The God sequence is 9 digits long…………….could that be TGC as your codon in the here and now…………. CTA the codon from your past and GAT the codon of your future.
These codons are created using the windows pattern in DNA for the past you move one step backwards and for the future you move one step forward or clockwise. C Blue - T Orange -
G Yellow - A Earth
G Yellow - A Earth
So TGC one step back creates the past CTA which is 8/1 in Nine Star Ki….then we look to the future and we create GAT 7/9 all three of these codons appear in the same 1/1 -9/9 crystal and are three places apart thus creating a Worker pattern 8/1 CTA is square 90* to TGC 1/7 which is square 90* to 7/9 GAT and finally CTA and GAT are opposite each other in a 180* aspect.
So we all create the 90* x 90* x 180* Worker aspect from our past, present and future. The Worker is an active energy is this particular case it is from the 3rd House TGC to the 6th house GAT to the 12th house CTA so we now have another connection Gemini, to Virgo to Pisces. Air, Earth and Water signs in the astrological world.
I should thus read up on Hexagram 39 to understand where I have come from …… Hexagram 47 to understand myself now and Hexagram 38 to prepare for where I am going to.
The Past - Hex 39 - if the world is hostile have the courage not to follow this path. To leave and be alone can be frightening with no shelter or comfort but if you have courage you will find protection and shelter and the comfort will come from within yourself. Make shelter you find shelter, life is what you make of it, you do not have to accept the way it can be sometimes…….change it to the world you want it to be.
The Present - Hex 47 - The enclosed tree…..remember your garden…life can be interesting and full of duties but happiness dwells in your small limited space, your secret garden. The Tree of Life grows only in the magic circle, the symbol of oneness and that is your garden. The power of Life comes from that tree. Prisons exist too but they are not on the inside they are outside the garden. You can be a prisoner of opinions, fears, guilt and duties. As soon as you enter the gate of your garden you are set free, all is locked out.
The Future - Hex 38 …Opposition….. Gui is the hexagram of ‘the others’, which may be people, or gods and spirits. On Gui-day the oracle was consulted, and everyone was apprehensive about what would be. A good or bad harvest, an angry ancestor when one has done something wrong or forgot an offering. Many had reason for 'opposition eyes'. But it means also the unknown others one stares at, those one feels different from, or simply are not oneself: standing face to face with you, talking or silent, nice or unfriendly.
Well I can certainly relate to all of them…………for me home or shelter is where the heart is and if I do not like the way things are going I won’t hesitate to change my path. My secret garden well that is definitely me I feel this one the strongest……..a tiny house in a large garden is my ideal world……….somewhere to be cut off from the outside world when required and definitely not living with strangers………this is a home for family as they will always be the priority. Behind closed gates I find serenity and that makes all the difference to who I can be when I return to the outside world. The future would appear to be about facing opposition and seeing whether or not I feel the need to judge others as too much of this or not enough of that. I will only judge others in the ways I feel uncomfortable about myself. So if I can achieve the goal of loving myself then I will feel no need of the opposition standpoint as I need to judge nobody thus the opposition becomes sameness rather than the opposite and I can be comfortable with people like me and people nothing like me.
The future is bright and I look forward to it but for the moment I am happy to create my secret garden with a tree planted at its centre. x
For hexagram information I like to use
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