Saturday 27 June 2020

The Ribbons in the Fabric of Life in the I Ching

Here we have the I Ching - The Word based on number order 28143976 the I Ching is so simple its just 16 ribbons 8 vertical and 8 the background of the vertical lines are in colours of the numbers shown and then the horizontal colours are as though they have been folded in and out of each of the vertical lines. My own is marked 1/7 1 being the horizontal line of blue and 7 being the red vertical line........if you imagine a dot at the centre and everything below and to the left is a minus and everything upward and to the right is a plus. My 1/7 would be 3 plus and 1 plus giving me a total of 4 plus. If I look to the opposite 7/1 it would be 3 minus and 1 minus of 4 minus perhaps somehow they cancel each other out. Either way this is such a simple way to view the I Ching just 8 colours 2 of each as a ribbon and intertwine them into the fabric of life. X

Wednesday 17 June 2020

The Crystals and 64 Codons of DNA

Here we have all 64 codons of DNA wrapped up in their own little crystal. To the top we have the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal very neat and orderly just like Heaven is likely to be. Bottom left we have the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal the DNA code from the outer edge inward......e.g. my own TGC is in the third house of the 1/1 crystal T to the out followed by G then C at centre. Bottom right hand side we have the 8/4 - 3/7 Crystal the top right left hand side and to the top left hand side we have the pairing of the double crystal.......and finally we have the diamond crystal which contains only four codons at the centre. There has to be a reason these 12 codons are happy together in a crystal form. If we could but work that out. X 

Thursday 11 June 2020

DNA Codons for who you are or can become

Here we have the musical notes for TGC as a DNA Codon this is the sound of TGC C F# B....... it belongs to Hex 47 which is part of the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal. It sits in the North East facing in a South Westerly direction. It creates the amino acid Cysteine......has planets Mercury and Venus associations... and creates the shape of The Ruminator 180* x 150* x 30* moving from T Aries to G Libra to C Pisces ........there are probably many other ways this DNA codon can be portrayed but TGC is not just three letters it is so much more. T Aries is associated with the head and the 1st house....G Libra is associated with the Kidneys and the 7th house......C Pisces is associated with the feet and the 12th how do we connect 1st - 7th - 12th......its about you and I and your own worst enemies which has to be about one or other of wonder you have to ruminate on life so much. Finding new ways to look at all helps to decide who you are or what you can that tune in three......and find a piece of music that contains them......above all enjoy x

Tuesday 9 June 2020

I Ching Lines and Nine Star Ki

We have here the all seeing eye of The I Ching as it move off in twin directions Jang to the right and Jin to the left as it reaches the top it falls back down again on the inside. So we have the upward flow of a number and its downward flow. It creates a heart shape as it flows in and out, in and out. It also forms the shape of the Popes Fish can also be seen as both sides of the brain......note also that 2 and 6, 7 and 8, 1 and 9 and 3 and 4 are once again paired up here. The I Ching lines as they move up and again down show Jin and Jang as pairings............this is a crown we can all wear on our heads x 

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Sickle cell anaemia DNA Codons

Sickle-cell Anaemia 

In Sickle cell anaemia an error occurs when GAG is replaced by GTG.

GAG makes the amino acid Glutamic Acid and GTG makes the amino acid Valine.

In people with the correct amino acid GAG they are open to getting Malaria but don't have sickle-cell anaemia.

In people with the mutation amino acid GTG they are protected from Malaria but get sickle-cell anaemia. 

So it strikes me as someone in the DNA department thought he could cure Malaria victims simply by turning the cube around. Again a classic case of RNA thinking it can make adjustments and correct potential health risks but is a mere child compared to its parents DNA and doesn't always get things right.  Unfortunately the door to malaria closes and the door to sickle cell anaemia opens.

Hex - 14 6/9 GAG Glutamic Acid – SW/NE – 3/8 Crystal Air/Fire Rear - Great Possessing

Hex + 13 9/6 GTG Valine – NE/SW – 3/8 Crystal Air/Earth Face - Concording People

So this error in its entirety could be said to be contained within this one hexagram facing the wrong way. Both GAG and GTG belong to the same crystal and cube but GAG is fiery in RNA and GTG is Earthy in RNA both are tree/air element in DNA. 

Observations. As GAG is hydrophilic it would prefer to be on the outside of the DNA strand, would turning the GTG hydrophobic strand to the outside cause some of these problems. It is certainly possible to describe this problem as the shadowline because GAG and GTG belong to the same cube one facing and one rear view. One that likes moisture and one that doesn't.

Huntington’s Disease and DNA Codons

Huntington's Disease

Huntington's disease is caused by the repeating of the DNA code CAG usually causing a problem once repeats of 40 or more are found. 

