Friday 29 September 2017

The I Ching and it’s Crystal Codons

Within The I Ching there are 64 codons of DNA or Nine Star Ki numbers. Within those 64 are 6 crystals....3 which contain 12 codons each and a double crystal which contains 24 codons and a smaller diamond shaped crystal of only 4 codons making 64 codons in all.

The first is in the Blue Water quadrant of the I Ching. Each crystal has 3 of its codons in each quadrant and the double crystal is split into left hand of the crystal and right hand of the crystal. The diamond crystal contains only one in each section denoted by the little diamond shape.

The first crystal is the 6/6 - 2/2 crystal which is coloured in grey in the map below.
That is followed by the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal which is coloured in blue.
Then we have the 8/4 - 7/3 crystal which is coloured in orange.
The left hand side of the double crystal is coloured in purple.
The right hand side of the double crystal is coloured in green.
The diamond is magenta and diamond shaped.

We can see from the images that the 6/6 - 2/2 and the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal move in a linear manner both horizontally and vertically.

The 8/4 - 7/3 and the double crystal all move in a more dynamic triangular manner.

The diamond crystal is just one dot on the map in each section  together they create a diamond shape... but singly they like a centre point or focus point for that particular element or quadrant.

The first section is Blue Water and is associated with the letter C in DNA because all of its codons will start with the letter C. The numbers 2,8,1,4 dominate here.

6/6 crystal codons are ...  2/2 - 2/8 - 2/4
1/1 crystal codons are ..   1/1 - 8/1 - 4/1
8/4 crystal codons are ..    8/4 - 2/1 - 1/2
Left hand side Double ...  4/2 - 8/8 - 1/4
Right hand double..........  8/2 - 4/4 - 1/8
Diamond crystal one point only 4/8

The second section is Orange Fire and is associated with the letter T in DNA because all of its codons which start with the letter T. The numbers 2,8,1,4,3,9,7,6 are all available here.

6/6 crystal codons are ... 2/6 - 8/6 - 4/6
1/1 crystal codons are ... 1/3 - 1/9 - 1/7
8/4 crystal codons are ... 2/9 - 1/6 - 4/7
Left hand side Double ...2/3 - 8/7 -  4/9
Right hand side Double . 2/7 - 8/9 - 4/3
Diamond crystal one point only 8/3

The third section is Yellow Tree/air and is associated with the letter G in DNA because all of its condons begin with G. The numbers 3,9,7,6 dominate here.

6/6 crystal codons are ...6/3 - 6/7 - 6/6
1/1 crystal codons are ...3/9 - 9/9 - 7/9
8/4 crystal codons are... 7/3 - 6/9 - 9/6
Left hand side Double... 9/3 - 3/6 - 7/7
Right hand side Double..3/3 - 9/7 - 7/6
Diamond crystal one point only 3/7

The final fourth section is Green Earth and is associated with the letter A in DNA because all its codons begin with the letter A. The numbers 2,8,1,4,3,9,7,6 all are available here.

6/6 crystal codons are ...3/2- 7/2 - 6/2
1/1 crystal codons are... 9/8 - 9/1 - 9/4
8/4 crystal codons are... 6/1 - 9/2 - 3/8
Left hand side Double .. 7/8 - 3/1 - 6/4
Right hand side Double.. 6/8 - 3/4 - 7/1
Diamond crystal one point only 7/4

I will show the full image here and we can examine it more closely in future writings.

Friday 22 September 2017

The I Ching the whole story

Here we see once more The I Ching showing only one side of the 64 codon pattern. Cut the I Ching diagonally across all the double numbers 2/2...8/8...1/1 etc., and run that row across the top then show the other numbers as colours for example 6/2 at the bottom of the map is grey and yellow.... or 1/7 is blue and red etc., so now you can see only half the story but if you flip the map over twice left to right then top to bottom you will find the missing codons in the correct positions.

Fit the top to the bottom via the midpoint double numbers and you have a diagonal view of the I Ching.

