Tuesday 1 May 2012

DNA to RNA Potential Errors and Good Intent

Errors in DNA and RNA Transcriptions

Remember I am just looking at potential's and possibilities. Nothing I say here is written in stone but may create an abstract way of thinking and opportunities.
DNA is produced as our blueprint and I think it would be a good thing for us to write in blue for DNA and write in red for RNA so that we can see at a glance which is which. They can be shown as lines, numbers, letters, amino acids, colours, hexagrams and cubes to name but a few.
Sometimes when we think something is wrong in letters we can look to the numbers for a clue so just having one version of DNA may seem simpler but it would mean we know an awful lot less about that DNA .
If we just say its Cysteine then there are two ways to make Cysteine so we can't be sure which one we are making. Some say they are both the same, cysteine is just cysteine but I say 1/7 TGC Hex 47 North East sitting South West facing Cysteine is not the same as 1/6 TGT Hexagram 6, South sitting North facing, Cysteine, how can it be. For now though we will act like workmen in the DNA factory making RNA by transcription from the letters of DNA we have been given.

Here we have a sequence of amino acids and see that errors can bring about a condition called Hereditary Hemochromatosis. Instead of making Cysteine at TGC a mutation occurs and TAC Tyrosine is made instead bringing about an overload of iron in the body. Tyrosine production instead of Cysteine is also a problem in a condition called endometriosis. So how might this occur.
Dan is a chap working at the DNA factory and is highly experienced in his work specialising in DNA to RNA coding. He is asked to swop to the RNA factory as they are short staffed. He knows he can do it he is highly trained, that is until his mind goes into auto pilot and begins to think the RNA he is working on is DNA and he double codes it. Auto pilot workers make errors.

                                                   DNA Clockwise                 RNA Anticlockwise
                        One Step

So earlier in the day Dan had the job of changing TGC DNA into RNA which he then passed onto the RNA department. Job done correctly.

DNA - TGC RNA – CTA      - -                               Hex 47 Exhaustion
                                           A --- C
                                                 T - - T   CTA produces the numbers 2/7
                                               - -
                                           C - - T

Line 1 & 4 = T - Line - Line 2 & 5 = T – Line 3 & 6 = C DNA
Line 1 & 2 = C - Line - Line 3 & 4 = T - Line 5 & 6 = A RNA

We describe DNA TGC in RNA as changing to letters UGC but it has the numbers 2/7 now, although it isn't referred to in numbers.

So 2/7 in DNA is TTC which is Phenylalanine one possibility for error.  TTC and 2/7 lines changed to the RNA line positions produces 1/3 in lines and this is where Dan makes another error because 1/3 is Tyrosine in DNA and not Cysteine and he has accidentally produced the wrong amino acid in the string of proteins. 


          2/7      - -        Set up as lines would create     Hexagram 45 Clustering
                     - -
                     - -
                     - -         2/7 lines in DNA would create 1/3 in RNA
                     - - 
                     - -
                     - -        1/3                                    Hex 40 Liberation
                     - -        This now becomes Tyrosine

Could RNA adjust itself because it sees the potential error and wants to correct it not realising that for each action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
Thyroid hormones are derived from tyrosine and as tyrosine creates thyroxine it would hold thyroid problems at bay.  So could someone with the potential for thyroid problems be saved by this boost of tyrosine but instead they get endometriosis because the cysteine is missing and is a requirement for the telomerase function in the wombs cycle. A good intention gone wrong. Is there an official connection between endo and thyroid problems.
Hereditary Hemochromatosis is something you are born with so the error has occurred in your ancestors DNA possibly a link with Irish DNA and the potato famine. This then becomes part of your inheritance. Starvation caused your body to store iron whenever it could which at that time might have been useful but now with our healthier diets it has become a problem. So RNA mutation might well have started off trying to help the body store iron but now storing iron is the problem itself. Good intentions have now gone wrong but the intention was good, I believe it always is.
Tyrosine was helping the body to store iron which it in turn used to help bodily functions. When one door opens another one closes so in producing tyrosine it leaves the body short of cysteine which it needs for the womb to function properly.

 If this were my life as a game and I wanted to be perfect I could go back to the period before the potato famine and encourage my family to leave Ireland before the problem arose and thus my body would never have adapted itself to the requirements for storing iron. That function of producing an iron store would not have depleted my body of cysteine and I would probably not have gotten endometriosis. I would be back in the 1790's just before the Irish staged a major rebellion against British rule. The English army in Ireland was increased and a few years later the British Act of Union made Ireland part of the United Kingdom. The potato blight began in 1845 and despite now being a part of the United Kingdom the Irish were not helped through this crisis and many of them died. The DNA for the rest of them mutated to help them store iron and the rest is the history of Hereditary Hemochromatosis.

If life were a game though I am now back in the 1790's and have wiped out all the ancestors I have had since then thus I could potentially lose good qualities I get from my more recent ancestors at the cost of losing my mutation. My family would not be here as I now know them now and my life would be changed forever. Would we really want to risk that for the sake of a mutation. That's the game of life for you and that would have to be your decision. Obviously it would depend on the severity of the mutation and we will have a look at some others like sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis.
If as we have considered a possibility life is created from a variation on a theme of 36 triangles surely there has to be a simple way to make adaptations without time travel. Lets hope it's found sooner rather than later. My son has just pointed out to me that if I time travelled back to this time I would not have existed either so could not have gone back so the plot thickens.
I can't help but wonder what other mutations are occurring in the bodies of those at war around the world today. We are all Mutant Turtles aren't we with an inbuilt ability to make errors or to make changes that RNA believes to be beneficial to us only to find out that in changing one thing you change others without realising it. 
As you know I am Hexagram 47 1/7 Cysteine and I do have HH and Endo and I do come from a family with a history of Thyroid problems which I do not have. Could it be that because of the potato famine I don't have Thyroid problems and in going back in my time travel mutation repair vehicle I would give myself problems with Thyroid because I do have enough cysteine. Oh what a mine field we live in. Of course you are probably beginning to see why my Hexagram 47 uses the word exhaustion and I can't help but think what an amazing coincidence that my health issues have a cysteine connection.  I do hope you have not been exhausted by trying to digest this information. More examples to follow.



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