Monday 3 February 2020

God’s Domino’s DNA I Ching Hexagrams

Domino Or God

The earliest mention of Domino's is the song dynasty in China. I feel a song coming on. Could it be that the music from these 16 domino's can create all life itself and the composition can be different every time depending on how the Domino's are placed. Also known as a game of bones because of the ivory content of the original items but we also know that the I Ching is played by using bones as sticks and that Domino also means Lord. There is something deeply spiritual about a game of Domino's.

The word sequence means in a particular order, Heavenly energy is said to be in order. Could the order the Domino's fall in determine the outcome of an event. If we look at it musically it could be a melody played at a higher or lower pitch so variations can indeed occur. In amino acids it is the order in which they are arranged in a protein that tells us what they will become.

Hidden in the word sequence is the word Queen...the Kings constant. The person who holds the most important position in a game of chess. She can move in any direction. The Queen has an inherited position from birth. It also holds the letters of the word essence and Essenes. The Queen is the reproductive female. 6/6 GGG is The Dna and Heavenly energy of Hexagram 1 from which creates 2/2 CCC The Earth Mother of Hexagram 2. Hexagram 1 creates 2 in order for it to go out into the world and create. The Heavenly energy itself is never born to this world, she is guided by the God sequence.
God's algorithm was said to be used to solve the variations of the Rubik's cube.
A sequence or logical order to events or outcomes.

To synthesise is to combine not to separate, to deduce something from the elements before you like Hercule Poirot might do deductive reasoning.  So what can we deduce from the 16 domino's required to make all I Ching Hexagrams.

Which Domino's make up which Hexagrams.

Hex 1 6/6 GGG 6/6 Domino (1)

Hex 2 2/2 CCC 2/2       “       (1)

Hex 3 3/1 ATC Hex 39 8/1 CTA
Hex 4 1/8 CAT Hex 40 1/3 TAC
Hex 21 3/9 GCT Hex 55 9/3 GCA
Hex 22 9/8 ACG Hex 56 8/9 TCG 1/3      “        (8)

Hex 5 6/1 AGA Hex 13 9/6 ATG
Hex 6 1/6 TGT Hex 14 6/9 GAG 1/6      “        (4)

Hex 7 1/2 CAC Hex 35 2/9 TCT
Hex 8 2/1 CTC Hex 36 9/2 ACA 1/2      “        (4)

Hex 9 6/4 AGG Hex 43 6/7 GGA
Hex 10 7/6 GGT Hex 44 4/6 TGG 4/6      “        (4)

Hex 11 6/2 AAA
Hex 12 2/6 TTT 2/6      “        (2)

Hex 15 8/2 CCA Hex 23 2/8 CCT
Hex 16 2/3 TCC Hex 24 3/2 ACC 2/3      “        (4)

Hex 17 3/7 GTC Hex 53 8/4 CTG
Hex 18 4/8 CAG Hex 54 7/3 GAC
Hex 31 8/7 TTA Hex 41 7/8 AAT
Hex 32 4/3 TAA Hex 42 3/4 ATT 3/4      “        (8)

Hex 19 7/2 AAC Hex 45 2/7 TTC
Hex 20 2/4 CTT Hex 46 4/2 CAA 2/4      “        (4)

Hex 25 3/6 GTT Hex 33 8/6 TTG
Hex 26 6/8 AAG Hex 34 6/3 GAA 3/6      “        (4)

Hex 27* 3/8 ACT Hex 51 3/3 GCC
Hex 52 8/8 CCG Hex 62 8/3 TCA 3/3      “        (4)

Hex 28* 4/7 TGA Hex 57 4/4 CGG
Hex 58 7/7 GGC Hex 61 7/4 AGT 4/4      “        (4)

Hex 29 1/1 CGC Hex 63 9/1 ATA
Hex 30 9/9 GCG Hex 64 1/9 TAT 1/1      “        (4)

Hex 37 9/4 ATG Hex 9/7 GTA
Hex 38 7/9 GAT Hex 50 4/9 TAG
Hex 47 1/7 TGC Hex 59 1/4 CGT
Hex 48 4/1 CGA Hex 60 7/1 AGC 1/4      “        (8)

So my guess is you are saying well how do I connect these numbers. As we already know the numbers have connections as follows:

1 2 3 4
9 6 8 7

So when we have 9/9 we can only show it in its opposite form 1/1. That gives us another way to show it. Hence 1/1 – 9/9 – 1/9 – 9/1 are all shown in the form of the Domino as 1/1. CGC – GCG – ATA – TAT all appear at the peaks and centres of the 1/1 Crystal.

The maximum variations of one Domino is 8 then 4 then 2 and then 1.

There are 3 x 8.....9 x 4.....1 x 2..... 2 x 1.....15 in total. There is only one Heaven and Earth with only two combinations of Heaven and Earth. Rare qualities.

We can take from this that there are many ways we can change DNA into something else and if the day that TGC is required to be made and Mr Domino is the one on duty that day I will get the 1/7 Domino... which can also be the 9/7...9/4...1/4...7/9...4/9...4/1 and 7/1.

If the music man is on duty then musical notes would be played for the amino acids so many variations on a theme of DNA. Enjoy being creative with your own energies x

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