triangles of DNA in 64 hexagrams reduced down to its smallest part. I am convinced now that 36 is the smallest grouping that can be made but I have said things like that before and been corrected. So watch this space.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Map 645 The I Ching, Times Table and The Chelsea Flower Show

If you refer back to Map 643 The I Ching and The Times Table just when I think I have had a new idea I was watching The Chelsea Flower Show this morning I noticed this paneling in a fence from one of the show gardens. Obviously another original idea I have not had.

Monday 20 May 2013

Map 644 The I Ching Hexagrams and Nine Star Ki directions

The I Ching Hexagrams and their Directions

You have seen this map in a different format before but I present it above in the triangles of DNA elements fire, earth, air and water.

Top Centre is 9 South energy and it has 6 water and earth with 5 air and 7 fire.

Next to the right is 2 South West energy and it has 7 water, 4 fire, 5 earth and 8 air. Not as balanced as 9 possibly an explanation for why earth energies are less predictable.

Next we have centre right which is West number 7 it has 6 water and earth, 5 air and 7 fire.

Bottom right we have North West number 6 with 6 water and earth, 7 fire and 5 air.

Bottom is North number 1 with 5 water, 7 earth, and 6 of each fire and air.

Bottom left we have North East 8 water, 5 fire, 4 earth and 7 air again an unbalanced mix.

Middle left hand side we have East 3 energy with 5 water, 6 fire, 6 air and 7 earth.

Top left hand side we have South East number 4 with 5 water, 6 fire, 6 air and 7 Earth.

So they all work to the 6 – 6 – 7 – 5 pattern except for the less predictable earth directions of 2 and 8.

As you can see from the picture the centre is left empty but forms a egg shape for all the energies to pass through.

Directions are opposite each other in the format of swopped numbers eg., 1/7 opposite 7/1, 3/4 opposite 4/3 etc.,

There is a large clump of fire energy in the water area, thankfully water will keep that under control. Note also that the Hexagrams with odd numbers sit differently than the hexagrams with even numbers as they would in the usual manner in the hexagrams. It would look much neater if they fitted together but they don't. Enjoy your observations.


Map 643 The Hexagrams of the I Ching and The Times Tables

We can see from the T Squares produced from each row of numbers that 1/7 and 7/1 have a connection that for me is stronger than 1/7's hexagram match of 4/1. Row 7 produces 7 rows of numbers both vertically and horizontally and collection of 13 small squares or cubes. 2/2 produces only a cube and not a T square. The rows with 8 in them produce a T square of only 3 parts and they get bigger and wider as they move diagonally down the page. The biggest being vertical and horizontal 6's. 

Rows 2 with 2 add up to 4
Rows 3 with 8 add up to 15 vertically and horizontally and together they add up to 21
Rows 4 with 1                 36                                                                                         56
Rows 5 with 4                 70                                                                                        115
Rows 6 with 3                 120                                                                                      204
Rows 7 with 9                 140                                                                                      250
Rows 8 with 7                 280                                                                                      496
Rows 9 with 6                 396                                                                                      711

Note that 1/7 is 32 and 7/1 is 32 so the number 32 is strongly connected to these two Hexagrams.
2 + 3 = 5

Number 5 and its meaning.........instability and unpredictability. Many changes and adaptations to be made. Divide 360 by 5 and you have 72* a very creative aspect. 32 is about communication as is 5 connected to Mercury, planet of communications. The Kingdom of Heaven appears 32 times in the Bible, I rather like that one. There are 32 virtues of Buddha. 32 is about change which brings about self renewal. Always reinventing yourself or stagnate. Movement is another important part of change and adaptation. The only constant in life is change. If we don't adapt and move on we will stagnate and die.

1/7 is associated with Hexagram 47 – exhaustion and 7/1 is associated with Hex 60 limitations. Hexagram 32 is associated with 4/3 and duration or self renewing energies and movement.

