Tuesday 29 March 2022

The Aspect Shapes of The I Ching


When you examine the shapes of DNA and Amino Acids you see the connections between them in ways you don’t otherwise notice…..

In this image the red lines draw around The Ruminator who has a connection to the Worker as it makes the same shape but upside down……..so do workers mainly work in A and G with just two in C and T….and Ruminators mainly in C and T with just two markers in A and G. 

In this one we get the same shapes but on opposite sides but show a connection between Magicians and Teachers. That said Teachers, Magicians, Workers and Ruminators each have six codons each and create this similar shape…….

We see here two vertical rows of Alternators but no horizontal lines nor partnerships. Alternators stand alone. 

The Lecturers has the most codons of all and works horizontally across the bottom row and diagonally on both sides……it too stands alone and does not partner with any other aspects shapes.

In this image we have the top row given over to only The Thinkers one horizontal line of 6 codons it could be said to relate to the vertical lines of the Alternator but it is too vague and I think The Thinker stands alone without a partner the only one of the 6 codon packs that does. 

….and finally The Grand Trines sit in all four corners of the I Ching map creating horizontal and vertical lines making a square and everything else in the I Ching goes on inside this square. The Grand Trines does not relate to any other codons and stand alone like castles in a game of chess protecting the four corners of the Earth. X

Thursday 24 March 2022

Let me Introduce myself to you through Data

 Let me introduce myself……….

This is data about me based on my date of birth……….I could also add I am Solfeggio frequency 741…. Or many other variations on a theme of who I am……….Hexagram 47 from that you can find other Hexagrams I am connected to ……cysteine there are two different types of Cysteine how does mine vary from the other on at 1/6 and so on………data is never ending if you delve deeply enough. X 

Sunday 20 March 2022

Nine Star Ki and Number 7’s Relationship to Number 9


Here we have the Nine Star Ki map for all 9 numbers in their standard position with 5 at the centre. 

The red outline shows the central number with the number that supports it and the number 5 in a straight line. E.g. box number 1 Water is supported by number 6 Metal…..number 6 Metal is supported by number 7 Metal…..number 7 Metal is supported by number 9 Fire…..number 9 Fire is supported by number 4 Air/tree….. number 4 Tree/air is supported by number 3 Tree/air…..number 3 Tree/air is supported by number 1 Water. The Earth numbers 2 and 8 support each other……..as we can see from the crystal shape above in blue whatever number is at the centre all of them are in the centre of the crystal. So 2,5 and 8 are central. 

Water creates 3 Tree/air and is supported by 6 Metal

3 Tree/air creates 4 tree/air and is supported by 1 Water

4 Tree/air creates 9 Fire and is supported by 3 Tree/air

9 Fire creates 7 Metal and is supported by 4 Tree/air

2 - 5 - 8 Earth create and support each other

7 Metal creates 6 Metal and is supported by 9 Fire

6 Metal creates 1 Water and is supported by 7 Metal

The purple line moving anticlockwise is draining but compatible energy e.g. Metal supports and creates water energy but it can be draining……whereas Water prefers to concentrate on making tree/air energy. 

So there are no problems here everything is as it should be but it still doesn’t explain that in every instance 9 Fire energy connects as supportive of 7 Metal energy. The only way that can be possible is if we say the cycle starts with Water which creates Tree/air energy which creates Fire energy….now this is where Fire should be creating Earth but it moves straight to Metal 7 does that mean that on reaching the 9 position fire turns inwards to the Earth or centre of the crystal and then Earth comes back out again at the 7 position and continues as normal with 2 and 8 Earth supporting with 7 supporting 6 which supports 1 and then we start all over again. 

Or is it plain and simply an error to say Fire creates and supports Earth when it should be Metal 7 …that said fire does indeed leave us with ash which feeds the Earth……….anyone have an opinion on this. X 

Saturday 19 March 2022

The Hexagrams and Cubes of DNA Codons

 Here we see four cubes or Hexagrams of DNA and its letters TGAC…….with just these four cubes you can hold in your hand a cube containing one of the 64 codons of DNA……..in the image you see the face of the cube with its rear view alongside it. Turning the cube to create a new fac you can see all 64 codons. Is life really this simple. 