A reminder that as in DNA we need only be able to read one side to be able to work out what the other side should read x

Thursday 21 September 2017

NIne Star Ki Bagua and its movements

The image above shows the face of a bagua for the nine Star Ki of 1/7 the rear shows the face of a bagua for 7/1 somewhere in between the gap they have changed sides. The 1/7 cube has numbers that are all moving from the North East to the South West. The 7/1 cube has numbers that are moving from the South West to the North East. In fact they are moving towards each other attracted like magnets.

Einsteins Rosen Bridge would fit nicely between the two faces and as it moves through it flips itself over left to right..... then again top to bottom and now 7/1 has become the 1/7 face. To create an opposite in Nine Star Ki two flips are required. We soon begin to see that opposites are infact the same. In Feng Shui it is called the other one of the pair. So if you are experiencing a 1/7 year and month then someone or something on the other side of the bridge is experiencing 7/1...... is it just some other random person or your shadow self. Is this why we need to find balance in life because if we are giving out one of them we are receiving the other and it's in our best interests to keep things balanced and harmonious, equal give and take experiences. If this were true 1/7 is receiving and 7/1 is giving because 7 supports 1 in the 1/7 numbers but 1 can be a drain on 7 in the 7/1 situation thus it is giving more out. We must remember to prepare for all situations so when we are called on to be creative we are prepared and when we are called on to give our energies back to the Universe we must have them readily available and more besides so we do not lose everything all in one sweep.
It's not hard to imagine that journey into outer space our future is out there just waiting to become our present tooing and froing backwards and forwards.......... meeting in the present right here right now is the position of our give and take balance point.   Life is exciting isn't it? So if you have a 1/7 nine star Ki remember in truth it's really 1 - 7 - 1 and 7 is at the centre of everything in this case making the situations about being self conscious or hypersensitive or full of joy and pleasure you decide. Enjoy x

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Contents of DNA and it's Elements

Each letter of DNA contains Hydrogen/fire/orange...Nitrogen/air yellow.... Oxygen/water blue ... Carbon/earth green ... in varying measures....

C - Water - Oxygen - Cytosine  - Blue ..... contains... 13 parts the smallest of the letters. 
G - Air/tree - Nitrogen - Guanine - Yellow - contains... 16 parts the largest of the letters.
T - Fire - Hydrogen - Thymine - Orange - contains... 15 parts the same as A does.

A - Earth - Carbon - Adenine -  Green - contains - 15 parts the same as T does.      

From the above we can work out that each codon of DNA contains a different quantity of the elements as shown here. So the lightest of all codons has to be CCC because that contains 
13 + 13 + 13 = 39 parts.  GGG is the heaviest of all codons with 16 + 16 + 16 = 48  parts a huge difference of 9 parts. My own codon TGC contains 15 + 16 + 13 = 44 parts medium amongst largest and smallest. 

Fire contains the most water and it also contains the most fire. Earth and Air contain equal amounts of fire, air and earth but A Earth  has no water at all but Air has one water. . . . And so on you can work out if your a light weight or a heavy weight yourselves by using the above patterns. 

Let's take Einstein......March 1879 gives him a Nine Star Ki of 4/7/2 which is DNA code TGA which is an alert as it creates the same codon top and bottom......

T = 15 + G = 16 + A = 15 = 46......... so quite a heavy weight.

CTT = 13 + 15 + 15= 43........ GCC = 16 + 13 + 13 = 42  and so on variations on a theme of DNA. Enjoy x 

Monday 18 September 2017

Solo Man's Temple of DNA Triangles reducing 64 to 36

This is an image of triangles in all four colours of DNA Blue C Water... Orange T Fire ... Yellow G Air/tree.....Green  A Earth....making up the four variations of  DNA  .... there are 64 codons of DNA each containing three letters and we are recreating them here with triangles....... a perfect game would contain 9 of each colour or element but so long as you can read all 64 codons of DNA you have completed the game. With skill you will eventually be able to create a game containing only 36 triangles but which hide all 64 codons of DNA within them. With 64 codons some may be read in both directions and create another codon e.g. TGC is also CGT so taking this into account you can reduce all 64 codons down to just 40 as in the list below. making up the patterns one triangle at a time is very calming and relaxing..... sometimes it takes ten minutes other times it can take three days, either way I find it pleasurable and I hope you do. Solo Man's Temple is like playing patience and at times you sure need patience. I have given a pattern below so you can see what they can look like when completed and like our own DNA you are unlikely to make the same pattern twice until of course you begin to see patterns emerging within the patterns and you start to create in a different manner, make observations on the game as you go along it will eventually assist you but most of all enjoy the down time.


