C - Water - Oxygen - Cytosine - Blue ..... contains... 13 parts the smallest of the letters.
G - Air/tree - Nitrogen - Guanine - Yellow - contains... 16 parts the largest of the letters.
T - Fire - Hydrogen - Thymine - Orange - contains... 15 parts the same as A does.
A - Earth - Carbon - Adenine - Green - contains - 15 parts the same as T does.
From the above we can work out that each codon of DNA contains a different quantity of the elements as shown here. So the lightest of all codons has to be CCC because that contains
13 + 13 + 13 = 39 parts. GGG is the heaviest of all codons with 16 + 16 + 16 = 48 parts a huge difference of 9 parts. My own codon TGC contains 15 + 16 + 13 = 44 parts medium amongst largest and smallest.
Fire contains the most water and it also contains the most fire. Earth and Air contain equal amounts of fire, air and earth but A Earth has no water at all but Air has one water. . . . And so on you can work out if your a light weight or a heavy weight yourselves by using the above patterns.
Let's take Einstein......March 1879 gives him a Nine Star Ki of 4/7/2 which is DNA code TGA which is an alert as it creates the same codon top and bottom......
T = 15 + G = 16 + A = 15 = 46......... so quite a heavy weight.
CTT = 13 + 15 + 15= 43........ GCC = 16 + 13 + 13 = 42 and so on variations on a theme of DNA. Enjoy x
G - Air/tree - Nitrogen - Guanine - Yellow - contains... 16 parts the largest of the letters.
T - Fire - Hydrogen - Thymine - Orange - contains... 15 parts the same as A does.
A - Earth - Carbon - Adenine - Green - contains - 15 parts the same as T does.
From the above we can work out that each codon of DNA contains a different quantity of the elements as shown here. So the lightest of all codons has to be CCC because that contains
13 + 13 + 13 = 39 parts. GGG is the heaviest of all codons with 16 + 16 + 16 = 48 parts a huge difference of 9 parts. My own codon TGC contains 15 + 16 + 13 = 44 parts medium amongst largest and smallest.
Fire contains the most water and it also contains the most fire. Earth and Air contain equal amounts of fire, air and earth but A Earth has no water at all but Air has one water. . . . And so on you can work out if your a light weight or a heavy weight yourselves by using the above patterns.
Let's take Einstein......March 1879 gives him a Nine Star Ki of 4/7/2 which is DNA code TGA which is an alert as it creates the same codon top and bottom......
T = 15 + G = 16 + A = 15 = 46......... so quite a heavy weight.
CTT = 13 + 15 + 15= 43........ GCC = 16 + 13 + 13 = 42 and so on variations on a theme of DNA. Enjoy x
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