Tuesday 14 November 2023

Soloman’s Temple of Life


Here we have a map of 36 triangles as in the game Soloman’s Temple. These 36 triangles contain all 64 codons of DNA and can be read in any direction. This map is North South based but they can also be East West as well. I have outlined three of the triangles which give us the codon TGC and also the Codon CGT. To the left are other ways to describe the codon CGT and to the right are ways to describe the Codon TGC. 

My own Codon is TGC and gives Nine Star Ki of 1/7, plays the musical notes C F# B, the planets associated with it are Mercury/Venus, Aspect Shape Ruminator 180* x 150* x 30*, it is hydrophobic, creates the amino acid Cysteine, it takes the direction North East to South West, belonging to the 1/1-9/9 Crystal and Hexagram 47.

CGT has a Nine Star Ki of 1/4, musically D# F# G#, the planets are Mercury and Jupiter, Aspect Shape Teacher 90 x 60 x 150, it is hydrophilic, creates the amino acid Arginine, it takes the direction South West to North East, belonging to the Double Crystal and Hexagram 59. 

One strip of three triangles with two sets of patterns and I wonder in what way cysteine and arginine play together is there a partnership here too. 

Enjoy your thinking. X 

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