Wednesday 13 September 2017

64 Codons of DNA and who you are ....

Above we have the image of the Record of Life it contains all 64 codons of DNA we can see at a glance that Earth green or DNA A is mostly contained in the bottom left hand corner. C Blue Water in the bottom right hand corner, T Orange in the top right hand corner and finally G Yellow in the top left hand corner. This shows us that each of those areas holds the majority of its DNA letters in those quadrants and yet the windows shaped pattern for DNA letters switches C Water and G Yellow to their opposite positions. No wonder it gets so difficult to follow the patterns in DNA and The I Ching.
My own DNA Codon TGC can be found in the third house of Gemini house of communications so there will be much I can learn about myself my taking a closer look at Mercury and the third house or sign of Gemini. Seek out as many areas and signs that you can to delve deeper into yourself and your potential.
When working out DNA codes the windows work in a clockwise direction but once we move on RNA codes it moves in an anti-clockwise direction.

You can throw a random coin to get the six lines of The I Ching you need to create your DNA codon or you can use your own date of birth to work out your Nine Star Ki and from that your DNA codon. Whichever you choose there is a lot you can find out from it.

There can be no doubt that The I Ching and DNA along with Nine Star Ki all have a connection and open doors to you finding out more and more about yourself.

Let's take the outer edge of the tenth house and see what that holds.... firstly whatever it is it wants to act in the same way as the C.E.O. of a company would behave. It is at the top of its game and wants to be sure you understand that.

We find here GGG  6/6 neutral in the crystals so can be a positive or negative charge. The first codon from which all else comes....Heavenly energy.  Hexagram number 1 centre based direction, it is in the air quadrant of the record of life. Musical notes D F# A#...... planets Venus and Venus and the aspect shape is Grand Trine in Air of 120* x 120* x 120* aspects. So a great talent here for communication, a double Venus influence. B major musically, so find some pieces of music that are played in that key to get an idea of the sounds of GGG. Read up on the qualities of the Hexagram number 1.........type into google Who am I GGG 6/6 and it should come up with a fuller explanation of Hexagram 1....... or indeed your own codon...enjoy seeking and you will find. Xxx

Monday 11 September 2017

NIne Star Ki characteristics...

Here we see a more condensed version of the nine Star Ki numbers and their dominant qualities...
Top row number 4 is emotional and tender....number 9 Proud and Bright... Number 2 Conservative and dependant..... row two number 3 Sensitive and impatient.... number 5 Determined and stubborn...
Number 7 Hypersensitive person and self conscious...... row three number 8 Ambitious and self motivated... number 1 Independant and charismatic.....number 6 Strong willed and stylish.

Let's take a closer look at some examples.... 4/7 would be emotional, tender, Hypersensitive and self conscious sounds like someone who could fall in love easily and has to be careful not rot let their emotions overtake them as they are self conscious and would be easily hurt.

1/7 Independant and hard working but also hypersensitive and self conscious......for me independence is important so working for myself is ideal it affords me the useful tool of understanding my staff and helping them whenever necessary as they are comfortable talking to me if they have problems. However I may appear to others my self consciousness will always be there hiding in the background and thus I need time for myself on a regular basis were I am not overloaded by what is going on around me.

9/3... Proud, bright, sensitive and impatient the bright lights of fame and success from the number 9 can be a wonderful thing so long as pride does not get in the way impatience and demanding behaviours can spoil that brightness..... you are sensitive souls and your sensitivity can become anxiety if you feel in any way criticised.

Just a few examples of how your numbers might work together year number and month numbers combined.