So through this new map we have found ways to map our energies and see ourselves more clearly. Note the lack of prime numbers in the map above which leads me to think there are many more ways in which these numbers can relate to each other.

Enjoy looking for the bigger picture in your world and move from 'Who am I' to Who I am.

Observations the number 36 is connected to 1/6 and 6/1 all well and good but it is also connected to 3/3 what is their connection other than being at the centre of 6/1 and 1/6 move 6/1 up 3 places and to the right 2 places and move 1/6 to the left three places and down 2 places and meet up in the 3/3 position. 16 matches with 2/7 and 7/2 but also with 1/1 again 2/7 moves 4 to the left and 1 down and 7/2 moves 4 up and 2 right to meet up in the 1/1 position.

24 - 8/7 and 7/8 match also to 3/1 and 1/3 a double set of pairings. 18 matches 2/6 6/2 and 3/8 8/3 another double set. 12 with 1/8 8/1 and 3/2 2/3 doubles again.

All other sets of numbers are in single pairs only.

The numbers 2/2 -  4/4 -  6/6 -  7/7 -  8/8 -  9/9  (1 and 3 above) have no other matches.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Map641 The Double Crystal in Triangles

This is the double crystal in two separate parts and as you can see they do not sit comfortably together. I do not believe that the Double Crystal is happy being separated and therefore can only be shown as a combined double crystal.
Maybe it does sit better in the image above this one but the peaks have to be turned on their sides.

This is still not sitting together well and I will work a little more on it. x

Map 640 The Diamond Crystal and its observations

Map 639 8/4 Crystal and its observations

Observations show that Hexagrams that are at the bottom of a pair are + or positive and appear to make the Hexagram move to the left in direction. Hexagrams that go on the top of a pair are – or negative and appear to make the Hexagram move to the right in direction.

The top of this crystal is blue, yellow and orange and the bottom is Yellow, Blue and Green. The bottom is green and top is orange. The overall appearance of the 8/4 Crystal is that it is leaning to the right.

Map 638 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal and its observations

Map 637 The 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal and its observations

This is an example of the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal shown through the use of the three triangles.

Observations show that Hexagrams that are at the bottom of a pair are + or positive and appear to make the Hexagram move to the left in direction. Hexagrams that go on the top of a pair are – or negative and appear to make the Hexagram move to the right in direction.

The top and bottom of this crystal are blue and yellow with a little flash of it elsewhere. All others outer colours are green or orange. So blues and yellows are to top and bottom and greens and oranges are the centre. The overall appearance of the 1/1 Crystal is that it is leaning to the left.

Map 636 What is Feng Shui

Monday 13 May 2013

Map 635 Observations on the Expansions of DNA

Having worked on a few of the hexagram pairs I begin to think that side energies can only push out horizontally and middle energies can only push up and down. Making a very different view of the DNA expanded version of TGC over CGA.

52 markers for Air/Tree energy and 10 for Water show the strongest elements to be air and water. Once the yellow air/tree energy pushes up and down its marker then becomes the one to push sideways so only the two centre lines can be different. It shows us the possibility of the central letter of any codon being so important. For me as a TGC yellow Air/tree have Fire, Water and Earth around it but G does not change in this hexagram only T and A change. C and G remain unchanged. If I had T at the centre obviously it would change to A when it pushed down created an alternate row of T and A and the same for pushing upwards. Thus the majority would be Fire and Earth.

Lets look at another example: TTA/ TAA

36 Fire and 36 Earth an even balance of both elements but no Water and no Air/tree.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Map 634 TGC Letters and Colours Expanded in DNA and its containment

TGC as an expanded DNA



I can find 32 codons hidden with this pattern so from just TGC alone over
32 different codons can be made. Can you find them ?

Smaller version imagine it as a mere dot invisible to the eye. 

