Wednesday 31 August 2022

Data Information for the DNA Codon GGG Nine Star Ki 6/6 Hexagram 1

6-7 Sept 6 - 2 May 6 - 9 July GGA Hex 43 AAA Hex 11 GAG Hex 14 D F# A C# F A D F A# Glycine Lysine Glutamic Acid 6/6 Crystal 6/6 Crystal 8/4 Crystal Venus Venus Venus Saturn Venus Mars 3 - 7 - 10 2 - 6 - 10 3 - 6 - 11 Nerves Kidneys Neck Intestines Nerves Intestines Skeleton Skeleton Circulation Lecturer Grand Trine Lecturer Neutral Hydrophilic Hydrophilic SE/NW S/N SW/NE 6 - 8 Aug 6 - 6 Oct 6 - 4 Dec/Mar AAG Hex 26 GGG Hex 1 AGG Hex 9 C# F A# D F# A# C# F# A# Lysine Glycine Arginine Double Crystal 6/6 Crystal Double Crystal Venus Saturn Venus Venus Venus Jupiter 2 - 6 - 11 3 - 7 - 11 2 - 7 - 11 Neck Intestines Nerves Kidneys Neck Kidneys Circulation Circulation Circulation Lecturer Grand Trine Lecturer Hydrophilic Neutral Hydrophilic E/W Centred W/E 6 - 3 Jan/Apr 6 - 1 June 6 - 5 (2) Nov/Feb GAA Hex 34 AGA Hex 5 AAA Hex 11 D F A C# F# A C# F A Glutamic Acid Arginine Lysine 6/6 Crystal 8/4 Crystal 6/6 Crystal Venus Jupiter Venus Mercury Venus Saturn 3 - 6 - 10 2 - 7 - 10 2 - 6 - 10 Nerves Intestines Neck Kidneys Neck Intestines Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton Lecturer Lecturer Grand Trine Hydrophilic Hydrophilic Hydrophilic NE/SW N/S S/N Musical notes..C# I have..D I think.. F I analyse..F# I balance..A I use..A# I know - Solfeggio 963 Elements 21 A Earth - 15 G Air/Tree....I Ching Word - Dynamic - Hexagram 1.... 21 A Earth 15 G Air/tree Here we see data connected to the 6 year 6 month GGG 6/6 .......the other codons are positioned as they would be during the course of that 6 year 6 month.......The planet Venus dominates here....South to North direction dominates....all codons are hydrophilic with the exception of two which are neutral anyway so could potentially be hydrophilic.....All Lecturers aspect shapes here with the exception of 2 Grand Trines..........Lysine is the dominant amino acid during a 6 period......and of course the 6/6 crystal dominates. There are 7 neck connections, 5 nerves, 7 intestines, 5 kidneys, 7 skeleton and finally 5 circulation so a pattern but not so much a dominater. 2nd...3rd...6th...7th...10th...11th houses in operation. The 6 year partners with 5 and 2 years and anything lacking here will be found iin the number 2 year (5 becomes 2). It would be nice to think of this Hexagram as one that brings lots of Heavenly energy........DATA is what thinking is all about and the more we look at something the more data we can collate and the more discoveries we can make. Enjoy your thinking. x

Sunday 28 August 2022

Turn my World Upside Down with DNA Crystals

Here we have the first of the 6 crystals of DNA Codons in The I Ching in order to fit around the patterns of the crystals it has 6/6 at the top and 2/2 at the bottom but the codons on the right hand side do not match up the way they do in normal DNA patterns. By taking the 6/6 GGG at the top and flipping over the right hand side of the crystal you then find you have the correct partners for normal DNA patterns. The crystals do match up to DNA after all. 

Take top line GGA ….. TGG they work out in the crystal way of listing them and they match up to their partner in the Hexagram numbers GGA Hex 43 and TGG Hex 44 a perfect pair until we flip and then GGA partners CCT which is hexagram 23 and whilst it now matches the correct format for DNA it does not partner with the right Hexagram. Oh well I guess we are not perfect. I wonder what others things we can flip over to work better. X 

Monday 22 August 2022

The collected Information for Year 6 2021 and Year 5 2022 in Nine Star Ki I Ching

Lets take a look at a 6 year 2021 and a 5 year 2022 (5 becoming 2 for the I Ching) Starting in February for both lets see how many times we can see connections…..