We know that each Hexagram of the I Ching and DNA Codons have a face e.g. 1/7 TGC Hexagram 47 has a rear view Hexagram 48 CGA 4/1 the hexagrams connect them in the crystals of The I Ching. DNA Codons themselves match up differently TGC - CGA also has a partner in GCA 9/8 Hexagram 22 but they can also be found in that same cube……………simple atoms of life. X 

Wednesday 16 March 2022

The 9 and 1 years 0 Solfeggio Grequencies and Aspect shapes


This is the map for the Solfeggio Frequencies………..147 years begin with a month number 8… and 369 years begin with 5 months which would be changed to a 2 for DNA Codons…..258 years begin with a number 2………..

During a 9 year which comes first we have the following nine star ki and DNA Codons…..with their Aspect shapes…

9-5 (2) ACA Alternator

9 - 4 ATG Worker

9 - 3 GCA Magician

9 - 2 ACA Alternator 

9 - 1 ATA Lecturer

9 - 9 GCG Lecturer

9 - 8 ACG Worker

9-7 GTA Magician

9- 6 GTG Alternator 

With the number 9 the Rows of DNA codons are as follows:  First letters A G…second letters T or C…. Third letters A or G 

All Solfeggio frequencies are played out at some time during the year the top three played twice. 

This the map for the number 9 showing the codons above and the shapes they make. The pair of Workers stand out here along with the two Alternators along with the Magician and Lecturer but no particular pattern screams at you.  

During a 1 year we have the following nine star ki and DNA Codons…..with their Aspect shapes…

1 - 8 CAT Teacher
1 - 7 TGC Ruminator
1 - 6 TGT Alternator 
1 - 5 (2) CAC Alternator 
1 - 4 CGT Teacher
1 - 3 TAC Ruminator
1 - 2 CAC Alternator 
1 - 1 CGC Lecturer
1 - 9 TAT Lecturer

With the number 1 the Rows of DNA codons are as follows:  First letters T or C…second letters A or G…. Third letters T or C 

All Solfeggio frequencies are played out at some time during the year the top three played During a 1 year.

This is the map for the number 1 showing the codons and shapes they made. With this image the green and red lines of the Ruminators stand out more than any other pattern. I have seen this pattern in Ancient Aliens before but have no explanation for what it is showing us. Fairy wings perhaps. 

Each of the numbers have six points around the circle to mark them but the image below shows 9 and 1 combined and all 12 points of the zodiac.

Quite often the two years bring together similar patterns although I have to say I don’t see that happening here. 
Enjoy your thinking. X 

The Aspect Shapes Data and The I Ching

 Based on The I Ching in 28143976 positions the aspect shapes are as shown above. It would have been nice to see them touch on each other at one point in order to string them together but they don’t do that. Each can stand alone.

The 8 shapes of DNA Codons in The I Ching are as follows….

Grand trine 120 x 120 x 120 - Euclidean 

Alternator 180 x 60 x 120 - Euclidean 

Lecturer 120 x 150 x 90 - Euclidean 

Thinker 120 x 30 x 150 - Hyperbolic

Teacher 90 x 60 x 150 - Hyperbolic

Magician 150 x 150 x 60 - Euclidean

Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30 - Euclidean

Worker 180 x 90 x 90 - Euclidean 

Note all Euclidean triangles add up to 360 e.g. 150 + 150 + 60 = 360* All Hyperbolic triangles add up to 300* e.g. 90 x 60 x 150 = 300 

The four Grand Trines to each corner, the top row between the Trines Thinkers…..diagonal lines from grand trine to grand trine in all four corners are Lecturers as is the bottom row between trines. The two vertical outer sides between trines are Alternators …..and that leaves Magicians, Workers, Teachers and Ruminators dotted about the other positions. 

