Monday 13 August 2018

DNA and Astrology in Music

Imagine this keyboard to be circular Aries C meets up with Pisces B at the beginning and end of a scale. Lets look at one particular DNA codon........GGG Hexagram number 1, 6/6 in Nine Star Ki.... how would we play this on the piano above...... well the first letter G will be found in the first act second letter G in the second act and the third G in the third act. The astrological signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius... the houses are the 3rd,7th and11th houses.

So GGG would be played as D - F# - A#........ it is associated with the Grand Trine in Air, the planets Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Uranus...this music is played on two black notes and one white note. From this you can work out a great deal about the Heavenly energy associated with GGG’s Grand Trine. This shape sits in the Air/Tree position of The I Ching. Balanced and harmonious sounds from 120* x 120* x 120* aspects.

My own DNA Codon is TGC which would be played as C - F# - is associated with a Ruminator aspect in Fire, Air and Water and sits in the Fire quadrant of the I Ching. The planets associated with its music are Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune......played on two white notes and one black note. It is connected to 1/7 in Nine Star Ki, Hexagram number 47, the 1st, 7th and 12th houses ...Aries, Libra and Pisces are the signs associated with TGC. Playing the noted let you hear when and were you might want to raise or lower a tone. This shape plays 180* x 150 x 30*.

For example my Ruminator 180 x 150 x 30...... I could reduce the 180 to 150 by flattening the F# and making it an F.....this would adapt the 30* aspect to a 60* aspect and now I would have created for myself The Alternator aspect.....sharps and flats can make big changes to your aspect shape...have fun.

So find your codon or nine star ki and start making beautiful music x

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