Friday, 7 February 2025

34 Piece of Solo Mans Temple for 7th February 2025

 Here we see the latest 34 part game of Solo Man’s Temple. 

C Blue Water 10 - T Orange Fire 8 - 8 G Air/tree Yellow - A Green Earth 8

So an excess of Water rather than a shortage of the other elements. A nice densely packed version with only 3 inner triangles of space. Enjoy your weekend and your thinking x 

Sunday, 26 January 2025

34 Part Soloman’s Temple for 26th January, 2025


Here we have a game of Soloman’s Temple in 34 parts………for many years I thought the game could only be reduced to 36 and as there are 36 parts in a DNA I Ching Crystal that seemed perfect. Then I discovered the 34 part set which still includes all 64 codons of DNA within its pattern read in any direction. There are only 8 triangles of Air/Tree Yellow and 8 parts of C Blue Water. I thought in the perfect 36 a balanced map would be 9 of each element and I guess thats still true but now I know I can make the pattern from just 34 triangles the balance of elements is no longer possible. 

This image is the same 34 piece game but the X’s mark the points where you cannot add to the pattern without creating two of the same Codons. Very few points of entry in this 34 pattern only at the ends of the shape and a few other points but the pattern is very nearly impossible to add to at this point. 

Enjoy your thinking. X 

I just noticed an error in this pattern so it is producing one DNA Codon twice…..have you spotted it too. X 

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

The Crystals of The I Ching


Couldn’t resist using this image as it shows the crystal shapes of The I Ching and how each one contains 36 letters of DNA in different orders………T Fire Orange……..G Yellow Air/Tree ….. A Green Earth….. C Blue Water…………..everything is constantly in motion ever changing……..what will you create today x 

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

A More Detailed Version of The Number 2 Year in Particular as it Begins in February 2025

                                   A Detailed Version of 2025’s 2 Year

2-3 TCC          2-7 TTC         2-5 (2) CCC

October          June August

Thinker         Thinker         Grand Trine

Serine Phenylalanine Proline

Hex 16 Hex 45 Hex 2

SE/NW         S/N         Centre

Double Double 6/6 - 2/2

Fire Quad Fire Quad Water Quad

C G B C E B D# G B

Saturn Jupiter Saturn Venus Saturn Saturn

150 x 120 x 30 120 x 150 x 30 120 x 120 x 120

This is how these DNA Codons appear as Triangles of colour odd numbers of Hexagrams are shaped like a boat even numbers are more like a roof or upturned boat (like a cathedral but I digress) 

2-4 CTT         2-2 CCC         2-9 TCT

September Feb & Nov April & Jan

Thinker              Grand Trine Thinker

Leucine          Proline Serine

Hex 20 Hex 2 Hex 35

E/W         Centre W/E

6/6 - 2/2          6/6 - 2/2         8/4 - 7/3

Water Quad Water Quad Fire Quad

D# E G#         D# G B         C G G#

Saturn Jupiter Saturn Saturn Saturn Mars

30 x 120 x 150 120 x 120 x 120 150 x 30 x 120

2-8 CCT         2-6 TTT         2-1 CTC

May         July         Mar & Dec

Thinker         Grand Trine Thinker

Proline Phenylalanine Leucine

Hex 23 Hex 12 Hex 8

NE/SW         N/S         NW/SE

6/6 - 2/2         6/6 - 2/2         8/4 - 7/3

Water Quad Fire Quad Water Quad

D# G G#         C E G#         D# E B

Saturn Saturn Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury

120 x 30 x 150 120 x 120 x 120 30 x 150 x 120

As you can see only the colours Orange and Blue appear in any of the DNA Codons for 2025……

Heavenly above ground          21 C Water Blue  15 T Orange Fire

                                                No Earth A Green and no Air/Tree G Yellow. 

Take a peek at the directions the energy is flowing and you see they are all turned inwards. All energy is facing the centre 2/2 Codon. It is as though all the energy is pouring in a black whole at the centre. 2 does not share another year it stands alone and next year moves straight into a 1 year which pairs with 9 and so on. All the other years get to share with a partner and number 2 is a one off. Maybe because the energy turns inwards it has no need of another year to cancel it out as the other pairings of 1-9…8-7…6-5…4-3…2……….then begin again. Having checked all of them I now find all double number centres have their energy flowing inwards. 

Musically the notes play only Fire and Water notes…

C           D#           E             G                     G#             B

Fire           Water   Fire     Water             Fire           Water

Aries   Cancer     Leo     Scorpio            Sagittarius      Pisces

I am           I feel   I will          I desire            I perceive     I believe

Aspect shapes for each month in a 2 year are a variation of Thinkers and Grand Trines……..if you look at the circle we have only blue or green aspect lines here, no red energy at all. That said if the energy is now in the process of turning inwards it doesn’t really need any red doing energy. 

Grand Trine 4 with 8 Thinkers…..Blue and Green only……..together they create 3 double Thinkers I often think this aspect doubled up looks like ballerinas legs but they are said to be putting a light on the open area with the 30* aspect forming a magnified view or an eye. So they pretty much have every area covered. The Grand Trines are in Fire and Water only and only the Fire and Water points have aspects connected to them. Like three floodlights. 

I am and I will are strong energies…..I feel and I desire more emotional…..and I perceive and I believe are living in hope of seeing all you perceive coming into fruition. 

With a south westerly Number 2 wind trees can be uprooted or break their stems if the wind load is stronger than the tree. The crown of a tree can be damaged this way. A strong South Westerly wind can make trees grow lopsided as they lean towards the North West trying to stay up.  A South Westerly wind hits hard. 

