Wednesday 18 November 2020

6/6 - 2/2 Crystal and its DATA

This is some of the data collated for the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal showing the shapes, DNA Codons, Nine Star Ki, Directions, Aspect Shapes, Planets, Amino Acids and DNA Music... This first image denotes the letters of DNA in a window shape showing DNA letters moving clockwise and RNA letters moving anticlockwise.
So lets take an example C is blue for Water with two broken lines which are considered unstable as they represent too much Jin energy, C is for Cytosine........T Is Orange for Fire with one broken and one solid line which is considered more stable as it contains Jin and Jang energy, T is for Thymine.......G is Yellow for Air/Tree energy and has two solid lines which is again considered unstable as it is too much Jang, G is for Guamine.....and finally A is green for Earth with one solid and one broken line which is considered stable and is A for Adenine. When creating a DNA crystal you move around this box clockwise but when creating RNA it moves anticlockwise. This shows the DNA rising up creating a crystal for the 6/6 - 2/2 can only make 12 codons before it starts to repeat itself...
Lets put this information into a crystal shape with the AC to the East DC to the West horizontally and IC North at the bottom, MC South at the top vertically.
We see looking at this crystal shape the positions of the codons, the matching of the hexagram numbers to their opposite and so on. This next image is of the colours of the codons as they sit opposite each other and we see that in the crystals they do not match as they do in normal DNA where T and A are partners and C and G are partners. Yet we know from all the ways we drew up this crystal these positions are right.
Imagine the right hand side of the crystal has been flipped over it now matches the T with A and C with G concept of DNA There must be some reason for this which I have yet to fathom.
6/6 crystal as a circle of colour so simple to read x

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