You can see the pyramid shape beginning to form.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Map 633 Start at the Beginning ATG - MET or Start in DNA 9/4

This is the expanded version of DNA ATG or 9/4 Nine Star Ki possibly the best place to start looking at anything is MET or Start Point. I have a particular soft spot for 9/4 as it is the next one in the crystal after my own 1/7 TGC but because it always seems to be a good time for me and I particularly like to do something special whenever 9/4 comes up as either Nine Star Ki or as an I Ching reading.

This is 9/4 ATG MET - Start in all its glory. A back bone of Fired Earth.

Map 632 Architecture and DNA

You can see the pattern along to bottom left and top right sides of this diamond as a DNA pattern. Where they producing DNA patterns in the early 1900's in the architecture of the time.

The brick patterned edge to the roof and the hexagonal witch's hat all signs from the world of DNA.

Don't even get me started on a trip to Disneyland it is a positive feast of patterns, you can see nothing else.

Life is everywhere x

Map 631 The Spiral of The Elements of DNA

Here we see the triangle Trines of the four elements. Water, Fire, Earth and Air/Tree spirals of life energies spinning their way towards us.

Friday 10 May 2013

Map 630 Husband and Wife DNA

Quite a set of similarities for a husband and wife duo.

 Husband AAC
Wife TGC

A streak of thinking runs through my centre which I am sure wont surprise you considering this rambling blog but otherwise me and my husband have great similarities.  Ah how sweet.

G = Geometry Geometry = God G = Yellow Yellow = Heaven I like to think I have God running through my spine a little bit of Heaven. 

Map 629 Hex 9 and 10 AGG & GGT DNA Expanded

Variations on a theme of DNA This is Hexagrams 8 and 10 AGG and GGT extended.

Map 628 Hexagrams 7 & 8 CAC and CTC DNA Expanded

This is CAC/CTC and as their is so much water in it I have once again run out of triangles so you will have to imagine the whole bottom section continued in blue. Water water everywhere hey x

Map 627 Hex 5 & 6 AGA - TGT DNA Expanded

Hexagrams 5 & 6 AGA and TGT expanded.

Map 626 Hexagrams 3 & 4 ATC - CAT Extended DNA

This is the extended version of Hexagrams 3 & 4 ATC - CAT I will reserve judgements until I have seen more patterns emerging.

Map 624 GGG CCC DNA Extended outwards Hexagram 1 and 2

Heaven and Earth make a lovely combination of outstretched DNA. Creating GGG, CCC, GGC, GCG, CGC, CCG, CGG, GGC.

In this pattern C becomes G and G becomes C when expanding.

Map 623 GTC - CAG Huntingtons Disease DNA Expanded

Huntington's Disease

Huntington's disease is caused by the repeating of the DNA code CAG usually causing a problem once repeats of 40 or more are found. 

Lets take a look at the expanded version of CAG.

Looks neat and orderly to me where is it hiding its key problem of repeating CAG over and over again. 

Map 622 Expanded GAG - GAT Sickle Cell Anaemia DNA

This is the expanded hexagram GAG GTG now this double hexagram is said to be responsible for problems like Sickle Cell Anemia. Instead of producing GAG it produces GTG and the problem is born.

I have not been able to spread out the DNA in its entirety because it uses so much yellow that I ran out of triangles so presume the outer ones that are missing to be yellow and it goes in the usual pattern of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 both top and bottom.

It tells us something that there is so much air/tree energy in this DNA with Earth and Tree through the centre and no water at all. If I flip this pattern over I will have the GTG pattern perhaps picking up the centre point is difficult with this one and an error could easily be made.

So the hexagram flips over and becomes GTG and repeats itself over and over again making the same error. The only DNA codons you can make from this extended DNA is GGG, GAG, GTG, TGG, AGG, GGA, GGT, GTA TGA, ATG, GAT, TAG, 12 choices.