Tree and Air Energy (3 & 4) controls Soil energy (2,8,5) …..Tree supports and creates Fire energy which 
In turn supports and creates Earth energy. Trees need to control Earth to make sure their roots are firmly 
Planted should those S.W. Winds prevail. Tree energy can also be about wealth and prosperity and 
Number 2 soil can be about banking those profits or using them in ways that preserves them such as
Buying property or land then you have security should you decide to marry and have a family. 

Nine Star Ki map based on 2 at the centre….

Number 2: Supportive or submissive, motherly, all about motherhood and that need to feel mothered, nurturing, gentle, receptive, quiet.  You understand things take time, supportive, self sacrificing, a person who gets things done quietly, reserved, devoted, need time to develop, conservative, worriers, wanting to take the lead is a mistake, be second assistant and don't go for leader until you know your ready. The tortoise often wins the race. Number two likes company, being alone is not an option, land and property of interest here as they are long term investments. Plan do not rush into anything. 

Hex 2 - Magnetic Earth……receptive……Earth Mother, Jin, connects to the field of all consciousness, passive and yielding. Perhaps all the energy is entering the womb before being born again anew. Everything is returning to the centre of the Earth. There is no Earth or Air energy this year so make the most of the Fire and Water maybe you will see the Kingdom of Heaven for they say unless you are born of fire and water you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. 

To the number 2 - 1 is a lonely number perhaps because they have no partner they are all about marriage and unions. Not relationships but marriage. Number 2 is a giving number, generous and nurturing. The Earth is all about Mothering a good year to pray to Mother Mary if you so require. 

Number 2 is strongly associated with the planet Saturn…….some say yikes to Saturn but I see it as the Star Turn in your chart. It is restrictive and maybe thats why it turns inwards and shrinks but it is always teaching us something to take things slowly, don’t over extend ourselves. Prepare to be organised and orderly.  Discipline and structure are key traits of Saturn. Time to plan for growing up and those long term goals. Taking a more responsible position in society is also required by Saturn. Ruler of Capricorn, your position in society is important. Also ruler to Aquarius so society in the form of groups and organisations here. Taking a responsible role in life dictates your position in the world.  

When 5 and 6 pair up they share all 12 musical notes between them but in the case of the number 2 only 6 notes are connected the other six are simply lost in space. 

Amino acids…Serine 3 - Leucine 3 - Proline 4 - Phenylalanine 2
The dominant amino acid for the number 2 is Proline with equal amounts of serine and leucine. Phenylalanine has 2 versions and the number 2 is the only number involved in the making of Phenylalanine. 
2/7 and 2/6 both create Phenylalanine and yet looking above at what makes each DNA Codon we have to accept they are not the same versions of phenylalanine in each case. 4 versions of Proline too but with subtle differences and so on. When people talk of amino acids they seem to think there are 20 with one Start codon and 3 Stops but there are 64 difference amino acid versions in my opinion for the very fact they are different in so many other ways why not the amino acid too. 

The Hexagram numbers are 2 - 8 -12 - 16 - 20 - 23 - 35 - 45
None of them pair up to each other. 

The Crystals connected to the number 2 are 2 for the Double Crystal - 4 for the 8/4 - 7/3 crystal and the major count for the 6/6 - 2/2 crystal which as this is connected to the number 2 is hardly surprisingly the dominant crystal. 

There are 7 codons in the Water quadrant - 5 codons in the Fire quadrant and none in Earth or Water.

The shapes and colours of the Hexagrams have 8 on top shapes like the horse in the gym even numbers and 4 like a boat shape odd numbers. 

So we can see here in the Four Pillars Nine Star Ki calculator that the new 2 year begins within the hours of 3 and 5 pm on 3rd, February, 2025……….so be ready plan carefully and waste none of the energy that comes with a 2 year make the very best of it and you can start your life blue print again in the next 1 year of 2026. Make sure you have prepared and that blue print is ready to be put into place. Above all enjoy the year it wont come around again for another 9. X 

My visions of the number 2 …….

Mother and Child………and……

Mother Earth from Heavens Gate with a perfect little home in the background a good solid investment. 

I hope you have the best number 2 year you have ever had. X 

Thursday, 9 January 2025

DNA Codons and Hexagram DNA Codons within The I Ching and The Crystals


Above in the section marked A we have the DNA Codons as they present in the Crystal 1/1 - 9/9 made up of Hexagrams from The I Ching. They pair up from the hexagram numbers Odd numbers on the base and even numbers on the top of each hexagram. We see the first one is Orange Yellow Blue TGC with Blue Yellow Green on top or CGA. They pair up in Hexagrams in the crystals. In DNA they pair up differently but with another set in the same set of 12 codons. The bottom one TGC and the third from the top in DNA become a pair. So TGC is now paired with ACG.  We continue to pair them up until all 12 codons are paired up to create 6 Hexagram shapes.  By the time we reach the last image B the DNA Codons are paired up as they would be in DNA and not in the Crystals. So they may be different but they always have their partner somewhere amongst the hexagrams. All six crystals behave in the same way. You would think then why bother with the crystals of the I Ching Hexagrams but they pair up by Hexagram number TGC Hexagram 47 pairs with CGA Hexagram 48. It was through the hexagram pairings that I have found so many patterns of DNA hidden in The I Ching so they must mean something.

Enjoy your thinking. X 

Monday, 6 January 2025

Happy New Year 2025 - First 34 piece Soloman’s Temple game.

 Happy New Year may 2025 be a peaceful year for all of us……….here is the first 34 piece Soloman’s Temple game of the year. Enjoy x 

This shape contains all 64 codons of DNA read in any direction……..all life itself contained within x