Thursday 24 October 2013

Map 743 DNA and The I Ching's 64 Hexagrams

In the Beginning was The Word a.k.a. The I Ching

Water holds the memory for life over all times, hence its association with Mercury and the Moon. It is considered to be conducive to thinking and holding emotions, in my opinion the most magical of elements. DNA holds the memories of a family’s bloodline through the generations. In Exodus it states that the sins of the Father’s will be visited on the children, and the children’s children, unto the third and fourth generations. This sin could be drinking for example and if your Grandfather was a big drinker, your father also, then the chances are you will be too. The facts of life are clear your liver will not be as strong as the liver of a person that comes from a teetotal family.  So you are suffering from the behaviors of your ancestors.

Two Poodles will never give birth to a Maltipoo and your DNA cannot lie about your past family history and cannot make you something you are not.  You can change your life style and choices but you can’t change who you are born to be. Your life choices can change your future and your DNA files for the better before you then pass them on to future generations. We have 99.9% of the same DNA it’s just a tiny part that makes us stand out in the crowd as an individual.

DNA is an Akashic (for the want of a better word) record of past genetic lines. This is your inheritance in this life. Your inherited looks, traits, mutations etc., the inherited mutations are of particular importance to your health and the health of future generations.

Take an example of Hereditary Hemochromatosis, a mutation with an Irish background, which overloads the body with iron. Whether you get one or two markers for this condition it can be potentially life shortening. The Braca 2 (breast cancer) gene is another genetic mutation that is inherited through family history.  Horrendous consequences from inherited genes. We can but hope that in the future like cartridges in a printer we can remove mutations as they’re found and replace them with a fresh cartridge creating a human race in the future who has a clean bill of health. This is not trying to make us perfect, just healthier.

Take depression its outer manifestation of large hands, widows peak, pale skin, visible for all to see but the genetic marker is hidden on the inside. The Gay gene is yet to be discovered and yet the outer manifestations of being Gay are often obvious, though not always, and can be very different in each individual. Finding the Gay gene is important genetically. It is thought to be passed to a daughter from her father even if he is not gay and she then passes it on to her son. Daughters I am not so sure about I don’t have any information on them. One thing we do know is that in the days when gay men didn’t have children themselves, the Gay gene didn’t die out. The sooner the Gay gene is found the sooner we can nip the blame game in the bud. The more we learn of inheritance surely the more we can lose the moral high ground of so many of life’s situations. Some Doctors still consider ill health to be brought on by the patient.

Love is the strongest emotion we ever experience at the human level the more love in your family’s history the better your genetic markers will be.

There is no way to hold back the power of water it will flow and dislikes being restricted. If you take a basin of water and then separate it into three smaller bowls each bowl will hold the same memories and the memory of their separation, it always holds a memory of its “other parts” hence the memories of all times are stored in water. It is one body holding the memory of all that has gone before.  I call this separation/union.

We are born into our own genetic inheritance unfortunately we pass on those genes quite early on when we are young and foolish. What a shame we don’t give birth at a time in our lives when we are wiser. Your DNA is born and you and your response to life situations are then added to it as accumulated experiences and this you then pass on to your children. Not everything about our DNA is predetermined we can have various mutations which may never present themselves. Take depression you may have markers for it but if you never experience a trauma it may never rear its ugly head. Potentially hidden away in junk Dna just in case it proves useful.

Take a school environment of 30 children all learning the same lessons with widely differing results, this is a classic example of you are what you are, not what you are taught to be. Forcing the same learning on all children is like pushing a square peg into a round hole you might manage it but it will never be an easy fit.

There are 64 Hexagrams of The I Ching and 64 Codons of DNA. Did the writers of The I Ching know about or understand the structures of DNA way back in the 2nd millennium BCE. Did they understand the patterns of it but perhaps not the genetic inheritance?  A sequence of letters is the way to read DNA and I believe The I Ching to be a religion because you can find God in it and in all else. God is in the sequence of letters.

We owe it to the future to let mutated genes die with us. The future should be lacking in mutated genes if only we could get people to co-operate. Not to pro-create would let many genetic mutations die with us.  The more intelligent amongst us would be prone to acting on this and the less intelligent less likely to conform. This would result in a world that is worse off because the off spring would only be coming from the less intelligent and the intelligent would become extinct.  A single choice could change our destiny. I am not saying we should be perfect but we should be trying to be better than we are. 

Its not about producing perfect people but about enabling people to try to be closer to perfection.

The Truth is out there and it wants to be born and we are the medium that is used for various energies and events to be born here on Earth. We are born full of potential how much of it we manage to deliver is down to us.

Nobody can destroy your memories they are hidden away in your DNA waiting to respond to the life situations you find yourself in, so energies most likely to be born through you will be attracted to you. If you don’t respond they will move on and your chance might well be missed.  Stored once again for future generations to respond to.

Remember that you are separated from your distant past but your DNA brings those memories to life once more almost as though you were playing a game of snap. You hold the cards you were born with and the energy required for you to deliver those messages is out there just looking for a match. Be ready when good energy calls and fulfill your potential and be the best version of you that you can be. Enjoy the life you have been given and above all be happy. 

None of us is perfect I think that's the point of life, being happy with who we are and how we are is the key to a happy life. Judge not and other's wont judge you. 

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