Each shape hides data about that position……..e.g. DNA Codon - Nine star Ki - Hexagram Number - Musical notes - Crystal - Directions - amino acid - Planets - hydrophobic, hydrophilic or neutral and no doubt many more. 

Enjoy your thinking x 

Monday 14 March 2022

Nine Star Ki and it Energies


Here we see the Rose of Life……..colours pushing around the circle to create all we require …..the blue shades are pushing up and left or South East……the greens are pushing up and right or South West…the purples are pushing down and right or North West and finally the yellows are pushing down and left or North East. 

Blocks of energies pushing the world around and us with it. 

Add the Nine Star Ki numbers to it to get a gist of how their energies work. Note how each colour takes a corner with the centre being moved by them all.  This is the usual 5 centred bague but below we see how it changes with a 6 at its centres. 

Life goes on moving its path no matter what changes we make to the centre. Enjoy your day in this 5 year. X

Friday 11 March 2022

A 5 Year as a Nine Star Ki Cube for The Year Number 5


Here we have a 9 number cube with 5 at the centre……..notice how 2 becomes 5 in the rear view of the cube. Put 2 ad 5 together and you have the number 8……..can you fill in the missing numbers on the rear side of the cube. 

1 - Contains 3 cubes Water

2 - Contains 2 cubes Earth

3 - Contains 3 cubes Tree

4 - Contains 2 cubes Tree

5 - Contains 7 Cubes Earth 

6 - Contains 2 cubes Metal

7 - Contains 3 cubes Metal

8 - Contains 2 cubes Earth

9 - Contains 3 Cubes Fire

So in a 5 Year Water and Fire both have three cubes whereas in any other years either Water or Fire dominate one having more cubes than the other. Earth cubes add up to 11 which obviously means Earth dominates this 5 year. There are 5 cubes of Tree and 5 cubes of Metal so once again they are balanced and equal. A 5 year therefore is a dominance of Earth energy but a balance of Water, Fire, Tree and Metal. 

Lets hope the world today in this 5 year can find some balance. X 

Nine Star Ki matching Years and their Musical Connections

A few more images of the years as they pair up and maps to give you more information in ways to use them…..it could be said time is measured in 24 months or 2 years rather than just 12 months of a year because it is only in partnering them up we see the connections. 1 partners 9, 2 and 5 partner 6, 3 partners 4, 7 partners 8 and then we return to 1/9 again. 

With the musical notes applied to each Nine Star Ki year the first is Heavenly energy above the horizon dominant in either C or T and the Earthly energy comes the year after and is dominant in either A or G. Give and take between Heaven and Earth that used us human beings as the conduit to pass through coming down and then the following year going back up again. 

We see how 1 plus 9 creates a full block of three Jang lines…..2/5 plus 6 also create 3 Jang lines …. 3 plus 4 creates three Jang lines …7 plus 8 creates 3 Jang lines…….could this be telling us that the first of the years is more Jang and the second of the years more Jin. 

At some point throughout the year all variations of the Solfeggio frequencies are played. So clearly there is a time that is best for us to achieve our goals and choosing the right time and the right tones could make all the difference to your success. X 

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Positions in an I Ching DNA Crystal


This example of an I Ching Crystal contains 12 DNA Codons some hydrophilic and some hydrophobic some neutral. In this example the hydrophobic are to the inner left of the crystal pushing inwards and the hydrophilic are to the outer right of the crystal pushing outwards were necessary neutral has chosen its position. It makes the crystal remarkably like a set of fuses you push into a fuse box. Do they form an ionic bond a push me pull me version of DNA.

Hexagram pairs always match up to their opposites hydrophobic with hydrophilic or one of them will be neutral and able to change to what is required to be an opposite. Positives and negatives attracted to each other to create the amino acids of life. X

Musical Variations on a Theme of DNA Codons


This is a scale on the piano from C to C……..when creating DNA Codons the first letter of the codon always appears within the first four letters. The second letter of the codon appears in the middle four letters and the third letter always appears in the last four letters. 