                                                                                6 Year

5 Year 

So we have above a Nine Star Grip for the years of 6 and 5 (showing as 2 years) The 6 year has a dominance of below ground energy with 21 markers for A and 15 markers for G with no C or T. Considering its a 6 Metal year it dominates in Earth energy. 

The five year has an above ground energy with 21 C and 15 T with no A or G. Considering its a 5 Earth year it dominates with Water. 

Musically all 12 astrological signs and musical notes are used as a combination of both years. 

Now lets notice DNA Codon patters CCC would partner with GGG and so on the map below shows how they relate to each other. 

As we can see one codon from the top cancels out another codon on the bottom leaving us with nothing which seems to be the theme of The I Ching everything cancels everything else out leaving us with nothing but a bit of fun. 

When you make a hexagram from two codons it would as an example be


The bottom GGG is read left to right and the top CCC is read right to left difficult to see when the letters are all the same so another example would be….


Its difficult to notice with this batch of codons and they contain only CT at the top and AG at the bottom but another example would be (though it is not in this set)….

So you can see more clearly here how they read diagonally as though they have passed through Einsteins Rosen Bridge and flipped around. 

Grand Trines appear in both with the 2 - 5 year containing Thinkers and the 6 year containing Lecturers. So lots of thinking at a high level could be going on here. I wonder if we can find connections between the amino acids they make too…….Glutamic Acid and Phenylalanine for example……so many patterns to find. 

So we see here more evidence of the connections between the years, numbers, nine star ki and DNA Codons of The I Ching. Enjoy your thinking. X 

Saturday 20 August 2022

Nine Star Ki for each of the Numbers 1 to 9

I am, C        I have, C#        I am, C

I feel, D#        I think, D        I feel, D#

I analyse, F     I will, E       I will, E

I balance, F#   I create, G    I create, G

I use, A         I use,    A        I perceive, G#

I know. A#      I know. A#        I believe. B

Number 4        Number 9        Number 2

I have,C#        I am,    C        I have, C#

I think, D        I feel, D#        I think, D

I will, E        I will, E        I analyse, F

I create, G        I create, E        I balance, F#

I perceive, G#  I perceive,G#    I perceive, G#

I believe. B      I believe. B        I believe. B

Number 3        Number 5         Number 7

I am, C        I am,  C        I have, C#

I feel, D#        I feel, D#        I think, D

I will,  E        I analyse, F        I analyse, F

I create, G        I create, G         I balance F#

I use, A        I perceive, G#    I use, A

I know. A#       I believe.  B     I know. A

Number 8        Number 1        Number 6

1.    I am, I feel, I analyse, I create, I perceive, I            

    Believe. 1st to 4th to 6th to 8th to 9th to 12th

2.    I am, I feel, I will, I create, I perceive, I 

   Believe. 1st to 4th, to 5th, to 8th, to 9th, to 


3.    I have, I think, I will, I create, I perceive, 

     I believe. 2nd to 3rd to 5th to 8th to 9th to 


4.    I am, I feel, I analyse, I balance, I use, I 

     Know. 1st to 4th, to 6th, to 7th, to 10th to 


5.    I am, I feel, I will, I create, I perceive, I

    Believe. 1st to 4th to 5th to 8th to 9th to 


6.    I have, I think, I analyse, I balance, I use,

    I know. 2nd to 3rd to 6th to 7th to 10th to 


7.    I have, I think, I analyse, I balance, I perceive,

    I believe. 2nd to 5th to 6th to 7th to 9th to


8.    I am, I feel, I will, I create, I use, I know. 

    1st to 4th to 5th to 8th to 10th to 11th.

