Monday 6 November 2023

The Musical notes of 3 and 4 years e.g. 2023 and 2034

 Changes from year to year in the pairings……….

1 and 9 are a pairing of years……

1….. C D# F F# G# B

9….. C# D E G A A#

C with C# just half a note between them 9 is raised

D# with D just half a note between them 1 is raised

F with E just a half note between them 1 is raised

F# with G just a half note between them 9 is raised

G# with A just a half note between them 9 is raised

B with A# just a half note between them 1 is raised 

Equal highs and lows

3 and 4 are a pairing of years…..

3….. C# D E G G# B

4….. C D# F F# A A#

C# with C just half a tone between them 3 is raised

D with D# just half a tone between them 4 is raised

E with F just half a tone between them 4 is raised 

G with F# just half a tone between them  3 is raised

G# with A just half a tone between them 4 is raised

B with A# just half a tone between them 3 is raised 

Equal highs and lows

And so it goes on through the pairings 1/9  - 2/6 and 5 - 3/4 and 7/8

The years may pair up and combined they will offer up all 12 musical notes so over the period of two years music will lift and lower our moods throughout. Does this musical dalliance have anything to do with the hum that can be recorded and denote the year it has been made.I wonder. Until then we should play the music we have been gifted and enjoy life. X 

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