So the first letter is Aries, Taurus, Gemini or Cancer……….the second letter is Leo, Virgo, Libra or Scorpio and the third letter is Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces. 

Presumably we can be playing the same codon say GGG but it can be played from different octaves raising or lowering the tone of the codon as it goes. Different tones must have an effect on the codon itself. Also remember 1/7 TGC makes Cysteine but so too does 1/6 TGT………..many variations on the theme of amino acids and musical tones.

Enjoying your thinking. X 

Tuesday 8 March 2022

The Word in The I Ching based on 28143976 and its Partnerships


Here we have a map of The I Chings The Word……based on 2 8 1 4 3 9 7 6 . The top left hand corner for example is 2/2 CCC so is all blue in colour bottom right hand corner GGG all yellow 6/6 and so on. You will find your partner when you seek out the opposite colours. My own TGC is in the top right hand corner where all Codons begin with T…..then we move to the bottom left hand corner of the Fire square and we have Yellow G which we add to the lower right corner. Then we add C to the top left hand corner of the yellow cube creating the TGC pattern. 

The opposite of TGC is ACG which is also swopping to its opposite colours and letters. So AGC is in the A quadrant and that makes the biggest of its three squares….then we have C which is the top left hand corner and finally G which is the bottom right hand corner and we have A Large green C medium blue and G smallest yellow. This is the opposite of TGC and therefore they are a matching pair in DNA Codons. All choices will work out this way. The map below shows a few lines between matching pairs but all have the other one of the pair in the map somewhere. 

As you can see when pairing up the line always passes through the Wooded area of 3’s and 4’s at the centre………once again showing us we only need to see half of the DNA information in order to work out what the other half would be. X

Monday 7 March 2022

The Number 5 Nine Star Ki year of 2022 Starting in February Year Numbers of The I Ching

2 - 3        2 - 7        2 - 5 (2)

TCC        TTC        CCC

Thinker        Thinker       Gr Trine

2 - 2         2 - 2         2 - 9

CCC        CCC        TCT

Gr Trine        Gr Trine        Thinker

2 - 8        2 - 6        2 - 1

CCT        TTT        CTC

Thinker        Gr Trine        Thinker

Grand Trines create Blue Harmonious 120* aspect lines and The Thinker creates 30 green x 150 green  x 120 blue variations……thinking energy that works harmoniously together. During the full 12 month cycle 20 letters C are used and 16 letters for T are used so Water is the dominant element here.

This is a map of a 5 year which is substituted with the number 2 as 5 does not exist within The I Ching. The years 2 and 5 partner up with the year number 6. During a 5 year only aspect shapes of The Grand Trine 120 x 120 x 120 and The Thinker 30 x 120 x 150 are created. 

Lets start drawing up the charts for the year….first lets just add the Grand trines….

So just the Grand trines here which offer some comfort to the year we are having and lets hope we can end the year in perfect harmony.

Here we have added the lines to complete The 6 Thinkers of The I Ching chart. All of them appear here. The DNA Codons can only start with C or T because this whole line runs across the top of the Number 2 I Ching Line which contains only two Grand Trines and 6 Thinkers.

The top image is all blue and harmonious but the second image has added green to the mix and hence they are called the Thinkers Blue and Green lines offering only though provoking energies.

Do we need to add some red energy here it does not come from the DNA Codons as a natural rule but if you draw lines from all six points to each other the red lines come in around the outside of the patterns……….so they are not there but could they manifest because one triangle likes to beget another.

Now we have a six sided figure of red, blue and green energies. Could it be this year could appear worse than it is on the outside it is red active energy but on the inside The Thinkers and Trines are working hard to bring this energy back to its calmer base of blues and greens. I certainly hope so.

DNA Codons……The Grand Trines and The Thinkers CTC, CCT, CTT, CCC, TTC, TCT, TCC, TTT.