Map 621 ALERT ACT - TGA Expanded DNA

This is the ALERT DNA ACT/TGA Hexagrams 27 and 28.  As we know this is called an alert because if it followed the usual process of creating a shadow hexagram ACT would also produce ACT. This of course must be unacceptable to the DNA Universe so it borrows the hat of another hexagram which gives it an alternative top. ACT with TGA above it means it still doesn't follow the usual pattern whereby T would become A and A would become T. Instead T and A remain unchanged and C and G are interchangeable. So when spreading out this pattern only C and G change T and A remain the same. You can see it is a very uniform pattern. I also felt with this one that energies want to move vertical and horizontal so I have made the two left hand triangles of the double hexagon moving left and the two outer right hand side triangles move right with the top moving upward and the bottom moving downwards but we can see through that there are times when the hexagrams overlap that directions could change. For this purpose I have not changed them but that does not mean they could not be changed.

So despite being an ALERT hexagram ACT and TGA are coming out as very orderly if somewhat predictable which is the opposite to what I would have expected from something that does not conform to the normal pattern process.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Map 620 All Life Itself coming to you

All life itself coming to a place near you.

This image could be said to be energies milling about as they go about their daily business answers requests of the Universe to create whatever it is we think we want. I moves constantly as it attracts and repels its way through our lives. You want a new house think about it for long enough and it starts to mill its way towards you push out of its way energies that are not required for the job until it lands on your doorstep just as you requested. Be careful what you wish for x

Map 618 The Extended Version of TGC

TGC Expanded outwards.This is Hexagram 47 and 48 expanded outwards. Noting that T and A change into each other in each outer movement. C and G remain unchanged.

Map 617 The Expanded Version of GAT as DNA

From a little three letter codon GAT we can produce this expanded version of Solo Man's Temple.

I look at it and see something of Robin Hood about it for some reason. Lots of air about this pattern should be a thinker using the mind. Complimentary opposites in the Orange T and Green A.

The orange and green take on the shape of the symbols for hazard warnings. The Hex 38 - Opposition.

Opposition is like an obstruction but it can have a useful purpose. The opposition of Heaven and Earth for example when brought together are creative and reproductive. Opposition once resolved and obstructions removed can bring great order to the world. Take little steps do not force your opinions and you will have success.

So the opportunity to put out that creative mind into the world outside you. A distinct lack of water may bring difficulties through the emotions and feelings or lack of them. Of course if you are emotionally balanced that wont be a problem but if your not that may well be one of your obstructions. When you find balance you will find your creativity and it can be a gift to the world.

This shape begins with 1,3,5,7,9,11 and then 11 again and down to 9,7,5,3 and 1.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Map 614 Do it for yourself

Do it for yourself
You may actually be
  the only
Person you come into
contact with. x

Map 613 The Expanding and Flipping of DNA Codon TGC Nine Star Ki 1/7

TGC in full flow

The above image is of the hexagrams 47 and 48 which then opens out to be hexagrams 59 and 60.

The image above shows TGC in the bottom of the inside hexagonal shape and above it CGA. If we open the hexagrams out in the same code or pattern as the hexagrams come together we will see that T and A change into each other but C and G remain the same as they would in any hexagram pairing. This then means from hexagram 47 - TGC alone we get its shadow hexagram 48 - CGA. When they open out we also get DNA codons and hexagrams 59 CGT and 60 AGC.

I refer you back the Map 405 which shows the flipping of the patterns and will give you more insights but for the moment I will keep with this pattern.

TGC Hex + 47 nine star ki 1/7 as an inner creates the outer AGC Hex -60 nine star ki 7/1. 1/7 moves from N.E to S.W and 7/1 moves S.W to N.E creating an arrow that can move in both directions on the same rod.

TGC creates as a shadow or rear view hexagram CGA - 48 nine star ki 4/1 this being the inner shadow which creates an outer codon CGT +59 nine star ki 1/4.
CGA moves N.E to S.W and CGT moves from S.W to N.E again moving in both directions on the same rod.

