Number 4 year 2023…
Aspect shape The Magician - Amino Acid Glutamine - DNA Codon CAG - Nine Star Ki 4/8 - Hexagram 18 - Direction sitting in the North facing South, a warm sunny position. Hydrophilic - Diamond Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Saturn - music D# F A# - Ri - Fa - Li - appears twice in the year for February and November. Frequency 852
Aspect shape The Worker - Amino Acid STOP Opal - DNA Codon TGA Alert - Nine Star Ki 4/7 - Hexagram 28 - Direction Sitting in the South West facing North East can be a dark corner - Hydro neutral - 8/3 - 7/3 Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Venus - Music C F# A - Do - Fi - La - appears twice in the year for March and December. Frequency 741
Aspect shape The Alternator - Amino Acid Tryptophan - DNA Codon TGG - Nine Star Ki 4/6 - Hexagram 44 - Direction sitting in the East facing West enjoy those sunsets - Hydrophobic - 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Venus - Music C F# A# - Do - Fi - Li - appears twice in the year for April and January. Frequency 639
Aspect shape The Alternator - Amino Acid Glutamine - DNA Codon CAA - Nine Star Ki 4 - 5… five does not appear in The I Ching we amend it to read 4/2 as we already have two 4/8 in Feb/Nov so Nine Star Ki 4/2 - Hexagram 46 - Direction sitting in the West facing East a new dawn is about to begin - Hydrophilic - Double Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Saturn - Music D# F A - Ri - Fa - La - appears once in May and then again in August. Frequency 528 or amended to 285 with a 4/2.
Aspect shape The Lecturer - Amino Acid Arginine - DNA Codon CGG - Nine Star Ki 4/4 - Hexagram 57 - Direction at the centre of everything - Hydrophilic - Double Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Jupiter - Music D# F# A# - Ri - Fi - Li - appears only once in the year. Frequency 417
Aspect shape The Lecturer - Amino Acid STOP Ochre - DNA Codon TAA - Nine Star Ki 4/3 - Hexagram 32 - Direction sitting in the North West facing the rich growth of the South East - Hydro - Neutral - Double Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Jupiter - Music C F A - Do - Fa - La - appears only once in the year. Frequency 396
Aspect shape The Alternator - Amino Acid Glutamine - DNA Codon CAA - Nine Star Ki 4/2 - Hexagram 46 - Direction sitting in the West facing East a new dawn is about to begin - Hydrophilic - Double Crystal - Planets Jupiter Saturn - Music D# F A - Ri - Fa - La - appears once in August but also in May. Frequency 285
Aspect shape The Worker - Amino Acid Arginine - DNA Codon CGA - Nine Star Ki 4/1 - Hexagram 48 - Direction sitting in the North East facing South West a sunny mid afternoon kind of feeling - Hydrophilic - 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Mercury - Music D# F# A - Ri - Fi - La - appears only once in the year. Frequency 174
Aspect shape The Worker - Amino Acid STOP Amber - DNA Codon TAG - Nine Star Ki 4/9 - Hexagram 50 - Direction sitting in the South facing North not much Sun to see - Hydro - Neutral - 8/4 - 7/3 Crystal - Planets Jupiter and Mars - Music C F A# - Do - Fa - Li - appears only once in the year. Frequency 963
So there are just 6 musical notes played throughout the whole of 2023 and they are :
C D# F F# A A#
DO RI FA FI LA LI (I denotes letter has been sharpened)
Missing notes would be C# D E G G# B and these notes are the musical DNA of the following 3 year 2024. So within the space of 24 months all musical notes will be played.
Back to the four year…….
C and D# are the first of the three letters of DNA codons…….F F# are the second letter of a DNA Codon….. A A# are the last third letter of a DNA Codon. So in the four year C Aries 1st house and D# Cancer 4th house are the starting points for the year………F Virgo 6th house and F# Libra 7th house are the middle letters and finally A Capricorn 10th house A# Aquarius 11th house for the final positions.
So shapes that can be made will start at Aries or Cancer and can match with Virgo or Libra and then finally match with Capricorn and Aquarius.
E.G. Aries to Virgo to Capricorn create the aspect shape The Lecturer and so it goes on the shapes made by these musical sounds in the four year are Magician (2), Worker (4), Alternator (4) and The Lecturer (2)…………so The Ruminator for example will not appear in a four year only these 4 particular shapes in different positions.
CGA - CAA - TAA - CGG - TGG - TGA - CAG - TAG are the codons of the four year… together they make these shapes…….musically C D# F F# A A#
Its easy to spot Magicians, Workers, Lecturers and Alternators within the patterns triangles of life. Lacking a pentagram with Sagittarius joining in …….nothing in 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th or 12th houses they are all to be found in the following 3 year.
All years can be worked out in similar ways to this one but I used 2023 because it is the next full year excluding the 5 year which has more complications as it has to become 2 or 8 so I thought an easier version could help you plan your own year out. Have fun. X
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