9.    I have, I think, I will, I create, I use, 

    I know. 2nd to 3rd to 8th to 9th to 10th to


Each number creating a shape from 6 points on the circle of life. 


So we see that in any one year 6 musical notes are played. The years pair up 1 with 9 … 2,5 and 6… 3 with 4… and 7 with 8 as a pairing they will play all 12 musical notes. 

Notice here that 2 and 5 are the same because 5 is not used in The I Ching so needs to become a 2 which is easily done as they are the same. Pairs 2 and 5 but also number 6 but as we see in this image 6 is the same shape but upside down. 

The number 9 has aspect lines of 30* - 60* - 90* - 60* - 30* -90* it has 2 x 30* - 2 x 60* - 2 x 90* It contains all in the 1 - 9 connection.  The number 1 ….. 90 - 60 - 30 - 60 -  90 - 30 …….it has 2 x 90* - 2 x 60* - 2 x 30* 1 has 30 - 60. Both 1 and 9 contain 30 - 60 and 90* angles. They contain all 12 musical notes between them. 

Numbers 2 and 5 ….. 90 - 30 - 90 - 30 - 90 - 30 and number 6…..30 - 90 - 30 - 90 - 30 - 90 …….one has a pattern of 90 - 30 and the other 30 - 90. They contain all musical notes between them 2 - 6 and 5 - 6

Number 3 and 4…..3…... 30 - 60 - 90 - 30 - 90 - 60 and number 4 … 90 - 60 - 30 - 90 - 30 - 60 …….again connecting through patterns of 90 - 60 - 30. They contain all musical notes between them. 

Number 7 and 8…..7….. 30 - 90 - 30 - 60 - 90 - 60 and number 8….. 90 - 30 - 90 - 60 - 30 - 60 …..again 30 - 60 - 90 patterns. They contain all musical notes between them. 

30* is the inconjunct aspect and usually denoted as a green thinking line.
60* is the sextile aspect denoted by a blue line and a talent that is building up to be something. 
90* is the square aspect denoted by a red line and can create difficulties or give you the energy to get things done.  They do not go any higher than 90*.  

So when two numbers are connected e.g. 1954 is a Number 1 year followed by 1955 a 9 year together they can do almost anything.

1954……I am, I feel, I analyse, I balance,  I perceive, I believe……. all in that first year these qualities can shine so that the following year 1955 Number 9 the alternative qualities can finish the job off…. I have, I think, I will,  I create, I use, I know.

When two years partner up alongside each other there is nothing they cannot achieve. The work in the 1st year is vital in order for the following year to complete the task. Year 1 is red 90* - blue 60* - green 30* - blue 60* - red 90*- 30*………..Year 9 is Green 30* - blue 60* - red 90* - Blue 60* - Green 30*- 90* both having red and green aspects to get things done energy that wont rest until it is used to the full. 
So for me as a number 1 the houses 1 - 4 - 6 - 7 - 9 and 12 dominate. Skills of Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces are mine. I must use them wisely. 

Similar rules apply when 8 & 7 - 6 & 5 - 4 & 3 - 2 & 6 - work together. Numbers can have similarities but can never be the same. 

So keep on thinking about everything you can use as a symbol in your life to enable you to live life to the full. Enjoy x 

Sunday 14 August 2022

More Patterns for September 2022 Nine Star Ki I Ching


Musically September 2022 plays these five notes C D# E G G# B Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces. 

These signs are associated with 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12 houses. These notes also create the following shapes for the year.

The broken lines are not really there all the solid lines red are 90*, green 30 or 150* and blue 120* forming shapes from the DNA Codons that appear in the nine star ki for September, 2022. 

