Monday, 27 February 2017

8/4 - 7/3 Crystal of 12 DNA Codons

The 8/4 – 7/3 Crystal of 12 DNA Codons / Nine Star Ki Numbers

We can see here in the 8/4 – 7/3 Crystal that 3,4,7 and 8 have a relationship this is
something you will see in all walks of life with DNA and Nine Star Ki numbers.
It appears as though the previous two crystals have a connection here because 6/2
1/9 appear here with 3,4,7 and 8 at the top 6 and 2 are inside and at the bottom
they are on the outside.............1/9 is on the outside at the top and on the inside at
the bottom with 3,4,7 and 8 at the peaks and midpoints. Note that we now have
two ALERTS in this crystal because it is so heavily associated with those 3,4,7
and 8 numbers.

The two previous crystals matched up on horizontal and vertical points as though
you could fold it in half vertically and find the marches well this crystal would
find its matches if you fold it up from bottom to top. Its motion is now a rotational
circulatory movement. The midpoints match up and the peaks match up.

To create this crystal you start with your three sticks or stones........create 6 lines
of Jin or Jang by throwing them twice and this will give you a Nine Star Ki set of two
numbers and also The Hexagram associated with each set of six. In this case let us
say our first throw is Jin, Jin, Jang, Jin, Jang, Jang.....create 8/4 CTG and we can
grow on from there until 12 codons complete the crystal.

When you create a six line code its not until you find the matching Hexagrams
in the pattern that you can decide were they are to be placed two of them will
form a peak at the top and bottom and the others down the sides. Notice also
when 7 and 4 are together they seem to have a connection like 6 and 2 have....
also 3 and 8 form a similar partnership.

The other crystals have similar properties the inside and out the matching of
numbers we see the connections ......

There are what I call alerts in the 64 codons of DNA 8 of them do not always
conform to the standards set by the other 56 codons. Never do problems occur
in the number 1, 2, 6 or 9..........but 3,4,7 and 8 can have problems. The errors
occur when reading the lines upside down 3 reads 8, 4 reads 7 and errors can
occur. We know that we can draw the DNA lines in one row but when we see
the crystals in order to make them partner up we have to go up one side reach
a peak and then come back down the other side..........

In true DNA ladders we see that C becomes G and vice versa and T becomes A
and vice versa but with the crystal T becomes A and A becomes T but C and G
do NOT change if there is a T or A in the codon. C and G change to each other
when they are the only letters in the codon. In these particular alerts if matched
up they can only create themselves again ACT when paired up can only create
ACT once more and the same with TGA so instead of creating a mirror image
they have decided to work together and become a pair … with these alerts
the letters do not match and then the nine star ki numbers do not match either.
4/7 never pairs up with 3/8 as they do here so again something we should be
on the alert for with these oddities. Note though that they are both Neutral so
match up there and they are Hexagrams 27 and 28 so there is a match there also.

This difference could be occurring because of the potential for errors from 3,4,
7 and 8 but I find with the Mystery Schools you might well be given 90% of the
truth and 10% error is this so we can work out for ourselves what is happening
or to make us drop what we are doing because it does not appear to be working.
DNA itself has managed to overcome the problem and find a partner but not all
is well with the matches in either DNA letters or Nine Star Ki numbers.

Is it a true error or one that is written in to put us off our journey.
It starts with Earth/Tree 8/4 at one peak and Metal/Tree 7/3 at the other.............
both difficult elements to blend in nine star ki.

If we present this crystal as a box of lines it would look very different and yet
it is presenting the same information. Notice also how the reduced letters are
also the cardinal points of the crystal even with the alerts here.

So we read CTG then we don't bother to repeat TG as its already there so we just
add an T and so on reduced the 36 letters of the crystal to just 12 loop them together
at either end and you can continue in the loop forever creating these same 12 Codons.
Crystals are pretty they might work within the body I do not yet know
but they are beautiful.............x

So far we have completed three of the 6 crystals but these three crystals have some kind of 
relationship between 6/6 - 2/2.......1/1 - 9/9.... and 8/4 - 7/3 ..........the 6/6 has no 1's or 9's 
in it the 1/1 has no 6's or 2's in it and the 8/4 seems to want to combine them both. 

The Next three are a double crystal that only works when slotted alongside another crystal
as though they can only work when together and the smallest 4 part codon diamond crystal
which relates to it well. They will follow and complete the set of 64 codons x 

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