Tuesday, 27 July 2021

The Data Collection of Amino Acids - STOP Opal and Tryptophan

Stop Opal and Tryptophan may seem to have no particular friendship but I find the 64 boxes in The I Ching based on 28143976 seem to partner up into a pattern….who knew. These two partner up into the four box with the two Cysteine's we looked at yesterday. Lets see what data it has to offer. 

STOP - Opal this is DNA Codon TGA Hexagram 28. Now the crystals work out there partners slightly differently to DNA itself so when it partners in DNA TGA would make ACT but in the crystals of The I Ching it would partner with TGA then diagonally we create A becomes T G remains unchanged and T becomes A……unfortunately that is not workable as TGA can only make TGA as its partner therefore it is what I call an ALERT it does not conform to the usual standard. Hex 28 partners with Hex 27 which is ACT so infact the same as it would be if it were a DNA Codon instead of just changing the A and T it changes all the letters. It is 4/7 in nine star ki and as we know 3,4,7 and 8 numbers can be associated with alerts in The I Ching. 4/7 sits in the South West facing North East. It has to work hard to get some light into that corner of your garden so it must be somoething similar to face this direction. It creates the aspect shape of the Worker. The only ALL Red shape. 180* x 90* x 90*. 4/7 can be associated with the month of March and also the month of December in Nine Star ki and works from the frequency 741. It belongs to the 8/4 crystal. Jupiter and Venus are the planets associated with TGA an expansion of that wonderful Venus energy. This codon is neutral and can become Hydrophobic or Hydrophilic as required. 

STOP markers...all neutral. First one discovered was Stop Amber TAG 4/9 , the second was Ochre TAA 4/3 and the third TGA 4/7 was Opal which is also an alert codon (all start with the number 4). Stop is a mini death of sorts and some shout four as a warning sign of death. It is considered a symbol of death in some countries and not recommended as a house number! Used to mark the points in a string of DNA that stops the production of proteins making amino acids. Hence the name the terminators, you have reached the end of the line, because the stop codons do not create an amino acid they call a stop to protein production.

It is connected with the 1st House of Aries T - the 7th house of Libra G - 10th house of Capricorn A….all of them are cardinal houses………so for a STOP sign it certainly has plenty of energy to get things done. 

Number 4 is Tree/air energy and is not compatible with the number 7 metal energy which is prone to want to cut it down to size. Metal controls tree/air energy. 

TGA Is 1 Fire -T - 1 Air/Tree G - 1 Earth A and 4/7 TGA belongs to the 8/4 crystal.  Musically TGA is not harmonious and needs to either lower the tone half a note to TGT 1/6 or raise the tone to TGG 4/6 either way it would make the music more harmonious. 

Tryptophan DNA Codon TGG 4/6 Hexagram 44 This codon partners with Hexagram 43 6/7 GGA it is not an alert. It sits in the East facing West nice for drinks on the patio in the evening. It plays to the frequency 639 and can be either April or January as a month number.  Musically it is C F# A# 

TGG creates the one and only DNA Codon for Tryptophan. It creates the aspect shape The Alternator 180* x 120* x 60*. It contains 1 T Fire - 2 G Air/tree . Number 4 is controlled by number 7 it is not a compatible combination. TGG is a harmonious musical combination though and does not need to be raised or lowered.  It is connected via the 1st house of Aries - the 7th house of Libra - 11th house of Aquarius. It belongs to the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal. Tyrptophan is connected to the planets Jupiter and Venus a lot of love here or wealth. This codon is hydrophilic. 

So what do we see between these two codons that sit alongisde each other. They are both number 4 tree/air energy in nine star ki and the months 6 and 7 are both metal elements. They both start with TG and end in A or G. One can raise its note to become the other. 

These two codons and the previous two codons for cysteine fit into the T Fire quadrant of the I Ching pattern for The Word. They are the only four codons to start with TG then they become TGC - TGT - TGA and TGG. They all belong to the bottom right hand side of the fire quadrant. They belong to the 6/6, 1/1 and  two of them the 8/4 crystal. Because they all start TG we know that means a line of opposition in astrology from Aries to Libra or a straight angle…..then it varies between Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius. An inconunction to Pisces, trine to Aquarius, square to Capricorn and finally a sextile to Sagittarius. They contain the number 1 - 4 - 7 - 6.  Three of them are hydrophobic and one is neutral.

They affect the house 1 - 7 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12.  The other houses are not affected. Musically the notes used are C F# G# A A# B. Planets are Jupiter, Mercury and Venus a nice combination. If you google tryptophan and cysteine they do seem to have some connection so I wonder if too the STOP Opal codon also has something to do with them. I typed all three into google and this comes up…..

They share only two frequencies 741 and 639. directions form a sextile shape NE/SW S/N E/W SW/NE form a three line sextile pattern. 

So it appears I am not the only one to see a connection between them…….enjoy your thinking. x 

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