Thursday 3 May 2018

My Many Faces of I Ching

Simply from your date of birth so much can be known about own gives me the following facts.....

Piscean...Nine Star Ki 1/7/8...Hydrophobic...Amino Acid Cysteine... I Ching Hexagram number 47...
I sit in the North East facing in the South West direction...I belong to the crystal which peaks on 1/1 - 9/9... I sit in the Fire quadrant of the I Ching...Musical Notes are C F# B...which coincidentally are situated at the beginning, middle and end of an octave...Planets Mercury (1) and Venus (7)... forms a shape called The Ruminator which measures 180 x 150 x 30 degrees......from the 1st to 7th to the 12th houses. The DNA codon associated with my date of birth is TGC which is a Jin, Jang, Jin, Jang, Jang and Jin line that forms Hexagram 47.

So much from so little but another way to display myself as a piscean fish would be as follows..... the Jin Blue fishes and Jang Red fishes denoting 1/7 TGC Hex 47 through the use of symbols. Jin energy moving up to the Heavens and Jang energy coming down to Earth from Heaven.........

What sort of patterns would your date of birth create......

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