We have a grand trine in water and a grand trine in fire balanced and harmonious but not happiest together as fire and water. The shape itself moves from T 90* to C 30* to T 90* to C 30* to T 90* to C and finally back to the beginning with 30* T. The outer shape is 90 - 30 repeated and red and green which can be a source of anxiety or discomfort at worst but at best incredible creativity, that said the inside shapes contain green and blue and may make it easier to find some balance in the grand trines ……..perhaps water is keeping fire under control which is a necessary thing at the moment. As the starter number is 5 replaced by 2 all of the shapes are either Grand Trines or Thinkers………150 x 120 x 30 variations and found across the top row of the I Ching Word. So a great month for thinking and making plans or sorting out education, Uni etc.,  Some of the aspect shapes form other shapes that are not considered set triangles of the I Ching but it doesn’t mean you can’t make use of them. Enjoy September 2022 as it will never come around again in some ways but it will be repeated again next time 2 or 5 - 4 are at the centre of an I Ching map. . . Potentially in 9 years. 

I am, I feel, I will, I create, I perceive and I believe all belong here in the 1,4,5,8,9 and 12th houses use them its what you have. 

What you lack of course could be what you attract I have, I think, I analyse, I balance, I use and I know.

Enjoy working out what this month could bring for you. X 

Saturday 13 August 2022

Nine Star Ki and I Ching DNA Codons for the month of September, 2022

September, 2022

Information for the Nine Star Ki Month of September 2022 make of it what you will …. First of all we look at the usual way people look at Nine Star Ki maps……

We see here the usual form of Nine Star Ki for the year and during September of this five year we see the 5 is adapted to read 2 if required as we know by now 5 does not appear in The I Ching of Nine Star Ki. 5 and 6 numbers are a partnership and 6 is partnered with 2 so all five in these maps will be changed to read 2.

Remember also centre, N.W. And W are the three hidden months so need to be counted twice.

We see from the DNA codons that we have C water appearing 7 times … T Fire appears 12 times…G Air/Tree appears 6 times and finally A Earth appears 11 times. So September is dominated by Fire energy and seconded by Earth energy.

During a five year all months will begin with five (or 2) so this next map shows you the difference between the two maps.

Now we see the whole year displaying the number 2 each month (from 5)….

During the 2 year the elements are different too and we have 21 parts C water and 15 Parts Fire so Water dominates in this map which is good after the fiery times of July and August. There are no letters associated with A Earth or G Air/tree…….which puts the elements above ground level so more Heavenly energy in this map.

Musically the top map plays all 12 notes in the astrological keyboard but the map of 2’s plays only the notes ..

C D# E G G# B………..Denoted by…

Aries    Cancer    Leo    Scorpio    Sagittarius    Pisces

I am    I feel    I will    I create    I perceive    I believe

Alternating Fire and Water so lacking in Earth and Air/Tree………does that mean we will see a lot of Fire and Water because it dominates or could it be the opposite Earth and Air/tree is attracted by lack.

Is firewater aka Whiskey or alcohol going to be in increased use…….whatever, we have enough water here to douse the flames and keep things under control.

So based on these maps how do you think September will be received.

Enjoy your thinking. X

Jewellery of DNA Codons



                                     CGC GCT CTA TAT ATG TGC GCG CGA GAT ATA TAC ACG
The 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal and the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal seems to have a relationship so could be worn as a double row of stones.

The Left hand side and the right hand side of the double crystal are without doubt in a partnership and this one in particular should perhaps always been worn as a pair. 


                                                                  CAG AGT GTC TCA
Here we see the 8/4 - 7/3 Crystal which partners with the Diamond Crystal but not how much shorter the diamond crystal is definitely a bracelet in this form you could repeat its pattern of 4 codons 3 times to fill it in but in fact it has only four codons and is therefore much shorter that all other crystals. I sometimes wonder if the repeats in DNA problems come from this particular oddity as they want to repeat, repeat and repeat. 
Notice how the 6/6 crystal has such an orderly pattern to it and how much more random the 1/1 crystal is as its partner. The left and right hand crystals work best together in many ways and seem to be the left overs after 1/1 and 6/6 has taken what it wants but even then you can find the relationships between all of them. The 1/1 appears to be the one least orderly and maybe thats why it pairs up with the 6/6 crystal of Heavenly energy because opposites attract………..order and chaos make good bed fellows. 

Enjoy your searching.

So DNA Codons can be lots of others things as well as the proteins we need for life. X