Tuesday 29 October 2019

Nine Star Ki and its Energies

This is the shape of a 27 piece cube of nine star ki with the number 7 at its centre.....the cube has been opened out into a crucifix or cross....the red cross of the number 7 can be seen very easily but all other numbers and their positions creat a variety of triangles too.

Below we have the same crucifix with the numbers that mark all the corners these are the more dangerous or less generous numbers associated with the number 7 year .......8 - 1 - 6 - 4 so during a 7 year these numbers are less creative than the numbers positioned at the centre of each of the six faces of the cube....7 at centre - 2 - 5 - 3 - 9 I guess it shows us that coming through directional energy at the centres is more balanced than corner energies. So during a 7 year focus on those things associated with 2 and 5 earth energies like property, land, marriage etc., and 3 Tree/air energy of new ideas and new beginnings and finally with the number 9 fire for success and social standing.....I guess also that 3 supports 9 and 2 supports 5 through these times.......all crosses work the same way but the nine star face at the centre of the cross changes with each new number placed at centre.....x