Thursday 26 May 2022

Nine Star Ki and 5 Energy


This is the Bagua and how each position pushes the energy around…….1 position pushes up and left or South and East  etc., In each of the number 5 positions they are in the four cardinal points pushing into the centre and the four corners also contain the number 5 thereby filling the whole of the centre with 5 energy……..or perhaps no energy at all its empty………below we have the Bagua for the number 5 and we can see the centre 9 points are all pushing 5’s into the centre………

We can see from the number 1 position that 5 is in the South pushing into the centre ….1 is at the centre…. And 6 is in the 1 position in the North which is interesting as 6 supports and creates number 1 energy.

If we look at the number 7 position it is pushing 5 energy into the centre …7 is at the centre….and 9 is in the West 7 position………..this is the one move that is debatable because they say 9 and 7 do not relate but oh so many times they do and this is one of them.

Finally lets look at number 9’s position it has 9 at the centre, 5 in the North pushing into the centre and 4 in the 9 position and again thats good because 4 supports and creates the number 9. 

All others work the same way……………if they don’t something has gone wrong……thats the beauty of patterns. X 

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