This pattern is looking like the
directions pattern of Solo Man's Temple which
falls on the North East and South West
Axis …............the cube angles are
90* x 22.5* x 33* which makes me
wonder if 33* has something to do with
If we forget about the red line for
the moment and just look at this image
like two pieces of mirror slotted into
each other. It now creates a mirrored
surface of 8 sides just like the Nine
Star Ki map. To the left on top is the East
underneath the East is North the bottom to the left we have the
North pushing upwards and behind it to
the right is the North West......then
we move up to the West but remember
when the wheel is moving clockwise
the West is going to be on the
underneath of the mirror and the South West is
on the top, then to the top of the
cross we have the South face to the right of the
cross and its rear view on the left
hand side is now the South East. Realise
that should the cross begin to turn
anticlockwise then positions change also.
Therefore as a Number 1 North person I
can be pushing upwards from the
North but if things turn around then
the North West will be what I lead with.
As we know number 1 is supported by
the number 6 and we can see clearly
here why that might be.
So I am looking at this image with my
eyes but imagine if looking into that
mirror I see other reflections from
different angles what will I see then.....
The North and the North West never see
themselves only other directions and
depending on the angle of the cube
they will see very different things indeed.
The Image at the top is called a
Pythagorean looks remarkably
like the cubes of Nine Star Ki to
me..........or the Hash Tag symbol.......the Sharp
symbol in music.......or the Magic
Square. Is everything indeed created out of
the numbers.
Looking at the mirror above imagine it
was just four Nine Star Ki
etc.,.......then fill in the ends of
those lines in red.....
Suddenly you have the mirror of
Pythagorus..................and the magic square and
Nine Star Ki and they are all one and the same. x
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