1/7's exhaustion is alleviated by the lake that refills itself in 4/1 it is still told do not communicate with words they will not be heard but 7/1 says that if you play yourself like a musical instrument and stay in tune you will be able to communicate with others playing the same tune or become part of an orchestra and finally 1/4 a flood destroys old structures making way for new possibilities. A life with an open door to the cosmos requires you to dissolve all prejudice’s and make no judgements. Set yourself free.

I wonder if sometimes TGC CGA is the inner and CGT AGC is the outer and then they switch so that we can see ourselves from what we give out and receive back and then we receive back what we have given out. 

Note also how 4/1 and 1/7 belong to the Healing 1/1 Crystal and yet 1/4 belongs to the LH and 7/1 belongs to the right hand side of the double crystal.  

Sunday 5 May 2013

Map 612 Astrological Chart for TGC

So TGC is the Dna that matches 15th, March, 1954 and is Hexagram + 47 therefore is shown in the bottom of the hexagram and its matching pair Hexagram – 48 CGA is shown above it. When each is opened out to its opposite colour it gives the chart above. Which gives the following variations of Dna.

ATC and CTA (mirrors) TGC and CGT (mirrors), GCA and ACG (mirrors), CAT and TAC (mirrors) CAG and GAC (mirrors) TAG and GAT (mirrors) AGC and CGA (mirrors) CTG and GTC (mirrors) GTA and ATG (mirrors)
GCT and TCG (mirrors) = 20 different codons
GCG x 2, CGC x 2 = 4 codons but 2 repeated. In total 24 codons or 22 different codons. Clearly associated with the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal.

My buildings blocks contain any or all of the above amino acid or Dna codons.
The following are the amino acids from the codons.....

Isoleucine...Leucine x 2 ...Cysteine...Arganine x 3 ...Alanine x 2... Threonine...Histidine...Tyrosine...Glutamine...Aspartic Acid x 2 …
STOP (amber)...Serine...Valine x 2 ...MET...

So within this chart we have Stop Amber or prepare to Stop, Start or MET and
12 other types of amino acid.

Arginine has three measures, Leucine, Alanine, Aspartic Acid and Valine all have two measures. The others have just one.

Quite a good variety of acids but no Tryptophan, Proline, Phenylalanine, Asparagine, Glycine and Lysine. So should I require these amino acids I will have to find other ways to get them perhaps when changing my DNA into RNA.

So the usual birth chart sits with Aries through to Pisces whereas mine starts with Earth.
Usual positions

Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Water

My Chart Positions

Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Water, Air

Earth in fire,* Fire in Earth,* Air good, Water good, Water in Fire**, Air in Earth**, Fire in Air,* Earth in Water**, Air in Fire*, Water in Earth**, Water in Air*, Air in Water.*

Those marked * are not particularly unhappy in these give and take positions offering support or being supported.

Those marked ** are more likely to be in a controlling situations where change and adaptation to situations are likely. Not so comfortable. In astrology Water and Earth can be comfortable together but in Feng Shui changes are afoot.

Those in the usual positions are happy enough. 6 x * and 4 x ** with 2 good so all in all not a bad measure of give and take.

C - 4
T - 2
A - 2
G - 4

So in this chart C and G dominate. Air/Tree energy and Water energy.

Map 611 Astrology Chart and DNA

Next time you want to think outside the box you will have to use the signs of the zodiac shown above as the signs....Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius are all inside the box at the centre. Pisces and Virgo are not usually with the Cardinal signs as they are mutable perhaps they are showing their flexibility.

Your inner Taurus or self worth can be put out into the world through Aries depending on balance levels either like a bull in a china shop or arise Sir Knight. Either way they are Earth bound issues, how you measure yourself in the world outside. I am (Aries) going to have (Taurus), which is fine so long as you don't think material goods are a true measure of you.

