Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Changing DNA to RNA

in the Crystals

1/1 – 9/9

This box shows the letter and its corresponding lines:

As we can see from the rows of DNA and RNA as I Ching Lines the DNA lines are written as follows:

CGA as DNA Draws the lines : A on lines 3 and 6
                                                    G on lines 2 and 5
                                                    C on lines 1 and 4

Now when it comes to writing the same letters in RNA here comes the difference:

CGA RNA Draws the lines: A on lines 5 and 6
                                              G on lines 3 and 4
                                              C on lines 1 and 2

This is how the lines differ with the same letters in DNA and RNA the letter and lines for each letter remain the same the the position of the lines changes.

Looking at DNA CGA lines they create 4/1 in Nine Star Ki yet the appearance of the Nine Star Ki in the RNA patterns is difference and creates 8/7. The reality should be that CGA in DNA and RNA both create the Amino Acid Arginine but whilst 4/1 does 8/7 produces Leucine.

Could this be were many DNA to RNA errors occur.

In the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal and its codons and note how when DNA becomes RNA it is still choosing to become a Codon of letters which already appears in the crystal. Thus this is a DNA crystal which also hides amongst it the RNA crystal.

To change DNA to RNA use the windows map above and move the letter one move backwards or anticlockwise. E.G. T becomes C, C becomes A, A becomes G, G becomes T.

The rewrite those letters in the 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6 line positions. You have a new set of letters and a new Nine Star Ki set of numbers and Yet in DNA when changed to RNA the only changes it shows you are T becomes U. As few as two or as many as five of the lines can change when DNA becomes RNA letters.

DNA letters Nine Star Ki RNA Letters Nine Star Ki
CGA 4/1      ATG 9/4
GCG 9/9      TAT 1/9
TGC 1/7      CTA 8/1
ATG 9/4      GCT 3/9
TAT 1/9      CGC 1/1
CTA 8/1     ACG 9/8
GCT 3/9     TAC 1/3
CGC 1/1     ATA 9/9
ACG 9/8     GAT 7/9
TAC 1/3     CGA 4/1
ATA 9/1     GCG 9/9
GAT 7/9     TGC 1/7

Each DNA codon is three codons away from it's match in RNA in a clockwise direction. So from the DNA position move forward three steps. Is RNA all about our future. If we took three steps back and treated the original DNA as though it were RNA would be find out something about our past.

GAT Past               TGC DNA Now                 CTA RNA Future

Does this show me the six part of the Crystal that I function from. For TGC in the third house position for DNA I reach to the 6th house for my past as GAT and reach to the 12th house of CTA for my future.  

Aspect from TGC in the third house – GAT in the 6th house and CTA in the 12th house produce the aspect called the worker. Are we all like worker Bees working through the past in the now and creating our future. So I function below ground a lot and my outlet in the visible world comes through the 12th house of Pisces an invisible world in itself. Perhaps that's why I am such a dreamer. So my thoughts are underground and have to find a way to match up with the visible partner in the Heavens. Two pages of a book. I like the sound of that. Likely as not then I am bringing up Earth energies to the Heavens and they are bringing down Heavenly energies to me. TGC has changing lines at 2 and 6.

We have touched on only the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal here but the others crystals will function in a similar way.  

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Obscure Views of DNA

I sometimes think we make DNA patterns harder to understand than is absolutely necessary. 

Life is in fact very simple. x

Friday, 19 September 2014

Through the Keyhole of The Nine Star Ki Bagua

Finding The Key

Place four vases with their openings facing East, South, West and North. Then draw a line in the gaps between them as a bridge from North to East for example. You have now created a Bagua.

As the Bagua turns through the years a different Ki energy enters through the Keyhole. Four Vessels and four bridges to create all of life. x 

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Nine Star Ki Stations of the Cross / Cubes

The Four Windows

The Cross of the Cube of
Nine Star Ki
5 at Centre

This is a map of all Nine Star Ki numbers from 1 to 9 as an opened cube forming a cross and giving all 9 Stations of the Cross for Nine Star Ki. Each number forms a cube with six sides of 9 numbers with no two numbers appearing on the same side ever. All of Life itself can be made from these building blocks, we are made of very colourful stuff. x

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Crystals and their Reductions

When you look at the load of the 1/1 crystal it is easier to balance on the way up the left hand side of the Crystal whereas once the Codon reaches the peak of the crystal it starts to come back down again. I take fire up into the Heavens and bring Earth back down again. T becomes A but in the crystal C and G remain unchanged if T or A are in the Codon.

So TGC goes up CGA comes down. 1/7 and 4/1 as we know 4 and 7 are interchangeable so all would be well here. In strings of DNA T and A change places and C and G so we would create a different codon if that were the case here.

So TGC 1/7 and GCA 9/3 – 1 and 9 are interchangeable here, but not 3 & 7

If they worked as a ladder or string of DNA would they would have another version of themselves.

TGC 1/7 – ACG 9/8 again 1 and 9 are interchangeable here, but not 7 & 8.

TGC belongs to the 1/1 crystal as does 4/1, 9/8 and 9/3 in fact they take up all four corners of the 1/1 crystal.

Co-incidence, I don't think so. So by taking just one of the codons of the 1/1 crystal I have been able to produce 4. So if for every four codons of the crystal it can be reduced to just one codon of DNA. 12 have become just 3. Another 4 – 3 situation within the codes of DNA. 

So if you could only give 3 codons e.g. GCG, TGC, ATG, you would still be able to work out the other missing 8 codes. x 

The Pope's Gateway

The Gateway
Popes Keys

You can imagine a gate hanging from these entrance posts forming a gateway to the other side. They also form the shape of a crucifix as appears in the Popes Coat of Arms. Do the two keys form a gateway to another world. God's Kingdom perhaps. They also give the appearance of a tap you might have found on the street corner many years ago often placed there by philanthropists who wanted to help their local community. The pillars work best for me when made from sandstone with metal key protrusions, we still see them in operation today as they were strong and long lasting. The Earth element is supportive of Metal and therefore no corrosion would take place and it would be long lasting. Wooden Gateways work well too but the Metal key would destroy the Wood element over time. A Metal or Wooden post with a tap would be supportive of the Water element so it would work well as a water feature made from either. x