Monday, 30 August 2021

Thoughts on Astrology - I Ching - DNA - Nine Star Ki

There are times when I look at astrology and think it’s simply divine and then others when I think what complete and utter nonsense. Thats usually when trying to make predictions (hides the word idiot) or when you want to tell someone who they are and what they will be which is nonsense as everything in life is fluid and what you might experience at one age you may never experience again so how can it be in any way controlling your way of life. That said all great people like Isaac Newton, Einstein, Copernicus and so on even Stephen Hawking I bet …..have looked at astrology and made some sort of discovery. For me I started with a circle divided into 12 sections. Those sections were divided into four different elements and then they were also divided into three qualities Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. So 12 - 3 and 4 are prominent numbers for the division of an astrology chart. The letters of DNA are made up of four letters from which you make 3 choices and this creates a DNA Codon. 12 DNA Codons make a crystal of The I Ching so we have gone from studying astrology to studying DNA and the human being. Both get you there but finding patterns within patterns interests me more than prediction or character assessment or assassination. That hasn’t stopped me making up the Who am I Codons of Hexagrams and DNA from Hexagram 1 to Hexagram 64 which gives some form of insight into the nature of a DNA Codon or Nine Star Ki numbers. For example being born in Spring will make you different from someone born in Autumn………take 1/7 Nine Star Ki is DNA Codon TGC and they are born in spring but the same codes will apply to a 1/7 born in December………so very different in some ways but the same in others. All codes and data are for making things up like a recipe and yes they will both be 1/7 TGC but one will be full of the joys of spring and the other looking into the darkness of winter ahead………one has reaped the harvest and has seeds a plenty to plant out for Spring. If the harvest doesn’t come in then spring may not be so full of joy. So many ways the same thing can be changed.  Using your date of birth is just one way of creating your who am I……other ways are dice throwing…………dominoes………throwing sticks…….. flicking a coin…..all will give a result. For example the I Ching is perfect when you have a question so lets make the question am I talking sense……. I will now randomly throw my Rosalind Franklin 50p coin to determine six choices of heads (full Jang line) or tails (Broken Jin line)……I promise you I will be honest…


So Broken - Broken - Solid - Broken - Broken - Broken…….this creates Nine Star Ki of  8/2 and DNA Codon CCA Hexagram 15 it sits in the SW facing North East - Amino Acid Proline - Double Crystal - D# G A - Saturn Saturn - 120* x 60* x 180* The Alternator Aspect shape. - Hydrophobic

Hexagram 15 Temperance… Integrity, Modesty, a symbol of humility, moderation, yielding and being humble.  Modesty is needed in your attitude,  allow yourself to be led without resistance. A humble person is thought of as having an open mind without prejudice. Only a person who understands the Tao can know when to stop or disregard what they have and appear as though they have nothing. 

That makes sense to me there are times when working on Who am I codes that I have had to appear as though I have nothing because it is the better choice to make.  There is one particular code that makes me shiver a little and when I come across those who have wronged others they have had these numbers and fit perfectly the scenario being painted. It makes me question whether we can change or are we born into a certain set of circumstances and then we can begin to change and adapt them throughout our lives. Nothing is beyond change so even the more difficult starting points can do something about it. 

The Alternator.......a dynamo that generates an alternative choice or current.e.g. Petrol or diesel - gas or electricity – medicine or homeopathy. Or having an alternative view in order to avoid litigation rather than remaining fixed. One of two possibilities are always available here.........they can take turns but they only get two choices and may slip from one to the other when feeling indecisive.

Musically D# G A creates The Alternator shape and 8/2 is on the left hand Pillar of the balanced and harmonious music of the spheres.  Both planets are Saturn so there is much to learn here and a responsible attitude must prevail this is important work. CCA is hydrophobic so the letters prefer to appear on the inside of a DNA Strand. 

Learning the very most you can about yourself is the key to good astrology and learning how life works in its many patterns can lead to break throughs in medicine, science and religion. Just remember to remain humble and learning as much as you can without letting pride in your work ever become more important. 

The Solfeggio frequency 8/2 plays at is 8 5 2 …works for both February and November…

Spiritual Enlightenment - redirects the mind away from overthinking or intrusive thoughts, these thoughts can play a role in depression and anxiety. Psychological ailments can be helped with this sound vibration. Musical therapy. (852)

Remember you can only create with your thoughts that which you are capable of reaching………DNA Pairs are said to be a form of language so those thoughts must be able to influence our DNA as it send messages to itself and then reshapes a situation accordingly.

Be positive whenever possible because you attract ……..and if your having dark thoughts you can expect to attract something that will feed on them.

Enjoy your thinking and keep it pure. X

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