Friday 17 May 2019

The Cross of Nine Star ki

We know by now that each cross is an open cube each has a particular number at the centre of each face which denoted the Nine Star Ki number that dominates. Here is a map showing all nine of the stars.........

We follow this with the cross for number one alone as a cube....this appears here at the bottom in the middle Number 1 water element cross.

This is the cross in gold with water gems in all six centres and any numbers together in more than a single count become gems also any singles other than the dominant number 1 also become gems.

Finally this star denotes the Saltire cross with lines for the hash tag crossing over the front to matching numbers on the opposite side. 

Jewellery is sometimes the best way to portray DNA etc., 

Monday 6 May 2019

The Eight Shapes of Dna Triangles

There are 64 DNA Codons which form a triangle and of those 64 there are only eight different shapes that are formed........little triangles floating in space waiting to be manifest into something new on Earth.

Each triangle has three lines of colour either C blue, T orange, G yellow and A green. See also my article Aspects in the Patterns of DNA Codons which gives more detail of the meanings of the colours.

In this particular image and in my own world everything should be white and various shades of pink so this image of the triangles is just that. The Grand Trine is pure white and the other seven shapes are shades of pink. All of life can be made from these 8 simple shapes......enjoy making your life spectacular through them x