The I Ching Hexagram
Numbers only – 28143976
This simple little table of
I Ching Hexagram numbers is responsible for all the listings
on my blog once I unlocked
the key (Chi) to the numbers and the positions there was
no end to the other
patterns that could also be found here. This particular pattern is
on The Ho Tu or The Word
which is listed as a sequence of numbers 28143976.
It took me many years to
realise the key so don't beat yourself up if it doesn't come easily.
The secret is in changing
the code to something else and seeing the patterns amongst
them. For example :
Hex 1can also be seen as
...Glycine/neutral in amino acids... Centre position in the
6/6 crystal.........
Musically D F# A#.... planets associated with 6/6 are Venus and Venus
and it is connected to the
Grand Trine in Air 120* x 120* x 120* ….... GGG in
DNA codons........... the
biggest clue for me came when I put in the DNA codon for
6/6.......... GGG we know
in DNA sits opposite CCC and in this case CCC is Hexagram
2........connect 1/2, 3/4,
5/6 etc., and notice that if a codon is all GGG's then the opposite
codon will be CCC but if a
codon has say T, G and C in it Hex 47 then its opposite match
is Hexagram 48 but TGC does
not become ACG it matches with CGA 4/1 now they
also sits opposite each
other in the crystals so I know its right despite the fact C and G
remain unchanged. So when
matching pairs of hexagrams T and A swop sides but C and
G only swop when C's and
G's are the only letters that attach.
In DNA C and G and T and A
are interchangeable...........but in The Hexagram pairings
T becomes A and vice versa
but C and G only change if the whole Codon is made up
of C's and G's so yes GGG
becomes CCC but CCA becomes TCC Hexagrams 15/16
only the T is changed...
This pattern conforms for
all except the 6 alerts which behave differently :
ACT should be ACT (3/8) if
it conformed but then it would be the same as it was
therefore Hexagram 27 would
pair only with Hexagram 27 and not Hexagram 28 which is
TGA.............Now TGA is also an alert because TGA (4/7) should
pair up with TGA oops
same problem so Hexagram 27
ACT pairs up with Hexagram 28 TGA because they
each have the same problem
…......when paired they remain the same.
TCA Hexagram 62 (8/3)
should become TCA which again remains the same so instead
it pairs up with Hexagram
61 which is AGT (7/4) .........which if it conformed would make
AGT so instead these alerts
pair up with each other because all four of them have the
same repeating problem.
CCG (8/8) Hexagram 52 is
also an alert because it should create CGG (4/4) but
that is Hexagram 57 so not
a match but it does pair up with Hexagram 51 GCC...
3/3. Hexagram 57 (4/4) CGG
pair up with Hexagram GGC Hexagram 58
7/7 and yet this should be
There appears to be no
explanation for these alerts why not just put them together as
they should be and change
the Hexagram numbers.
There appears to be a
problem with the alerts because they are all associated with
only the numbers in nine
star ki 3, 4, 7 and we should know by now
3 and 8 … 4 and 7.... are
So with the centre based
numbers which contain only the letters C or G they appear
to find comfort in matching
up to a pair that is the same as they are.
So 8/8 with 4/4 is not a
pairing of numbers and therefore it changes its
partner to match up to
3/3.........and 4/4 partners with 7/ they are the same
in number matches.
Other than those few
'alerts' all other pairings of hexagrams works on the same
the principle of T with A and C with G as in DNA ladders
but in the
Hexagrams........where T and A change and C and G only change when
all letters in the codon
are C or G.
1 2 3 4
9 6 8 7
We also see that the
numbers above pair up in the Hexagrams 1/7 – 4/1 as an
example...........9/9 –
1/1 as another which explains why the alerts occur.....
alerts in letters are
because they reproduce the same letters..... alerts in nine
star ki numbers comes when
the numbers need to be connected in the ways
Worth decades of work?
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