Thursday, 21 September 2017

NIne Star Ki Bagua and its movements

The image above shows the face of a bagua for the nine Star Ki of 1/7 the rear shows the face of a bagua for 7/1 somewhere in between the gap they have changed sides. The 1/7 cube has numbers that are all moving from the North East to the South West. The 7/1 cube has numbers that are moving from the South West to the North East. In fact they are moving towards each other attracted like magnets.

Einsteins Rosen Bridge would fit nicely between the two faces and as it moves through it flips itself over left to right..... then again top to bottom and now 7/1 has become the 1/7 face. To create an opposite in Nine Star Ki two flips are required. We soon begin to see that opposites are infact the same. In Feng Shui it is called the other one of the pair. So if you are experiencing a 1/7 year and month then someone or something on the other side of the bridge is experiencing 7/1...... is it just some other random person or your shadow self. Is this why we need to find balance in life because if we are giving out one of them we are receiving the other and it's in our best interests to keep things balanced and harmonious, equal give and take experiences. If this were true 1/7 is receiving and 7/1 is giving because 7 supports 1 in the 1/7 numbers but 1 can be a drain on 7 in the 7/1 situation thus it is giving more out. We must remember to prepare for all situations so when we are called on to be creative we are prepared and when we are called on to give our energies back to the Universe we must have them readily available and more besides so we do not lose everything all in one sweep.
It's not hard to imagine that journey into outer space our future is out there just waiting to become our present tooing and froing backwards and forwards.......... meeting in the present right here right now is the position of our give and take balance point.   Life is exciting isn't it? So if you have a 1/7 nine star Ki remember in truth it's really 1 - 7 - 1 and 7 is at the centre of everything in this case making the situations about being self conscious or hypersensitive or full of joy and pleasure you decide. Enjoy x

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