Thursday 19 April 2018

GCA 9/3 Nine Star Ki April, 2018

I love the idea that time has many forms of measure, colour is one of them and it fits into this particular dart board form of time. Do we have only a month to throw three darts at this board and achieve the goals that appear on it, if we miss out we have to wait another 9 years until it comes around again. Nine lives or opportunities to achieve those goals. April 2018 is 9/3 GCA and belongs to the left hand side of a double crystal as shown below. Each section has a lot to offer can we access all of it or do we just get three darts to connect with the board every 9 years until eventually that gives us the opportunity to access all areas. There are 64 different patterns for us to connect to…….do we return to the same places and do the same things over and over again rather than experience all things life has to offer. Or are some of them more difficult to accept than others and we get the opportunity to avoid them. This time sits in the 12th house of Pisces so empathy and sensitivity could have a connection. Spiritual or religious connection or hospitals and institutes could also be what it’s all about. I know for myself I have two family members in hospital during this month so showing empathy and compassion is what is required of me this month.

A radiant and ostentatious time through the (9) and explosive thunder energies from the number (3)......... fire burns to heal so it am hopeful for a positive outcome. I have other Codons to choose from on this board…..CAA - AAT - ATC - TCC - CCG - CGT - GTT - TTA - TAG - AGG…….all of them have potential……...may I choose wisely my other two options. Have fun deciding on what you would like to score in this particular game of darts……..3 wood is supportive of the number 9 you could be full of ideas that could one day lead to your fame and success. Above all enjoy and make the most of what presents to you every month afresh for a full and interesting life x

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