Your inner Gemini is thinking about family, siblings in particular and how they connect you and your roots. Where do you come from and how you think about yourself is going to become how you feel about yourself. So if you think badly of yourself in Gemini and put that out into the world through Cancer the outer world will see you the way you see yourself. I think (Gemini) I feel (Cancer) good about my family.

Inner Leo is not one to hide its light under a bushel and will work hard to present itself in a good light particularly through service and care of others through Virgo. Born to serve like the Royal Family enjoying it is the key not feeling like your freedoms have been restricted. Let your service be your crowing glory. I will (Leo) serve (Virgo).

Inner Scorpio your hearts desire, the loves of your life can all be shown in the outer world through your partnerships with others. Marriage, business or any relationship put out through Libra. You will need to find balance here and make sure your desires are what you want not what you think you want. I desire (Scorpio) to find great beauty and balance (Libra) in my life.

Sagittarius on the inside is bursting to get out through Capricorn and experience the world through travel and journeys of all kinds. It will need to remain orderly and in control don't let too many of those arrows fly off out into the world if you don't think you can keep them under your control. The never ending journey. I aim (Sagittarius) to use (Capricorn) my strengths to the best of my ability.

Finally inner Aquarius holds the key to all your hopes and dreams to a life of freedom and care - free - ness. I like to use the word Carefreedom for this area again like Scorpio you have to be sure you know what your hopes and dreams are then you have to believe in them so they can manifest in the outer world through Pisces. The daydreamer often sees their dreams coming true. 'If you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true' as they say is the deep waters of Pisces and in the musical South Pacific. I know (Aquarius) that if I believe (Pisces) then the world can be a better place. Beware this area because once 'you know' you can never go back. Once 'you know' everything you do has consequences.

If we now seek out the DNA message within the birth chart we have AGT, GTC, CAG and TCA in the main frame but in fact many more DNA codons can be made from this pattern.

There are two off each of TAG, AGC, GTC, CGT, GTA, TCG, ATC and AGT. There are one only of TCT and GAG. So in all 18 Codons appear but only 10 if we ignore repeats.

Matching pairs of Hexagrams can be found in TAG which matches GTA and AGC which matches CGT, so we have two pairs of hexagrams. The others do not have their matching other half.

Your will notice that the patterns also lend themselves to Wind and Water (water and air) and Fired Earth (Fire and Earth).

Fired Earth - Heavy Wind and Water or Feng Shui – Light

Aries and Taurus Gemini and Cancer
Leo and Virgo Libra and Scorpio
Sagittarius and Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces

Could this be bringing energies down to Could this be lifting energies up to
Earth Heaven

We see how the energies work in up and down ways, water goes up and then comes down again and fire raises to the ground and then rises Phoenix like from the ashes. Yet in DNA we need three parts for a Codon. So TAG is Aries, Taurus fire earth but it also has Gemini air added to it fanning the flames perhaps. Aries can take two directions TAG and TAG clockwise and anticlockwise but both read the same for a DNA Codon TAG.

Cancer can take two directions CGA clockwise and CGT anticlockwise so Water, Air an Earth in CGA is the heavier of the two as Water, Air and Fire is lighter.

Libra can take two directions but both are GCT Air, Water and Fire again so heavy Earth here.

Capricorn can take two directions ATC and ATG Earth, Fire and Water and Earth, Fire and Air the light of the two is the anticlockwise ATG with ATC being the heavier clockwise choice.

There are many more observations we can make from this map, have fun. x

Saturday 4 May 2013

Map 610 DNA Hexagrams of the I Ching and Nine Star Ki

Lets take an example of a centre point as in the 8/4 Crystal:

4/7 TGA – 3/8 ACT now both of these are alerts and yet they still conform to the standard. Which tells us that peaks and centre points only match to each other but the 8 other Hexagrams in a crystal will match up to a hexagram in the crystal. E.G. position at top of crystal matches position at bottom etc.,

Something to think on this weekend.