Friday 23 February 2024

A closer look at TGC as a DNA Codon


Here we take just one DNA Codon 1/7 TGC and as we know you cannot have something without it attracting its opposite but which one would you say was its opposite. 

TGC 1/7 Hex 47 partners in the crystals with Hex 48 CGA 4/1 and yet we know that if TGC had another partner based on its letters in a string of DNA it would partner with GCA 9/8 Hex 22 and we know that this particular DNA Codon partners in the crystal with GCT 3/9 Hex 21. So now we have a potential relationship between these four codons rather than just two. ALL of these codons move from a North Easterly to a South Westerly direction. They share 2 Mercury planets, 1 Venus, 2 Jupiter and 1 Saturn. They each create a different amino acid…..Cysteine, Alanine, Arginine and Threonine. They create two Ruminators and 2 Workers in their aspect shapes. Musically they create C C# D D# F# G G# A A# B

The notes E and F are Missing so E Leo and the 5th House and F Virgo and the 6th House are not catered for here. All other houses are present. The aspect shapes of the four codons are shown in the circle above. There is a lot of red and green energy here so it needs to be active hence rumination and then hopefully that creative energy is acted upon with the Worker. 

The other smaller circle shows the position within a crystal of these four codons which are in the 3rd - 5th, 9th and 11th house all blue aspects 120* or 60* make up the outside but red opposition aspects make up the centre. Again Talent on show but it must be used  or the talent might go to waste. 

So next time you work on a DNA Codon think twice there are more than one codon to give you clues to how that codon might operate. Enjoy your thinking. X 

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