Tuesday 5 March 2024

Three Year Nine Star Ki and its Solfeggio Frequencies

 Number 3 Year and its Solfeggio Sounds - 2024

Month Nine Star Ki Solfeggio

Feb/Nov             3-5 528

Mar/Dec             3-4 741

Apr/Jan               3-3 639

May                    3-2 528

June                    3-1 417

July                     3-9 396

August                3-8 285

September           3-7 174

October               3-6 963

We can see above the Nine Star Ki for each of the months in this year of 2024 and how each plays a different sound for the Solfeggio sequence. So if your in need of some meditation you can choose the sound most suited to the Nine Star Ki in this year. 

DNA codons for 2024 are made up of the letters:

                            C 14                    T 10

                            A 7                      G 5

We can see below that C and T dominate in a 3 year with 24 parts above ground and 12 below. So two thirds of C and T are in the light and A and G are in shadow.

Alternators and Lecturers dominate in a 3 year 4 of each appearing. Two Ruminators and Teachers making up the full 12 months.

Music is C# D E G G# B I have, I think, I will, I desire, I perceive and I believe. The focus on the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses of an astrology chart of crystal. As a Ruminator myself I love to see those lines stretching across the centre of the chart.

So enjoy your year and make the most of this wonderful number 3 Tree energy and make the most of what is available. Time for new beginnings. X

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