Saturday 3 August 2013

The Alerts in DNA I Ching Hexagrams

The Alerts in DNA I Ching Hexagrams

Not all I Ching Hexagrams conform to the standard for matching with their partners. Of the 64 Hexagrams which reduce to 32 when matched with a partner only 28 of them conform 4 full 6 part Hexagrams do not conform or 8 I Ching Number Hexagrams.

We also know from previous writings that the following numbers seem to have some form of changeability to them.

                  1       2       3       4
                  9       6       8       7

Lets take a look at the way the crystals conform starting with the 1/1 Crystal:

Peak Top    1/1   Changing both            9/9  Peak Bottom    
Left Side     3/9                    Outer          9/8  Right Side
                      8/1                                       1/3
                      1/9   No Change                   9/1
                      9/4   Changing Inner          7/9
                      1/7                                       4/1

So the peaks change completely from 1/1 to 9/9, next down 3/9 becomes 9/8 changing only the number on the outside, 8/1 becomes 1/3 changing only the number on the outside,
1/9 becomes 9/1 so no change here. 9/4 becomes 7/9 and 1/7 becomes 4/1 changing only the inner numbers.

Lets take a look at the way the crystals conform in the 6/6 Crystal:

Peak top   6/6 Changing Both     2/2 Peak bottom
Left Side   6/7 Changing Inners 4/6 Right Side
                   6/3                               8/6
                   6/2   No change           2/6
                   7/2 Changing Outers 2/4
                   3/2                              2/8

So the 1/1 Crystal changes both peaks then two rows of outers, then no change, then two rows of inners.

The 6/6 Crystal changes both peaks, then two rows of inners, then no change, then two rows of outers.

So far the hexagrams have matched up to their shadow hexagram left to right and top to bottom, that changes in the 8/4 Crystal.

Peak Top   8/4 Changing Both     7/3 Peak Bottom
Left Side    1/6 No Change            6/1 Also on LHS
                   9/6 No Change            6/9         
                   4/7 Unable to match  3/8 RHS Centre
Right Side 2/9 No Change             9/2 Right Hand Side
                   2/1 No Change             1/2 Right Hand Side

Usually the peaks both change whereas in this 8/4 crystal the peaks have changed both sets of numbers but the centre
Point is unable to match to its partner number. This centre point also contains DNA that has its hexagrams marked as alerts Hexagrams 27 and 28. It also moves differently than the 1/1 and 6/6 crystal.

The Diamond crystal has only two points to match, the peaks which both change as is expected and the centres with are unable to be change to a partner number.

The peak  3/7    Changing both         4/8 The Peak
The centre 7/4   Unable to Match      8/3 The Centre

The centre that is unable to match is also an alert Hexagrams 61 and 62.

Finally we come to the Double Crystal, twin peaks:

Upper Peaks   6/4 Changing Inner  7/6 Upper Peak
Outer LHS       7/7 Changing Both   4/4 Outer RHS
                           9/3 Changing Inner  8/9
                           4/2 Changing Outer  2/7
                           7/8 Changing Both   3/4
                           3/1 Changing Outer  1/8
Lower Peaks  2/3 Changing Inners 8/2 Lower Peak
Inner LHS       9/7 Changing Inners 4/9 Inner RHS
                           4/3 Changing Both   8/7
                           6/8 Changing Inner  3/6
                           7/1 Changing Outer  1/4
                           3/3 Changing Both   8/8

So in the 1/1, 6/6 and 8/4 crystals the peaks changed both sets of numbers. In the double crystal the peaks change inners only and the top outer Hexagrams 7/7 and 4/4 both change and the bottom inner hexagrams 3/3 and 8/8 both change. Both of these sets belong to the group marked Alerts. So again they do not conform. 7/8 and 3/4 and 4/3 and 8/7 also both change which is not the norm but they are NOT alerts. One thing alerts have in common is they are all associated with the numbers 3,4,7 and 8. 

I will come back to this separately looking at the ways the ALERTS work. 

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