The Grand trines are in Fire and Water two opposing forces usually but notice how the 30* aspects of the Thinkers sit across the Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces sucking in energy for more Thinking to take place.

The patterns in the centre pictures look like three ballerina's dancing lets hope they manage to create a beautiful dance that quietens the energy for the year. Remember a 5 year is closely tied in with the year before a 6 year when things may have been brewing resulting in this year and its music tones.

As we see the six points in the circle contain only Fire and Water signs and Musical Notes.

Grand Trines make triangles of 360 degrees but The Thinkers create hyperbolic triangles of only 300* Should the lines of this pattern be curved to take account of this anomaly.

You can almost see the Maestro at work in this more shapely pattern. It is reaching out across the world within these curved lines. This year has a long way to go yet and I hope that we can become thinkers and work out the problems spread out across the world with Thinking and create balance and harmony once more. X

Creative Use of The I Ching, DNA Codons and Nine Star ki in your home.


Here we see a perfect garden gate. I do like to use the patterns of the I Ching in everyday items so we can see them when our brains are ready to. 

The blue lines at the bottom form the number 1 of the I Ching a broken line, solid line and a broken line. The Solid line is longer and the broken line is shorter they reach out to each other as though a magnet pulls them together…….the red upper lines form the number 7 two solid lines and 1 broken line.

1/7 together create Hexagram 47……..3 Jin lines and 3 Jang lines……….Bottom blue jin line with the bottom red Jang line create the Letter T……middles lines bottom and top create the letter G…..and the top blue line and top red line create letter C giving us a DNA Codon of TGC associated with this gate. 

You would need to make the lines long enough so that when one side is pushed open everyone can get through the gate……….or you could be like the fashion houses make them too small for larger people to get into the shop.  

These patterns can also be used as fence panels where all 64 panels could be used but if you only have room for one gate the I Ching would tell you to make it the man of the houses numbers but I say put all names of the household into a hat a pick one out that way nobody is considered superior to anyone else. 

You can lay pathways using the patterns of the 12 DNA Codons in a crystal only to find that if you make a pathway of six of them then turn around and go back it automatically reads the next six backwards. 

Of such fun in creativity x 

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Number 1 and 9 in Nine Star Ki and its DNA Codon Partnership

What can I tell you about the Number 1 in Nine Star Ki……….first of all lets look at the year for the number one and the bagua that goes with it …..Bagua A

9 - 7         2 - 3          7 - 5 (2)

GTA        TCC        AAC

Magician  Thinker    Alternator

October     June         August

8 - 6         1 - 8         3 - 1

TTG        CAT        ATC

Alternator.  Teacher Teacher

Sept        Feb/Oct    April/Jan

4 - 2        6 - 4        2 - 9

CAA      AGG      TCT

Alternator Lecturer Thinker

May        July         Mar/Dec

This is the bagua you would draw up for the year of your birth with your Nine Star Ki numbers at the centre, it plays all 12 musical tones. To me this now feels like the back of the real years chart like a secret compartment you pass through because the actual year at any time has a fixed position which I show below. 

This bagua contains 1 Magician, 3 Thinkers, 3 Alternators, 1 Lecturer and 4 Teachers 12 Aspect shapes in 5 variations. 

Bagua B…

1 - 9         1 - 4         1 - 2

TAT        CGT         CAC

Lecturer     Teacher     Alternator

October    June         August

1 - 1         1 - 8        1 - 6

CGC         CAT         TGT

Lecturer    Teacher     Alternator

September  Feb/Nov     April/Jan

1 - 5 (2)     1 - 3         1 - 7

CAC         TAC         TGC

Alternator    Ruminator Ruminator

May        July        March/Dec

Now with this map if you are born in say 1963 Feb or Nov then you are a Nine Star Ki of 1 - 8 if you're born in March/ December you become a 1/7 and so on through the year. Your d.o.b. Is always at the centre and then you move through the months. This tells us that the month number is not associated with that particular month for example in the 1 - 8 chart at the top 1/7 is in the 6 position but if you were born a 1/7 that would be at the centre and not associated with the number 6. So the Bagua for your birth changes at the centre the bagua for the year number starts at the centre in February or November. 

