September, 2021(all at 6’s and 7’s)
6-6 6-2 6-4
3 8 1
6-5 (8) 6-7 6-9
2 4 6
6-1 6-3 6-8
7 9 5
C Nil - T Nil
A 14 - G 13
I settled on 6/5 being a 6/8 to give a fairer balance to A and G. They can pair up too so if we choose 6/8 AAG it can pair up with 6/3 GAA as we know 3 and 8 have a relationship. 6-4 AGG relates to 6-7 GGA and as we know 4 and 7 have a relationship…….and so on. A and G are the only two letters of DNA Codons found this month but of course the invisible line would contain C and T as their opposites but interesting that the numbers 6 and 2 at centre contain only A or G all other numbers contain all four letters C T G A.
Every Nine Star Ki of 2021 starts with the number 6 and then the individual months give us the second number.
Musically C# D F F# A A# are the only notes played throughout the year. . . . . B Major although the actual notes appear in C# Major as well.
Note the Integers of the nine star ki produce a map as follows…
3 8 1
2 4 6
7 9 5
If you draw a line from 1 to 9 it will give you the same Sigil of Saturn that all 9 numbers usually give. The Integers of the numbers they form 3 + 8 + 1 = 12 which is 1 + 2 = 3 as do all rows vertical, horizontal and diagonal.
Patterns within the month of September, 2021 enjoy your thinking. X