CAG Hexagram -18 4/8 Glutamine N/S Diamond Crystal Water/Earth...Hydrophilic – Planets Jupiter/Saturn – IC 4th Mother – Roots Cancer – D Sharp – RNA (AGT) Hexagram 61 - CAG is not an alert but AGT is. 

GTC Hexagram +17 3/7 Valine N/S Diamond Crystal Air/Fire...Hydrophobic – Planets Jupiter/Venus MC 10th Father - Capricorn – A - RNA (TCA) Hexagram 62 - GTC is not an alert but TCA is. 

As the diamond crystal has only four codes they are read as cardinals 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses and thus the rear view CAG and the face GTC are associated with the 4th House of Mothers and 10th House of Fathers. Should those four codes feel restricted (Saturn) and want to expand into 12 (Jupiter) then they would become associated with the 2nd the 4th 6th 8th 10th and 12th so still have a strong parental connection. Is it coincidental that this crystal is so small and reduced in size like the planet Saturn it is associated with and may well wish to repeat itself over and over as it expands its size like the planet Jupiter it is also associated with.

As we have seen from earlier maps CAG AGT GTC TCA CAG the diamond crystal doesn't take long to repeat itself. This crystal appears as the centre of the record of life. So if we were playing a record and place the arm onto the disc and it plays until the record finishes at the diamond crystal in the centre and you don't remove the arm it will continue to go around and around until you do. Literally the record is stuck. Just an abstract thought.

 The I Ching says that hexagram 18 has hidden ancestral messages and if you can rid yourself of them you can be restored to good health. Not by eradication but by transforming them. Cleaning out the wound, identifying the pattern that's repeating, do not destroy the source but transform it. Working on the thing that has been spoiled or corrupted. Corruption gives the chance of starting at the source, going back to the origins creating new ways of being. This is like a loop you can keep walking or take a risk into unknown territory.

Hex 18 CAG is about innovation and a time for change. The change is not the end of it but the beginning of a new way. We can then move onto hexagram 19 which talks of ghosts from the past that have now been laid to rest. Ancestors that benefit us and no longer corrupt. What was a distorted pattern is now a source of strength. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger sort of thing. So working with the problem rather than letting it run the show. It is as though you have laid a ghost to rest. No wonder there is a culture that thinks so highly of ancestors and looks after their graves etc., not forgetting them in this space time, they have gone but are not forgotten. Fear of ancestral inheritance wont benefit any of us but perhaps being aware of past potential for inheritance is the way forward and certainly in the study of DNA's one door opens another closes theory could be a way to find out how to close one door whilst being aware of the new door it will open and its potential for problems.

Flowing patterns that we can see follow onto corruption of those patterns and in turning your world upside down you may be able to see that flow again if the time is right. You may well see the answers but they are not of this time and you will wonder what they are all about but in turning your world upside down you can regenerate it. Hex 17 does follow the patterns of nature but it is outside our ability to be aware of its flow, because it is out of time. Something in the mother or fathers make up is corrupted and passed onto the child becoming as ghosts from the past. Repeating patterns that we just cannot find a design in serve no purpose. If we get a connection it will feel like synchronicity or it will pass us by unnoticed. This ghost needs to be laid to rest. By turning your world upside down you are now connected to the Hexagram 17 which flows without corruption and we can perhaps see where the corruption of the pattern occurs.

Its like taking the lid off a pot or opening a can of worms you then expose the creatures to air and light. The hexagram 18 – the mountain acts like a lid trapping the air, making it stale, stagnant and unhealthy. The corruption of 18 is rooted in the 17. Creating success comes from the source. This sounds to me more like the Air/Fire nature of the hexagram 17. Would we find the answers in the GTC of hexagram 17 rather than the CAG of Hexagram 18. Someone needs to take the lid off this can of worms and examine it. Everything that influences us from the outside takes us a step further away from God or perfection. In focussing on the corruption do we get sidetracked from the true source. 

Hex 17 Follow without resistance – expansion. Embracing it and relating to it, do not feel guilty, or carry fault.
A violin that has been made by a master resonates only with the pure tones, it does so deeply and abundantly. A cheap one resonates to many tones but in a dull way. Make sure everything you do, or add to yourself, is made of Pinus Resonanza Wood and according to universal proportions. Then your life will resonate with the good and the worthwhile and you will be a Stradivarius for yourself and everyone you meet. 
Pinus Resonanza Wood is multinodal producing two or more whorls or tight spirals of branches per year. This growth of branches, needles and cone scales is arranged in Fibonacci number ratios. 

In some cones the seeds are stored in closed cones for many years until an environmental cue triggers the cones to open, releasing the seeds. The most common form is when a resin binds the cones shut until melted by a forest fire. Another situation when Air and Fire are required as in the RNA associated with GTC Some species of pines need fire to regenerate.

