Thursday, 7 July 2016

The Ruminator Message through DNA Codons raising the tone 1/2 note

The Ruminator Close Up

Above we see the Ruminator touches every point of the circle starting on the left
hand or East side we have the following codons.......note that they pair up and this
is the information those pairs contain...........

AC or East point of the chart connects AC 1st house/ 6th house/ 7th house/ and the 12th house......TAC which belongs to the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal ...Nine Star Ki numbers 1/3 …
Planets Mercury and Jupiter...... Direction East/West ...Musical notes C F B... Amino
Acid Tyrosine............ TGC which belongs to the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal ...Nine Star Ki
numbers 1/7... Planets Mercury and Venus... Directions NE/SW...Musical notes
C F# B... Amino Acid Cysteine.........there is a half note of difference between TAC
and TGC ….TGC raises the tone 1/2 a note.

Second/3rd/8th and 9th house positions ..........ACT which is an Alert codon in the 8/4 – 3/7 Crystal... Nine Star Ki numbers 3/8... Planets Jupiter and Saturn... Directions
South/North... Musical notes C# G G#... Amino Acid Threonine... GCT which belongs
to the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal … Nine Star Ki numbers 3/9... Planets Jupiter and Mars...
Direction NE/SW... Musical Notes D G G#... Amino Acid Alanine... there is a half
note of difference between ACT and GCT …..GCT raises the tone 1/2 a note.

Fourth house/ 5th/ 10th/ and 11th positions....CTG which belongs to the 8/4 – 3/7 Crystal
...Nine Star Ki Numbers 8/4 (so in a peak) … Planets Saturn and Jupiter... Directions
South/North... Musical Notes D# E A#... Amino Acid Leucine...CTA belongs to the
1/1 Crystal...Nine Star Ki numbers 8/1... Planets Saturn and Mercury...Directions
East/West... Musical Notes D# E A … Amino Acid Leucine....there is a half tone
difference between CTG and CTA usually the first Codon is raise up half a note
by the second codon but in the case the second codon CTA is the lower and CTG
raises CTA up half a note. Or perhaps lowers the tone.............half a note.

Codon Nine Star Crystal Planets Directions Music

TAC 1/3 1/1-9/9 Mercury/ E/W C F B
TGC 1/7 “ Mercury NE/SW C F# B

Mercury combines both codons with a blend of Jupiter and Venus between them.....
this combination is definitely the big thinker of The Rumination aspects....with
the chance to expand their financial position..........or bring much beauty into the

ACT 3/8 8/4 – 3/7 Jupiter S/N C# G G#
Alert /Saturn

GCT 3/9 1/1 – 9/9 Jupiter/ NE/SW D G G#

Jupiter combines both codons with a blend of Saturn and Mars between them......
great vision able to expand on a subject in a responsible manner with the energy to
get the job done.......this pairing is all about expansion and growth.

CTG 8/4 8/4 – 3/7 Saturn/ S/N D# E A#

CTA 8/1 1/1 – 9/9 Saturn/ E/W D# E A

Saturn combines both codons with a blend of Jupiter and Mercury so a responsible
view of the world whilst Jupiter is breathing in and expanding Saturn is breathing
out and constricting..........expanding thoughts from Jupiter Mercury but this shape
is as though it is the wind gently breathing out their thoughts onto the Earth.

Set 1 TAC/TGC..........main planet Mercury.........Set 2 ACT/GCT........main planet
Jupiter........Set 3 CTG/CTA.......main planet Saturn............the main planet in each
set becomes a secondary in another......... except for Mars and Venus which appear
only once.....whereas Saturn appears 3 times......Jupiter 4 times......Mercury 3 times.

 Jupiter therefore is a dominant in The Ruminator aspect...........

Three thus six directions show a connection although the aspects touch on each of
the 12 points of a chart.

Note also that each set of two is doubly connected by the 30* aspect hence it being
twice the thickness. Each set is closed at that point but open at the other end.... so the
TAC/TGC set is open to the 6th house area which is associated with Virgo...... service
to others..... health.......and small pets..... ACT/GCT is open to the 2nd house area which
is associated with self esteem, personal wealth, possessions …......... CTG/CTA is open
the 10th house area of Social Standing, career and fame and success in life.

The Shape of the Ruminator is triangular but the pair becomes a rectangle which
gives it a certain stability in the chart along with a dynamic nature.

TAC Hex 40 is the only negative Hexagram all others are Positives....TGC Hex 47...
ACT Hex 27... GCT Hexagram 21... CTG Hexagram 53... CTA Hexagram 39.

A single pair of codons in the Ruminator patterns could be said to be like a pair of
cutters at the open end ….......or a butterfly tied down at the other end.

This is just a combination of ways to look at the Ruminator pattern and see if we can
work out just what that message from the Gods was all about.

TAC/TGC......The proton/electron transfer reactions between cysteine and tyrosine are
an important step for many enzyme catalysed processes..........ACT/GCT ….....

ACT/GCT …...Alanine to threonine substitutions caused by single nucleotide polymorphisms occur in diverse proteins and in certain cases these substitutions
induce self aggregation into amyloid fibrils in other amyloidogenic proteins. This
is compatible with the inverse preferences of Alanine to form helices and of threonine
to support beta-sheet structures which are crucial for amyloid fibrils formation.

CTG/CTA ….... both Leucine potential to work well together or be much of the same
this is the only pairing where CTA lowers the tone to reach CTG.

So TAC/TGC and ACT/GCT the first codon is raised to the second by half a note.......and
in CTG/CTA the second codon lowers the tone by half a note.

In the first set TAC/TGC the first and last letters remain the same and the middle letter ACT/GCT the second and third letters remain the same and the first one changes....... and finally in the third set CTG/CTA first and second remain the same and
the third letter changes. Is the third letter change causing a wobble and thus the note is lowered instead of raised.

Remembering when reading this it is just a thought a way of viewing things differently
and nothing is written in stone............except of course the Alien Version of it. Enjoy. X

As the Worker aspect is happy to connect with the Ruminator aspects then I will make a break down
of their patterns next. x 

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