Monday 19 August 2013

MAP 700 Thoughts on the 36 triangles

The Patterns in 36 Triangles of DNA

When playing the game of 36 triangles you will note that TAT and ATA are often together as are TGT and GTG etc.,

TAT is 1/9 and ATA is 9/1 and as we know 1 and 9 are interchangeable so it’s not so surprising.

TGT is 1/6 and GTG is 9/6 again the 9 and 1 being interchangeable.

Yet 1/9 is Tyrosine Hydrophobic and 9/1 is Isoleucine hydrophobic, are there benefits from Tyrosine and Isoleucine that have similar qualities or that appreciate being placed alongside each other.

1/6 is Cysteine Hydrophobic and 9/6 is Valine hydrophobic again what if any are the benefits of them being placed alongside each other.

CAC 1/2 Histidine Hydrophilic and ACA 9/2 Threonine Neutral another pair that ends up close together.

Of course its just a game but nevertheless these similarities turn up time and again and we have to think that reducing to a mere 36 triangles would not be possible without these close connections.

TAT – once these three letters are placed down only A is required to be added in order to make the new DNA codon.

I usually start out in the game with the whole first row of DNA CCC – CCT – CTC – CTT – TCT – TTT being placed down in one row and instead of 18 letters or triangles it can be reduced down to read just 8.              


Enjoy your ruminations x  

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