Thursday 25 April 2013

Map 607 The I Ching Hexagrams combined as pairs

This is DNA as it appears.

Flip the DNA once horizontally.

Flip the DNA once vertically.

Flip the DNA once horizontally.

Flip DNA to the Right.

and finally once over and to the left  again.

All six images of DNA.

The DNA I Ching in paired Hexagrams starting with a DNA or The Word chart with 28143976 across the top and down the sides so they are paired up as they appear. E.g. CCC top left matches GGG bottom right but the codon that appears first is positioned first. Working from the top left hand corner to the end. The boxes marked in red on their edges (4) are the DNA codons that I call alerts which do not conform to the usual pattern. They appear much more like the cubes or building blocks of life that they are when positioned this way with diamond shaped spaces between them. Squint your eyes and they begin to form spirals. 


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