The aspect shapes for Bagua B are as follows…

2 Lecturers, 3 Teachers, 3 Ruminators and 4 Alternators, 12 aspect shapes in 4 variations. 

The Bagua for the year number 1 starts in February or November so that is at the centre and the month numbers count down as it moves around. 

Lets stick with Bagua B from now, on it has six musical notes associated with the year number 1.

Musical notes for year 1……..C D# F F# G# B…..place those musical notes around a birth chart and you connect with C - Aries… D# - Cancer… F - Virgo… F# Libra..

G# - Sagittarius… B - Pisces.

4 Red lines, 4 green lines and 4 Blue lines.

It gives you this pattern of aspect shapes. In DNA Codons you have three letters the first letter comes from anywhere between Aries and Cancer, the second letter from Leo to Scorpio and the third letter between Sagittarius and Pisces. So the only codons you can make this way here are TAT, TAC, TGT, TGC, CAT, CAC, CGT, CGC. 8 Variations on a theme of DNA Codon. Return to the Bagua map B and you will see all of those DNA Codons appear within the map itself.

Everything that is missing here can be found in the year that 1 partners with and that is the number 9. A lot of agitation her something niggling at you perhaps that you just have to pursue and fathom out, genius can hide in the Ruminator centre who knows what the number 1 cannot fathom out if they put there minds to it.

Notice how the two Ruminators do not quite become two there is a gap between A Virgo and G Libra because they do not fit with the DNA Codons of the I Ching…. No matter how many times you come across a double pattern there is always that opening at one end.

In Bagua B we have 12 Letter C’s…12 Letter T’s…6 Letter A’s….and 6 Letter G’s.

Fire and water dominate her and are positioned above the Earth and therefore are associated with bringing Heavenly energy down to Earth.

The houses associated with the number 1 are 1, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 12……all others work within the number 9 maps. Lets take a look at each of them. 

The Bagua for the year number 1starts in February so that is at the centre and the month numbers count down as it moves around. Here we see both Baguas for number 1 and number 9 what do they have in common………

1 - 9        1 - 4        1 - 2

TAT        CGT        CAC

1 - 1        1 - 8        1 - 6

CGC        CAT        TGT

1 - 5 (2)    1 - 3        1 - 7

CAC        TAC        TGC

9 - 6        9 - 1        9 - 8

GTG        ATA        ACG

9 - 7         9 - 5 (2)    9 - 3

GTA        ACA        GCA

9 - 2        9 - 9        9 - 4

ACA        GCG        ATG   

The numbers here have a connection but I am not going to go into that here as I think I have given you enough to think about. So lets just look at the 1 year and the 9 year and see other ways they connect. In this example through DNA codons. 

GTG            ATA            ACG

CAC            TAT            CGT

GTA            ACA            GCA

TAC            TGT            TGC

ACA            GCG            ATG

TGT            CGC            CAT

As we know in DNA T partners A and C partners G and vice versa…….here we see that the year number 9 also matches up to a codon in the year number 1. The other side of the DNA spiral. Between them these two numbers use all 12 musical notes 9 is an Earthy energy and 1 is a Heavenly energy but together they work as a pair without a shadow of a doubt.

So Number 1 that lonely number people like to talk about is not lonely at all it has “the other one of the pair” in its partnership with the number 9. 

These same qualities work with 1 and 9….. 2,5 and 6… 3 and 4… 7 and 8….once again we need only know half of the story in order to see the whole picture.

So you have everything you need here and anything you don’t have you can find in the partner year number 9……….there is no such thing as one because once one is created you will find the other one of the pair………the numbers 1 and 9 are interchangeable in many Nine Star Ki patterns……..now imagine that Bagua B with a door into Bagua A at the in my case 1/7 section that gives me access to another variation of Nine Star Ki…………the never ending story. X