What can I tell you about ….symbols, signs etc., that they are merely clues along a pathway put there by other human beings. Not by magic or spiritual contact but other human beings. It took me over 20 years to find a way to match up Hexagrams of the I Ching. I know that a full map can be halved and you can still work out what the rest of the map would have looked like. You can even halve the half and still work out the missing three quarters so I knew without a doubt that the Hexagrams had to be able to be paired up at least. So Hexagram 1 6 - 6 will partner Hexagram 2 2 - 2 ……..but how is that a pairing. Well eventually I would find that 2 and 6 do have a friendship of sorts but at the beginning it meant nothing to me. Let us do Hexagram 3 3 - 1 that may help but no …… and Hexagram 4…..1 - 8 …..again nothing until I later find 3 and 8 are also the best of friends…….but imagine at this point I see no connections. Hexagram 5 6 - 1 … Hexagram 6 1 - 6 …...ah perhaps 6 - 1 and 1 - 6 are reversals but the others aren’t so it still means nothing to me. I drew lines from 1 to 2 to 3 etc., but still no pattern emerged. I will keep going to ten and see if a pattern emerges Hexagram 7 1 - 2 … Hexagram 8 2 - 1 another reversal……. Hexagram 9 6 - 4 … Hexagram 10 7 - 6……. no apparent connection and yet I am to discover that 4 and 7 are also in a relationship.
So let us look at how they relate to each other…….
1 2 3 4
you can almost forget 5 when it comes to
Nine Star Ki 5 becomes 8 for women and
2 for men
9 6 8 7
The first two sets 1 - 9 and 2 - 6 remain faithful to each other throughout.
Most of the 3, 4, 7 and 8’s remain true but sometimes they just cause mayhem and I call the non matching numbers ALERTS.
So let us remind ourselves that so far we are only comparing the nine star ki numbers but eventually we will be seeking out the DNA Codon, Nine Star Ki numbers, whether they are Hydrophobic, Hydrophilic or Neutral amino acids and their names, the position on the hashtag of nine star ki or direction this particular energy takes. The two planets associated with this Hexagram, the three musical notes, the aspect
shape it forms, there are so many relationships going on and you find that indeed they do all work in the end,
So all together these various things can tell you how to match up the Hexagrams.
So start with 1 and go right through to 64 and if they do not conform to their other half mark them as an alert. You should find 8 Hexagrams or 4 pairs that do not conform to the usual connections.
For example Hex 27 3 - 8 and Hex 28 4 - 7 ……...they do not conform
Hex 61 7 - 4 and Hex 62 8 - 3 …….. “
Hex 57 4 - 4 and Hex 58 7 - 7 ……. “
Hex 51 3 - 3 and Hex 52 8 - 8 ……. “
Until we add DNA Codons three letters to these Hexagrams we will not be able to work out why they do not conform and you could end up just dumping the whole thing because it doesn’t work but there is a reason it doesn’t work and that can only be found out with the addition of DNA letters…...interestingly The I Ching gives you nothing but the Hexagram number…...you then have to work out the 6 I Ching lines and from those you can create your Nine Star Ki numbers and then you can start to pair up the Hexagrams. Until you find yourself with 8 that don’t work. That's when you seek out the other ways of pairing and before you know it you are totally enveloped by The I Ching and it feels like a religion to you…...but let's not forget it was designed by monks thousands of years ago and even Leibniz the mathematician drew up a similar map before realising it was so like The I Ching…….and they like you are mere mortals. So seek and ye shall find so so much hidden in plain sight in your everyday life and then the world comes to life for you. Enjoy x