Hypersensitive People and Nine Star Ki

Having read the book The Ki by Takashi Yoshikawa I observe that the following Nine Star Ki are described as being hypersensitive.  I always thought that was a bad thing as people simply do not understand hypersensitive people. With only twenty percent of people being HSP's it is understandable.  You could for example sit on an empty bus and someone will sit beside you and before you know it they have told you their life story, saying I don't know why I told you all that I am not usually like this. Or you can be chatting to someone and they say something that is like a punch to your solar plexus because you realise they have told you something they did not intend to share or often do not realise they have done so. If someone tells you a white lie all you know is it's a lie and you have to wonder why. Compassion and empathy are readily available and they do not give up on people easily. Whatever your problem may be they rarely judge ....... do you come under the umbrella of Hypersensitive's almost as though you read people's minds.

The most obvious thing is the association with the number seven. In my case the numbers 1/7 March.

Working out your year number in Nine Star Ki is quite simple....... add up the numbers of the year you were born 1 + 9 + 5 + 4 = 19 and reduce 1 + 9 = 10 again reduce 1 + 0 = 1..... take the number that remains from the number eleven.....  11 - 1 = 10 which reduces to number 1. So those born in 1954 are born in a year 1. If your born in January use the year before 1953 ..... or the simplest thing these days is to use a Nine Star Ki calculator on the internet. Always use two to be sure it's correct. The chart below shows the month numbers but again if you are born at the beginning of a month it gets messy as you may belong to the month before so again The Nine Star Ki calculators are the best and safest way to be sure of your Nine Star Ki numbers.
Looking at the HSP chart we see that ALL people born in a 7 year are hypersensitive......people born in a 3 or 9 year never show as hypersensitive, although 3 and 9 months with a 7 year can be HSP....

So now we have an idea of how to create our year number and month number but for the purposes of this article the direction of position number is not required.

Now we see here your Nine Star Ki numbers, Hexagram number, and DNA codon there is now so 
much you can find out about yourself from these snippets of information. 

So next time a friend walks in and says gosh what happened when you have worked so hard to try to hide the argument you and your husband just had, forgive them for they think it's obvious. As they get older they don't ask because they realise what is obvious to them is hidden from others. 

Number 7 is charismatic, a big spender, an attractor, people are drawn to you, richness, happiness, 
Joy, sociability, good speakers if they have to be but they can be nervous and shy at times. They are quick witted and can sense what others are thinking. Caring comes naturally and it does not bode well for them to be self absorbed. Able to create a good living for themselves from their talent. Imagine throwing a stone into a lake and it's ripple effect that can be how your nervous system feels at times. If life is difficult because of your sensitive nature do not resort to negative ways to handle its your creative and artistic nature is stour best outlet. Your quick wit can come about because you know what the other person is thinking....your hypersensitivity can dissolve in the reality of a life well lived, Earth energy supports you so open soil flower borders, mountains, pottery and China will all be attractive to you, perhaps in creating a garden you will find your zen. Certainly you will need time for
yourself and you will see the benefits of that. Being sociable is great but too much fun can overload you. Peace and stability are your friends, if you have steering links to the number seven learn to love and appreciate yourself for who you are do not let others tell you to stop being flakey you have skills others would love, use them or lose them and in the using of them in a positive manners they become skills you can use in the outside world to great benefit. Enjoy who you are xxx

Friday 8 September 2017

The I Ching and all its Doorways

Above we have the hexagram numbers of the I Ching plain and simple I spent decades looking at it and trying to find a doorway into the world of the I Ching once one door opened ....Well it opened so many more ........ The image above is based on The Ho Tu also known as The Word..... In the beginning was The Word and then everything else grew out of it.....The number sequence is...

So we have 28143976 running across the top and down the sides so 1/7 would become Hexagram 47 .. DNA TGC

If we turn this I Ching map diagonally with 2/2 at the top and 6/6 at the bottom we can see how easily one side copies the other..... as is often the case you need only see one side to be able to guess what the other side reads.......It is a mirror image of itself from left to right .......

So if you fold the I Ching over diagonally you can still work out what the other side holds.  The greatest discovery of all was in working out how Hex 1 and 2 related and then trying to relate the other pairs the same way only to find the differences between them and how they match up perfectly to another hexagram in the set. There is nothing more fascinating than the I Ching for me. Enjoy your thinking x