Hexagram 18 - Degeneration must in some way have a connection to regeneration. Is CAG’s corruption bringing about a regeneration which takes the form of the repeating pattern. The build up of more corruption being the end result rather than the regeneration. I guess any of of us growing to a Fibonacci pattern will be a work of art. 

"The creative process, as far as we are able to follow it all, consists in the unconscious activation of an archetypal image, and in elaborating and shaping this image into the finished work. By giving it shape, the artist translates it into the language of the present, and so makes it possible for us to find our way back to the deepest springs of life. Therein lies the social significance of art: it is constantly at work educating the spirit of the age conjuring up the forms in which the age is most lacking. The unsatisfying yearning of the artist reaches back to the primordial image in the unconscious which is best fitted to compensate the inadequacy and one sidedness of the present. The artist seizes on this image, and in raising it from deepest unconsciousness he brings it into relation with conscious values, thereby transforming it. Carl Jung

Hexagrams 13 – 24 inclusive...proper timing and enhancement of strength. Mixing in the word without showing your illumination or strengths. Staying with the primal energy strengths and avoid conditioning. Going with the flow gradually offering guidance. Renewal of primal energy keeps you going. Timing right, abandon the false and returning to the true. Gradual progression through life and knowing what's required of the time. Inner vigilance. Acquiring stillness and clarity without ostentation. Return of conscious reality actively obeying the mind.

For me this CAG problem seems to be all about timing, perhaps those seeds have been waiting for the right time to be born, now we might say there cannot be a right time for Huntington's Disease to be born but for one reason or another there is a right time. Which is what we need to learn to understand.

CAG DNA when it becomes RNA moves one step anticlockwise on the clock.

So Hex 18 CAG becomes AGT and Hexagram 17 GTC becomes TCA but remember the lines are written 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6 together not the 1/4, 2/5 and 3/6 of DNA.

CAG Hex - 18 in DNA is AGT in RNA which is written as 9/9 fire/fire in numbers but remains CAG in the written word but if 9/9 is read incorrectly as DNA it can be read as GCG giving it the fire required to open that seed.

GTC Hex +17 in DNA is TCA in RNA which is written as 1/1 water/water in numbers but is GUC in the written word but if 1/1 is read incorrectly as DNA it can be read as CGC. Water water everywhere.

We have gone from the diamond crystal at the centre to the 1/1 crystal peaks. Of course we know that the 1/1 – 9/9 crystal is all about healing. Is CAG trying to heal something else and in doing so creates Huntington's Disease. Is it the 9/9 fire that is helping the seed to be born now. Again it is all about timing. Does the answer lie in the positive and negative peaks of the healing crystal. 

4/8 flipped upside down gives you 3/7 and we know that 4 & 7 & 3 & 8 are interchangeable but once it flips to RNA you have 1/1 and 9/9 and whilst we know they have a connection they do not change when flipped over. So CAG becomes 9/9 and this is the fire it needed to come alive but it does not change into 1/1 it remains 9/9.

Although they don't become TCA or AGT in truth they could be mistaken for them when that Chap Dan at the DNA factory makes a mistake. He thinks they are DNA not RNA. This would create an ALERT situation because they do not match in the hex 61/62 which is TCA over AGT they have borrowed their hats from Hex 27/8 TGA over ACT. If you remember from the map on alerts they have borrowed the tops from each other because they do not match and do not cancel each other out. So they STOP (TGA) and try again hence the repeating patterns.

Could the problem lie with the RNA because CAG over GTC appears to hold no problem until it becomes RNA when it produces AGT Hex 61 over TCA Hex 62 and these are trying to ALERT us to the dangers. 

So from an evening thinking about Huntington's Disease I feel that it is about timing, when the fire is there to bring those seeds to life the time is right. So perhaps its not so much about those parents passing on the seed as it is about the seed being present and only coming into being when the elements required are available. Its about RNA and not so much about DNA it is when CAG and GTC unzip and become RNA that the problem comes into being but RNA is life itself rather than our inheritance. I hope my ramblings have given some food for thought. I get a feeling for something as I work with all the different tools and then when I read it back I remember that my words are not always heard (Hex 47) and that a picture paints a thousand words and that images may be easier to follow. 
Remember with my inherited traits I have tried to embrace them because they are a part of me but finding ways to heal and cope are the way forward and working with DNA has to be a pathway for healing as more and more is discovered.....or rediscovered by our journeys.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

I thought I would spend some time thinking about the repeats of DNA that cause problems for people with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. They have repeats of CAG and GCG.

It rang a bell and upon checking the article on Huntington's Disease I found that repeats of CAG cause the problems with HD.

Having said that errors when coding for RNA with CAG also have the potential to produce the error GCG. This leads me to wonder if repeats of the same letters are more likely for a variety of illnesses. If you are interested in D.M.D. It might be worth reading the article on Huntington's.