Wednesday 21 October 2015

Saturday 10 October 2015

10/10/15 Number 2 version of Solo Man's Temple DNA Game

Version two for the day 36 triangles containing all 64 DNA just 36 parts.

10/10/2015 36 Triangles of DNA

Good morning long time no action I know and my apologies for that but for the moment I am still experienced the fall out from Uranus square to Uranus and have had little time to return to the blog. That may well continue for a while longer but today I present to you 36 triangles of DNA from the Solo Man's Temple game. I have had the game made up of colours and letters on wooden triangles and that depicts the way DNA moves quite well. The image is of 36 triangles and within the pattern you can read all 64 of the DNA codons. Enjoy and do feel free to correct me if you see an error. Have a happy day..............