Monday, 16 June 2014

Map 913 DNA Codons of Directions as Squares

In the square shapes there are only two angles 90* and 45* and the Pikachu centre is now lost to a Hexagonal shape. The following is a list giving the cube count for each of the elements and each of the directions.

There are 24 squares in each direction and 48 squares of each of the four elements of DNA Fire T Orange, Tree/Air G Yellow, Earth A Green, Water C Blue.

Maximum and Minimum Elements in the Directions

The maximum amount of Fire can be found in the South and also the W and N.W. Now the metal areas are not happy to have fire there according to the rules of Fire destroys or changes Metal, but if an alchemist is at work it may be a different story.

The minimum amounts of fire can be found in the S.W. Which is surprising because isn't the South Fire supposed to support and create Soil energy.

The maximum amount of Air/Tree energy is found in the S.W. And yet Tree/Air energy is controlling Earth perhaps this is why because it is at maximum strength here.

The minimum amount of Tree/Air energy is in the S. W. and N.W. Tree/air supports and creates Fire maybe it is to cover the lack and W. and N.W. Are usually controlling the Tree/air energy perhaps again because it is at maximum strength.

The maximum amount of Earth is found in N. the E. and the S.E. Earth controls the North possibly because it is found in excess here, and E. and S.E. Energies usually control the Earth because they are found in excess here.

The Minimum amount of Tree/Air energy is in the N.E. Which is an Earth area and Tree controls Earth perhaps a little too much here.

The Maximum amount of water is found in the N.E. Which is usually an area that controls water, again because of its excess. This is more likely to create the water falling from the top of a mountain so to excess but so long as it keeps flowing not a problem.

The minimum amount of water can be found in N. and E. and S.E. All areas that benefit from having water.

We can see the South, West and North West have the most fire and the least Tree/Air.

We can see the South West has the maximum amount of Tree/Air energy and the least amount of Water energy. So it is being controlled by Tree/Air so that it cannot overly control Water.

We can see the North, East and South East have the maximum amount of Earth and the minimum amount of Water. It looks like the Earth is controlling the water situation so that the Tree/Air energy cannot control it.

We can see the North East has the maximum amount of Water and the minimum amount of Earth. Water falling between a rock and a hard place here, or creating a lake or river in order to best control the water.

So if you have a new idea and want to get it off the ground, what direction would you take ? A new idea would be associated with Tree/Air energy and I think we can see here that a N.E. S.W. Axis would be a good place to be.

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